/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.catalog.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.geoserver.ows.util.XmlCharsetDetector; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; /** * Reads a legacy GeoServer 1.x feature type info.xml file. * * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project * */ public class LegacyFeatureTypeInfoReader { /** * Root featureType element. */ Element featureType; /** * The directory containing the feature type info.xml file */ File parentDirectory; /** * Parses the info.xml file into a DOM. * <p> * This method *must* be called before any other methods. * </p> * * @param file The info.xml file. * * @throws IOException In event of a parser error. */ public void read(File file) throws IOException { parentDirectory = file.getParentFile(); Reader reader = XmlCharsetDetector.getCharsetAwareReader(new FileInputStream(file)); try { featureType = ReaderUtils.parse(reader); } finally { reader.close(); } } public String dataStore() throws Exception { return ReaderUtils.getAttribute( featureType, "datastore", true ); } public String name() { return ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "name" ); } public String alias() { return ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "alias" ); } public String srs() throws Exception { return ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "SRS" ); } public int srsHandling() { String s = ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "SRSHandling" ); if ( s == null || "".equals( s ) ) { return -1; } return Integer.parseInt( s ); } public String title() { return ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "title" ); } public String abstrct() { return ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "abstract" ); } public List<String> keywords() { String raw = ReaderUtils.getChildText( featureType, "keywords" ); if ( raw == null || "".equals( raw ) ) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( raw, ", " ); ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList(); while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { keywords.add( st.nextToken() ); } return keywords; } public List<Map<String,String>> metadataLinks() { ArrayList links = new ArrayList(); Element metadataLinks = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "metadataLinks" ); if ( metadataLinks != null ) { Element[] metadataLink = ReaderUtils.getChildElements(metadataLinks,"metadataLink" ); for ( Element e : metadataLink ) { HashMap m = new HashMap(); m.put( "metadataType", e.getAttribute( "metadataType") ); m.put( "type", e.getAttribute( "type") ); if ( e.getFirstChild() != null ) { m.put( null, e.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() ); } links.add( m ); } } return links; } public Envelope latLonBoundingBox() throws Exception { Element box = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "latLonBoundingBox" ); double minx = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "minx", true ); double miny = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "miny", true ); double maxx = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "maxx", true ); double maxy = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "maxy", true ); return new Envelope( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); } public Envelope nativeBoundingBox() throws Exception { Element box = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "nativeBBox" ); boolean dynamic = ReaderUtils.getBooleanAttribute(box, "dynamic", false, true); if ( dynamic ) { return null; } double minx = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "minx", true ); double miny = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "miny", true ); double maxx = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "maxx", true ); double maxy = ReaderUtils.getDoubleAttribute(box, "maxy", true ); return new Envelope( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); } public String defaultStyle() throws Exception { Element styles = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "styles" ); return ReaderUtils.getAttribute( styles, "default", false ); } public List<String> styles() throws Exception { Element styleRoot = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "styles" ); if(styleRoot != null) { List<String> styleNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Element[] styles = ReaderUtils.getChildElements(styleRoot, "style"); for (Element style : styles) { styleNames.add(style.getTextContent().trim()); } return styleNames; } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } public Map<String,Object> legendURL() throws Exception { Element legendURL = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "LegendURL"); if (legendURL != null) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put( "width", Integer.parseInt(ReaderUtils.getAttribute(legendURL, "width", true) ) ); map.put( "height",Integer.parseInt(ReaderUtils.getAttribute(legendURL, "height", true) ) ); map.put( "format", ReaderUtils.getChildText(legendURL, "Format", true) ); map.put( "onlineResource", ReaderUtils.getAttribute(ReaderUtils.getChildElement( legendURL, "OnlineResource", true), "xlink:href", true) ); return map; } return null; } public boolean cachingEnabled() { Element cacheInfo = ReaderUtils.getChildElement( featureType, "cacheinfo"); if ( cacheInfo != null ) { try { return "true".equals( ReaderUtils.getAttribute( cacheInfo, "enabled", false ) ); } catch (Exception e) { } } return false; } public String cacheAgeMax() { Element cacheInfo = ReaderUtils.getChildElement( featureType, "cacheinfo"); if ( cacheInfo != null ) { try { return ReaderUtils.getAttribute( cacheInfo, "maxage", false); } catch(Exception e) { } } return null; } public boolean searchable() { Element searchable = ReaderUtils.getChildElement( featureType, "searchable"); if ( searchable != null ) { try { return "true".equals( ReaderUtils.getAttribute( searchable, "enabled", false ) ); } catch (Exception e) { } } return false; } public String regionateAttribute() { Element regionateAttribute = ReaderUtils.getChildElement( featureType, "regionateAttribute"); if ( regionateAttribute != null ) { return regionateAttribute.getAttribute( "value" ); } return null; } public String regionateStrategy() { Element regionateStrategy = ReaderUtils.getChildElement( featureType, "regionateStrategy"); if ( regionateStrategy != null ) { return regionateStrategy.getAttribute("value"); } return null; } public int regionateFeatureLimit() { Element regionateFeatureLimit = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "regionateFeatureLimit"); try{ return Integer.valueOf(regionateFeatureLimit.getAttribute("value")); } catch (Exception e) { return 10; } } public int maxFeatures() { Element maxFeatures = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(featureType, "maxFeatures"); try{ return Integer.valueOf(maxFeatures.getTextContent()); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } public String wmsPath() { return ReaderUtils.getChildText(featureType, "wmspath"); } public String parentDirectoryName() { return parentDirectory.getName(); } }