package org.geoserver.geosearch; import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo; import; import org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestSupport; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public class SiteMapIndexRestletTest extends GeoServerTestSupport { /** * Helper function for all these repetitive tests. The test sequence verifies that the 'Enable GeoSearch' checkbox applies to the specified endpoint, and that the root element is as expected. * * @param type the QName for the dataset to test against * @param path the request path, everything AFTER the servlet context * @param rootElement the expected tag name of the root element of * the returned XML document */ private void assertProtectedEndpoint ( QName type, String fid, String path, String rootElement) throws Exception { path = String.format( path, type.getPrefix() + ":" + type.getLocalPart(), fid ); assertStatusCodeForGet(403, path); FeatureTypeInfo ft = getCatalog().getFeatureTypeByName( getCatalog().getNamespace(type.getPrefix()), type.getLocalPart() ); ft.getMetadata().put("indexingEnabled", true); getCatalog().save(ft); ft = getCatalog().getFeatureTypeByName( getCatalog().getNamespace(type.getPrefix()), type.getLocalPart() ); assertEquals(ft.getMetadata().get("indexingEnabled"), true); Document d = getAsDOM(path); assertEquals( "In " + path + ": ", rootElement, d.getDocumentElement().getTagName() ); } public void testSiteMapExists() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS, null, // Layer-wide, no FID needed "/rest/layers/%1$s/sitemap.xml", "sitemapindex" ); } public void testGotoKML() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS, "BasicPolygons.1107531493630", "/rest/layers/%1$s/%2$s_goto.kml", "kml" ); } public void testFeatureKML() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS, "BasicPolygons.1107531493630", "/rest/layers/%1$s/%2$s.kml", "kml" ); } public void testPagedLayerSiteMap() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS, null, "/rest/layers/%1$s/sitemap-1.xml", "urlset" ); } public void testFeatureHTML() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS, "BasicPolygons.1107531493630", "/rest/layers/%1$s/%2$s.html", "html" ); } public void testLayerHTML() throws Exception { assertProtectedEndpoint( MockData.GENERICENTITY, null, "/rest/layers/%1$s.html", "html" ); } }