package org.geoserver.wfs; import junit.framework.Test; import static org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert.*; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XpathEngine; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public class GetFeatureBboxTest extends WFSTestSupport { /** * This is a READ ONLY TEST so we can use one time setup */ public static Test suite() { return new OneTimeTestSetup(new GetFeatureBboxTest()); } public void testFeatureBoudingOn() throws Exception { WFSInfo wfs = getWFS(); wfs.setFeatureBounding( true ); getGeoServer().save( wfs ); Document doc = getAsDOM("wfs?request=GetFeature&typeName=" + getLayerId(MockData.BUILDINGS) + "&version=1.0.0&service=wfs&propertyName=ADDRESS"); // print(doc); // check it's a feature collection assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1", "count(//wfs:FeatureCollection)", doc); // check the collection has non null bounds assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1", "count(//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:boundedBy/gml:Box)", doc); // check that each feature has non null bounds XpathEngine xpath = XMLUnit.newXpathEngine(); assertTrue(xpath.getMatchingNodes("//cite:Buildings/gml:boundedBy/gml:Box", doc).getLength() > 0); } public void testFeatureBoudingOff() throws Exception { WFSInfo wfs = getWFS(); wfs.setFeatureBounding( false ); getGeoServer().save( wfs ); Document doc = getAsDOM("wfs?request=GetFeature&typeName=" + getLayerId(MockData.BUILDINGS) + "&version=1.0.0&service=wfs&propertyName=ADDRESS"); // print(doc); // check it's a feature collection assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1", "count(//wfs:FeatureCollection)", doc); // check the collection does not have bounds assertXpathEvaluatesTo("0", "count(//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:boundedBy/gml:Box)", doc); // check that each feature has non null bounds XpathEngine xpath = XMLUnit.newXpathEngine(); assertEquals(0, xpath.getMatchingNodes("//cite:Buildings/gml:boundedBy/gml:Box", doc).getLength()); } }