package; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle; import org.geotools.styling.OtherText; import org.geotools.styling.Rule; import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer2; import org.geotools.xml.impl.DatatypeConverterImpl; import org.geotools.xml.impl.DatatypeConverterInterface; import org.geotools.xml.transform.Translator; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import; import org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WMSMapContext; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; public class OWS5VectorTransformer extends KMLVectorTransformer { private static DatatypeConverterInterface dataTypeConverter = DatatypeConverterImpl.getInstance(); private boolean extendedDataModule; private boolean styleModule; public OWS5VectorTransformer(WMSMapContext mapContext, MapLayer mapLayer, boolean extendedDataModule, boolean styleModule) { super(mapContext, mapLayer); this.extendedDataModule = extendedDataModule; this.styleModule = styleModule; } public Translator createTranslator(ContentHandler handler) { return new KML3Translator(handler); } protected class KML3Translator extends KMLTranslator { private boolean kml22DataStyle = false; protected String schemaId; public KML3Translator(ContentHandler contentHandler) { super(contentHandler); KMLGeometryTransformer geometryTransformer = new KMLGeometryTransformer(); //geometryTransformer.setUseDummyZ( true ); geometryTransformer.setOmitXMLDeclaration(true); geometryTransformer.setNamespaceDeclarationEnabled(true); GeoServer config = mapContext.getRequest().getGeoServer(); geometryTransformer.setNumDecimals(config.getNumDecimals()); geometryTranslator = geometryTransformer.createTranslator(contentHandler); // GML3 outputting transformer // OWS5GeometryTransformer geometryTransformer = new OWS5GeometryTransformer(); // geometryTranslator = (KML3GeometryTranslator) geometryTransformer.createTranslator(contentHandler); // we need to make sure the data type converter is registered properly // We need to create a unique ID for this schema. Given the // restrictions of the XML ID // type and the fact the same feature type may appear multiple times // in the same // MapContext, we need to create an artificial ID that's guaranteed // to be unique across // the encoded KML document. We'll use the layer position as the ID. final MapLayer[] layers = OWS5VectorTransformer.this.mapContext.getLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i] == OWS5VectorTransformer.this.mapLayer) { schemaId = "Schema" + (i + 1); } } if (schemaId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Wrapping KMLVectorTransformer holds " + "a layer reference that's not among the MapLayer ones"); } public void encodeSchemas(FeatureCollection collection) { // if the extended data module is not active, don't encode schema and extended data if(!extendedDataModule) return; // TODO: consider turning this into a Freemarker template final SimpleFeatureType schema = (SimpleFeatureType) collection.getSchema(); final String[] atts = new String[] { "name", schema.getTypeName(), "id", schemaId }; start("Schema", KMLUtils.attributes(atts)); // output all non geometric attribute types // TODO: or shall we encode only the types that are well known in SchemaData // and jump over the rest? Besides, how does one limit the number of attributes // displayed? a PROPERTY=x,y,z like in GetFeature would be beneficial // to GetFeatureInfo as well for (int i = 0; i < schema.getAttributeCount(); i++) { AttributeDescriptor at = schema.getDescriptor(i); if (at instanceof GeometryDescriptor) continue; final String[] atAttributes = new String[] { "type", getType(at), "name", at.getLocalName() }; start("SimpleField", KMLUtils.attributes(atAttributes)); element("displayName", at.getLocalName()); end("SimpleField"); } end("Schema"); } protected String getType(AttributeDescriptor at) { // see // // Eventually see if we need to support uint/ushort as well (do we // have any standard filter for positive numbers?) and clarify // what's the range of int and short if (Short.class.equals(at.getType().getBinding())) return "short"; else if (Integer.class.equals(at.getType().getBinding())) return "int"; else if (Float.class.equals(at.getType().getBinding())) return "float"; else if (Double.class.equals(at.getType().getBinding())) return "double"; else if (Boolean.class.equals(at.getType().getBinding())) return "bool"; else return "string"; } protected void encodeExtendedData(SimpleFeature feature) { // if the extended data module is not active, don't encode schema and extended data if(!extendedDataModule) return; if(kml22DataStyle) encodeKML22ExtendedData(feature); else encodeKMLOWS5ExtendedData(feature); } private void encodeKML22ExtendedData(SimpleFeature feature) { // TODO: consider turning this into a Freemarker template start("ExtendedData"); start("SchemaData", KMLUtils.attributes(new String[] { "schemaUrl", "#" + schemaId })); final int count = feature.getAttributeCount(); final SimpleFeatureType schema = feature.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final AttributeDescriptor at = schema.getDescriptor(i); if(at instanceof GeometryDescriptor) continue; final Attributes atts = KMLUtils.attributes(new String[] { "name", at.getLocalName() }); element("SimpleData", encodeValue(feature.getAttribute(i)), atts); } end("SchemaData"); end("ExtendedData"); } private void encodeKMLOWS5ExtendedData(SimpleFeature feature) { // TODO: consider turning this into a Freemarker template start("ExtendedData", KMLUtils.attributes(new String[] { "schemaUrl", "#" + schemaId })); final int count = feature.getAttributeCount(); final SimpleFeatureType schema = feature.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final AttributeDescriptor at = schema.getDescriptor(i); if(at instanceof GeometryDescriptor) continue; final Attributes atts = KMLUtils.attributes(new String[] { "name", at.getLocalName() }); element("Data", encodeValue(feature.getAttribute(i)), atts); } end("ExtendedData"); } protected String encodeValue(Object o) { if (o == null) { return ""; } else if (o instanceof Number) { if (o instanceof Byte) return dataTypeConverter.printByte(((Byte) o).byteValue()); else if (o instanceof Short) return dataTypeConverter.printShort(((Short) o).shortValue()); else if (o instanceof Integer) return dataTypeConverter.printInt((((Integer) o).intValue())); else if (o instanceof Long) return dataTypeConverter.printLong(((Long) o).intValue()); else if (o instanceof Float) return dataTypeConverter.printInt((((Float) o).intValue())); else if (o instanceof Double) return dataTypeConverter.printInt(((Double) o).intValue()); else if (o instanceof BigDecimal) return dataTypeConverter.printDecimal((BigDecimal) o); else return dataTypeConverter.printString(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { return dataTypeConverter.printBoolean((((Boolean) o).booleanValue())); } else if (o instanceof Date) { final Date d = (Date) o; final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(d); if (d instanceof java.sql.Date) return dataTypeConverter.printDate(cal); else if (d instanceof java.sql.Time) return dataTypeConverter.printTime(cal); else return dataTypeConverter.printDateTime(cal); } else { return dataTypeConverter.printString(o.toString()); } } // /** // * Encodes a KML Placemark geometry from a geometry + centroid. // */ // protected void encodePlacemarkGeometry(Geometry geometry, Coordinate centroid, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) { // // if point, just encode a single point, otherwise encode the geometry + centroid // if ( geometry instanceof Point || // (geometry instanceof MultiPoint) && ((MultiPoint)geometry).getNumPoints() == 1 ) { // encodeGeometry( geometry, styles); // } // else { // start("MultiGeometry"); // // //the centroid // start("Point"); // // if (!Double.isNaN(centroid.z)) { // element("pos", centroid.x + " " + centroid.y + " " + centroid.z); // } else { // element("pos", centroid.x + " " + centroid.y); // } // // end("Point"); // // //the actual geometry // encodeGeometry(geometry, styles); // // end("MultiGeometry"); // } // // } @Override protected void encodePlacemarkDescription(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) throws IOException { // look for a kml text style with the description attribute List<TextSymbolizer2> textSymbolizers = getTextSymbolizers2(feature, styles); Expression description = null; for (TextSymbolizer2 ts : textSymbolizers) { if(ts.getFeatureDescription() != null) description = ts.getFeatureDescription(); } if(description == null) { // use the freemarker template as a fallback super.encodePlacemarkDescription(feature, styles); return; } start("description"); cdata(description.evaluate(feature, String.class)); end("description"); } @Override protected void encodePlacemarkSnippet(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) { // look for a kml text style with the abstract attribute List<TextSymbolizer2> textSymbolizers = getTextSymbolizers2(feature, styles); Expression abxtract = null; for (TextSymbolizer2 ts : textSymbolizers) { if(ts.getSnippet() != null) abxtract = ts.getSnippet(); } if(abxtract == null) { // no snippet then... return; } start("Snippet"); cdata(abxtract.evaluate(feature, String.class)); end("Snippet"); } @Override protected void encodePlacemarkTime(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) throws IOException { // look for a kml text style with the time/startTime/endTime otherText attributes List<TextSymbolizer2> textSymbolizers = getTextSymbolizers2(feature, styles); Expression abxtract = null; Date fromDate = null; Date toDate = null; Date timestamp = null; for (TextSymbolizer2 ts : textSymbolizers) { final OtherText ot = ts.getOtherText(); if(ot != null && ot.getTarget() != null && ot.getText() != null) { if(ot.getTarget().toLowerCase().equals("kml:fromdate")) fromDate = ot.getText().evaluate(feature, Date.class); else if(ot.getTarget().toLowerCase().equals("kml:todate")) toDate = ot.getText().evaluate(feature, Date.class); else if(ot.getTarget().toLowerCase().equals("kml:timestamp")) timestamp = ot.getText().evaluate(feature, Date.class); } } try { if(fromDate != null || toDate != null) encodeKmlTimeSpan(fromDate, toDate); else if(timestamp != null) encodeKmlTimeStamp(timestamp); else super.encodePlacemarkTime(feature, styles); } catch(Exception e) { throw (IOException) new IOException().initCause(e); } } /** * Extracts all of the TextSymbolizer2 from the active rules, in the order * they are declared. * @param feature * @param styles * @return */ private List<TextSymbolizer2> getTextSymbolizers2(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) { List<TextSymbolizer2> textSymbolizers = new ArrayList<TextSymbolizer2>(); for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { Rule[] rules = filterRules(styles[i], feature ); for ( int j = 0; j < rules.length; j++ ) { Symbolizer[] syms = rules[j].getSymbolizers(); for ( int k = 0; k < syms.length; k++) { if ( syms[k] instanceof TextSymbolizer2) { textSymbolizers.add((TextSymbolizer2) syms[k]); } } } } return textSymbolizers; } /** * Encodes the provided set of rules as KML styles. Override that handles * the style definition and encodes it only if the style module is enabled */ protected boolean encodeStyle(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureTypeStyle[] styles) { //encode hte Line/Poly styles List symbolizerList = new ArrayList(); for ( int j = 0; j < styles.length ; j++ ) { Rule[] rules = filterRules(styles[j], feature); for (int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { symbolizerList.addAll(Arrays.asList(rules[i].getSymbolizers())); } } if ( !symbolizerList.isEmpty() ) { if(styleModule) { //start the style start("Style", KMLUtils.attributes(new String[] { "id", "GeoServerStyle" + feature.getID() })); //encode the icon encodeIconStyle(feature, styles); Symbolizer[] symbolizers = (Symbolizer[]) symbolizerList.toArray(new Symbolizer[symbolizerList.size()]); encodeStyle(feature, symbolizers); //end the style end("Style"); } // we return true anyways because otherwise the geometry won't be encoded return true; } else { //dont encode return false; } } } }