/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.config.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geoserver.config.ContactInfo; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServer; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerFactory; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerInfo; import org.geoserver.config.JAIInfo; import org.geoserver.config.LoggingInfo; import org.geoserver.config.ServiceInfo; import org.geoserver.config.ServiceLoader; import org.geoserver.config.impl.JAIInfoImpl; import org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; /** * Imports configuration from a legacy "services.xml" file into a geoserver * configuration instance. * * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project * */ public class LegacyConfigurationImporter { /** logger */ static Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger( "org.geoserver.confg" ); /** * configuration */ GeoServer geoServer; /** * Creates the importer. * * @param geoServer * The configuration to import into. */ public LegacyConfigurationImporter(GeoServer geoServer) { this.geoServer = geoServer; } /** * No argument constructor. * <p> * Calling code should use {@link #setConfiguration(GeoServer)} when using * this constructor. * </p> * */ public LegacyConfigurationImporter() { } /** * Sets teh configuration to import into. */ public void setConfiguration(GeoServer geoServer) { this.geoServer = geoServer; } /** * The configuration being imported into. */ public GeoServer getConfiguration() { return geoServer; } /** * Imports configuration from a geoserver data directory into the * configuration. * * @param dir * The root of the data directory. * */ public void imprt(File dir) throws Exception { //TODO: this routine needs to be safer about accessing parameters, // wrapping in null checks GeoServerFactory factory = geoServer.getFactory(); // services.xml File servicesFile = new File(dir, "services.xml"); if (!servicesFile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Could not find services.xml under:" + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } LegacyServicesReader reader = new LegacyServicesReader(); reader.read(servicesFile); // //global // GeoServerInfo info = factory.createGlobal(); Map<String,Object> global = reader.global(); //info.setMaxFeatures( get( global, "maxFeatures", Integer.class ) ); info.setVerbose( get( global, "verbose", boolean.class ) ); info.setVerboseExceptions( get( global, "verboseExceptions", boolean.class ) ); info.setNumDecimals( get( global, "numDecimals", int.class, 4 ) ); info.setCharset( (String) global.get( "charSet" ) ); info.setUpdateSequence( get( global, "updateSequence", int.class ) ); info.setOnlineResource( get( global, "onlineResource", String.class ) ); info.setProxyBaseUrl( get( global, "ProxyBaseUrl", String.class ) ); //contact Map<String,Object> contact = reader.contact(); ContactInfo contactInfo = factory.createContact(); contactInfo.setContactPerson( (String) contact.get( "ContactPerson") ); contactInfo.setContactOrganization( (String) contact.get( "ContactOrganization") ); contactInfo.setContactVoice( (String) contact.get( "ContactVoiceTelephone" ) ); contactInfo.setContactFacsimile( (String) contact.get( "ContactFacsimileTelephone" ) ); contactInfo.setContactPosition( (String) contact.get( "ContactPosition" ) ); contactInfo.setContactEmail( (String) contact.get( "ContactElectronicMailAddress" ) ); contactInfo.setAddress( (String) contact.get( "Address") ); contactInfo.setAddressType( (String) contact.get( "AddressType") ); contactInfo.setAddressCity( (String) contact.get( "City") ); contactInfo.setAddressCountry( (String) contact.get( "Country") ); contactInfo.setAddressState( (String) contact.get( "StateOrProvince") ); contactInfo.setAddressPostalCode( (String) contact.get( "PostCode") ); info.setContact( contactInfo ); //jai JAIInfo jai = new JAIInfoImpl(); jai.setMemoryCapacity( (Double) value( global.get( "JaiMemoryCapacity"),JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_MemoryCapacity ) ); jai.setMemoryThreshold( (Double) value( global.get( "JaiMemoryThreshold"), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_MemoryThreshold) ); jai.setTileThreads( (Integer) value( global.get( "JaiTileThreads"), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_TileThreads ) ); jai.setTilePriority( (Integer) value( global.get( "JaiTilePriority"), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_TilePriority ) ); jai.setImageIOCache( (Boolean) value( global.get( "ImageIOCache" ), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_ImageIOCache) ); jai.setJpegAcceleration( (Boolean) value( global.get( "JaiJPEGNative" ),JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_JPEGNative ) ); jai.setPngAcceleration( (Boolean) value( global.get( "JaiPNGNative" ), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_PNGNative) ); jai.setRecycling( (Boolean) value( global.get( "JaiRecycling" ), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_Recycling) ); jai.setAllowNativeMosaic((Boolean) value( global.get( "JaiMosaicNative" ), JAIInfoImpl.DEFAULT_MosaicNative) ); info.setJAI( jai ); geoServer.setGlobal( info ); //logging LoggingInfo logging = factory.createLogging(); logging.setLevel( (String) global.get( "log4jConfigFile") ); logging.setLocation( (String) global.get( "logLocation") ); if ( global.get( "suppressStdOutLogging" ) != null ) { logging.setStdOutLogging( ! get( global, "suppressStdOutLogging", Boolean.class) ); } else { logging.setStdOutLogging(true); } geoServer.setLogging(logging); // read services for ( LegacyServiceLoader sl : GeoServerExtensions.extensions( LegacyServiceLoader.class ) ) { try { sl.setReader(reader); ServiceInfo service = sl.load( geoServer ); if ( service != null ) { LOGGER.info( "Loading service '" + service.getId() + "'"); geoServer.add( service ); } } catch( Exception e ) { String msg = "Error occured loading service: " + sl.getServiceClass().getSimpleName(); LOGGER.warning( msg ); LOGGER.log( Level.INFO, "", e ); } } } Object value( Object value, Object def ) { return value != null ? value : def; } protected <T extends Object> T get(Map map, String key, Class<T> clazz, T def ) { Object o = map.get( key ); if ( o == null ) { if ( def != null ) { return def; } //check for primitive type if ( clazz.isPrimitive() ) { if ( clazz == int.class ) { return (T) Integer.valueOf( 0 ); } if ( clazz == double.class ) { return (T) Double.valueOf( 0d ); } if ( clazz == boolean.class ) { return (T) Boolean.FALSE; } } return null; } return (T) o; } protected <T extends Object> T get(Map map, String key, Class<T> clazz) { return get( map, key, clazz, null ); } }