package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerInfo; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServer; import org.geoserver.wms.MapLayerInfo; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureIterator; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureTypes; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform; import org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WMSMapContext; import org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; public class ExternalSortRegionatingStrategy extends CachedHierarchyRegionatingStrategy { /** * The feature type for the features that we'll return back from the index */ static final SimpleFeatureType IDX_FEATURE_TYPE; /** * Java type to H2 type map (covers only types that do not have a size) */ static Map<Class<?>, String> CLASS_MAPPINGS = new LinkedHashMap<Class<?>, String>(); static { CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Boolean.class, "BOOLEAN"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Byte.class, "TINYINT"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Short.class, "SMALLINT"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Character.class, "CHAR"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Integer.class, "INT"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Long.class, "BIGINT"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(BigInteger.class, "BIGINT"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(BigDecimal.class, "DECIMAL"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Float.class, "REAL"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(Double.class, "DOUBLE"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(java.util.Date.class, "DATE"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(java.sql.Date.class, "DATE"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(java.sql.Time.class, "TIME"); CLASS_MAPPINGS.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, "TIMESTAMP"); SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();; tb.add("point", Point.class); tb.setName("FeatureCentroids"); IDX_FEATURE_TYPE = tb.buildFeatureType(); } String attribute; FeatureSource fs; String h2Type; public ExternalSortRegionatingStrategy(GeoServer gs) { super( gs ); } @Override protected final String getDatabaseName(WMSMapContext con, MapLayer layer) throws Exception { fs = layer.getFeatureSource(); SimpleFeatureType ft = (SimpleFeatureType) fs.getSchema(); checkAttribute(con, ft); // make sure a special db for this layer and attribute will be created return super.getDatabaseName(con, layer) + "_" + attribute; } @Override protected final String getDatabaseName(FeatureTypeInfo cfg) throws Exception { return super.getDatabaseName(cfg) + "_" + checkAttribute(cfg); } protected void checkAttribute(WMSMapContext con, SimpleFeatureType ft) { // find out which attribute we're going to use Map options = con.getRequest().getFormatOptions(); attribute = (String) options.get("regionateAttr"); if (attribute == null) attribute = checkAttribute(featureType); if (attribute == null) throw new WmsException( "Regionating attribute has not been specified"); // Make sure the attribute is actually there AttributeDescriptor ad = ft.getDescriptor(attribute); if (ad == null) { throw new WmsException("Could not find regionating attribute " + attribute + " in layer " + featureType.getName()); } // Make sure we know how to turn that attribute into a H2 type h2Type = getH2DataType(ad); if (h2Type == null) throw new WmsException("Attribute type " + ad.getType() + " is not " + "supported for external sorting on " + featureType.getName() + "#" + attribute); } protected String checkAttribute(FeatureTypeInfo cfg){ return MapLayerInfo.getRegionateAttribute(cfg); } @Override public FeatureIterator getSortedFeatures(GeometryDescriptor geom, ReferencedEnvelope latLongEnvelope, ReferencedEnvelope nativeEnvelope, Connection cacheConn) throws Exception { // first of all, let's check if the geometry index table is there Statement st = null; try { st = cacheConn.createStatement(); try { st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FEATUREIDX LIMIT 1"); } catch (SQLException e) { buildIndex(cacheConn); } } finally { JDBCUtils.close(st); } return new IndexFeatureIterator(cacheConn, latLongEnvelope); } protected String getH2DataType(AttributeDescriptor ad) { if (String.class.equals(ad.getType().getBinding())) { int length = FeatureTypes.getFieldLength(ad); if (length <= 0) length = 255; return "VARCHAR(" + length + ")"; } else { return CLASS_MAPPINGS.get(ad.getType().getBinding()); } } void buildIndex(Connection conn) throws Exception { Statement st = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; FeatureIterator fi = null; try { st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("CREATE TABLE FEATUREIDX(" // + "X NUMBER, " // + "Y NUMBER, " // + "FID VARCHAR(64), " // + "ORDER_FIELD " + h2Type + ")"); st.execute("CREATE INDEX FEATUREIDX_COORDS ON FEATUREIDX(X, Y)"); st.execute("CREATE INDEX FEATUREIDX_ORDER_FIELD ON FEATUREIDX(ORDER_FIELD)"); // prepare this statement so that the sql parser has to deal // with it just once ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + "FEATUREIDX(X, Y, FID, ORDER_FIELD) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); // build an optimized query, loading only the necessary attributes GeometryDescriptor geom = fs.getSchema() .getGeometryDescriptor(); CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCrs = geom .getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery(); if (geom.getLocalName().equals(attribute)) { q.setPropertyNames(new String[] { geom.getLocalName() }); } else { q.setPropertyNames(new String[] { attribute, geom.getLocalName() }); } // setup the eventual transform MathTransform tx = null; double[] coords = new double[2]; if (!CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(nativeCrs, WGS84)) tx = CRS.findMathTransform(nativeCrs, WGS84, true); // read all the features and fill the index table // make it so the insertion is a single big transaction, should // be faster, // provided it does not kill H2... conn.setAutoCommit(false); fi = fs.getFeatures(q).features(); while (fi.hasNext()) { // grab the centroid and transform it in 4326 if necessary SimpleFeature f = (SimpleFeature); Geometry g = (Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry(); Point centroid = g.getCentroid(); //robustness check for bad geometries if ( Double.isNaN( centroid.getX() ) || Double.isNaN( centroid.getY() ) ) { LOGGER.warning( "Could not calculate centroid for feature " + f.getID() + "; g = " + g.toText() ); continue; } coords[0] = centroid.getX(); coords[1] = centroid.getY(); if (tx != null) tx.transform(coords, 0, coords, 0, 1); // insert ps.setDouble(1, coords[0]); ps.setDouble(2, coords[1]); ps.setString(3, f.getID()); ps.setObject(4, getSortAttributeValue(f)); ps.execute(); } // todo: commit every 1000 features or so. No transaction is // slower, but too big transaction imposes a big overhead on the db conn.commit(); // hum, shall we kick H2 so that it updates the statistics? } finally { conn.setAutoCommit(true); JDBCUtils.close(st); JDBCUtils.close(ps); if (fi != null) fi.close(); } } /** * Returns the value that will be inserted into the H2 index as the sorting field * @param f * @return */ protected Object getSortAttributeValue(SimpleFeature f) { return f.getAttribute(attribute); } public static class IndexFeatureIterator implements FeatureIterator { SimpleFeatureBuilder builder; GeometryFactory gf; Statement st; ResultSet rs; boolean nextCalled; boolean next; public IndexFeatureIterator(Connection cacheConn, ReferencedEnvelope envelope) throws Exception { // grab all of the geometries sitting inside the envelope try { st = cacheConn.createStatement(); String sql = "SELECT X, Y, FID \n" + "FROM FEATUREIDX\n" // + "WHERE X >= " + envelope.getMinX() + "\n" + "AND X <= " + envelope.getMaxX() + "\n" + "AND Y >= " + envelope.getMinY() + "\n" + "AND Y <= " + envelope.getMaxY() + "\n" + "ORDER BY ORDER_FIELD DESC"; rs = st.executeQuery(sql); // make sure everything is properly closed in case of // exception } catch (SQLException e) { close(); } // prepare the builders we'll use to create all of the features builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(IDX_FEATURE_TYPE); gf = new GeometryFactory(); } public void close() { JDBCUtils.close(rs); JDBCUtils.close(st); } public boolean hasNext() { // the contract of the iterator does not say this will be // called just once, we have to guard against multiple calls if (!nextCalled) try { next =; nextCalled = true; } catch (SQLException e) { close(); throw new RuntimeException( "Error while accessing next db record", e); } return next; } public Feature next() throws NoSuchElementException { if (!nextCalled) hasNext(); nextCalled = false; try { double x = rs.getDouble(1); double y = rs.getDouble(2); builder.add(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(x, y))); return builder.buildFeature(rs.getString(3)); } catch (SQLException e) { close(); throw new RuntimeException( "Problems reading the geometry index"); } } } }