package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; public abstract class CreateOptions { public abstract Object getValue(); public static BlockSize blockSize(long bs) { return new BlockSize(bs); } public static BufferSize bufferSize(int bs) { return new BufferSize(bs); } public static ReplicationFactor replicationFactor(short rf) { return new ReplicationFactor(rf); } public static BytesPerChecksum bytesPerChecksum(int crc) { return new BytesPerChecksum(crc); } public static Perms perms(FsPermission perm) { return new Perms(perm); } public static Progress progress(Progressable progress){ return new Progress(progress); } /** * Creates a WriteOptions from given overwrite and forceSync values. If null passed, * it will use their default value. */ public static WriteOptions writeOptions(Boolean overwrite, Boolean forceSync){ WriteOptions wo = new WriteOptions(); if (overwrite != null) wo.setOverwrite(overwrite); if (forceSync != null) wo.setForcesync(forceSync); return wo; } public static class BlockSize extends CreateOptions { private final long blockSize; protected BlockSize(long bs) { if (bs <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Block size must be greater than 0"); } blockSize = bs; } public Long getValue() { return blockSize; } } public static class ReplicationFactor extends CreateOptions { private final short replication; protected ReplicationFactor(short rf) { if (rf <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replication must be greater than 0"); } replication = rf; } public Short getValue() { return replication; } } public static class BufferSize extends CreateOptions { private final int bufferSize; protected BufferSize(int bs) { if (bs <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size must be greater than 0"); } bufferSize = bs; } public Integer getValue() { return bufferSize; } } public static class BytesPerChecksum extends CreateOptions { private final int bytesPerChecksum; protected BytesPerChecksum(int bpc) { if (bpc <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bytes per checksum must be greater than 0"); } bytesPerChecksum = bpc; } public Integer getValue() { return bytesPerChecksum; } } public static class Perms extends CreateOptions { private final FsPermission permissions; protected Perms(FsPermission perm) { if (perm == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions must not be null"); } permissions = perm; } public FsPermission getValue() { return permissions; } } public static class Progress extends CreateOptions { private final Progressable progress; protected Progress(Progressable prog) { progress = prog; } public Progressable getValue() { return progress; } } /** * Get an option of desired type * * @param theClass * is the desired class of the opt * @param opts * - not null - at least one opt must be passed * @return an opt from one of the opts of type theClass. * returns null if there isn't any */ public static CreateOptions getOpt(Class<? extends CreateOptions> theClass, CreateOptions... opts) { if (opts == null) return null; CreateOptions result = null; for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) { if (opts[i].getClass() == theClass) { if (result != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple args with type " + theClass); result = opts[i]; } } return result; } /** * set an option * * @param newValue * the option to be set * @param opts * - the option is set into this array of opts * @return updated CreateOpts[] == opts + newValue * @throws IllegalArgumentException If two options with the same type as newValue exists change will apply to one of them, and an Exception will be thrown. */ public static <T extends CreateOptions> CreateOptions[] setOpt(T newValue, CreateOptions ... opts) { boolean alreadyInOpts = false; if (opts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) { if (opts[i].getClass() == newValue.getClass()) { if (alreadyInOpts) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple args with type " + newValue.getClass()); alreadyInOpts = true; opts[i] = newValue; } } } CreateOptions[] resultOpt = opts; if (!alreadyInOpts) { // no newValue in opt CreateOptions[] newOpts = new CreateOptions[opts.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(opts, 0, newOpts, 0, opts.length); newOpts[opts.length] = newValue; resultOpt = newOpts; } return resultOpt; } }