/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.implementations; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * A stack based Symble Table. *<br>For speed reasons all the symbols are introduced in the same map, * and at the same time in a list so it can be removed when the frame is pop back. * @author Raul Benito **/ public class NameSpaceSymbTable { /**The map betwen prefix-> entry table. */ SymbMap symb; /**The level of nameSpaces (for Inclusive visibility).*/ int nameSpaces=0; /**The stacks for removing the definitions when doing pop.*/ List level; boolean cloned=true; static final String XMLNS="xmlns"; final static SymbMap initialMap=new SymbMap(); static { NameSpaceSymbEntry ne=new NameSpaceSymbEntry("",null,true,XMLNS); ne.lastrendered=""; initialMap.put(XMLNS,ne); } /** * Default constractor **/ public NameSpaceSymbTable() { level = new ArrayList(10); //Insert the default binding for xmlns. symb=(SymbMap) initialMap.clone(); } /** * Get all the unrendered nodes in the name space. * For Inclusive rendering * @param result the list where to fill the unrendered xmlns definitions. **/ public void getUnrenderedNodes(Collection result) { //List result=new ArrayList(); Iterator it=symb.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { NameSpaceSymbEntry n=(NameSpaceSymbEntry)(it.next()); //put them rendered? if ((!n.rendered) && (n.n!=null)) { n=(NameSpaceSymbEntry) n.clone(); needsClone(); symb.put(n.prefix,n); n.lastrendered=n.uri; n.rendered=true; result.add(n.n); } } } /** * Push a frame for visible namespace. * For Inclusive rendering. **/ public void outputNodePush() { nameSpaces++; push(); } /** * Pop a frame for visible namespace. **/ public void outputNodePop() { nameSpaces--; pop(); } /** * Push a frame for a node. * Inclusive or Exclusive. **/ public void push() { //Put the number of namespace definitions in the stack. level.add(null); cloned=false; } /** * Pop a frame. * Inclusive or Exclusive. **/ public void pop() { int size=level.size()-1; Object ob= level.remove(size); if (ob!=null) { symb=(SymbMap)ob; if (size==0) { cloned=false; } else cloned=(level.get(size-1)!=symb); } else { cloned=false; } } final void needsClone() { if (!cloned) { level.set(level.size()-1,symb); symb=(SymbMap) symb.clone(); cloned=true; } } /** * Gets the attribute node that defines the binding for the prefix. * @param prefix the prefix to obtain the attribute. * @return null if there is no need to render the prefix. Otherwise the node of * definition. **/ public Attr getMapping(String prefix) { NameSpaceSymbEntry entry=symb.get(prefix); if (entry==null) { //There is no definition for the prefix(a bug?). return null; } if (entry.rendered) { //No need to render an entry already rendered. return null; } // Mark this entry as render. entry=(NameSpaceSymbEntry) entry.clone(); needsClone(); symb.put(prefix,entry); entry.rendered=true; entry.level=nameSpaces; entry.lastrendered=entry.uri; // Return the node for outputing. return entry.n; } /** * Gets a definition without mark it as render. * For render in exclusive c14n the namespaces in the include prefixes. * @param prefix The prefix whose definition is neaded. * @return the attr to render, null if there is no need to render **/ public Attr getMappingWithoutRendered(String prefix) { NameSpaceSymbEntry entry= symb.get(prefix); if (entry==null) { return null; } if (entry.rendered) { return null; } return entry.n; } /** * Adds the mapping for a prefix. * @param prefix the prefix of definition * @param uri the Uri of the definition * @param n the attribute that have the definition * @return true if there is already defined. **/ public boolean addMapping(String prefix, String uri,Attr n) { NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix); if ((ob!=null) && uri.equals(ob.uri)) { //If we have it previously defined. Don't keep working. return false; } //Creates and entry in the table for this new definition. NameSpaceSymbEntry ne=new NameSpaceSymbEntry(uri,n,false,prefix); needsClone(); symb.put(prefix, ne); if (ob != null) { //We have a previous definition store it for the pop. //Check if a previous definition(not the inmidiatly one) has been rendered. ne.lastrendered=ob.lastrendered; if ((ob.lastrendered!=null)&& (ob.lastrendered.equals(uri))) { //Yes it is. Mark as rendered. ne.rendered=true; } } return true; } /** * Adds a definition and mark it as render. * For inclusive c14n. * @param prefix the prefix of definition * @param uri the Uri of the definition * @param n the attribute that have the definition * @return the attr to render, null if there is no need to render **/ public Node addMappingAndRender(String prefix, String uri,Attr n) { NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix); if ((ob!=null) && uri.equals(ob.uri)) { if (!ob.rendered) { ob=(NameSpaceSymbEntry) ob.clone(); needsClone(); symb.put(prefix,ob); ob.lastrendered=uri; ob.rendered=true; return ob.n; } return null; } NameSpaceSymbEntry ne=new NameSpaceSymbEntry(uri,n,true,prefix); ne.lastrendered=uri; needsClone(); symb.put(prefix, ne); if (ob != null) { if ((ob.lastrendered!=null)&& (ob.lastrendered.equals(uri))) { ne.rendered=true; return null; } } return ne.n; } public int getLevel() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return level.size(); } public void removeMapping(String prefix) { NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix); if (ob!=null) { needsClone(); symb.put(prefix,null); } } public void removeMappingIfNotRender(String prefix) { NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix); if (ob!=null && !ob.rendered) { needsClone(); symb.put(prefix,null); } } public boolean removeMappingIfRender(String prefix) { NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix); if (ob!=null && ob.rendered) { needsClone(); symb.put(prefix,null); } return false; } } /** * The internal structure of NameSpaceSymbTable. **/ class NameSpaceSymbEntry implements Cloneable { NameSpaceSymbEntry(String name,Attr n,boolean rendered,String prefix) { this.uri=name; this.rendered=rendered; this.n=n; this.prefix=prefix; } /** @inheritDoc */ public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; } } /** The level where the definition was rendered(Only for inclusive) */ int level=0; String prefix; /**The URI that the prefix defines */ String uri; /**The last output in the URI for this prefix (This for speed reason).*/ String lastrendered=null; /**This prefix-URI has been already render or not.*/ boolean rendered=false; /**The attribute to include.*/ Attr n; }; class SymbMap implements Cloneable { int free=23; NameSpaceSymbEntry[] entries; String[] keys; SymbMap() { entries=new NameSpaceSymbEntry[free]; keys=new String[free]; } void put(String key, NameSpaceSymbEntry value) { int index = index(key); Object oldKey = keys[index]; keys[index] = key; entries[index] = value; if (oldKey==null || !oldKey.equals(key)) { if (--free == 0) { free=entries.length; int newCapacity = free<<2; rehash(newCapacity); } } } List entrySet() { List a=new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<entries.length;i++) { if ((entries[i]!=null) && !("".equals(entries[i].uri))) { a.add(entries[i]); } } return a; } protected int index(Object obj) { Object[] set = keys; int length = set.length; //abs of index int index = (obj.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % length; Object cur = set[index]; if (cur == null || (cur.equals( obj))) { return index; } length=length-1; do { index=index==length? 0:++index; cur = set[index]; } while (cur != null && (!cur.equals(obj))); return index; } /** * rehashes the map to the new capacity. * * @param newCapacity an <code>int</code> value */ protected void rehash(int newCapacity) { int oldCapacity = keys.length; String oldKeys[] = keys; NameSpaceSymbEntry oldVals[] = entries; keys = new String[newCapacity]; entries = new NameSpaceSymbEntry[newCapacity]; for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) { if(oldKeys[i] != null) { String o = oldKeys[i]; int index = index(o); keys[index] = o; entries[index] = oldVals[i]; } } } NameSpaceSymbEntry get(String key) { return entries[index(key)]; } protected Object clone() { try { SymbMap copy=(SymbMap) super.clone(); copy.entries=new NameSpaceSymbEntry[entries.length]; System.arraycopy(entries,0,copy.entries,0,entries.length); copy.keys=new String[keys.length]; System.arraycopy(keys,0,copy.keys,0,keys.length); return copy; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }