/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package java.util.regex; /** * Utility class that implements the standard C ctype functionality. * * @author Hong Zhang */ final class ASCII { static final int UPPER = 0x00000100; static final int LOWER = 0x00000200; static final int DIGIT = 0x00000400; static final int SPACE = 0x00000800; static final int PUNCT = 0x00001000; static final int CNTRL = 0x00002000; static final int BLANK = 0x00004000; static final int HEX = 0x00008000; static final int UNDER = 0x00010000; static final int ASCII = 0x0000FF00; static final int ALPHA = (UPPER|LOWER); static final int ALNUM = (UPPER|LOWER|DIGIT); static final int GRAPH = (PUNCT|UPPER|LOWER|DIGIT); static final int WORD = (UPPER|LOWER|UNDER|DIGIT); static final int XDIGIT = (HEX); private static final int[] ctype = new int[] { CNTRL, /* 00 (NUL) */ CNTRL, /* 01 (SOH) */ CNTRL, /* 02 (STX) */ CNTRL, /* 03 (ETX) */ CNTRL, /* 04 (EOT) */ CNTRL, /* 05 (ENQ) */ CNTRL, /* 06 (ACK) */ CNTRL, /* 07 (BEL) */ CNTRL, /* 08 (BS) */ SPACE+CNTRL+BLANK, /* 09 (HT) */ SPACE+CNTRL, /* 0A (LF) */ SPACE+CNTRL, /* 0B (VT) */ SPACE+CNTRL, /* 0C (FF) */ SPACE+CNTRL, /* 0D (CR) */ CNTRL, /* 0E (SI) */ CNTRL, /* 0F (SO) */ CNTRL, /* 10 (DLE) */ CNTRL, /* 11 (DC1) */ CNTRL, /* 12 (DC2) */ CNTRL, /* 13 (DC3) */ CNTRL, /* 14 (DC4) */ CNTRL, /* 15 (NAK) */ CNTRL, /* 16 (SYN) */ CNTRL, /* 17 (ETB) */ CNTRL, /* 18 (CAN) */ CNTRL, /* 19 (EM) */ CNTRL, /* 1A (SUB) */ CNTRL, /* 1B (ESC) */ CNTRL, /* 1C (FS) */ CNTRL, /* 1D (GS) */ CNTRL, /* 1E (RS) */ CNTRL, /* 1F (US) */ SPACE+BLANK, /* 20 SPACE */ PUNCT, /* 21 ! */ PUNCT, /* 22 " */ PUNCT, /* 23 # */ PUNCT, /* 24 $ */ PUNCT, /* 25 % */ PUNCT, /* 26 & */ PUNCT, /* 27 ' */ PUNCT, /* 28 ( */ PUNCT, /* 29 ) */ PUNCT, /* 2A * */ PUNCT, /* 2B + */ PUNCT, /* 2C , */ PUNCT, /* 2D - */ PUNCT, /* 2E . */ PUNCT, /* 2F / */ DIGIT+HEX+0, /* 30 0 */ DIGIT+HEX+1, /* 31 1 */ DIGIT+HEX+2, /* 32 2 */ DIGIT+HEX+3, /* 33 3 */ DIGIT+HEX+4, /* 34 4 */ DIGIT+HEX+5, /* 35 5 */ DIGIT+HEX+6, /* 36 6 */ DIGIT+HEX+7, /* 37 7 */ DIGIT+HEX+8, /* 38 8 */ DIGIT+HEX+9, /* 39 9 */ PUNCT, /* 3A : */ PUNCT, /* 3B ; */ PUNCT, /* 3C < */ PUNCT, /* 3D = */ PUNCT, /* 3E > */ PUNCT, /* 3F ? */ PUNCT, /* 40 @ */ UPPER+HEX+10, /* 41 A */ UPPER+HEX+11, /* 42 B */ UPPER+HEX+12, /* 43 C */ UPPER+HEX+13, /* 44 D */ UPPER+HEX+14, /* 45 E */ UPPER+HEX+15, /* 46 F */ UPPER+16, /* 47 G */ UPPER+17, /* 48 H */ UPPER+18, /* 49 I */ UPPER+19, /* 4A J */ UPPER+20, /* 4B K */ UPPER+21, /* 4C L */ UPPER+22, /* 4D M */ UPPER+23, /* 4E N */ UPPER+24, /* 4F O */ UPPER+25, /* 50 P */ UPPER+26, /* 51 Q */ UPPER+27, /* 52 R */ UPPER+28, /* 53 S */ UPPER+29, /* 54 T */ UPPER+30, /* 55 U */ UPPER+31, /* 56 V */ UPPER+32, /* 57 W */ UPPER+33, /* 58 X */ UPPER+34, /* 59 Y */ UPPER+35, /* 5A Z */ PUNCT, /* 5B [ */ PUNCT, /* 5C \ */ PUNCT, /* 5D ] */ PUNCT, /* 5E ^ */ PUNCT|UNDER, /* 5F _ */ PUNCT, /* 60 ` */ LOWER+HEX+10, /* 61 a */ LOWER+HEX+11, /* 62 b */ LOWER+HEX+12, /* 63 c */ LOWER+HEX+13, /* 64 d */ LOWER+HEX+14, /* 65 e */ LOWER+HEX+15, /* 66 f */ LOWER+16, /* 67 g */ LOWER+17, /* 68 h */ LOWER+18, /* 69 i */ LOWER+19, /* 6A j */ LOWER+20, /* 6B k */ LOWER+21, /* 6C l */ LOWER+22, /* 6D m */ LOWER+23, /* 6E n */ LOWER+24, /* 6F o */ LOWER+25, /* 70 p */ LOWER+26, /* 71 q */ LOWER+27, /* 72 r */ LOWER+28, /* 73 s */ LOWER+29, /* 74 t */ LOWER+30, /* 75 u */ LOWER+31, /* 76 v */ LOWER+32, /* 77 w */ LOWER+33, /* 78 x */ LOWER+34, /* 79 y */ LOWER+35, /* 7A z */ PUNCT, /* 7B { */ PUNCT, /* 7C | */ PUNCT, /* 7D } */ PUNCT, /* 7E ~ */ CNTRL, /* 7F (DEL) */ }; static int getType(int ch) { return ((ch & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0 ? ctype[ch] : 0); } static boolean isType(int ch, int type) { return (getType(ch) & type) != 0; } static boolean isAscii(int ch) { return ((ch & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0); } static boolean isAlpha(int ch) { return isType(ch, ALPHA); } static boolean isDigit(int ch) { return ((ch-'0')|('9'-ch)) >= 0; } static boolean isAlnum(int ch) { return isType(ch, ALNUM); } static boolean isGraph(int ch) { return isType(ch, GRAPH); } static boolean isPrint(int ch) { return ((ch-0x20)|(0x7E-ch)) >= 0; } static boolean isPunct(int ch) { return isType(ch, PUNCT); } static boolean isSpace(int ch) { return isType(ch, SPACE); } static boolean isHexDigit(int ch) { return isType(ch, HEX); } static boolean isOctDigit(int ch) { return ((ch-'0')|('7'-ch)) >= 0; } static boolean isCntrl(int ch) { return isType(ch, CNTRL); } static boolean isLower(int ch) { return ((ch-'a')|('z'-ch)) >= 0; } static boolean isUpper(int ch) { return ((ch-'A')|('Z'-ch)) >= 0; } static boolean isWord(int ch) { return isType(ch, WORD); } static int toDigit(int ch) { return (ctype[ch & 0x7F] & 0x3F); } static int toLower(int ch) { return isUpper(ch) ? (ch + 0x20) : ch; } static int toUpper(int ch) { return isLower(ch) ? (ch - 0x20) : ch; } }