package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CorruptFileBlocks; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.VersionedProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import; public class DistributedAvatarFileSystem extends DistributedFileSystem implements FailoverClient { static { Configuration.addDefaultResource("avatar-default.xml"); Configuration.addDefaultResource("avatar-site.xml"); } /** * The canonical URI representing the cluster we are connecting to */ URI logicalName; Configuration conf; // number of milliseconds to wait between successive attempts // to initialize standbyFS long standbyFSInitInterval; // time at which we last attempted to initialize standbyFS long lastStandbyFSInit = 0L; // number of milliseconds before we should check if a failover has occurred // (used when making calls to the standby avatar) long standbyFSCheckInterval; // time at which last check for failover was performed long lastStandbyFSCheck = 0L; // number of requests to standbyFS between checks for failover int standbyFSCheckRequestInterval; // number of requests to standbyFS since last last failover check AtomicInteger standbyFSCheckRequestCount = new AtomicInteger(0); volatile boolean shutdown = false; // indicates that the DFS is used instead of DAFS volatile boolean fallback = false; // We need to keep track of the FS object we used for failover DistributedFileSystem failoverFS; // a filesystem object that points to the standby avatar StandbyFS standbyFS = null; // URI of primary and standby avatar URI primaryURI; URI standbyURI; FailoverClientProtocol failoverClient; FailoverClientHandler failoverHandler; private URI fsName; /** * HA FileSystem initialization */ @Override public URI getUri() { return this.logicalName; } /** * This ensures that if we have done a client configuration lookup, the * logicalName might have changed and we still need to allow URIs that specify * the old logical name stored in fsName. It also allows paths that don't * specify ports. For example : * * We would like to support connecting to a HDFS cluster like this * : * bin/hadoop dfs -ls hdfs://<clustername>.<servicename>/ * * For this purpose we need to add some logic to checkPath(). The * reason is that DAFS replaces the logical name with the one retrieved * from the client configuration lookup and hence without this check, doing * something like : * * bin/hadoop dfs -ls hdfs://<clustername>.<servicename>/ * * would give a Wrong FS error, since <clustername>.<servicename> does not match * with the actual URI after lookup which would be something like <host:port> * * Therefore in checkPath() we should also allow paths that have a URI with * the old authority (<clustername>.<servicename>). */ @Override protected void checkPath(Path path) { if (conf.getBoolean("client.configuration.lookup.done", false)) { URI uri = path.toUri(); String thisScheme = this.getUri().getScheme(); String thatScheme = uri.getScheme(); String thisHost = fsName.getHost(); String thatHost = uri.getHost(); if (thatScheme != null && thisScheme.equalsIgnoreCase(thatScheme)) { if (thisHost != null && thisHost.equalsIgnoreCase(thatHost)) { return; } } } super.checkPath(path); } public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException { // The actual name of the filesystem e.g. fsName = name; try { if (conf.getBoolean("client.configuration.lookup.done", false)) { // In case of client configuration lookup, use the default name retrieved. this.logicalName = new URI(conf.get("")); } else { this.logicalName = name; } } catch (URISyntaxException urie) { throw new IOException(urie); } this.conf = conf; failoverHandler = new FailoverClientHandler(conf, logicalName, this); // default interval between standbyFS initialization attempts is 10 mins standbyFSInitInterval = conf.getLong("fs.avatar.standbyfs.initinterval", 10 * 60 * 1000); // default interval between failover checks is 5 min standbyFSCheckInterval = conf.getLong("fs.avatar.standbyfs.checkinterval", 5 * 60 * 1000); // default interval between failover checks is 5000 requests standbyFSCheckRequestInterval = conf.getInt("fs.avatar.standbyfs.checkrequests", 5000); initUnderlyingFileSystem(false); } private URI addrToURI(String addrString) throws URISyntaxException { if (addrString.startsWith(logicalName.getScheme())) { return new URI(addrString); } else { if (addrString.indexOf(":") == -1) { // This is not a valid addr string return null; } String fsHost = addrString.substring(0, addrString.indexOf(":")); int port = Integer.parseInt(addrString .substring(addrString.indexOf(":") + 1)); return new URI(logicalName.getScheme(), logicalName.getUserInfo(), fsHost, port, logicalName.getPath(), logicalName.getQuery(), logicalName.getFragment()); } } private class StandbyFS extends DistributedFileSystem { @Override public URI getUri() { return DistributedAvatarFileSystem.this.logicalName; } } /** * Try to initialize standbyFS. Must hold writelock to call this method. */ private void initStandbyFS() { lastStandbyFSInit = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (standbyFS != null) { standbyFS.close(); }"DAFS initializing standbyFS");"DAFS primary=" + primaryURI.toString() + " standby=" + standbyURI.toString()); standbyFS = new StandbyFS(); standbyFS.initialize(standbyURI, conf); } catch (Exception e) {"DAFS cannot initialize standbyFS: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); standbyFS = null; } } @Override public boolean tryFailover() throws IOException { return initUnderlyingFileSystem(true); } private boolean initUnderlyingFileSystem(boolean failover) throws IOException { try { boolean firstAttempt = true; while (true) { Stat stat = new Stat(); String primaryAddr = failoverHandler.getPrimaryAvatarAddress( logicalName, stat, true, firstAttempt); primaryURI = addrToURI(primaryAddr); URI uri0 = addrToURI(conf.get("fs.default.name0", "")); // if the uri is null the configuration is broken. // no need to try to initialize a standby if (uri0 != null) { // the standby avatar is whichever one is not the primary // note that standbyFS connects to the datanode port of the standby // avatar // since the client port is not available while in safe mode if (uri0.equals(primaryURI)) { standbyURI = addrToURI(conf.get("dfs.namenode.dn-address1", "")); } else { standbyURI = addrToURI(conf.get("dfs.namenode.dn-address0", "")); } if (standbyURI != null) { initStandbyFS(); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not initializing standby filesystem because the needed " + "configuration parameters " + "dfs.namenode.dn-address{0|1} are missing"); } } } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not initializing standby filesystem because the needed " + "configuration parameters{0|1} are missing."); } } try { if (failover) { if (failoverFS != null) { failoverFS.close(); } failoverFS = new DistributedFileSystem(); failoverFS.initialize(primaryURI, conf); newNamenode(failoverFS.dfs.namenode); // Update the namenode address if DFSClient tries to recreate the NN // connection. this.dfs.nameNodeAddr = failoverFS.dfs.nameNodeAddr; } else { super.initialize(primaryURI, conf); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (firstAttempt && failoverHandler.isZKCacheEnabled()) { firstAttempt = false; continue; } else { throw ex; } }"Initialized new filesystem pointing to " + this.getUri() + " with the actual address " + primaryAddr); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (failover) { // Succeed or die trying // Next thread will try to failover again failoverFS = null; return false; } else { LOG.error("Exception initializing DAFS. for " + this.getUri() + " .Falling back to using DFS instead. Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); fallback = true; super.initialize(logicalName, conf); } } return true; } /** * This method ensures that when {@link DFSClient#getNewNameNodeIfNeeded(int)} * runs, it still keeps the {@link DFSClient#namenode} object a type of * {@link FailoverClientProtocol} */ @Override ClientProtocol getNewNameNode(ClientProtocol rpcNamenode, Configuration conf) throws IOException { ClientProtocol namenode = DFSClient.createNamenode(rpcNamenode, conf); if (failoverClient == null) { failoverClient = new FailoverClientProtocol(namenode, failoverHandler); } failoverClient.setNameNode(namenode); return failoverClient; } @Override public boolean isFailoverInProgress() { return failoverClient.getNameNode() == null; } @Override public void nameNodeDown() { failoverClient.setNameNode(null); } @Override public void newNamenode(VersionedProtocol namenode) { failoverClient.setNameNode((ClientProtocol) namenode); } @Override public boolean isShuttingdown() { return shutdown; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { shutdown = true; if (fallback) { // no need to lock resources super.close(); return; } failoverHandler.readLock(); try { super.close(); if (failoverFS != null) { failoverFS.close(); } if (standbyFS != null) { standbyFS.close(); } try { failoverHandler.shutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Error shutting down ZooKeeper client", e); } } finally { failoverHandler.readUnlock(); } } /** * Used to direct a call either to the standbyFS or to the underlying DFS. */ private abstract class StandbyCaller<T> { abstract T call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException; private T callPrimary() throws IOException { return call(DistributedAvatarFileSystem.this); } private T callStandby() throws IOException { boolean primaryCalled = false; try { // grab the read lock but don't check for failover yet failoverHandler.readLockSimple(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastStandbyFSCheck + standbyFSCheckInterval || standbyFSCheckRequestCount.get() >= standbyFSCheckRequestInterval) { // check if a failover has happened LOG.debug("DAFS checking for failover time=" + System.currentTimeMillis() + " last=" + lastStandbyFSCheck + " t_interval=" + standbyFSCheckInterval + " count=" + (standbyFSCheckRequestCount.get()) + " r_interval=" + standbyFSCheckRequestInterval); // release read lock, grab write lock failoverHandler.readUnlock(); failoverHandler.writeLock(); try { boolean failover = failoverHandler.zkCheckFailover(null); if (failover) {"DAFS failover has happened"); nameNodeDown(); } else { LOG.debug("DAFS failover has not happened"); } standbyFSCheckRequestCount.set(0); lastStandbyFSCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } finally { // release write lock failoverHandler.writeUnLock(); } // now check for failover failoverHandler.readLock(); } else if (standbyFS == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastStandbyFSInit + standbyFSInitInterval)) { // try to initialize standbyFS // release read lock, grab write lock failoverHandler.readUnlock(); failoverHandler.writeLock(); try { initStandbyFS(); } finally { failoverHandler.writeUnLock(); } failoverHandler.readLockSimple(); } standbyFSCheckRequestCount.incrementAndGet(); if (standbyFS == null) { // if there is still no standbyFS, use the primary"DAFS Standby avatar not available, using primary."); primaryCalled = true; failoverHandler.readUnlock(); return callPrimary(); } return call(standbyFS); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { throw fe; } catch (IOException ie) { if (primaryCalled) { throw ie; } else { LOG.error("DAFS Request to standby avatar failed, trying primary.\n" + "Standby exception:\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); primaryCalled = true; failoverHandler.readUnlock(); return callPrimary(); } } finally { if (!primaryCalled) { failoverHandler.readUnlock(); } } } T callFS(boolean useStandby) throws IOException { if (!useStandby) { LOG.debug("DAFS using primary"); return callPrimary(); } else { LOG.debug("DAFS using standby"); return callStandby(); } } } /** * Return the stat information about a file. * @param f path * @param useStandby flag indicating whether to read from standby avatar * @throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist. */ public FileStatus getFileStatus(final Path f, final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<FileStatus>() { @Override FileStatus call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.getFileStatus(f); } }.callFS(useStandby); } /** * List files in a directory. * @param f path * @param useStandby flag indicating whether to read from standby avatar * @throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist. */ public FileStatus[] listStatus(final Path f, final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<FileStatus[]>() { @Override FileStatus[] call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.listStatus(f); } }.callFS(useStandby); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public ContentSummary getContentSummary(final Path f, final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<ContentSummary>() { @Override ContentSummary call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.getContentSummary(f); } }.callFS(useStandby); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This will only work if the standby avatar is * set up to populate its underreplicated * block queues while still in safe mode. */ public RemoteIterator<Path> listCorruptFileBlocks(final Path path, final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<RemoteIterator<Path>>() { @Override RemoteIterator<Path> call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.listCorruptFileBlocks(path); } }.callFS(useStandby); } /** * Return statistics for each datanode. * @return array of data node reports * @throw IOException */ public DatanodeInfo[] getDataNodeStats(final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<DatanodeInfo[]>() { @Override DatanodeInfo[] call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.getDataNodeStats(); } }.callFS(useStandby); } /** * Return statistics for datanodes that are alive. * @return array of data node reports * @throw IOException */ public DatanodeInfo[] getLiveDataNodeStats(final boolean useStandby) throws IOException { return new StandbyCaller<DatanodeInfo[]>() { @Override DatanodeInfo[] call(DistributedFileSystem fs) throws IOException { return fs.getLiveDataNodeStats(); } }.callFS(useStandby); } }