package; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobInProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileRecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; public class DistRaid { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DistRaid.class); static final String NAME = "distRaid"; static final String JOB_DIR_LABEL = NAME + ".job.dir"; static final String OP_LIST_LABEL = NAME + ".op.list"; static final String OP_COUNT_LABEL = NAME + ".op.count"; static final String SCHEDULER_OPTION_LABEL = NAME + ".scheduleroption"; static final String IGNORE_FAILURES_OPTION_LABEL = NAME + ".ignore.failures"; static final int OP_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024; // block size of control file static final short OP_LIST_REPLICATION = 10; // replication factor of control file private static final long DEFAULT_OP_PER_MAP = 50; public static final String OP_PER_MAP_KEY = ""; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE = 20; public static final String MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE_KEY = ""; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FAILURE_RETRY = 3; public static final String MAX_FAILURE_RETRY_KEY = ""; public static final String SLEEP_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRY_KEY = ""; public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRY = 1000L; private static long opPerMap = DEFAULT_OP_PER_MAP; private static int maxMapsPerNode = DEFAULT_MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE; private static final int SYNC_FILE_MAX = 10; private static final SimpleDateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); private static String jobName = NAME; public static enum Counter { FILES_SUCCEEDED, FILES_FAILED, PROCESSED_BLOCKS, PROCESSED_SIZE, META_BLOCKS, META_SIZE, SAVING_SIZE } protected JobConf jobconf; /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setConf(Configuration conf) { if (jobconf != conf) { jobconf = conf instanceof JobConf ? (JobConf) conf : new JobConf(conf); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public JobConf getConf() { return jobconf; } public DistRaid(Configuration conf) { setConf(createJobConf(conf)); opPerMap = conf.getLong(OP_PER_MAP_KEY, DEFAULT_OP_PER_MAP); maxMapsPerNode = conf.getInt(MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE_KEY, DEFAULT_MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE); } private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); protected static String getRandomId() { return Integer.toString(RANDOM.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), 36); } /* * This class denotes the unit of encoding for a mapper task * The key in the map function is formated as: * "startStripeId encodingId encodingUnit path" * Given a file path /user/dhruba/1 with 13 blocks * Suppose codec's stripe length is 3 and encoding unit is 2 * RaidNode.splitPaths will split the raiding task into 3 tasks * "0 1 2 /user/dhruba/1": will raid the stripe 0 and 1 (blocks 0-5) * "2 2 2 /user/dhruba/1": will raid the stripe 2 and 3 (blocks 6-11) * "4 3 2 /user/dhruba/1": will raid the stripe 4 (blocks 12-13) * encodingId is unique for each task and it's used to construct a temporary * directory to store the partial parity file * modificationTime is the modification time of candidate when job is submitted * it's used for checking if candidate changes after the job submit. */ public static class EncodingCandidate { public final static int DEFAULT_GET_SRC_STAT_RETRY = 5; public FileStatus srcStat; public long startStripe = 0; public long encodingUnit = 0; public String encodingId = null; final static public String delim = " "; public long modificationTime = 0L; public boolean isEncoded = false; public boolean isRenamed = false; public boolean isConcated = false; public List<List<Block>> srcStripes = null; EncodingCandidate(FileStatus newStat, long newStartStripe, String newEncodingId, long newEncodingUnit, long newModificationTime) { this.srcStat = newStat; this.startStripe = newStartStripe; this.encodingId = newEncodingId; this.encodingUnit = newEncodingUnit; this.modificationTime = newModificationTime; } public String toString() { return startStripe + delim + encodingId + delim + encodingUnit + delim + modificationTime + delim + this.srcStat.getPath().toString(); } public static EncodingCandidate getEncodingCandidate(String key, Configuration jobconf) throws IOException { String[] keys = key.split(delim, 5); Path p = new Path(keys[4]); long startStripe = Long.parseLong(keys[0]); long modificationTime = Long.parseLong(keys[3]); FileStatus srcStat = getSrcStatus(jobconf, p); long encodingUnit = Long.parseLong(keys[2]); return new EncodingCandidate(srcStat, startStripe, keys[1], encodingUnit, modificationTime); } public static FileStatus getSrcStatus(Configuration jobconf, Path p) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_GET_SRC_STAT_RETRY; i++) { try { return p.getFileSystem(jobconf).getFileStatus(p); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Get exception ", ioe); if (i == DEFAULT_GET_SRC_STAT_RETRY - 1) { throw ioe; } try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } throw new IOException("couldn't getFileStatus " + p); } public void refreshFile(Configuration jobconf) throws IOException { srcStat = getSrcStatus(jobconf, srcStat.getPath()); } } /** * * helper class which holds the policy and paths * */ public static class RaidPolicyPathPair { public PolicyInfo policy; public List<EncodingCandidate> srcPaths; RaidPolicyPathPair(PolicyInfo policy, List<EncodingCandidate> srcPaths) { this.policy = policy; this.srcPaths = srcPaths; } } List<RaidPolicyPathPair> raidPolicyPathPairList = new ArrayList<RaidPolicyPathPair>(); private JobClient jobClient; private RunningJob runningJob; private int jobEventCounter = 0; private String lastReport = null; private long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long totalSaving; /** Responsible for generating splits of the src file list. */ static class DistRaidInputFormat implements InputFormat<Text, PolicyInfo> { /** Do nothing. */ public void validateInput(JobConf job) { } /** * Produce splits such that each is no greater than the quotient of the * total size and the number of splits requested. * * @param job * The handle to the JobConf object * @param numSplits * Number of splits requested */ public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits) throws IOException { final int srcCount = job.getInt(OP_COUNT_LABEL, -1); final int targetcount = srcCount / numSplits; String srclist = job.get(OP_LIST_LABEL, ""); if (srcCount < 0 || "".equals(srclist)) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid metadata: #files(" + srcCount + ") listuri(" + srclist + ")"); } Path srcs = new Path(srclist); FileSystem fs = srcs.getFileSystem(job); List<FileSplit> splits = new ArrayList<FileSplit>(numSplits); Text key = new Text(); PolicyInfo value = new PolicyInfo(); SequenceFile.Reader in = null; long prev = 0L; int count = 0; // count src try { for (in = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, srcs, job);, value);) { long curr = in.getPosition(); long delta = curr - prev; if (++count > targetcount) { count = 0; splits.add(new FileSplit(srcs, prev, delta, (String[]) null)); prev = curr; } } } finally { in.close(); } long remaining = fs.getFileStatus(srcs).getLen() - prev; if (remaining != 0) { splits.add(new FileSplit(srcs, prev, remaining, (String[]) null)); }"jobname= " + jobName + " numSplits=" + numSplits + ", splits.size()=" + splits.size()); return splits.toArray(new FileSplit[splits.size()]); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public RecordReader<Text, PolicyInfo> getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { return new SequenceFileRecordReader<Text, PolicyInfo>(job, (FileSplit) split); } } /** The mapper for raiding files. */ static class DistRaidMapper implements Mapper<Text, PolicyInfo, WritableComparable, Text> { private JobConf jobconf; private boolean ignoreFailures; private int retryNum; private int failcount = 0; private int succeedcount = 0; private Statistics st = null; private Reporter reporter = null; private String getCountString() { return "Succeeded: " + succeedcount + " Failed: " + failcount; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void configure(JobConf job) { this.jobconf = job; ignoreFailures = jobconf.getBoolean(IGNORE_FAILURES_OPTION_LABEL, true); retryNum = jobconf.getInt(DistRaid.MAX_FAILURE_RETRY_KEY, DistRaid.DEFAULT_MAX_FAILURE_RETRY); st = new Statistics(); } public static boolean doRaid(int retryNum, String key, Configuration jobconf, PolicyInfo policy, Statistics st, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String s = "FAIL: " + policy + ", " + key + " "; long sleepTimeBetwRetry = jobconf.getLong(SLEEP_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRY_KEY, DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRY); EncodingCandidate ec = EncodingCandidate.getEncodingCandidate(key, jobconf); for (int i = 0; i < retryNum; i++) {"The " + i + "th attempt: " + s); if (ec.srcStat == null) {"Raiding Candidate doesn't exist, NO_ACTION"); return false; } if (ec.modificationTime != ec.srcStat.getModificationTime()) {"Raiding Candidate was changed, NO_ACTION"); return false; } try { return RaidNode.doRaid(jobconf, policy, ec, st, reporter); } catch (IOException e) {, e); if (i == retryNum - 1) { throw new IOException(s, e); } ec.refreshFile(jobconf); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTimeBetwRetry); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new IOException(ie); } } } throw new IOException(s); } /** Run a FileOperation */ public void map(Text key, PolicyInfo policy, OutputCollector<WritableComparable, Text> out, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { this.reporter = reporter; try { Codec.initializeCodecs(jobconf);"Raiding file=" + key.toString() + " policy=" + policy); boolean result = doRaid(retryNum, key.toString(), jobconf, policy, st, reporter); if (result) { ++succeedcount; reporter.incrCounter(Counter.PROCESSED_BLOCKS, st.numProcessedBlocks); reporter.incrCounter(Counter.PROCESSED_SIZE, st.processedSize); reporter.incrCounter(Counter.META_BLOCKS, st.numMetaBlocks); reporter.incrCounter(Counter.META_SIZE, st.metaSize); reporter.incrCounter(Counter.SAVING_SIZE, st.processedSize - st.remainingSize - st.metaSize); reporter.incrCounter(Counter.FILES_SUCCEEDED, 1); } } catch (IOException e) { ++failcount; reporter.incrCounter(Counter.FILES_FAILED, 1); out.collect(null, new Text(e.getMessage())); } finally { reporter.setStatus(getCountString()); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws IOException { if (failcount == 0 || ignoreFailures) { return; } throw new IOException(getCountString()); } } /** * create new job conf based on configuration passed. * * @param conf * @return */ private static JobConf createJobConf(Configuration conf) { JobConf jobconf = new JobConf(conf, DistRaid.class); jobName = NAME + " " + dateForm.format(new Date(; jobconf.setUser(RaidNode.JOBUSER); jobconf.setJobName(jobName); jobconf.setMapSpeculativeExecution(false); RaidUtils.parseAndSetOptions(jobconf, SCHEDULER_OPTION_LABEL); jobconf.setJarByClass(DistRaid.class); jobconf.setInputFormat(DistRaidInputFormat.class); jobconf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); jobconf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); jobconf.setMapperClass(DistRaidMapper.class); jobconf.setNumReduceTasks(0); return jobconf; } /** Add paths to be raided */ public void addRaidPaths(PolicyInfo info, List<EncodingCandidate> paths) { raidPolicyPathPairList.add(new RaidPolicyPathPair(info, paths)); } /** Calculate how many maps to run. */ private static int getMapCount(int srcCount) { int numMaps = (int) (srcCount / opPerMap); return Math.max(numMaps, maxMapsPerNode); } /** Invokes a map-reduce job do parallel raiding. * @return true if the job was started, false otherwise */ public boolean startDistRaid() throws IOException { assert(raidPolicyPathPairList.size() > 0); if (setup()) { this.jobClient = new JobClient(jobconf); this.runningJob = this.jobClient.submitJob(jobconf);"Job Started: " + runningJob.getID()); this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } return false; } /** * Get the URL of the current running job * @return the tracking URL */ public String getJobTrackingURL() { if (runningJob == null) return null; return runningJob.getTrackingURL(); } /** Checks if the map-reduce job has completed. * * @return true if the job completed, false otherwise. * @throws IOException */ public boolean checkComplete() throws IOException { JobID jobID = runningJob.getID(); if (runningJob.isComplete()) { // delete job directory final String jobdir = jobconf.get(JOB_DIR_LABEL); if (jobdir != null) { final Path jobpath = new Path(jobdir); jobpath.getFileSystem(jobconf).delete(jobpath, true); } if (runningJob.isSuccessful()) {"Job Complete(Succeeded): " + jobID); } else {"Job Complete(Failed): " + jobID); } raidPolicyPathPairList.clear(); Counters ctrs = runningJob.getCounters(); if (ctrs != null) { RaidNodeMetrics metrics = RaidNodeMetrics.getInstance(RaidNodeMetrics.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_ID); if (ctrs.findCounter(Counter.FILES_FAILED) != null) { long filesFailed = ctrs.findCounter(Counter.FILES_FAILED).getValue();; } long slotSeconds = ctrs.findCounter( JobInProgress.Counter.SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS).getValue() / 1000;; } return true; } else { String report = (" job " + jobID + " map " + StringUtils.formatPercent(runningJob.mapProgress(), 0)+ " reduce " + StringUtils.formatPercent(runningJob.reduceProgress(), 0)); if (!report.equals(lastReport)) {; lastReport = report; } TaskCompletionEvent[] events = runningJob.getTaskCompletionEvents(jobEventCounter); jobEventCounter += events.length; for(TaskCompletionEvent event : events) { if (event.getTaskStatus() == TaskCompletionEvent.Status.FAILED) {" Job " + jobID + " " + event.toString()); } } return false; } } public void killJob() throws IOException { runningJob.killJob(); } public void cleanUp() { for (Codec codec: Codec.getCodecs()) { Path tmpdir = new Path(codec.tmpParityDirectory, this.getJobID()); try { FileSystem fs = tmpdir.getFileSystem(jobconf); if (fs.exists(tmpdir)) { fs.delete(tmpdir, true); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Fail to delete " + tmpdir, ioe); } } } public boolean successful() throws IOException { return runningJob.isSuccessful(); } private void estimateSavings() { for (RaidPolicyPathPair p : raidPolicyPathPairList) { Codec codec = Codec.getCodec(p.policy.getCodecId()); int stripeSize = codec.stripeLength; int paritySize = codec.parityLength; int targetRepl = Integer.parseInt(p.policy.getProperty("targetReplication")); int parityRepl = Integer.parseInt(p.policy.getProperty("metaReplication")); for (EncodingCandidate st : p.srcPaths) { long saving = RaidNode.savingFromRaidingFile( st, stripeSize, paritySize, targetRepl, parityRepl); totalSaving += saving; } } } /** * set up input file which has the list of input files. * * @return boolean * @throws IOException */ private boolean setup() throws IOException { estimateSavings(); final String randomId = getRandomId(); JobClient jClient = new JobClient(jobconf); Path jobdir = new Path(jClient.getSystemDir(), NAME + "_" + randomId); + "=" + jobdir); jobconf.set(JOB_DIR_LABEL, jobdir.toString()); Path log = new Path(jobdir, "_logs"); // The control file should have small size blocks. This helps // in spreading out the load from mappers that will be spawned. jobconf.setInt("dfs.blocks.size", OP_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobconf, log);"log=" + log); // create operation list FileSystem fs = jobdir.getFileSystem(jobconf); Path opList = new Path(jobdir, "_" + OP_LIST_LABEL); jobconf.set(OP_LIST_LABEL, opList.toString()); int opCount = 0, synCount = 0; SequenceFile.Writer opWriter = null; try { opWriter = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, jobconf, opList, Text.class, PolicyInfo.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); for (RaidPolicyPathPair p : raidPolicyPathPairList) { // If a large set of files are Raided for the first time, files // in the same directory that tend to have the same size will end up // with the same map. This shuffle mixes things up, allowing a better // mix of files. java.util.Collections.shuffle(p.srcPaths); for (EncodingCandidate ec : p.srcPaths) { opWriter.append(new Text(ec.toString()), p.policy); opCount++; if (++synCount > SYNC_FILE_MAX) { opWriter.sync(); synCount = 0; } } } } finally { if (opWriter != null) { opWriter.close(); } fs.setReplication(opList, OP_LIST_REPLICATION); // increase replication for control file } raidPolicyPathPairList.clear(); jobconf.setInt(OP_COUNT_LABEL, opCount);"Number of files=" + opCount); jobconf.setNumMapTasks(getMapCount(opCount));"jobName= " + jobName + " numMapTasks=" + jobconf.getNumMapTasks()); return opCount != 0; } public long getStartTime() { return this.startTime; } public String toHtmlRow() { return runningJob.getID().toString(), runningJob.getTrackingURL())) + +; } public static String htmlRowHeader() { return"Job ID") +"Name") +"Estimated Saving")); } public Counters getCounters() throws IOException{ return this.runningJob.getCounters(); } public String getJobID() { return this.runningJob.getID().toString(); } }