package; public class Vector extends PointF { public Vector() { } public Vector(float x, float y) { super(x, y); } public Vector(Vector v) { super(v); } /** @return a copy of this vector */ public Vector cpy () { return new Vector(this); } /** @return The euclidian length */ public float len () { return (float)Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } /** @return The squared euclidian length */ public float len2 () { return x * x + y * y; } /** Sets this vector from the given vector * @param v The vector * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector set (Vector v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; return this; } /** Subtracts the given vector from this vector. * @param v The vector * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector sub (Vector v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; return this; } /** Normalizes this vector. Does nothing if it is zero. * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector nor () { float len = len(); if (len != 0) { x /= len; y /= len; } return this; } /** Adds the given vector to this vector * @param v The vector * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector add (Vector v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; return this; } /** Adds the given components to this vector * @param x The x-component * @param y The y-component * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector add (float x, float y) { this.x += x; this.y += y; return this; } /** @param v The other vector * @return The dot product between this and the other vector */ public float dot (Vector v) { return x * v.x + y * v.y; } /** Multiplies this vector by a scalar * @param scalar The scalar * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector scl (float scalar) { x *= scalar; y *= scalar; return this; } /** @deprecated Use {@link #scl(float)} instead. */ public Vector mul (float scalar) { return scl(scalar); } /** Multiplies this vector by a scalar * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector scl (float x, float y) { this.x *= x; this.y *= y; return this; } /** @deprecated Use {@link #scl(float, float)} instead. */ public Vector mul (float x, float y) { return scl(x, y); } /** Multiplies this vector by a vector * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector scl (Vector v) { this.x *= v.x; this.y *= v.y; return this; } /** @deprecated Use {@link #scl(Vector)} instead. */ public Vector mul (Vector v) { return scl(v); } public Vector div (float value) { return this.scl(1 / value); } public Vector div (float vx, float vy) { return this.scl(1 / vx, 1 / vy); } public Vector div (Vector other) { return this.scl(1 / other.x, 1 / other.y); } /** @param v The other vector * @return the distance between this and the other vector */ public float dst (Vector v) { final float x_d = v.x - x; final float y_d = v.y - y; return (float)Math.sqrt(x_d * x_d + y_d * y_d); } /** @param x The x-component of the other vector * @param y The y-component of the other vector * @return the distance between this and the other vector */ public float dst (float x, float y) { final float x_d = x - this.x; final float y_d = y - this.y; return (float)Math.sqrt(x_d * x_d + y_d * y_d); } /** @param v The other vector * @return the squared distance between this and the other vector */ public float dst2 (Vector v) { final float x_d = v.x - x; final float y_d = v.y - y; return x_d * x_d + y_d * y_d; } /** @param x The x-component of the other vector * @param y The y-component of the other vector * @return the squared distance between this and the other vector */ public float dst2 (float x, float y) { final float x_d = x - this.x; final float y_d = y - this.y; return x_d * x_d + y_d * y_d; } /** Limits this vector's length to given value * @param limit Max length * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector limit (float limit) { if (len2() > limit * limit) { nor(); scl(limit); } return this; } /** Clamps this vector's length to given value * @param min Min length * @param max Max length * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector clamp (float min, float max) { final float l2 = len2(); if (l2 == 0f) return this; if (l2 > max * max) return nor().scl(max); if (l2 < min * min) return nor().scl(min); return this; } public String toString () { return "[" + x + ":" + y + "]"; } /** Substracts the other vector from this vector. * @param x The x-component of the other vector * @param y The y-component of the other vector * @return This vector for chaining */ public Vector sub (float x, float y) { this.x -= x; this.y -= y; return this; } /** Calculates the 2D cross product between this and the given vector. * @param v the other vector * @return the cross product */ public float crs (Vector v) { return this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x; } /** Calculates the 2D cross product between this and the given vector. * @param x the x-coordinate of the other vector * @param y the y-coordinate of the other vector * @return the cross product */ public float crs (float x, float y) { return this.x * y - this.y * x; } /** @return the angle in degrees of this vector (point) relative to the x-axis. Angles are towards the positive y-axis (typically * counter-clockwise) and between 0 and 360. */ public float angle () { float angle = (float) (Math.atan2(y, x) * (180f / Math.PI)); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; return angle; } /** Sets the angle of the vector in degrees relative to the x-axis, towards the positive y-axis (typically counter-clockwise). * @param degrees The angle to set. */ public Vector setAngle (float degrees) { this.set(len(), 0f); this.rotate(degrees); return this; } /** Rotates the Vector by the given angle, counter-clockwise assuming the y-axis points up. * @param degrees the angle in degrees */ public Vector rotate (float degrees) { float rad = (float) (degrees * (Math.PI / 180)); float cos = (float)Math.cos(rad); float sin = (float)Math.sin(rad); float newX = this.x * cos - this.y * sin; float newY = this.x * sin + this.y * cos; this.x = newX; this.y = newY; return this; } /** Rotates the Vector by 90 degrees in the specified direction, where >= 0 is counter-clockwise and < 0 is clockwise. */ public Vector rotateCCW () { float x = this.x; this.x = this.y; this.y = -x; return this; } /** Rotates the Vector by 90 degrees in the specified direction, where >= 0 is counter-clockwise and < 0 is clockwise. */ public Vector rotateCW () { float x = this.x; this.x = -this.y; this.y = x; return this; } /** Linearly interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1]. The result is stored * in this vector. * * @param target The target vector * @param alpha The interpolation coefficient * @return This vector for chaining. */ public Vector lerp (Vector target, float alpha) { final float invAlpha = 1.0f - alpha; this.x = (x * invAlpha) + (target.x * alpha); this.y = (y * invAlpha) + (target.y * alpha); return this; } /** Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing. * @param obj * @param epsilon * @return whether the vectors are the same. */ public boolean epsilonEquals (Vector obj, float epsilon) { if (obj == null) return false; if (Math.abs(obj.x - x) > epsilon) return false; if (Math.abs(obj.y - y) > epsilon) return false; return true; } /** Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing. * @param x * @param y * @param epsilon * @return whether the vectors are the same. */ public boolean epsilonEquals (float x, float y, float epsilon) { if (Math.abs(x - this.x) > epsilon) return false; if (Math.abs(y - this.y) > epsilon) return false; return true; } }