package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.client.QuorumJournalManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.server.Journal; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.AvatarNode; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageTestUtil.CheckpointTrigger; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.InjectionEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.util.InjectionEventI; import org.apache.hadoop.util.InjectionHandler; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ChecksumException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestAvatarIngesting { final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestAvatarIngesting.class); protected MiniAvatarCluster cluster; private Configuration conf; private FileSystem fs; private Random random = new Random(); { ((Log4JLogger)QuorumJournalManager.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL); ((Log4JLogger)Journal.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL); ((Log4JLogger)FSNamesystem.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL); } @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { MiniAvatarCluster.createAndStartZooKeeper(); } void setUp(long ckptPeriod, String name, boolean ckptEnabled, boolean enableQJM) throws Exception {"------------------- test: " + name + " START ----------------"); conf = new Configuration(); conf.setBoolean("fs.ha.retrywrites", true); conf.setBoolean("fs.checkpoint.enabled", ckptEnabled); conf.setLong("fs.checkpoint.period", 3600); cluster = new MiniAvatarCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(2).enableQJM(enableQJM).build(); fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { fs.close(); cluster.shutDown(); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { MiniAvatarCluster.shutDownZooKeeper(); } public void createEdits(int nEdits) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < nEdits / 2; i++) { // Create file ends up logging two edits to the edit log, one for create // file and one for bumping up the generation stamp fs.create(new Path("/" + random.nextInt())); } } public long getCurrentTxId(AvatarNode avatar) { return avatar.getFSImage().getEditLog().getCurrentTxId(); } // //////////////////////////// protected void testIngestFailure(InjectionEvent event, boolean enableQJM) throws Exception {"TEST Ingest Failure : " + event); TestAvatarIngestingHandler h = new TestAvatarIngestingHandler(event); InjectionHandler.set(h); setUp(3, "testIngestFailure: " + event, false, enableQJM); // simulate interruption, no ckpt failure AvatarNode primary = cluster.getPrimaryAvatar(0).avatar; AvatarNode standby = cluster.getStandbyAvatar(0).avatar; h.setDisabled(false); createEdits(20); h.setDisabled(true); if (!enableQJM) { standby.quiesceStandby(getCurrentTxId(primary) - 1); // SLS + 20 edits assertEquals(21, getCurrentTxId(primary)); assertEquals(getCurrentTxId(primary), getCurrentTxId(standby)); } tearDown(); } @Test public void testCheckpointWithRestarts() throws Exception { TestAvatarIngestingHandler h = new TestAvatarIngestingHandler( InjectionEvent.FSEDIT_LOG_WRITE_END_LOG_SEGMENT); InjectionHandler.set(h); setUp(3, "testCheckpointWithRestarts", true, false); // simulate interruption, no ckpt failure AvatarNode primary = cluster.getPrimaryAvatar(0).avatar; AvatarNode standby = cluster.getStandbyAvatar(0).avatar; createEdits(20); h.doCheckpoint(); // 2 for initial checkpoint + 2 for this checkpoint + SLS + 20 edits h.disabled = false; assertEquals(25, getCurrentTxId(primary)); cluster.killStandby(); cluster.killPrimary(); h.disabled = false; cluster.restartAvatarNodes(); h.doCheckpoint(); assertEquals(getCurrentTxId(primary), getCurrentTxId(standby)); } @Test public void testPrimaryRestart() throws Exception { // checks whether standby can continue ingesting with finalized segments // with no ending transaction TestAvatarIngestingHandler h = new TestAvatarIngestingHandler(null); InjectionHandler.set(h); h.gracefulShutdown = false; setUp(0, "testPrimaryRestart", false, false); // simulate interruption, no ckpt failure cluster.killStandby(); cluster.killPrimary(); // this will produce finalized segment with no ending marker // and a new segment with txid = 1 cluster.restartAvatarNodes(); // current txid is the one to be written 1 + 1 = 2 assertEquals(2, getCurrentTxId(cluster.getStandbyAvatar(0).avatar)); } /* * Simulate exception when reading from edits */ @Test public void testIngestFailureReading() throws Exception { testIngestFailure(InjectionEvent.INGEST_READ_OP, false); } /* * Simulate edit log transaction mismatch * Ingest should be resurrected and consume edits normally */ @Test public void testIngestFailureTxidMismatch() throws Exception { testIngestFailure(InjectionEvent.INGEST_TXID_CHECK, false); } @Test public void testIngestFailureSetupStream() throws Exception { InjectionEvent event = InjectionEvent.STANDBY_JOURNAL_GETSTREAM; TestAvatarIngestingHandler h = new TestAvatarIngestingHandler(event); InjectionHandler.set(h); h.setDisabled(false); setUp(3, "testIngestFailure: " + event, false, false); h.setDisabled(true); assertEquals(1, h.exceptions); } @Test public void testRecoverState() throws Exception { TestAvatarIngestingHandler h = new TestAvatarIngestingHandler( InjectionEvent.STANDBY_RECOVER_STATE); InjectionHandler.set(h); setUp(3, "testRecoverState", true, false); // simulate interruption, no ckpt failure AvatarNode primary = cluster.getPrimaryAvatar(0).avatar; AvatarNode standby = cluster.getStandbyAvatar(0).avatar; h.setDisabled(true); createEdits(20); h.doCheckpoint(); // 2 for initial checkpoint + 2 for this checkpoint + SLS + 20 edits assertEquals(25, getCurrentTxId(primary)); createEdits(20); h.setDisabled(false); // sleep to see if the state recovers correctly DFSTestUtil.waitNSecond(5); h.doCheckpoint(); standby.quiesceStandby(getCurrentTxId(primary) - 1); assertEquals(47, getCurrentTxId(primary)); assertEquals(getCurrentTxId(primary), getCurrentTxId(standby)); } class TestAvatarIngestingHandler extends InjectionHandler { boolean gracefulShutdown = true; int exceptions = 0; private InjectionEvent synchronizationPoint; int simulatedFailure = 0; boolean disabled = true; boolean doneRecovery = false; private CheckpointTrigger ckptTrigger = new CheckpointTrigger(); public TestAvatarIngestingHandler(InjectionEvent se) { synchronizationPoint = se; } public void setDisabled(boolean v){ disabled = v; } @Override protected void _processEventIO(InjectionEventI event, Object... args) throws IOException { if (synchronizationPoint == event) { if(disabled) return;"PROCESSING EVENT: " + event + " counter: " + simulatedFailure); simulatedFailure++; if (event == InjectionEvent.INGEST_READ_OP && synchronizationPoint == event && !disabled) { if((simulatedFailure % 3) == 1){"Throwing checksum exception"); throw new ChecksumException("Testing checksum exception...", 0); } if ((simulatedFailure % 5) == 1) {"Throwing unchecked exception"); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Testing uncecked exception..."); } if((simulatedFailure % 7) == 1){"Throwing IO exception"); throw new IOException("Testing IO exception..."); } } if (event == InjectionEvent.STANDBY_JOURNAL_GETSTREAM && synchronizationPoint == event && !disabled) { if (simulatedFailure < 2) { exceptions++;"Throwing exception when setting up the stream"); throw new IOException( "Testing I/O exception when getting the stream"); } } } } @Override protected void _processEvent(InjectionEventI event, Object... args) { ckptTrigger.checkpointDone(event, args); } @Override protected boolean _falseCondition(InjectionEventI event, Object... args) { if (synchronizationPoint == InjectionEvent.INGEST_TXID_CHECK && !disabled && event == InjectionEvent.INGEST_TXID_CHECK) { return true; } if (synchronizationPoint == InjectionEvent.STANDBY_RECOVER_STATE && !disabled && !doneRecovery && event == InjectionEvent.STANDBY_RECOVER_STATE) { doneRecovery = true; return true; } return ckptTrigger.triggerCheckpoint(event); } @Override protected boolean _trueCondition(InjectionEventI event, Object... args) { if (synchronizationPoint == InjectionEvent.FSEDIT_LOG_WRITE_END_LOG_SEGMENT && event == InjectionEvent.FSEDIT_LOG_WRITE_END_LOG_SEGMENT && !disabled) { return false; } if (event == InjectionEvent.FSEDIT_LOG_WRITE_END_LOG_SEGMENT) { return gracefulShutdown; } return true; } void doCheckpoint() throws IOException { ckptTrigger.doCheckpoint(); } } }