/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2007 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root * application directory. */ package org.vfny.geoserver.wms.responses.map.kml; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; import org.geotools.gml.producer.CoordinateWriter; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence; /** * Essentially the same as the GML CoordinateWriter, but avoids adding * attributes to coodinates tag and other stuff the KML code does not * invoke. * * See * * @author Arne Kepp - OpenGeo * @deprecated This class is a copy of CoordinateWriter in geotools, we should * reuse that version and create any options we might need to customize. */ public class KMLCoordinateWriter extends CoordinateWriter { private AttributesImpl atts; private static final double DECIMAL_MIN = Math.pow(10, -3); private static final double DECIMAL_MAX = Math.pow(10, 7); private static final String coordinateDelimiter = ","; private static final String tupleDelimiter = " "; private final StringBuffer coordBuff = new StringBuffer(); private char[] buff = new char[200]; private final double scale; private final NumberFormat coordFormatter = NumberFormat .getInstance(Locale.US); private final FieldPosition zero = new FieldPosition(0); /** Dummy Z value (used to override coordinate.Z value) */ // private final double dummyZ; /** Dimension of expected coordinates */ private final int D; public KMLCoordinateWriter(int numDecimals, boolean isDummyZEnabled) { super(numDecimals, isDummyZEnabled); atts = new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl(); scale = Math.pow(10, numDecimals); D = 3; // dummyZ = 0; } public void writeCoordinates(CoordinateSequence c, ContentHandler output) throws SAXException { output.startElement("", "coordinates", "coordinates", atts); final int coordCount = c.size(); // used to check whether the coordseq handles a third dimension or not final int coordSeqDimension = c.getDimension(); double x, y, z; // write down a coordinate at a time for (int i = 0, n = coordCount; i < n; i++) { x = c.getOrdinate(i, 0); y = c.getOrdinate(i, 1); // clear the buffer coordBuff.setLength(0); // format x into buffer and append delimiter formatDecimal(x, coordBuff); coordBuff.append(coordinateDelimiter); // format y into buffer formatDecimal(y, coordBuff); if (coordSeqDimension > 2 && !Double.isNaN(c.getOrdinate(i, 2))){ coordBuff.append(coordinateDelimiter); formatDecimal(c.getOrdinate(i, 2), coordBuff); } // if there is another coordinate, tack on a tuple delimiter if (i + 1 < coordCount) { coordBuff.append(tupleDelimiter); } // make sure our character buffer is big enough if (coordBuff.length() > buff.length) { buff = new char[coordBuff.length()]; } // copy the characters coordBuff.getChars(0, coordBuff.length(), buff, 0); // finally, output output.characters(buff, 0, coordBuff.length()); } output.endElement(null, "coordinates", "coordinates"); } private void formatDecimal(double x, StringBuffer sb) { if (Math.abs(x) >= DECIMAL_MIN && x < DECIMAL_MAX) { x = Math.floor(x * scale + 0.5) / scale; long lx = (long) x; if (lx == x) sb.append(lx); else sb.append(x); } else { coordFormatter.format(x, coordBuff, zero); } } }