package org.apache.hadoop.corona; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ResourceTracker; import; import org.apache.thrift.TException; public class TestLoadManager extends TestCase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestLoadManager.class); public final static String sessionHost = "localhost"; public static int getSessionPort(int i) { return (7000 + i); } private Configuration conf; private ClusterManagerTestable cm; private ClusterNodeInfo nodes []; private int numNodes; private SessionInfo sessionInfos []; private int numSessions; private String handles []; private Session sessions []; @Override protected void setUp() throws IOException { conf = new Configuration(); conf.setClass("topology.node.switch.mapping.impl",,; conf.set(CoronaConf.CPU_TO_RESOURCE_PARTITIONING, TstUtils.std_cpu_to_resource_partitioning); cm = new ClusterManagerTestable(conf); numNodes = 100; nodes = new ClusterNodeInfo[numNodes]; Map<ResourceType, String> resourceInfos = new EnumMap<ResourceType, String>(ResourceType.class); resourceInfos.put(ResourceType.MAP, ""); resourceInfos.put(ResourceType.REDUCE, ""); for (int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) { nodes[i] = new ClusterNodeInfo(TstUtils.getNodeHost(i), new InetAddress(TstUtils.getNodeHost(i), TstUtils.getNodePort(i)), TstUtils.std_spec); nodes[i].setFree(TstUtils.std_spec); nodes[i].setResourceInfos(resourceInfos); } numSessions = 5; sessionInfos = new SessionInfo [numSessions]; handles = new String [numSessions]; sessions = new Session [numSessions]; for (int i =0; i<numSessions; i++) { sessionInfos[i] = new SessionInfo(new InetAddress(sessionHost, getSessionPort(i)), "s_" + i, "hadoop"); sessionInfos[i].setPriority(SessionPriority.NORMAL); sessionInfos[i].setPoolInfoStrings( PoolInfo.createPoolInfoStrings(PoolGroupManager.DEFAULT_POOL_INFO)); } } public void testDistributeLoad() throws Exception {"Starting testDistributeLoad"); cm = new ClusterManagerTestable(conf); NodeManager nm = cm.getNodeManager(); int nodeCount = 10; addSomeNodes(nodeCount); String handle = TstUtils.startSession(cm, sessionInfos[0]); Session session = cm.getSessionManager().getSession(handle); // Request reducers (no locality requirement). // Verify that the grants are distributed evenly across nodes. cm.requestResource(handle, TstUtils.createRequests(nodeCount, 0, nodeCount)); Thread.sleep(100); // Each node should be assigned 1 REDUCE. for (ClusterNode node : nm.nameToNode.values()) { assertEquals(1, node.getGrantCount(ResourceType.REDUCE)); }"Ending testDistributeLoad"); } private void addSomeNodes(int count) throws TException { for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { try { cm.nodeHeartbeat(nodes[i]); } catch (DisallowedNode e) { throw new TException(e); } catch (SafeModeException e) {"Cluster Manager is in Safe Mode"); } } } }