package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * SimpleSeekableFormat supports seek based on compressed byte offsets as well * as uncompressed byte offsets. * * File Format Description: * * 0. Definition * * Metadata block: a fixed size block of 1024 bytes storing metadata of the * file. * * Data block: a fixed size block of 1023K bytes storing actual data. * * Data segment: a variable-length segment of bytes storing a logical * data unit that needs to be processed together. * * 1. File Format Layout * Each 1K bytes at the beginning of x MB is a metadata block. * The rest of 1023K bytes are data blocks. * * 2. Metadata block (1024 bytes): * Each metadata block looks like this: * 32 bytes: "SSF_Magic_C17e5C697a00bB1A859aD\n" * 4 bytes: version number, now is 1. * 16 bytes: 8-byte of uncompressed data stream offset * + 8-byte of compressed data stream offset * * 3. Data block (1023 * 1024 bytes): * All data blocks should be concatenated to be a stream. The stream consists * of consecutive data segments, back by back. * * 4. Data segment: * Each data segment looks like this: * 4 bytes: length (implies that a single data segment cannot be longer than * 4GB). It does not include the length field itself, but includes * all following fields like codec name and crc32 checksum. * 2 bytes: byte length of compression codec class name. Or 0 for uncompressed. * x-bytes: UTF-8 encoded compression codec class name. * (Only when x = 0) 8 bytes: crc32 checksum of the data following. * (length - 2 - x - (x==0?8:0) ) bytes: actual data * * This class encapsulates all underlying logics of the SeekableFileFormat. * * NOTE: Requirement on the CompressionCodec InputStream: available() should * only return 0 when EOF. Otherwise SeekableFileInputStream.available() will * break. */ public class SimpleSeekableFormat { public static final String FILEFORMAT_SSF_CODEC_CONF = "fileformat.ssf.codec"; public static final String FILEFORMAT_SSF_MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SEGMENT_LENGTH = "fileformat.ssf.max.uncompressed.segment.length"; static final int METADATA_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1024; static final int DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024 - METADATA_BLOCK_LENGTH; static final int VERSION = 1; static final String MAGIC_HEADER = "SSF_Magic_C17e5C697a00bB1A859aD\n"; static final byte[] MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES; static { try { MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES = MAGIC_HEADER.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static class OffsetPair { private long uncompressedOffset; private long compressedOffset; public OffsetPair() { this(0L, 0L); } public OffsetPair(long uncompressedOffset, long compressedOffset) { this.uncompressedOffset = uncompressedOffset; this.compressedOffset = compressedOffset; } public long getUncompressedOffset() { return uncompressedOffset; } public void setUncompressedOffset(long uncompressedOffset) { this.uncompressedOffset = uncompressedOffset; } public long getCompressedOffset() { return compressedOffset; } public void setCompressedOffset(long compressedOffset) { this.compressedOffset = compressedOffset; } }; public static class MetaData { // key: uncompressedOffset // value: DataStreamOffset SortedMap<Long, Long> offsetPairs; public void setOffsetPairs(final SortedMap<Long, Long> offsetPairs) { this.offsetPairs = offsetPairs; } public SortedMap<Long, Long> getOffsetPairs() { return offsetPairs; } } /** * MetaDataConsumer reads data from the stream and write to the MetaData class. */ public static class MetaDataConsumer implements InterleavedInputStream.MetaDataConsumer { private MetaData metaData; public MetaDataConsumer(MetaData metaData) { this.metaData = metaData; } @Override public void readMetaData(InputStream in, int metaDataBlockSize) throws IOException { // Read in the whole MetaDataBlock and store it in a DataInputStream. byte[] metaDataBlock = new byte[metaDataBlockSize]; (new DataInputStream(in)).readFully(metaDataBlock); DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(metaDataBlock)); // verify magic header byte[] magicHeaderBytes = new byte[MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES.length]; din.readFully(magicHeaderBytes); if (!Arrays.equals(magicHeaderBytes, MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES)) { throw new IOException("Wrong Magic Header Bytes"); } // verify version int version = din.readInt(); if (version > VERSION) { throw new IOException("Unknown version " + version); } switch (version) { case 1: { // one pair of offsets long uncompressedOffset = din.readLong(); long compressedOffset = din.readLong(); SortedMap<Long, Long> offsetPairs = new TreeMap<Long, Long>(); offsetPairs.put(uncompressedOffset, compressedOffset); metaData.setOffsetPairs(offsetPairs); // the rest is thrown away } } } } /** * This inner class provides the metadata block. * Note that it accesses the lastOffsets field. */ public static class MetaDataProducer implements InterleavedOutputStream.MetaDataProducer { private MetaData metaData; public MetaDataProducer(MetaData metaData) { this.metaData = metaData; } /** * @param out The raw output stream. */ @Override public void writeMetaData(DataOutputStream out, int metaDataBlockSize) throws IOException { // Magic header and version out.write(SimpleSeekableFormat.MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES); out.writeInt(SimpleSeekableFormat.VERSION); // Write out the offset pair SortedMap<Long, Long> offsetPairs = metaData.getOffsetPairs(); assert(offsetPairs.size() == 1); long uncompressedOffset = offsetPairs.firstKey(); long compressedOffset = offsetPairs.get(uncompressedOffset); out.writeLong(uncompressedOffset); out.writeLong(compressedOffset); // Fill up the bytes int left = metaDataBlockSize - SimpleSeekableFormat.MAGIC_HEADER_BYTES.length - 4 - 8 - 8; while (left > 0) { int toWrite = Math.min(left, NULLS.length); out.write(NULLS, 0, toWrite); left -= toWrite; } } } private static byte[] NULLS = new byte[1024]; static { Arrays.fill(NULLS, (byte)0); } static class Buffer extends ByteArrayOutputStream { public byte[] getData() { return buf; } public int getLength() { return count; } public void reset() { count = 0; } } }