/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.wfs; import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog; import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerInfo; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class NumDecimalsTest extends WFSTestSupport { public void testDefaults() throws Exception { Document dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&featureid=PrimitiveGeoFeature.f008&version=1.0.0"); runAssertions(dom,3); } public void testGlobal() throws Exception { GeoServerInfo global = getGeoServer().getGlobal(); global.setNumDecimals(1); getGeoServer().save(global); Document dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&featureid=PrimitiveGeoFeature.f008&version=1.0.0"); runAssertions(dom,1); } public void testPerFeatureType() throws Exception { Catalog cat = getCatalog(); FeatureTypeInfo ft = cat.getFeatureTypeByName("sf", "PrimitiveGeoFeature"); ft.setNumDecimals(1); cat.save(ft); Document dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&featureid=PrimitiveGeoFeature.f008&version=1.0.0"); runAssertions(dom,1); } public void testMultipleFeatureTypes() throws Exception { Catalog cat = getCatalog(); FeatureTypeInfo ft1 = cat.getFeatureTypeByName("sf", "PrimitiveGeoFeature"); FeatureTypeInfo ft2 = cat.getFeatureTypeByName("sf", "AggregateGeoFeature"); ft1.setNumDecimals(3); cat.save(ft1); ft2.setNumDecimals(1); cat.save(ft2); Document dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&featureid=PrimitiveGeoFeature.f008,AggregateGeoFeature.f009&version=1.0.0"); runAssertions(dom, 3); } void runAssertions(Document dom, int numdecimals) throws Exception { NodeList nl = dom.getElementsByTagName("gml:coordinates"); for (int x = 0; x < nl.getLength(); x++) { Element e = (Element) nl.item(x); String[] tuples = e.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++) { String[] coord = tuples[i].split(","); for (int j = 0; j < coord.length; j++) { int dot = coord[j].indexOf('.'); assertEquals( numdecimals, coord[j].substring(dot+1).length()); } } } } }