/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.classes; import java.io.PrintStream; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.Struct; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.Struct.Field; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.coders.CoderDescriptor; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.types.JType; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.types.JType.JStruct; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.types.NType.NBitfield; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.model.types.NType.NStruct; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.utils.Fp; import com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.utils.Fp.Map1; import com.apple.jobjc.JObjCRuntime; import com.apple.jobjc.Coder.StructCoder; public class StructClassFile extends GeneratedClassFile { final Struct struct; public StructClassFile(final Struct struct) { super(struct.parent.pkg, struct.name, com.apple.jobjc.Struct.class.getName()); this.struct = struct; } @Override public boolean isFinal(){ return true; } @Override public void writeBeginning(final PrintStream out) { out.println(); out.println("\tpublic static int SIZEOF = " + JObjCRuntime.class.getName() + ".IS64 ? " + ((NStruct) struct.type.type64).sizeof64() + " : " + ((NStruct) struct.type.type32).sizeof32() + ";"); out.println(); out.format("\tpublic final static %1$s getStructCoder(){ return coder; }\n", StructCoder.class.getCanonicalName()); out.format("\t@Override public final %1$s getCoder(){ return coder; }\n", StructCoder.class.getCanonicalName()); out.format("\tprivate final static %1$s coder = new %1$s(SIZEOF%2$s%3$s){\n", StructCoder.class.getCanonicalName(), (struct.fields.size() > 0 ? ",\n\t\t" : ""), Fp.join(",\n\t\t", Fp.map(new Map1<Field,String>(){ public String apply(Field a) { return a.type.getJType().getCoderDescriptor().getCoderInstanceName(); }}, struct.fields))); out.format("\t\t@Override protected %1$s newInstance(%2$s runtime){ return new %1$s(runtime); }\n", struct.name, JObjCRuntime.class.getCanonicalName()); out.println("\t};"); out.println(); out.println("\t" + struct.name + "(final " + JObjCRuntime.class.getCanonicalName() + " runtime){"); out.println("\t\tsuper(runtime, SIZEOF);"); out.println("\t}"); out.println(); out.println("\tpublic " + struct.name + "(final " + JObjCRuntime.class.getCanonicalName() + " runtime, final com.apple.jobjc.NativeBuffer buffer) {"); out.println("\t\tsuper(runtime, buffer, SIZEOF);"); out.println("\t}"); } @Override public void writeBody(final PrintStream out) { for(Struct.Field field : struct.fields){ if(field.type.type64 instanceof NStruct && field.type.type32 instanceof NStruct) writeStructField(field, out); else writeField(field, out); } } private void writeField(final Struct.Field field, final PrintStream out){ if(field.type.type32 instanceof NBitfield){ out.format("\t// Skipping bitfield '%1$s'\n", field.name); return; } String privName = field.name + "__"; String offsetName = field.name.toUpperCase() + "_OFFSET"; JType jtype = field.type.getJType(); String retType = jtype.getJavaReturnTypeName(); CoderDescriptor cdesc = jtype.getCoderDescriptor(); out.println(); out.println("\tprivate static final int " + offsetName + " = " + JObjCRuntime.class.getName() + ".IS64 ? " + field.field64.offset64() + " : " + field.field32.offset32() + ";"); out.println("\t//" + cdesc.getClass().toString()); out.println("\tpublic " + retType + " " + getterName(field) + "(){"); out.println(jtype.createPopAddr("getRuntime()", "this.raw.bufferPtr + " + offsetName)); out.println(jtype.createReturn()); out.println("\t}"); out.println(); out.println("\tpublic void " + setterName(field.name) + "(final " + retType + " " + privName + "){"); out.println("\t\t" + cdesc.getPushAddrStatementFor("getRuntime()", "this.raw.bufferPtr + " + offsetName, privName)); out.println("\t}"); } private void writeStructField(final Struct.Field field, final PrintStream out){ if(field.type.getJType() == null || !(field.type.getJType() instanceof JStruct)){ out.println("\t// Found bad JavaType (" + field.type.getJType() + ") for field (" + field.name + ") of type (" + field.type + ")"); return; } String privName = field.name + "__"; String offsetName = field.name.toUpperCase() + "_OFFSET"; JStruct jstype = (JStruct) field.type.getJType(); String retTypeName = jstype.getJavaReturnTypeName(); out.println(); out.println("\tprivate static final int " + offsetName + " = " + JObjCRuntime.class.getName() + ".IS64" + " ? " + field.field64.offset64() + " : " + field.field32.offset32() + ";"); out.println("\tprivate " + retTypeName + " " + privName + " = null;"); out.println("\tpublic " + retTypeName + " " + getterName(field) + "(){"); out.println("\t\tif(null==" + privName + "){"); out.println("\t\t\tthis.raw.position(" + offsetName + ");"); out.println("\t\t\t" + privName + " = " + RootJObjCClass.runtimeFrameworkInstR(struct.parent.name) + ".make" + jstype.struct.name + "(this.raw.slice());"); out.println("\t\t}"); out.println("\t\treturn " + privName + ";"); out.println("\t}"); } private String getterName(Struct.Field field) { if(com.apple.internal.jobjc.generator.RestrictedKeywords.isRestricted(field.name)) return field.name + field.type.getJType().getAppendableDescription(); return field.name; } private String setterName(String name) { return "set" + name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); } @Override public void writeEnd(final PrintStream out) { } }