/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.catalog.hibernate; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.net.URI; import java.rmi.server.UID; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.collections.MultiHashMap; import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils; import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog; import org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogVisitor; import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageDimensionInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageStoreInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.DataStoreInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerGroupInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.MapInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.MetadataMap; import org.geoserver.catalog.NamespaceInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.ResourceInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.ResourcePool; import org.geoserver.catalog.StoreInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.StyleInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.WorkspaceInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogAddEvent; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogEvent; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogListener; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogModifyEvent; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogPostModifyEvent; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.CatalogRemoveEvent; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.impl.CatalogAddEventImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.impl.CatalogModifyEventImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.impl.CatalogPostModifyEventImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.event.impl.CatalogRemoveEventImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.CoverageDimensionImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.CoverageInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.FeatureTypeInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.LayerGroupInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.ModificationProxy; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.NamespaceInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.ResolvingProxy; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.ResourceInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.StoreInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.StyleInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.WorkspaceInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.hibernate.dao.CatalogDAO; import org.geoserver.ows.util.ClassProperties; import org.geoserver.ows.util.OwsUtils; import org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerResourceLoader; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import org.vfny.geoserver.global.GeoserverDataDirectory; /** * A {@link Catalog} implementation based on Hibernate * * @author ETj */ public class HibCatalogImpl implements Catalog, Serializable, ApplicationContextAware { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(HibCatalogImpl.class); /** * */ private CatalogDAO catalogDAO; /** * Flag indicating whether events are fired on commit or as they happen */ private boolean fireEventsOnCommit = false; /** * listeners */ private List<CatalogListener> listeners = new ArrayList<CatalogListener>(); /** * events * * TODO: ETJ rework this: what do we need the key for in this map? */ private Map<HibCatalogImpl, CatalogEvent> events = Collections.synchronizedMap(new MultiHashMap()); /** * resources */ private ResourcePool resourcePool; // really needed?? private GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader; private HibCatalogImpl() { super(); resourcePool = new ResourcePool(this); listeners.add(new HibCatalogUpdater()); } public String getId() { return "catalog"; } public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { GeoserverDataDirectory.init((WebApplicationContext) applicationContext); } /** * @see Catalog#getFactory() * @see HibernateCatalogFactory */ public HibCatalogFactoryImpl getFactory() { return new HibCatalogFactoryImpl(this); } /** * Sets whether to fire events on commits, intended to be used by unit tests only? */ void setFireEventsOnCommit(boolean fireEventsOnCommit) { this.fireEventsOnCommit = fireEventsOnCommit; } boolean isFireEventsOnCommit() { return fireEventsOnCommit; } // Store methods public void add(StoreInfo store) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) LOGGER.info("Adding store " + store.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + store.getName()); if (store.getWorkspace() == null) { store.setWorkspace(catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace()); } validate(store, true); resolve(store); StoreInfo unwrapped = ModificationProxy.unwrap(store); unwrapped.setWorkspace(ModificationProxy.unwrap(unwrapped.getWorkspace())); catalogDAO.save(unwrapped); ((StoreInfoImpl) store).setId(store.getId()); // make the ModificationProxy aware of the id if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) LOGGER.info("Added store " + store.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[id: " + store.getId() + " name:" + store.getName() + "]"); added(store); } void validate(StoreInfo store, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(store.getName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Store name must not be null"); } if (store.getWorkspace() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Store must be part of a workspace"); } WorkspaceInfo workspace = store.getWorkspace(); StoreInfo existing = getStoreByName(workspace, store.getName(), StoreInfo.class); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(store.getId())) { String msg = "Store '" + store.getName() + "' already exists in workspace '" + workspace.getName() + "'"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } public void remove(StoreInfo store) { if (!getResourcesByStore(store, ResourceInfo.class).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to delete non-empty store."); } store = unwrap(store); catalogDAO.delete(store); removed(store); } public void save(StoreInfo store) { validate(store, false); if (store.getId() == null) { // add it instead of saving add(store); return; } saved(store); } private Class<? extends StoreInfo> mapStoreClass(StoreInfo store) { if (store instanceof DataStoreInfo) return DataStoreInfo.class; else if (store instanceof CoverageStoreInfo) return CoverageStoreInfo.class; else return StoreInfo.class; // should not happen } private Class<? extends ResourceInfo> mapResourceClass(ResourceInfo resource) { if (resource instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) return FeatureTypeInfo.class; else if (resource instanceof CoverageInfo) return CoverageInfo.class; else return ResourceInfo.class; // should not happen } protected <T> T createProxy(T obj, Class<T> clazz) { return obj; } protected <T> List<T> createProxyList(List<T> list, Class<T> clazz) { return list; } public <T extends StoreInfo> T getStore(String id, Class<T> clazz) { StoreInfo store = catalogDAO.getStore(id, clazz); if (store == null) { return null; } else { resolve(store); return createProxy((T) store, (Class<T>) mapStoreClass(store)); } } public <T extends StoreInfo> T getStoreByName(String name, Class<T> clazz) { T freestore = getStoreByName((WorkspaceInfo) null, name, clazz); if (freestore != null) { return freestore; } // look for secondary match List matches = catalogDAO.getStoresByName(name, clazz); if (matches.size() == 1) { StoreInfo store = (StoreInfo) matches.get(0); resolve(store); return createProxy((T) store, (Class<T>) mapStoreClass(store)); } return null; } public <T extends StoreInfo> T getStoreByName(WorkspaceInfo workspace, String name, Class<T> clazz) { if (workspace == null) { workspace = catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace(); } else { workspace = ModificationProxy.unwrap(workspace); } StoreInfo store = catalogDAO.getStoreByName(workspace, name, clazz); if (store == null) { return null; } else { resolve(store); return createProxy((T) store, (Class<T>) mapStoreClass(store)); } } public <T extends StoreInfo> T getStoreByName(String workspaceName, String name, Class<T> clazz) { return getStoreByName(workspaceName != null ? getWorkspaceByName(workspaceName) : null, name, clazz); } public <T extends StoreInfo> List<T> getStoresByWorkspace(String workspaceName, Class<T> clazz) { WorkspaceInfo workspace = null; if (workspaceName != null) { workspace = getWorkspaceByName(workspaceName); if (workspace == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } return getStoresByWorkspace(workspace, clazz); } public <T extends StoreInfo> List<T> getStoresByWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo workspace, Class<T> clazz) { if (workspace == null) { workspace = catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace(); } else workspace = ModificationProxy.unwrap(workspace); List matches = catalogDAO.getStoresByWorkspace(workspace, clazz); for (StoreInfo store : (List<StoreInfo>) matches) { resolve(store); } Class proxyclass = matches.isEmpty() ? clazz : mapStoreClass((StoreInfo) matches.get(0)); return createProxyList(matches, proxyclass); } public List getStores(Class clazz) { List stores = catalogDAO.getStores(clazz); for (StoreInfo store : (List<StoreInfo>) stores) { resolve(store); } Class proxyclass = stores.isEmpty() ? clazz : mapStoreClass((StoreInfo) stores.get(0)); return createProxyList(stores, proxyclass); } public DataStoreInfo getDataStore(String id) { return (DataStoreInfo) getStore(id, DataStoreInfo.class); } public DataStoreInfo getDataStoreByName(String name) { return (DataStoreInfo) getStoreByName(name, DataStoreInfo.class); } public DataStoreInfo getDataStoreByName(String workspaceName, String name) { return (DataStoreInfo) getStoreByName(workspaceName, name, DataStoreInfo.class); } public DataStoreInfo getDataStoreByName(WorkspaceInfo workspace, String name) { return (DataStoreInfo) getStoreByName(workspace, name, DataStoreInfo.class); } public List<DataStoreInfo> getDataStoresByWorkspace(String workspaceName) { return getStoresByWorkspace(workspaceName, DataStoreInfo.class); } public List<DataStoreInfo> getDataStoresByWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { return getStoresByWorkspace(workspace, DataStoreInfo.class); } public List<DataStoreInfo> getDataStores() { return getStores(DataStoreInfo.class); } public CoverageStoreInfo getCoverageStore(String id) { return (CoverageStoreInfo) getStore(id, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public CoverageStoreInfo getCoverageStoreByName(String name) { return (CoverageStoreInfo) getStoreByName(name, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public CoverageStoreInfo getCoverageStoreByName(String workspaceName, String name) { return getStoreByName(workspaceName, name, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public CoverageStoreInfo getCoverageStoreByName(WorkspaceInfo workspace, String name) { return getStoreByName(workspace, name, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public List<CoverageStoreInfo> getCoverageStoresByWorkspace(String workspaceName) { return getStoresByWorkspace(workspaceName, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public List<CoverageStoreInfo> getCoverageStoresByWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { return getStoresByWorkspace(workspace, CoverageStoreInfo.class); } public List<CoverageStoreInfo> getCoverageStores() { return getStores(CoverageStoreInfo.class); } // Resource methods public void add(ResourceInfo resource) { if (resource.getNamespace() == null) { // default to default namespace resource.setNamespace(catalogDAO.getDefaultNamespace()); } validate(resource, true); resolve(resource); // resources.put(resource.getClass(), resource); ResourceInfo unwrappedResource = ModificationProxy.unwrap(resource); unwrappedResource.setNamespace(ModificationProxy.unwrap(unwrappedResource.getNamespace())); StoreInfo unwrappedStore = ModificationProxy.unwrap(resource.getStore()); unwrappedResource.setStore(unwrappedStore); unwrappedStore.setWorkspace(ModificationProxy.unwrap(unwrappedStore.getWorkspace())); fixNativeName(unwrappedResource); catalogDAO.save(unwrappedResource); added(resource); } void validate(ResourceInfo resource, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(resource.getName())) { throw new NullPointerException("Resource name must not be null"); } if (resource.getStore() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource must be part of a store"); } if (resource.getNamespace() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource must be part of a namespace"); } StoreInfo store = resource.getStore(); ResourceInfo existing = getResourceByStore(store, resource.getName(), ResourceInfo.class); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(resource.getId())) { String msg = "Resource named '" + resource.getName() + "' already exists in store: '" + store.getName() + "'"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } NamespaceInfo namespace = resource.getNamespace(); existing = getResourceByName(namespace, resource.getName(), ResourceInfo.class); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(resource.getId())) { String msg = "Resource named '" + resource.getName() + "' already exists in namespace: '" + namespace.getPrefix() + "'"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } public void remove(ResourceInfo resource) { // ensure no references to the resource if (!getLayers(resource).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to delete resource referenced by layer"); } resource = unwrap(resource); catalogDAO.delete(resource); removed(resource); } public void save(ResourceInfo resource) { validate(resource, false); saved(resource); } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResource(String id, Class<T> clazz) { ResourceInfo resource = catalogDAO.getResource(id, clazz); if (resource == null) return null; else { resolve(resource); return createProxy((T) resource, clazz); } } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResourceByName(String ns, String name, Class<T> clazz) { NamespaceInfo namespace = null; if ("".equals(ns)) { ns = null; } if (ns == null) { // if namespace was null, try the default namespace if (getDefaultNamespace() != null) { namespace = getDefaultNamespace(); } } else { namespace = getNamespaceByPrefix(ns); if (namespace == null) { namespace = getNamespaceByURI(ns); } } if (namespace != null) { ResourceInfo resource = catalogDAO.getResourceByName(namespace.getName(), name, clazz); if (resource != null) { resolve(resource); // return ModificationProxy.create( (T) resource, clazz ); return createProxy((T) resource, (Class<T>) mapResourceClass(resource)); } } // List l = lookup(clazz, resources); // if ( namespace != null ) { // for (Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // ResourceInfo resource = (ResourceInfo) i.next(); // if (name.equals(resource.getName())) { // NamespaceInfo namespace1 = resource.getNamespace(); // if (namespace1 != null && namespace1.equals( namespace )) { // return ModificationProxy.create( (T) resource, clazz ); // } // } // } // } if (ns == null) { // no namespace was specified, so do an exhaustive lookup List<ResourceInfo> matches = (List<ResourceInfo>) catalogDAO.getResourcesByName(name, clazz); // List matches = new ArrayList(); // for (Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // ResourceInfo resource = (ResourceInfo) i.next(); // if (name.equals(resource.getName())) { // matches.add( resource ); // } // } if (matches.size() == 1) { ResourceInfo ret = matches.get(0); resolve(ret); return createProxy((T) ret, (Class<T>) mapResourceClass(ret)); // return ModificationProxy.create( (T) matches.get( 0 ), clazz ); } } return null; } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResourceByName(NamespaceInfo ns, String name, Class<T> clazz) { return getResourceByName(ns != null ? ns.getPrefix() : null, name, clazz); } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResourceByName(Name name, Class<T> clazz) { return getResourceByName(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart(), clazz); } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResourceByName(String name, Class<T> clazz) { ResourceInfo resource; // check is the name is a fully qualified one int colon = name.indexOf(':'); if (colon != -1) { String ns = name.substring(0, colon); String localName = name.substring(colon + 1); return getResourceByName(ns, localName, clazz); } else { return getResourceByName((String) null, name, clazz); } } public List getResources(Class clazz) { // return ModificationProxy.createList( lookup(clazz,resources), clazz ); // return ModificationProxy.createList( catalogDAO.getResources(clazz), clazz ); List<ResourceInfo> list = catalogDAO.getResources(clazz); for (ResourceInfo resourceInfo : list) { resolve(resourceInfo); } return createProxyList(list, clazz); } public List getResourcesByNamespace(NamespaceInfo namespace, Class clazz) { // List all = lookup(clazz, resources); // List matches = new ArrayList(); if (namespace == null) { namespace = getDefaultNamespace(); } // for (Iterator r = all.iterator(); r.hasNext();) { // ResourceInfo resource = (ResourceInfo) r.next(); // if (namespace != null ) { // if (namespace.equals(resource.getNamespace())) { // matches.add( resource ); // } // } // else if ( resource.getNamespace() == null ) { // matches.add(resource); // } // } List<ResourceInfo> matches = catalogDAO.getResourcesByNamespace(namespace, clazz); for (ResourceInfo resource : matches) { resolve(resource); } Class proxyclass = matches.isEmpty() ? clazz : mapResourceClass((ResourceInfo) matches .get(0)); // return ModificationProxy.createList( matches, clazz ); return createProxyList(matches, proxyclass); } public <T extends ResourceInfo> List<T> getResourcesByNamespace(String namespace, Class<T> clazz) { if (namespace == null) { return getResourcesByNamespace((NamespaceInfo) null, clazz); } NamespaceInfo ns = getNamespaceByPrefix(namespace); if (ns == null) { ns = getNamespaceByURI(namespace); } if (ns == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return getResourcesByNamespace(ns, clazz); } public <T extends ResourceInfo> T getResourceByStore(StoreInfo store, String name, Class<T> clazz) { store = ModificationProxy.unwrap(store); ResourceInfo resource = catalogDAO.getResourceByStore(store, name, clazz); if (resource == null) return null; else { resolve(resource); return createProxy((T) resource, (Class<T>) mapResourceClass(resource)); } // List all = lookup(clazz,resources); // for (Iterator r = all.iterator(); r.hasNext(); ) { // ResourceInfo resource = (ResourceInfo) r.next(); // if ( name.equals( resource.getName() ) && store.equals( resource.getStore() ) ) { // return ModificationProxy.create((T)resource, clazz); // } // // } // // return null; } public <T extends ResourceInfo> List<T> getResourcesByStore(StoreInfo store, Class<T> clazz) { store = ModificationProxy.unwrap(store); // refine clazz type searching Class typedClazz = clazz; if (clazz.equals(ResourceInfo.class)) { if (store instanceof DataStoreInfo) { typedClazz = FeatureTypeInfo.class; } else if (store instanceof CoverageStoreInfo) { typedClazz = CoverageInfo.class; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown store type " + store.getClass().getName()); } List<T> resources = catalogDAO.getResourcesByStore(store, (Class<T>) typedClazz); for (ResourceInfo resource : resources) { resolve(resource); } Class proxyclazz = resources.isEmpty() ? typedClazz : mapResourceClass(resources.get(0)); // return ModificationProxy.createList( resources, proxyclazz ); return createProxyList(resources, proxyclazz); // List all = lookup(clazz,resources); // List matches = new ArrayList(); // // for (Iterator r = all.iterator(); r.hasNext();) { // ResourceInfo resource = (ResourceInfo) r.next(); // if (store.equals(resource.getStore())) { // matches.add(resource); // } // } // // return ModificationProxy.createList( matches, clazz ); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureType(String id) { return (FeatureTypeInfo) getResource(id, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByName(String ns, String name) { return (FeatureTypeInfo) getResourceByName(ns, name, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByName(NamespaceInfo ns, String name) { return getResourceByName(ns, name, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByName(Name name) { return getResourceByName(name, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByName(String name) { return (FeatureTypeInfo) getResourceByName(name, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public List<FeatureTypeInfo> getFeatureTypes() { return getResources(FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public List getFeatureTypesByNamespace(NamespaceInfo namespace) { return getResourcesByNamespace(namespace, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByStore(DataStoreInfo dataStore, String name) { return getFeatureTypeByDataStore(dataStore, name); } public FeatureTypeInfo getFeatureTypeByDataStore(DataStoreInfo dataStore, String name) { return getResourceByStore(dataStore, name, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public List<FeatureTypeInfo> getFeatureTypesByStore(DataStoreInfo store) { return getFeatureTypesByDataStore(store); } public List<FeatureTypeInfo> getFeatureTypesByDataStore(DataStoreInfo store) { return getResourcesByStore(store, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverage(String id) { return (CoverageInfo) getResource(id, CoverageInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverageByName(String ns, String name) { return (CoverageInfo) getResourceByName(ns, name, CoverageInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverageByName(NamespaceInfo ns, String name) { return (CoverageInfo) getResourceByName(ns, name, CoverageInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverageByName(Name name) { return getResourceByName(name, CoverageInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverageByName(String name) { return (CoverageInfo) getResourceByName(name, CoverageInfo.class); } public List<CoverageInfo> getCoverages() { return getResources(CoverageInfo.class); } public List getCoveragesByNamespace(NamespaceInfo namespace) { return getResourcesByNamespace(namespace, CoverageInfo.class); } public List<CoverageInfo> getCoveragesByStore(CoverageStoreInfo store) { return getResourcesByStore(store, CoverageInfo.class); } public CoverageInfo getCoverageByCoverageStore(CoverageStoreInfo coverageStore, String name) { return getResourceByStore(coverageStore, name, CoverageInfo.class); } public List<CoverageInfo> getCoveragesByCoverageStore(CoverageStoreInfo store) { return getResourcesByStore(store, CoverageInfo.class); } // Layer methods public void add(LayerInfo layer) { validate(layer, true); resolve(layer); if (layer.getType() == null) { if (layer.getResource() instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) { layer.setType(LayerInfo.Type.VECTOR); } else if (layer.getResource() instanceof CoverageInfo) { layer.setType(LayerInfo.Type.RASTER); } else { String msg = "Layer type not set and can't be derived from resource"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } // layers.add(layer); LayerInfo unwrapped = unwrap(layer); ResourceInfo resource = unwrapped.getResource(); if (resource != null) { resource = unwrap(resource); unwrapped.setResource(resource); } LOGGER.warning("SAVING LAYER id:" + unwrapped.getId() + " name:" + unwrapped.getName()); LOGGER.warning(" layer.resource " + unwrapped.getResource().getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + "id:" + unwrapped.getResource().getId() + " name:" + unwrapped.getResource().getName() + "]"); if (unwrapped.getDefaultStyle() != null) LOGGER.warning(" layer.style " + "[" + "id:" + unwrapped.getDefaultStyle().getId() + " name:" + unwrapped.getDefaultStyle().getName() + "]"); fixNativeName(resource); catalogDAO.save(unwrapped); added(layer); } /** * <B>FIXME This is a workaround to fill in nativeName in coverages.</B> Please investigate why * its value is not assigned. * * @deprecated this is a workaround */ private void fixNativeName(ResourceInfo resource) { if (resource != null && resource.getNativeName() == null) { if (resource instanceof CoverageInfo) { LOGGER.warning("FIXME Coverage is missing nativeName (" + "id:" + resource.getId() + " name:" + resource.getName() + ")"); String storeurl = ((CoverageInfo) resource).getStore().getURL(); String name = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(storeurl); resource.setNativeName(name); LOGGER.warning("FIXME setting coverage nativeName to " + name); } } } void validate(LayerInfo layer, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(layer.getName())) { throw new NullPointerException("Layer name must not be null"); } LayerInfo existing = getLayerByName(layer.getName()); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(layer.getId())) { // JD: since layers are not qualified by anything (yet), check // namespace of the resource, if they are different then allow the // layer to be added if (existing.getResource().getNamespace().equals(layer.getName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer named '" + layer.getName() + "' already exists."); } } if (layer.getResource() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Layer resource must not be null"); } // (JD): not sure if default style should be mandatory // if ( layer.getDefaultStyle() == null ){ // throw new NullPointerException( "Layer default style must not be null" ); // } } public void remove(LayerInfo layer) { // ensure no references to the layer for (LayerGroupInfo lg : catalogDAO.getLayerGroups()) { if (lg.getLayers().contains(layer)) { String msg = "Unable to delete layer referenced by layer group '" + lg.getName() + "'"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } // layers.remove(unwrap(layer)); catalogDAO.delete(layer); removed(layer); } public void save(LayerInfo layer) { validate(layer, false); saved(layer); } public LayerInfo getLayer(String id) { LayerInfo layer = catalogDAO.getLayer(id); if (layer == null) return null; else { resolve(layer); return createProxy(layer, LayerInfo.class); } } public LayerInfo getLayerByName(Name name) { if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { NamespaceInfo ns = getNamespaceByURI(name.getNamespaceURI()); if (ns != null) { return getLayerByName(ns.getPrefix() + ":" + name.getLocalPart()); } } return getLayerByName(name.getLocalPart()); } public LayerInfo getLayerByName(String name) { String prefix = null; String resource = null; LayerInfo layer; int colon = name.indexOf(':'); if (colon != -1) { // search by resource name prefix = name.substring(0, colon); resource = name.substring(colon + 1); // todo: check original code: it compared vs the resource name layer = catalogDAO.getLayerByName(prefix, resource); } else { // search by layer name layer = catalogDAO.getLayerByName(name); } if (layer != null) { resolve(layer); return createProxy(layer, LayerInfo.class); } else return null; } public List<LayerInfo> getLayers(ResourceInfo resource) { List<LayerInfo> layers = catalogDAO.getLayersByResourceId(resource.getId()); for (LayerInfo layer : layers) { resolve(layer); } return createProxyList(layers, LayerInfo.class); } public List<LayerInfo> getLayers(StyleInfo style) { List<LayerInfo> matches = new ArrayList<LayerInfo>(); for (LayerInfo layer : catalogDAO.getLayers()) { if (style.equals(layer.getDefaultStyle()) || layer.getStyles().contains(style)) { resolve(layer); matches.add(layer); } } return createProxyList(matches, LayerInfo.class); } public List<LayerInfo> getLayers() { List<LayerInfo> layers = catalogDAO.getLayers(); for (LayerInfo layerInfo : layers) { resolve(layerInfo); } return createProxyList(layers, LayerInfo.class); } // Map methods public MapInfo getMap(String id) { MapInfo map = catalogDAO.getMap(id); if (map != null) { resolve(map); return createProxy(map, MapInfo.class); } return null; } public MapInfo getMapByName(String name) { MapInfo map = catalogDAO.getMapByName(name); if (map != null) { resolve(map); return createProxy(map, MapInfo.class); } return null; } public List<MapInfo> getMaps() { List<MapInfo> maps = catalogDAO.getMaps(); for (MapInfo map : maps) { resolve(map); } return createProxyList(maps, MapInfo.class); } public void add(LayerGroupInfo layerGroup) { validate(layerGroup, true); resolve(layerGroup); if (layerGroup.getStyles().isEmpty()) { for (LayerInfo l : layerGroup.getLayers()) { // default style layerGroup.getStyles().add(null); } } layerGroup = ModificationProxy.unwrap(layerGroup); catalogDAO.save(layerGroup); added(layerGroup); } void validate(LayerGroupInfo layerGroup, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(layerGroup.getName())) { throw new NullPointerException("Layer group name must not be null"); } LayerGroupInfo existing = getLayerGroupByName(layerGroup.getName()); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(layerGroup.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer group named '" + layerGroup.getName() + "' already exists."); } if (!isNew) { if (layerGroup.getLayers() == null || layerGroup.getLayers().isEmpty()) { throw new NullPointerException("Layer group must not be empty"); } } if (layerGroup.getStyles() != null && !layerGroup.getStyles().isEmpty() && !(layerGroup.getStyles().size() == layerGroup.getLayers().size())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Layer group has different number of styles than layers"); } } public void remove(LayerGroupInfo layerGroup) { catalogDAO.delete(unwrap(layerGroup)); removed(layerGroup); } public void save(LayerGroupInfo layerGroup) { validate(layerGroup, false); saved(layerGroup); } public List<LayerGroupInfo> getLayerGroups() { final List<LayerGroupInfo> layerGroups = catalogDAO.getLayerGroups(); for (LayerGroupInfo layerGroupInfo : layerGroups) { resolve(layerGroupInfo); } return createProxyList(layerGroups, LayerGroupInfo.class); } public LayerGroupInfo getLayerGroup(String id) { final LayerGroupInfo layerGroup = catalogDAO.getLayerGroup(id); if (layerGroup != null) { resolve(layerGroup); return createProxy(layerGroup, LayerGroupInfo.class); } else return null; } public LayerGroupInfo getLayerGroupByName(String name) { LayerGroupInfo layerGroup = catalogDAO.getLayerGroupByName(name); if (layerGroup != null) { resolve(layerGroup); return createProxy(layerGroup, LayerGroupInfo.class); } else return null; } public void add(MapInfo map) { resolve(map); catalogDAO.save(ModificationProxy.unwrap(map)); added(map); } public void remove(MapInfo map) { catalogDAO.delete(unwrap(map)); removed(map); } public void save(MapInfo map) { saved(map); } // Namespace methods public NamespaceInfo getNamespace(String id) { final NamespaceInfo namespace = catalogDAO.getNamespace(id); if (namespace != null) { resolve(namespace); return createProxy(namespace, NamespaceInfo.class); } else return null; } public NamespaceInfo getNamespaceByPrefix(String prefix) { NamespaceInfo namespace = catalogDAO.getNamespaceByPrefix(prefix); if (namespace != null) { resolve(namespace); return createProxy(namespace, NamespaceInfo.class); } else return null; } public NamespaceInfo getNamespaceByURI(String uri) { NamespaceInfo namespace = catalogDAO.getNamespaceByURI(uri); if (namespace != null) { resolve(namespace); return createProxy(namespace, NamespaceInfo.class); } else return null; } public List<NamespaceInfo> getNamespaces() { final List<NamespaceInfo> namespaces = catalogDAO.getNamespaces(); for (NamespaceInfo namespace : namespaces) { resolve(namespace); } return createProxyList(namespaces, NamespaceInfo.class); } public void add(NamespaceInfo namespace) { validate(namespace, true); resolve(namespace); boolean existsDefault = catalogDAO.getDefaultNamespace() != null; ((NamespaceInfoImpl) namespace).setDefault(!existsDefault); catalogDAO.save(namespace); added(namespace); } void validate(NamespaceInfo namespace, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(namespace.getPrefix())) { throw new NullPointerException("Namespace prefix must not be null"); } NamespaceInfo existing = catalogDAO.getNamespaceByPrefix(namespace.getPrefix()); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(namespace.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Namespace with prefix '" + namespace.getPrefix() + "' already exists."); } if (namespace.getURI() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Namespace uri must not be null"); } if (isNull(namespace.getURI())) { throw new NullPointerException("Namespace uri must not be null"); } try { new URI(namespace.getURI()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URI syntax for '" + namespace.getURI() + "' in namespace '" + namespace.getPrefix() + "'"); } } public void remove(NamespaceInfo namespace) { if (!catalogDAO.getResourcesByNamespace(namespace, ResourceInfo.class).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to delete non-empty namespace."); } NamespaceInfoImpl realns = catalogDAO.getNamespaceByPrefix(namespace.getPrefix()); if (realns == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find namespace '" + namespace.getPrefix() + "' for deletion."); } catalogDAO.delete(realns); if (realns.isDefault()) { LOGGER.warning("Removing default namespace '" + namespace.getName() + "'"); // elect a random ns as default List<NamespaceInfo> nslist = catalogDAO.getNamespaces(); if (!nslist.isEmpty()) { NamespaceInfoImpl ns0 = (NamespaceInfoImpl) nslist.get(0); LOGGER.warning("Electing '" + namespace.getName() + "' to default namespace."); ns0.setDefault(true); catalogDAO.update(ns0); } } removed(namespace); } public void save(NamespaceInfo namespace) { validate(namespace, false); saved(namespace); } public NamespaceInfo getDefaultNamespace() { final NamespaceInfoImpl defaultNamespace = catalogDAO.getDefaultNamespace(); resolve(defaultNamespace); return createProxy(defaultNamespace, NamespaceInfo.class); } public void setDefaultNamespace(NamespaceInfo defaultNamespace) { NamespaceInfo nsold = catalogDAO.getDefaultNamespace(); NamespaceInfo nsnew = catalogDAO.getNamespaceByPrefix(defaultNamespace.getPrefix()); if (nsnew == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such namespace: '" + defaultNamespace.getPrefix() + "'"); } if (nsold != null && nsold.getPrefix().equals(nsnew.getPrefix())) // setting existing // default return; ((NamespaceInfoImpl) nsnew).setDefault(true); catalogDAO.update(nsnew); if (nsold != null) { ((NamespaceInfoImpl) nsold).setDefault(false); catalogDAO.update(nsold); } } // Workspace methods public void add(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { validate(workspace, true); if (catalogDAO.getWorkspaceByName(workspace.getName()) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workspace with name '" + workspace.getName() + "' already exists."); } resolve(workspace); boolean existsDefault = catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace() != null; ((WorkspaceInfoImpl) workspace).setDefault(!existsDefault); catalogDAO.save(workspace); added(workspace); } void validate(WorkspaceInfo workspace, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(workspace.getName())) { throw new NullPointerException("workspace name must not be null"); } WorkspaceInfo existing = catalogDAO.getWorkspaceByName(workspace.getName()); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(workspace.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workspace named '" + workspace.getName() + "' already exists."); } } public void remove(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { // JD: maintain the link between namespace and workspace, remove this when this is no // longer necessary if (catalogDAO.getNamespaceByPrefix(workspace.getName()) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot delete workspace with linked namespace"); } if (!getStoresByWorkspace(workspace, StoreInfo.class).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot delete non-empty workspace."); } catalogDAO.delete(workspace); removed(workspace); } public void save(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { validate(workspace, false); saved(workspace); } public WorkspaceInfo getDefaultWorkspace() { WorkspaceInfo workspace = catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace(); if (workspace != null) { resolve(workspace); return createProxy(workspace, WorkspaceInfo.class); } else return null; } public void setDefaultWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { WorkspaceInfo wsold = catalogDAO.getDefaultWorkspace(); WorkspaceInfo wsnew = catalogDAO.getWorkspaceByName(workspace.getName()); if (wsnew == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such workspace: '" + workspace.getName() + "'"); } if (wsold != null && wsold.getName().equals(wsnew.getName())) // setting existing default return; ((WorkspaceInfoImpl) wsnew).setDefault(true); catalogDAO.update(wsnew); if (wsold != null) { ((WorkspaceInfoImpl) wsold).setDefault(false); catalogDAO.update(wsold); } } public List<WorkspaceInfo> getWorkspaces() { final List<WorkspaceInfo> workspaces = catalogDAO.getWorkspaces(); for (WorkspaceInfo workspace : workspaces) { resolve(workspace); } return createProxyList(workspaces, WorkspaceInfo.class); } public WorkspaceInfo getWorkspace(String id) { WorkspaceInfo workspace = catalogDAO.getWorkspace(id); if (workspace != null) { resolve(workspace); return createProxy(workspace, WorkspaceInfo.class); } else return null; } public WorkspaceInfo getWorkspaceByName(String name) { WorkspaceInfo workspace = catalogDAO.getWorkspaceByName(name); if (workspace != null) { resolve(workspace); return createProxy(workspace, WorkspaceInfo.class); } else return null; } // Style methods public StyleInfo getStyle(String id) { StyleInfo style = catalogDAO.getStyle(id); if (style != null) { resolve(style); return createProxy(style, StyleInfo.class); } else return null; } public StyleInfo getStyleByName(String name) { StyleInfo style = catalogDAO.getStyleByName(name); if (style != null) { resolve(style); return createProxy(style, StyleInfo.class); } else return null; } public List<StyleInfo> getStyles() { final List<StyleInfo> styles = catalogDAO.getStyles(); for (StyleInfo style : styles) { resolve(style); } return createProxyList(styles, StyleInfo.class); } public void add(StyleInfo style) { validate(style, true); resolve(style); catalogDAO.save(style); added(style); } void validate(StyleInfo style, boolean isNew) { if (isNull(style.getName())) { throw new NullPointerException("Style name must not be null"); } if (isNull(style.getFilename())) { throw new NullPointerException("Style fileName must not be null"); } StyleInfo existing = getStyleByName(style.getName()); if (existing != null && !existing.getId().equals(style.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Style named '" + style.getName() + "' already exists."); } } public void remove(StyleInfo style) { // ensure no references to the style for (LayerInfo l : catalogDAO.getLayers()) { if (style.equals(l.getDefaultStyle()) || l.getStyles().contains(style)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to delete style referenced by '" + l.getName() + "'"); } } StyleInfo realObj = catalogDAO.getStyle(style.getId()); catalogDAO.delete(realObj); removed(style); } public void save(StyleInfo style) { validate(style, false); saved(style); } // Event methods public Collection getListeners() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(listeners); } public void addListener(CatalogListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(CatalogListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public ResourcePool getResourcePool() { return resourcePool; } public void setResourcePool(ResourcePool resourcePool) { this.resourcePool = resourcePool; } public GeoServerResourceLoader getResourceLoader() { return resourceLoader; } public void setResourceLoader(GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader) { this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader; } public void dispose() { if (listeners != null) listeners.clear(); if (resourcePool != null) resourcePool.dispose(); } protected void added(CatalogInfo object) { fireAdded(object); } protected void fireAdded(CatalogInfo object) { CatalogAddEventImpl event = new CatalogAddEventImpl(); event.setSource(object); event(event); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void saved(CatalogInfo object) { // this object is a proxy if (!Proxy.isProxyClass(object.getClass())) { LOGGER.severe("WORKAROUND: CatalogInfo object is a " + object.getClass().getSimpleName() + " -- Faking delta values in fireModified()"); // fire out what changed List propertyNames = new ArrayList(); List newValues = new ArrayList(); List oldValues = new ArrayList(); // TODO: protect this original object, perhaps with another proxy fireModified(object, propertyNames, oldValues, newValues); firePostModified(object); return; } ModificationProxy h = (ModificationProxy) Proxy.getInvocationHandler(object); // get the real object CatalogInfo real = (CatalogInfo) h.getProxyObject(); // fire out what changed List propertyNames = h.getPropertyNames(); List newValues = h.getNewValues(); List oldValues = h.getOldValues(); // TODO: protect this original object, perhaps with another proxy fireModified(real, propertyNames, oldValues, newValues); // commit to the original object h.commit(); // resolve to do a sync on the object // syncIdWithName(real); // fire the post modify event firePostModified(real); } protected void fireModified(CatalogInfo object, List propertyNames, List oldValues, List newValues) { CatalogModifyEventImpl event = new CatalogModifyEventImpl(); event.setSource(object); event.setPropertyNames(propertyNames); event.setOldValues(oldValues); event.setNewValues(newValues); event(event); } protected void firePostModified(CatalogInfo object) { CatalogPostModifyEventImpl event = new CatalogPostModifyEventImpl(); event.setSource(object); event(event); } protected void removed(CatalogInfo object) { CatalogRemoveEventImpl event = new CatalogRemoveEventImpl(); event.setSource(object); event(event); } protected void event(CatalogEvent event) { for (CatalogListener listener : listeners) { try { if (event instanceof CatalogAddEvent) { listener.handleAddEvent((CatalogAddEvent) event); } else if (event instanceof CatalogRemoveEvent) { listener.handleRemoveEvent((CatalogRemoveEvent) event); } else if (event instanceof CatalogModifyEvent) { listener.handleModifyEvent((CatalogModifyEvent) event); } else if (event instanceof CatalogPostModifyEvent) { listener.handlePostModifyEvent((CatalogPostModifyEvent) event); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Catalog listener threw exception handling event.", e); } } } /** * Implementation method for resolving all {@link ResolvingProxy} instances. */ public void resolve() { if (listeners == null) { listeners = new ArrayList<CatalogListener>(); } if (resourcePool == null) { resourcePool = new ResourcePool(this); } } protected void resolve(WorkspaceInfo workspace) { resolveCollections(workspace); } protected void resolve(NamespaceInfo namespace) { resolveCollections(namespace); } protected void resolve(StoreInfo store) { StoreInfoImpl s = (StoreInfoImpl) store; // resolve the workspace WorkspaceInfo resolved = ResolvingProxy.resolve(this, s.getWorkspace()); if (resolved != null) { s.setWorkspace(resolved); } else { // this means the workspace has not yet been added to the catalog, keep the proxy around } resolveCollections(s); s.setCatalog(this); } protected void resolve(ResourceInfo resource) { ResourceInfoImpl r = (ResourceInfoImpl) resource; // resolve the store StoreInfo resolved = ResolvingProxy.resolve(this, r.getStore()); if (resolved != null) { resolve(resolved); r.setStore(resolved); } if (resource instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) { resolve((FeatureTypeInfo) resource); } if (r instanceof CoverageInfo) { resolve((CoverageInfo) resource); } r.setCatalog(this); } private void resolve(CoverageInfo r) { CoverageInfoImpl c = (CoverageInfoImpl) r; if (c.getDimensions() == null) { c.setDimensions(new ArrayList<CoverageDimensionInfo>()); } else { for (CoverageDimensionInfo dim : c.getDimensions()) { if (dim.getNullValues() == null) ((CoverageDimensionImpl) dim).setNullValues(new ArrayList<Double>()); } } resolveCollections(r); } /** * We don't want the world to be able and call this without going trough * {@link #resolve(ResourceInfo)} * * @param featureType */ private void resolve(FeatureTypeInfo featureType) { FeatureTypeInfoImpl ft = (FeatureTypeInfoImpl) featureType; resolveCollections(ft); } protected void resolve(LayerInfo layer) { if (layer.getAttribution() == null) { layer.setAttribution(getFactory().createAttribution()); } if (layer.getDefaultStyle() != null) { resolve(layer.getDefaultStyle()); } resolve(layer.getResource()); resolveCollections(layer); } protected void resolve(LayerGroupInfo layerGroup) { resolveCollections(layerGroup); LayerGroupInfoImpl lg = (LayerGroupInfoImpl) layerGroup; for (int i = 0; i < lg.getLayers().size(); i++) { LayerInfo l = lg.getLayers().get(i); LayerInfo resolved = ResolvingProxy.resolve(this, l); resolve(resolved); lg.getLayers().set(i, resolved); } for (int i = 0; i < lg.getStyles().size(); i++) { StyleInfo s = lg.getStyles().get(i); if (s != null) { StyleInfo resolved = ResolvingProxy.resolve(this, s); ((StyleInfoImpl)resolved).setCatalog(this); lg.getStyles().set(i, resolved); } } } protected void resolve(StyleInfo style) { ((StyleInfoImpl) style).setCatalog(this); } protected void resolve(MapInfo map) { for (LayerInfo layerInfo : map.getLayers()) { resolve(layerInfo); } } /** * Method which reflectively sets all collections when they are null. */ protected void resolveCollections(Object object) { ClassProperties properties = OwsUtils.getClassProperties(object.getClass()); for (String property : properties.properties()) { Method g = properties.getter(property, null); if (g == null) { continue; } Class type = g.getReturnType(); // only continue if this is a collection or a map if (!(Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type))) { continue; } // only continue if there is also a setter as well Method s = properties.setter(property, null); if (s == null) { continue; } // if the getter returns null, call the setter try { Object value = g.invoke(object, null); if (value == null) { if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { if (MetadataMap.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { value = new MetadataMap(); } else { value = new HashMap(); } } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { value = new ArrayList(); } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { value = new HashSet(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown collection type:" + type.getName()); } // initialize s.invoke(object, value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } protected void setId(Object o) { if (OwsUtils.get(o, "id") == null) { String uid = new UID().toString(); OwsUtils.set(o, "id", o.getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + uid); } } protected boolean isNull(String string) { return string == null || "".equals(string.trim()); } public static <T> T unwrap(T obj) { return ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); } public void setCatalogDAO(CatalogDAO catalogDAO) { this.catalogDAO = catalogDAO; } class HibCatalogUpdater implements CatalogListener { public void handleAddEvent(CatalogAddEvent event) { } public void handleRemoveEvent(CatalogRemoveEvent event) { } public void handleModifyEvent(CatalogModifyEvent event) { } public void handlePostModifyEvent(CatalogPostModifyEvent event) { CatalogInfo src = event.getSource(); src.accept(catalogVisitor); } public void reloaded() { } private CatalogVisitor catalogVisitor = new CatalogVisitor() { public void visit(WorkspaceInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(NamespaceInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(DataStoreInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(CoverageStoreInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(FeatureTypeInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(CoverageInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(LayerInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(StyleInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(LayerGroupInfo obj) { obj = ModificationProxy.unwrap(obj); catalogDAO.update(obj); } public void visit(Catalog catalog) { } }; } public void accept(CatalogVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); } }