package nl.siegmann.epublib.chm; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resource; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resources; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.TOCReference; import nl.siegmann.epublib.util.ResourceUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.htmlcleaner.CleanerProperties; import org.htmlcleaner.DomSerializer; import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner; import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * Parses the windows help index (.hhc) file. * * @author paul * */ public class HHCParser { public static List<TOCReference> parseHhc(InputStream hhcFile, Resources resources) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, XPathExpressionException { HtmlCleaner htmlCleaner = new HtmlCleaner(); CleanerProperties props = htmlCleaner.getProperties(); TagNode node = htmlCleaner.clean(hhcFile); Document hhcDocument = new DomSerializer(props).createDOM(node); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); Node ulNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("body/ul", hhcDocument .getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODE); List<TOCReference> sections = processUlNode(ulNode, resources); return sections; } /* * Sometimes the structure is: * <li> <!-- parent element --> * <object> ... </object> * <ul> ... </ul> <!-- child elements --> * </li> * * And sometimes: * <li> <!-- parent element --> * <object> ... </object> * </li> * <ul> ... </ul> <!-- child elements --> */ private static List<TOCReference> processUlNode(Node ulNode, Resources resources) { List<TOCReference> result = new ArrayList<>(); NodeList children = ulNode.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node node = children.item(i); if(node.getNodeName().equals("li")) { List<TOCReference> section = processLiNode(node, resources); result.addAll(section); } else if(node.getNodeName().equals("ul")) { List<TOCReference> childTOCReferences = processUlNode(node, resources); if(result.isEmpty()) { result = childTOCReferences; } else { result.get(result.size() - 1).getChildren().addAll(childTOCReferences); } } } return result; } private static List<TOCReference> processLiNode(Node liNode, Resources resources) { List<TOCReference> result = new ArrayList<>(); NodeList children = liNode.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node node = children.item(i); if(node.getNodeName().equals("object")) { TOCReference section = processObjectNode(node, resources); if(section != null) { result.add(section); } } else if(node.getNodeName().equals("ul")) { List<TOCReference> childTOCReferences = processUlNode(node, resources); if(result.isEmpty()) { result = childTOCReferences; } else { result.get(result.size() - 1).getChildren().addAll(childTOCReferences); } } } return result; } /** * Processes a CHM object node into a TOCReference * If the local name is empty then a TOCReference node is made with a null href value. * * <object type="text/sitemap"> * <param name="Name" value="My favorite section" /> * <param name="Local" value="section123.html" /> * <param name="ImageNumber" value="2" /> * </object> * * @param objectNode * * @return A TOCReference of the object has a non-blank param child with name 'Name' and a non-blank param name 'Local' */ private static TOCReference processObjectNode(Node objectNode, Resources resources) { TOCReference result = null; NodeList children = objectNode.getChildNodes(); String name = null; String href = null; for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node node = children.item(i); if(node.getNodeName().equals("param")) { String paramName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("name"); if("Name".equals(paramName)) { name = ((Element) node).getAttribute("value"); } else if("Local".equals(paramName)) { href = ((Element) node).getAttribute("value"); } } } if((! StringUtils.isBlank(href)) && href.startsWith("http://")) { return result; } if(! StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { Resource resource = resources.getByHref(href); if (resource == null) { resource = ResourceUtil.createResource(name, href); resources.add(resource); } result = new TOCReference(name, resource); } return result; } }