package; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Seekable; /** * This InputStream removes the metadata from the underlying stream. * * Note that skip(long) is optimized by calling if possible. */ public class InterleavedInputStream extends InputStream { public interface MetaDataConsumer { /** * This function should read a metadata block with size metaDataBlockSize. * This function should throw EOFException if there are not enough bytes * in the InputStream. * @param in The raw input stream */ void readMetaData(InputStream in, int metaDataBlockSize) throws IOException; } public static class DefaultMetaDataConsumer implements MetaDataConsumer { @Override public void readMetaData(InputStream in, int metaDataBlockSize) throws IOException { // Read in the whole MetaDataBlock and store it in a byte array. byte[] metaDataBlock = new byte[metaDataBlockSize]; (new DataInputStream(in)).readFully(metaDataBlock); } } private final InputStream in; private final Seekable seekableIn; private final int metaDataBlockSize; private final int dataBlockSize; private final MetaDataConsumer metaDataConsumer; /** * The number of complete blocks (metadata + data) processed. */ private long completeBlocks; /** * The raw offset inside the current block (metadata + data). * 0 <= rawBlockOffset < metaDataBlockSize + dataBlockSize */ private int rawBlockOffset; /** * Whether we have reached EOF. */ private boolean eofReached; public int getMetaDataBlockSize() { return metaDataBlockSize; } public int getDataBlockSize() { return dataBlockSize; } public int getCompleteBlockSize() { return metaDataBlockSize + dataBlockSize; } /** * This function sets the internal offset. * This should only be called by a subclass that is capable of * seeking the InputStream. */ protected void setPosition(long completeBlocks, int rawBlockOffset) { this.completeBlocks = completeBlocks; this.rawBlockOffset = rawBlockOffset; this.eofReached = false; } public InterleavedInputStream(InputStream in, int metaDataBlockSize, int dataBlockSize, MetaDataConsumer metaDataConsumer) { = in; this.seekableIn = (in instanceof Seekable) ? (Seekable)in : null; this.metaDataBlockSize = metaDataBlockSize; this.dataBlockSize = dataBlockSize; this.metaDataConsumer = metaDataConsumer; // Signal that we need to read metadata block first. eofReached = false; } /** * @param in in.available() should return > 0 unless EOF */ public InterleavedInputStream(InputStream in, int metaDataBlockSize, int dataBlockSize) { this(in, metaDataBlockSize, dataBlockSize, new DefaultMetaDataConsumer()); } /** * Number of bytes read from the underlying stream. */ public long getRawOffset() { return completeBlocks * getCompleteBlockSize() + rawBlockOffset; } /** * Number of data bytes read from the underlying stream. */ public long getDataOffset() { return completeBlocks * dataBlockSize + Math.max(0, (rawBlockOffset - metaDataBlockSize)); } /** * Returns whether we've reached EOF. */ public boolean readMetaDataIfNeeded() throws IOException { if (eofReached) { return false; } if (rawBlockOffset == 0) { try { metaDataConsumer.readMetaData(in, metaDataBlockSize); rawBlockOffset += metaDataBlockSize; } catch (EOFException e) { eofReached = true; return false; } } return true; } private void moveForward(long bytes) { rawBlockOffset += bytes; if (rawBlockOffset == getCompleteBlockSize()) { completeBlocks ++; rawBlockOffset = 0; } } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (!readMetaDataIfNeeded()) { return -1; } int result =; if (result >= 0) { // don't do this if read() returns -1, which means EOF. moveForward(1); } else { eofReached = true; } return result; } /** * Note: When at the beginning of a metadata block, reading with length = 0 will * consume the MetaDataBlock. */ @Override public int read(byte[] b, int start, int length) throws IOException { if (!readMetaDataIfNeeded()) { return -1; } int toRead = (int)Math.min(length, getCompleteBlockSize() - rawBlockOffset); int read =, start, toRead); if (read >= 0) { moveForward(read); } else { eofReached = true; } return read; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } /** * Returns the number of bytes in the raw stream. */ public long rawAvailable() throws IOException { return in.available(); } private long rawOffsetToDataOffset(long rawSize) { long blocks = rawSize / getCompleteBlockSize(); long rawLeft = rawSize % getCompleteBlockSize(); return blocks * dataBlockSize + Math.max(rawLeft - metaDataBlockSize, 0); } private long dataOffsetToRawOffset(long pos) { long blocks = pos / getDataBlockSize(); long left = pos % getDataBlockSize(); long rawOffset = blocks * getCompleteBlockSize() + (left == 0 ? 0 : getMetaDataBlockSize() + left); return rawOffset; } protected long dataIncrementToRawIncrement(long bytes) { long targetRawOffset = dataOffsetToRawOffset(getDataOffset() + bytes); return targetRawOffset - getRawOffset(); } /** * Note: bytes can be negative iff seekableIn != null. */ @Override public long skip(long bytes) throws IOException { skipExactly(bytes); return bytes; } public void skipExactly(long bytes) throws IOException { rawSkip(dataIncrementToRawIncrement(bytes), false); } protected boolean seekToNewSource(long targetPos) throws IOException { long bytes = targetPos - getDataOffset(); return rawSkip(dataIncrementToRawIncrement(bytes), true); } /** * Returns the amount of data bytes available to read. * This function depends on the underlying InputStream to tell * the actual available bytes for reading in available(). */ @Override public int available() throws IOException { int rawAvailable = in.available(); return (int)(rawOffsetToDataOffset(rawBlockOffset + rawAvailable) - rawOffsetToDataOffset(rawBlockOffset)); } /** * This function depends on the underlying * @param toNewSource only useful when seekableIn != null. * @return when toNewSource is true, return whether we seeked to a new source. * otherwise return true. */ private boolean seekOrSkip(long bytes, boolean toNewSource) throws IOException { if (seekableIn != null) { // Use Seekable interface to speed up skip. int available = in.available(); try { if (toNewSource) { return seekableIn.seekToNewSource(seekableIn.getPos() + bytes); } else { + bytes); return true; } } catch (IOException e) { if (bytes > available && "Cannot seek after EOF".equals(e.getMessage())) { eofReached = true; throw new EOFException(e.getMessage()); } } } else { // Do raw skip. long toSkip = bytes; while (toSkip > 0) { long skipped = in.skip(toSkip); if (skipped <= 0) { throw new EOFException("skip returned " + skipped); } toSkip -= skipped; }; } return true; } private void setRawOffset(long rawOffset) { completeBlocks = rawOffset / getCompleteBlockSize(); rawBlockOffset = (int)(rawOffset % getCompleteBlockSize()); } /** * Skip some bytes from the raw InputStream. * @param toNewSource - only useful when seekableIn is not null. * @return when toNewSource is true, return whether we seeked to a new source. * otherwise return true. */ protected boolean rawSkip(long bytes, boolean toNewSource) throws IOException { boolean result = seekOrSkip(bytes, toNewSource); setRawOffset(getRawOffset() + bytes); // Check validity if (rawBlockOffset > 0 && rawBlockOffset < metaDataBlockSize) { throw new IOException("Cannot jump into the middle of a MetaDataBlock. MetaDataBlockSize = " + metaDataBlockSize + " and we are at " + rawBlockOffset); } return result; } /** * This function is only for applications that needs to "fast-forward" to the * current end of the file. Typically the file is growing and "available()" * returns the currently available bytes. * * Skip to the last "available" meta data block. * This is an estimate based on in.available(). */ public void skipToLastAvailableMetaDataBlock() throws IOException { long totalSize = getRawOffset() + rawAvailable(); long blocks = (totalSize - getMetaDataBlockSize()) / getCompleteBlockSize(); blocks = Math.max(0, blocks); long bytesToSkip = (blocks - completeBlocks) * getCompleteBlockSize() - rawBlockOffset; seekOrSkip(bytesToSkip, false); completeBlocks = blocks; rawBlockOffset = 0; } }