/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2007 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.template; import freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader; import freemarker.cache.FileTemplateLoader; import freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog; import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.NamespaceInfo; import org.geoserver.catalog.ResourceInfo; import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerDataDirectory; import org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions; import org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerResourceLoader; import org.vfny.geoserver.global.GeoserverDataDirectory; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A freemarker template loader which can load templates from locations under * a GeoServer data directory. * <p> * To use this template loader, use the {@link Configuration#setTemplateLoader(TemplateLoader)} * method: * <pre> * <code> * Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); * cfg.setTemplateLoader( new GeoServerTemplateLoader() ); * ... * Template template = cfg.getTemplate( "foo.ftl" ); * ... * </code> * </pre> * </p> * <p> * In {@link #findTemplateSource(String)}, the following lookup heuristic is * applied to locate a file based on the given path. * <ol> * <li>The path relative to '<data_dir>/featureTypes/[featureType]' * given that a feature ( {@link #setFeatureType(String)} ) has been set * <li>The path relative to '<data_dir>/featureTypes' * <li>The path relative to '<data_dir>/templates' * <li>The path relative to the calling class with {@link Class#getResource(String)}. * </ol> * <b>Note:</b> If method 5 succeeds, the resulting template will be copied to * the 'templates' directory of the data directory. * </p> * * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project, jdeolive@openplans.org * */ public class GeoServerTemplateLoader implements TemplateLoader { /** logger */ static Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geoserver.template"); /** * Delegate file based template loader */ FileTemplateLoader fileTemplateLoader; /** * Delegate class based template loader, may be null depending on how */ ClassTemplateLoader classTemplateLoader; /** * GeoServer data directory */ GeoServerDataDirectory dd; /** * Feature type directory to load template against. Its presence is mutually * exclusive with coverageName * @deprecated Keeping this around for backwards compatability */ ResourceInfo resource; /** * Feature type directory to load template against. Its presence is mutually * exclusive with coverageName * @deprecated Keeping this around for backwards compatability */ SimpleFeatureType featureType; /** * Coverage info directory to load template against. Its presence is mutually * exclusive with featureTypeInfo */ private String coverageName; /** * Reference to the GeoServer catalog so we can look up the prefix for a namespace. */ private Catalog catalog; /** * Constructs the template loader. * * @param caller The "calling" class, used to look up templates based with * {@link Class#getResource(String)}, may be <code>null</code> * * @deprecated Use {@link #GeoServerTemplateLoader(Class, GeoServerResourceLoader)} * @throws IOException */ public GeoServerTemplateLoader(Class caller) throws IOException { this(caller,GeoServerExtensions.bean(GeoServerResourceLoader.class)); } /** * Constructs the template loader. * * @param caller The "calling" class, used to look up templates based with * {@link Class#getResource(String)}, may be <code>null</code> * @param rl The geoserver resource loader * * @throws IOException */ public GeoServerTemplateLoader(Class caller, GeoServerResourceLoader rl) throws IOException { //create a file template loader to delegate to fileTemplateLoader = new FileTemplateLoader(rl.getBaseDirectory()); //grab the catalog and store a reference catalog = (Catalog)GeoServerExtensions.bean("catalog"); //create a class template loader to delegate to if (caller != null) { classTemplateLoader = new ClassTemplateLoader(caller, ""); } dd = new GeoServerDataDirectory(rl); } /** * Sets the feature type in which templates are loaded against. * @deprecated use {@link #setFeatureType(FeatureTypeInfo)} */ public void setFeatureType(SimpleFeatureType featureType) { this.featureType = featureType; FeatureTypeInfo ft = catalog.getFeatureTypeByName( featureType.getName() ); if ( ft == null ) { return; //throw new IllegalArgumentException("No feature type named " + featureType.getName() + " in catalog"); } setFeatureType(ft); } public void setFeatureType(FeatureTypeInfo ft) { this.resource = ft; } /** * Sets the coverage info * @deprecated use {@link #setCoverage(CoverageInfo)} */ public void setCoverageName(String coverageName){ this.coverageName = coverageName; CoverageInfo c = catalog.getCoverageByName( coverageName ); if ( c == null ) { return; //throw new IllegalArgumentException("No coverage named " + coverageName + " in catalog"); } setCoverage(c); } public void setCoverage(CoverageInfo c) { this.resource = c; } public Object findTemplateSource(String path) throws IOException { File template = null; //template look up order // 1. Relative to resource // 2. Relative to store of the resource // 3. Relative to workspace of resource // 4. Relative to templates directory // 5. Relative to the class if ( resource != null ) { //first check relative to set resource template = dd.findSuppResourceFile( resource, path); if ( template == null ) { //next try relative to the store template = dd.findSuppStoreFile( resource.getStore(), path); } if ( template == null ) { //next try relative to the workspace template = dd.findSuppWorkspaceFile( resource.getStore().getWorkspace(), path); } if ( template != null ) { return template; } } //for backwards compatability, use the old lookup mechanism template = findTemplateSourceLegacy(path); if ( template != null ) { return template; } //next, check the templates directory template = (File) fileTemplateLoader.findTemplateSource("templates" + File.separator + path); if (template != null) { return template; } //final effort to use a class resource if (classTemplateLoader != null) { Object source = classTemplateLoader.findTemplateSource(path); //wrap the source in a source that maintains the orignial path if (source != null) { return new ClassTemplateSource(path, source); } } return null; } File findTemplateSourceLegacy(String path) throws IOException { File template = null; //first check relative to set feature type String baseDirName; try { final String dirName; if (featureType != null) { baseDirName = "featureTypes"; dirName = GeoserverDataDirectory.findFeatureTypeDirName(featureType); } else if (coverageName != null) { baseDirName = "coverages"; dirName = GeoserverDataDirectory.findCoverageDirName(coverageName); } else { baseDirName = "featureTypes"; dirName = ""; } template = (File) fileTemplateLoader.findTemplateSource(baseDirName + File.separator + dirName + File.separator + path); if (template != null) { return template; } if (featureType != null) { NamespaceInfo nsInfo = null; if ( featureType.getName().getNamespaceURI() != null ) { nsInfo = catalog.getNamespaceByURI(featureType.getName().getNamespaceURI()); } // the feature type might not be registered, it may come from WMS feature portrayal, be a // remote one if(nsInfo != null) { //try looking up the template in the default location for the particular namespaces // under templates/<namespace> template = (File) fileTemplateLoader.findTemplateSource( "templates" + File.separator + nsInfo.getPrefix() + File.separator + path ); } } if (template != null) return template; // next, try relative to featureTypes or coverages directory, as appropriate template = (File) fileTemplateLoader.findTemplateSource(baseDirName + File.separator + path); if (template != null) { return template; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { // this one is thrown if the feature type is not found, and happens whenever // the feature type is a remote one // No problem, we just go on, there won't be any specific template for it } return null; } public long getLastModified(Object source) { if (source instanceof File) { //loaded from file return fileTemplateLoader.getLastModified(source); } else { //loaded from class ClassTemplateSource wrapper = (ClassTemplateSource) source; return classTemplateLoader.getLastModified(wrapper.source); } } public Reader getReader(Object source, String encoding) throws IOException { if (source instanceof File) { // loaded from file return fileTemplateLoader.getReader(source, encoding); } else { // get teh resource for the raw source as use it right away ClassTemplateSource wrapper = (ClassTemplateSource) source; return classTemplateLoader.getReader(wrapper.source, encoding); } } public void closeTemplateSource(Object source) throws IOException { if (source instanceof File) { fileTemplateLoader.closeTemplateSource(source); } else { ClassTemplateSource wrapper = (ClassTemplateSource) source; //close the raw source classTemplateLoader.closeTemplateSource(wrapper.source); //cleanup wrapper.path = null; wrapper.source = null; } } /** * Template source for use when a template is loaded from a class. * <p> * Used to store the intial path so the template can be copied to the data * directory. * </p> * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project, jdeolive@openplans.org * */ static class ClassTemplateSource { /** * The path used to load the template. */ String path; /** * The raw source from the class template loader */ Object source; public ClassTemplateSource(String path, Object source) { this.path = path; this.source = source; } } }