package; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.Configuration; import org.fluxtream.core.TimezoneMap; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.location.LocationFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.vos.AbstractFacetVO; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractLocalTimeFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.Guest; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.metadata.City; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.metadata.FoursquareVenue; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.metadata.VisitedCity; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.metadata.WeatherInfo; import org.fluxtream.core.metadata.ArbitraryTimespanMetadata; import org.fluxtream.core.metadata.DayMetadata; import org.fluxtream.core.metadata.MonthMetadata; import org.fluxtream.core.metadata.WeekMetadata; import; import; import; import org.fluxtream.core.thirdparty.helpers.WWOHelper; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.HttpUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.JPAUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.TimeUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.UnexpectedHttpResponseCodeException; import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.SunriseSunsetCalculator; import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.dto.Location; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.Days; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @Service @Component @Transactional(readOnly=true) public class MetadataServiceImpl implements MetadataService { FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(MetadataServiceImpl.class); // threshold range in meters to consider successive location points to be in the same city // without checking private static final float CITY_RANGE = 1000.f; @Autowired Configuration env; @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; @Autowired GuestService guestService; @Autowired NotificationsService notificationsService; @Autowired WWOHelper wwoHelper; @Override public TimeZone getTimeZone(double latitude, double longitude) { City closestCity = getClosestCity(latitude, longitude); TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(closestCity.geo_timezone); return timeZone; } @Override public TimeZone getCurrentTimeZone(long guestId) { LocationFacet lastLocation = getLastLocation(guestId, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (lastLocation != null) { TimeZone timeZone = getTimeZone(lastLocation.latitude, lastLocation.longitude); return timeZone; } return null; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void setTimeZone(long guestId, String date, String timeZone) { logger.warn("component=metadata action=setTimeZone message=attempt to set timezone"); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void resetDayMainCity(final long guestId, final String date) { final List<VisitedCity> visitedCities = getVisitedCitiesForDate(guestId, date); for (VisitedCity visitedCity : visitedCities) { if (visitedCity.locationSource== LocationFacet.Source.USER) em.remove(visitedCity); } em.flush(); } @Override public void setDayMainCity(final long guestId, final float latitude, final float longitude, final String date) { final City closestCity = getClosestCity(latitude, longitude); setDayMainCity(guestId, date, closestCity); } @Override public void setDayMainCity(final long guestId, final long visitedCityId, final String date) { final VisitedCity visitedCity = em.find(VisitedCity.class, visitedCityId); setDayMainCity(guestId, date,; } private void setDayMainCity(final long guestId, final String date, final City closestCity) { clearMainCities(guestId, Arrays.asList(date)); final DateTime dateTime = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(closestCity.geo_timezone)).parseDateTime(date); setMainCity(guestId, closestCity, dateTime.getMillis(), dateTime.getMillis() + DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY - 1, date); } private void clearMainCities(final long guestId, final Collection<String> dates) { TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=:guestId AND facet.locationSource=:source AND IN :dates" + " ORDER BY facet.start", VisitedCity.class); query.setParameter("guestId", guestId); query.setParameter("source", LocationFacet.Source.USER); query.setParameter("dates", dates); final List<VisitedCity> resultList = query.getResultList(); for (VisitedCity city : resultList) { em.remove(city); } } @Transactional(readOnly=false) private void setMainCity(final long guestId, final City city, final long start, final long end, final String timePeriod) { resetDayMainCity(guestId, timePeriod); VisitedCity visitedCity = new VisitedCity(); visitedCity.guestId = guestId; = timePeriod; visitedCity.locationSource = LocationFacet.Source.USER; = city; visitedCity.start = start; visitedCity.end = end; visitedCity.count = 1; visitedCity.startTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(start); visitedCity.endTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(end); em.persist(visitedCity); } @Override public ArbitraryTimespanMetadata getArbitraryTimespanMetadata(final long guestId, final long start, final long end) { final TreeSet<String> dates = getDatesBetween(start, end); List<VisitedCity> cities = getVisitedCitiesForDates(guestId, dates); VisitedCity previousInferredCity = null, nextInferredCity = null; if (cities.size()==0) { previousInferredCity = searchCityBeforeDate(guestId, dates.first()); nextInferredCity = searchCityAfterDate(guestId, dates.last()); if (previousInferredCity==null&&nextInferredCity==null) { ArbitraryTimespanMetadata info = new ArbitraryTimespanMetadata(start, end); return info; } } final VisitedCity consensusVisitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(cities, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity); final List<DayMetadata> dayMetadataForDates = getDayMetadataForDates(guestId, dates); final TreeMap<String, TimeZone> consensusTimezoneMap = getConsensusTimezoneMap(dayMetadataForDates); final List<VisitedCity> consensusCities = extractConsensusCities(dayMetadataForDates); TimezoneMap timezoneMap = TimezoneMap.fromConsensusTimezoneMap(consensusTimezoneMap); ArbitraryTimespanMetadata info = new ArbitraryTimespanMetadata(consensusVisitedCity, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity, consensusTimezoneMap, timezoneMap, cities, consensusCities, start, end); return info; } TreeMap<String,TimeZone> getConsensusTimezoneMap(List<DayMetadata> metadata) { TreeMap<String, TimeZone> tzMap = new TreeMap<String, TimeZone>(); for (DayMetadata dayMetadata : metadata) tzMap.put(, TimeZone.getTimeZone(; return tzMap; } List<DayMetadata> getDayMetadataForDates(final long guestId, final TreeSet<String> dates) { List<DayMetadata> metadata = new ArrayList<DayMetadata>(); for (String date : dates) { final DayMetadata dayMetadata = getDayMetadata(guestId, date); metadata.add(dayMetadata); } return metadata; } List<VisitedCity> extractConsensusCities(List<DayMetadata> metadata) { List<VisitedCity> visitedCities = new ArrayList<VisitedCity>(); for (DayMetadata dayMetadata : metadata) { visitedCities.add(dayMetadata.consensusVisitedCity); } return visitedCities; } TreeSet<String> getDatesBetween(long start, final long end) { TreeSet<String> dates = new TreeSet<String>(); String startDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.print(start-DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY/2); String endDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.print(end + DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY/2); dates.add(startDate); for(;!startDate.equals(endDate);start+=DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY) { startDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.print(start); dates.add(startDate); } return dates; } @Override public DayMetadata getDayMetadata(long guestId, String date) { // get visited cities for a specific date . If we don't have any data for that date, // retrieve cities for the first date for which we do have data List<VisitedCity> cities = getVisitedCitiesForDate(guestId, date); VisitedCity previousInferredCity = null, nextInferredCity = null; if (cities.size()==0) { previousInferredCity = searchCityBeforeDate(guestId, date); nextInferredCity = searchCityAfterDate(guestId, date); if (previousInferredCity==null&&nextInferredCity==null) { DayMetadata info = new DayMetadata(date); return info; } } final VisitedCity consensusVisitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(cities, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity); TreeMap<String, TimeZone> consensusTimezoneMap = new TreeMap<String, TimeZone>(); consensusTimezoneMap.put(date, TimeZone.getTimeZone(; TimezoneMap timezoneMap = TimezoneMap.fromConsensusTimezoneMap(consensusTimezoneMap); List<VisitedCity> consensusVisitedCities = Arrays.asList(consensusVisitedCity); DayMetadata info = new DayMetadata(consensusVisitedCity, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity, consensusTimezoneMap, timezoneMap, cities, consensusVisitedCities, date); return info; } private int daysBetween(String date, VisitedCity vcity) { final DateTime wantedDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(; final DateTime availableDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(; final int days = Days.daysBetween(wantedDate, availableDate).getDays(); return days; } @Override public WeekMetadata getWeekMetadata(final long guestId, final int year, final int week) { TreeSet<String> dates = getDatesForWeek(year, week); List<VisitedCity> cities = getVisitedCitiesForDates(guestId, dates); VisitedCity previousInferredCity = null, nextInferredCity = null; if (cities.size()==0) { previousInferredCity = searchCityBeforeDate(guestId, dates.first()); nextInferredCity = searchCityAfterDate(guestId, dates.last()); if (previousInferredCity==null&&nextInferredCity==null) { WeekMetadata info = new WeekMetadata(year, week); return info; } } final VisitedCity consensusVisitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(cities, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity); final List<DayMetadata> dayMetadataForDates = getDayMetadataForDates(guestId, dates); final TreeMap<String, TimeZone> consensusTimezoneMap = getConsensusTimezoneMap(dayMetadataForDates); final List<VisitedCity> consensusCities = extractConsensusCities(dayMetadataForDates); TimezoneMap timezoneMap = TimezoneMap.fromConsensusTimezoneMap(consensusTimezoneMap); WeekMetadata info = new WeekMetadata(consensusVisitedCity, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity, consensusTimezoneMap, timezoneMap, cities, consensusCities, year, week); return info; } public List<VisitedCity> getConsensusCities(final long guestId, final TreeSet<String> dates) { List<VisitedCity> consensusCities = new ArrayList<VisitedCity>(); Collections.sort(consensusCities, new Comparator<VisitedCity>(){ @Override public int compare(final VisitedCity o1, final VisitedCity o2) { return; } }); for (String date : dates) { final DayMetadata dayMetadata = getDayMetadata(guestId, date); final VisitedCity consensusVisitedCity = dayMetadata.consensusVisitedCity; // Explicitely set the date on this visitedCity to enable time boundaries checking VisitedCity copy = new VisitedCity(consensusVisitedCity); copy.setDate(date); copy.start = copy.getDayStart(); copy.end = copy.getDayEnd(); consensusCities.add(copy); } return consensusCities; } @Override public MonthMetadata getMonthMetadata(final long guestId, final int year, final int month) { TreeSet<String> dates = getDatesForMonth(year, month); List<VisitedCity> cities = getVisitedCitiesForDates(guestId, dates); VisitedCity previousInferredCity = null, nextInferredCity = null; if (cities.size()==0) { previousInferredCity = searchCityBeforeDate(guestId, dates.first()); nextInferredCity = searchCityAfterDate(guestId, dates.last()); if (previousInferredCity==null && nextInferredCity==null) { MonthMetadata info = new MonthMetadata(year, month); return info; } } final VisitedCity consensusVisitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(cities, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity); final List<DayMetadata> dayMetadataForDates = getDayMetadataForDates(guestId, dates); final TreeMap<String, TimeZone> consensusTimezoneMap = getConsensusTimezoneMap(dayMetadataForDates); final List<VisitedCity> consensusCities = extractConsensusCities(dayMetadataForDates); TimezoneMap timezoneMap = TimezoneMap.fromConsensusTimezoneMap(consensusTimezoneMap); MonthMetadata info = new MonthMetadata(consensusVisitedCity, previousInferredCity, nextInferredCity, consensusTimezoneMap, timezoneMap, cities, consensusCities, year, month); return info; } public TreeSet<String> getDatesForWeek(final int year, final int week) { LocalDate weekDay = TimeUtils.getBeginningOfWeek(year, week); final LocalDate nextWeekStart = weekDay.plusWeeks(1); TreeSet<String> dates = new TreeSet<String>(); while(weekDay.isBefore(nextWeekStart)) { final String date = TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.print(weekDay); dates.add(date); weekDay = weekDay.plusDays(1); } return dates; } public TreeSet<String> getDatesForMonth(final int year, final int month) { LocalDate dayOfMonth = TimeUtils.getBeginningOfMonth(year, month); final LocalDate nextMonthStart = dayOfMonth.plusMonths(1); TreeSet<String> dates = new TreeSet<String>(); while(dayOfMonth.isBefore(nextMonthStart)) { final String date = TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.print(dayOfMonth); dates.add(date); dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth.plusDays(1); } return dates; } public List<VisitedCity> getVisitedCitiesForDate(final long guestId, final String date) { TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND" + " ORDER BY facet.start", VisitedCity.class); query.setParameter(1, guestId); query.setParameter(2, date); final List<VisitedCity> cities = query.getResultList(); return cities; } public List<VisitedCity> getVisitedCitiesForDates(final long guestId, final TreeSet<String> dates) { TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=:guestId AND IN :dates" + " ORDER BY facet.start", VisitedCity.class); query.setParameter("guestId", guestId); query.setParameter("dates", dates); List<VisitedCity> cities = query.getResultList(); return cities; } /** * Get only the consensus city. Return user's preference if it has been set, otherwise return * the city where the user has spent the most time. * * @param cities * @return */ private VisitedCity getConsensusVisitedCity(final List<VisitedCity> cities, final VisitedCity previousInferredCity, final VisitedCity nextInferredCity) { for (VisitedCity city : cities) if (city.locationSource== LocationFacet.Source.USER) return city; if (previousInferredCity!=null&&nextInferredCity!=null) { if (Math.abs(previousInferredCity.daysInferred)>Math.abs(nextInferredCity.daysInferred)) return nextInferredCity; else return previousInferredCity; } else if (previousInferredCity!=null) return previousInferredCity; else if (nextInferredCity!=null) return nextInferredCity; List<VisitedCity> cityList = new ArrayList<VisitedCity>(cities); Collections.sort(cityList, new Comparator<VisitedCity>() { @Override public int compare(final VisitedCity a, final VisitedCity b) { int timeSpentInA = (int) (a.end - a.start + 1); //add one if start and end are equal int timeSpentInB = (int) (b.end - b.start + 1); return timeSpentInB - timeSpentInA; } }); if (cityList.size()>0) return cityList.get(0); return null; } private String findClosestKnownDateForTime(final long guestId, final long time) { VisitedCity existingCity = searchCityBefore(guestId, time); if (existingCity==null) existingCity = searchCityAfter(guestId, time); if (existingCity!=null) { return; } return TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.print(time); } private VisitedCity searchCityBefore(final long guestId, final long instant) { return searchCity("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND facet.start<? ORDER BY facet.start", guestId, instant); } private VisitedCity searchCityAfter(final long guestId, final long instant) { return searchCity("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND facet.start>? ORDER BY facet.start", guestId, instant); } private VisitedCity searchCity(final String queryString, final long guestId, final long instant) { final TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query = em.createQuery(queryString, VisitedCity.class); return getVisitedCity(guestId, instant, query); } private VisitedCity searchCity(final String queryString, final long guestId, final String date) { final TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query = em.createQuery(queryString, VisitedCity.class); return getVisitedCity(guestId, date, query); } private VisitedCity getVisitedCity(final long guestId, final String date, final TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query) { query.setMaxResults(1); query.setParameter(1, guestId); query.setParameter(2, date); final List<VisitedCity> cities = query.getResultList(); if (cities.size()>0) return cities.get(0); return null; } private VisitedCity getVisitedCity(final long guestId, final long instant, final TypedQuery<VisitedCity> query) { query.setMaxResults(1); query.setParameter(1, guestId); query.setParameter(2, instant); final List<VisitedCity> cities = query.getResultList(); if (cities.size()>0) return cities.get(0); return null; } private VisitedCity searchCityBeforeDate(final long guestId, final String date) { VisitedCity visitedCity = searchCity("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND<? ORDER BY facet.start DESC", guestId, date); if (visitedCity!=null) { final List<VisitedCity> visitedCitiesForDate = getVisitedCitiesForDate(guestId,; visitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(visitedCitiesForDate, null, null); visitedCity.daysInferred = daysBetween(date, visitedCity); } return visitedCity; } private VisitedCity searchCityAfterDate(final long guestId, final String date) { VisitedCity visitedCity = searchCity("SELECT facet FROM " + JPAUtils.getEntityName(VisitedCity.class) + " facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND>? ORDER BY facet.start", guestId, date); if (visitedCity!=null) { final List<VisitedCity> visitedCitiesForDate = getVisitedCitiesForDate(guestId,; visitedCity = getConsensusVisitedCity(visitedCitiesForDate, null, null); visitedCity.daysInferred = daysBetween(date, visitedCity); } return visitedCity; } @Override public List<DayMetadata> getAllDayMetadata(final long guestId) { return JPAUtils.find(em, DayMetadata.class,"context.all",guestId); } @Override public LocationFacet getLastLocation(long guestId, long time) { LocationFacet lastSeen = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, LocationFacet.class, "location.lastSeen", guestId, time); return lastSeen; } @Override public TimeZone getTimeZone(long guestId, String date) { final DayMetadata dayMetadata = getDayMetadata(guestId, date); return dayMetadata.getTimeInterval().getMainTimeZone(); } @Override public TimeZone getTimeZone(long guestId, long time) { String date = findClosestKnownDateForTime(guestId, time); return getTimeZone(guestId, date); } @Override public City getClosestCity(double latitude, double longitude) { List<City> cities = new ArrayList<City>(); for (int dist = 10, i = 1; cities.size() == 0;) cities = getClosestCities(latitude, longitude, Double.valueOf(dist ^ i++)); return cities.get(0); } @Override public List<City> getClosestCities(double latitude, double longitude, double dist) { double lon1 = longitude - dist / Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitude)) * 69d); double lon2 = longitude + dist / Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitude)) * 69d); double lat1 = latitude - (dist / 69.d); double lat2 = latitude + (dist / 69.d); Query query = em .createNativeQuery( "SELECT cities1000.geo_id, cities1000.geo_name, " + "cities1000.geo_timezone, cities1000.geo_latitude, " + "cities1000.geo_longitude, cities1000.geo_country_code, " + "cities1000.geo_admin1_code, cities1000.population, " + "3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((:mylat - geo_latitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) + COS(:mylat * pi()/180) *COS(geo_latitude * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((:mylon -geo_longitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2))) as distance " + "FROM cities1000 " + "WHERE geo_longitude between :lon1 and :lon2 " + "and geo_latitude between :lat1 and :lat2 " + "HAVING distance < :dist ORDER BY distance limit 1;", City.class); query.setParameter("mylat", latitude); query.setParameter("mylon", longitude); query.setParameter("lon1", lon1); query.setParameter("lon2", lon2); query.setParameter("lat1", lat1); query.setParameter("lat2", lat2); query.setParameter("dist", dist); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<City> resultList = query.getResultList(); return resultList; } @Override public List<WeatherInfo> getWeatherInfo(double latitude, double longitude, String date) { City closestCity = getClosestCity(latitude, longitude); List<WeatherInfo> weather = JPAUtils.find(em, WeatherInfo.class, "weather.byDateAndCity.between", closestCity.geo_name, date); if (weather != null && weather.size() > 0) { addIcons(weather); return weather; } else { try { fetchWeatherInfo(latitude, longitude, closestCity.geo_name, date); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("action=fetchWeather error date="+ date+", lat=" + latitude + ", lon=" +longitude+", city="+closestCity.geo_name); } weather = JPAUtils.find(em, WeatherInfo.class, "weather.byDateAndCity.between", closestCity.geo_name, date); addIcons(weather); } return weather; } @Override public void rebuildMetadata(final String username) { Guest guest = null; // Accept guest ID as well as username try { guest = guestService.getGuest(username); if(guest==null) { // Try to treat arg as guestId Long guestId = Long.valueOf(username); if(guestId!=null) { guest = guestService.getGuestById(guestId); } } } catch (Exception e) { // Might get exception if username doesn't exist and non-numeric guest=null; } // Check if we succeeded, return. This isn't really right because we don't get // error reporting, but would take to long to fix error reporting right now. // TODO: fix error reporting if(guest==null) { return; } String entityName = JPAUtils.getEntityName(LocationFacet.class); final Query nativeQuery = em.createNativeQuery(String.format("SELECT DISTINCT apiKeyId FROM %s WHERE guestId=%s", entityName, guest.getId())); final List<BigInteger> resultList = nativeQuery.getResultList(); for (BigInteger apiKeyId : resultList) { if(apiKeyId!=null && apiKeyId.longValue()>0) { rebuildMetadata(guest.username, apiKeyId.longValue()); } } } private void rebuildMetadata(final String username, long apiKeyId) { final Guest guest = guestService.getGuest(username); String entityName = JPAUtils.getEntityName(LocationFacet.class); int i=0; final Query facetsQuery = em.createQuery(String.format("SELECT facet FROM %s facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=? ORDER BY facet.start ASC", entityName)); facetsQuery.setParameter(1, apiKeyId); while(true) { facetsQuery.setFirstResult(i); facetsQuery.setMaxResults(1000); final List<LocationFacet> rawLocations = facetsQuery.getResultList(); //System.out.println(username + ": retrieved " + rawLocations.size() + " location datapoints (offset is " + i + ")"); if (rawLocations.size()==0) break; //System.out.println(username + ": " + AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZoneUTC().print(rawLocations.get(0).start)); long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Loop over the points to see if they're already included in visited cities entries // it's important that the location points in the locations list are for a single apiKeyId // and are in forward chronological order. Only add locations that aren't already contained // within a VisitedCity item to the newLocations list List<LocationFacet> newLocations=new ArrayList<LocationFacet>(); VisitedCity existingVisitedCityRecord = null; for (LocationFacet locationFacet : rawLocations) { // Check to see if this location is in the current existingVisitedCityRecord (if any) if(existingVisitedCityRecord !=null && locationFacet.start <=existingVisitedCityRecord.end) { // This location falls within the last fetched visited cities record, skip it continue; } // This location doesn't fall within the last fetched visited cities record (if any). // See if it fits in a new one. Note that this really assumes that locationFacet.start // and locationFacet.end are the same and VisitedCity records are non-overlapping. // It returns null if there are no visited city // records overlapping the current point and non-null if there is one. existingVisitedCityRecord = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, VisitedCity.class, "visitedCities.byApiAndTime", locationFacet.apiKeyId, locationFacet.start, locationFacet.end); if(existingVisitedCityRecord == null) { // This is a new point, add it newLocations.add(locationFacet); } else { // This point is already covered, skip it } } if(newLocations.size()>0) { long start = newLocations.get(0).start; updateLocationMetadata(guest.getId(), newLocations); } else { System.out.println(username + ": no new " + entityName + " location datapoints (offset is " + i + ")"); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(String.format(username + ": updateLocationMetadata took %s ms to complete", (now - then))); i+=rawLocations.size(); } } /** * We want to have an explicit city "check-in" each time that we know we have been some place. * Thus, as we loop through a batch of new location datapoints, we keep track of the current date * and the current city and when either change we store a new datapoint in the VisitedCity table. * Then, for each date in the * @param guestId * @param locationResources */ @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void updateLocationMetadata(final long guestId, final List<LocationFacet> locationResources) { if (locationResources == null || locationResources.size()==0) return; // sort the location data in ascending time order try { Collections.sort(locationResources, new Comparator<LocationFacet>() { @Override public int compare(final LocationFacet o1, final LocationFacet o2) { if (o1.start > o2.start) return 1; else if (o2.start > o2.start) return -1; else return 0; } }); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Could not sort location array: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t)); t.printStackTrace(); } // local vars: current city and current day String currentDate = ""; Point2D.Double anchorLocation = new Point2D.Double(locationResources.get(0).latitude, locationResources.get(0).longitude); City anchorCity = getClosestCity(anchorLocation.x, anchorLocation.y); int count = 0; LocationFacet lastLocationResourceMatchingAnchor=locationResources.get(0); long start = locationResources.get(0).start; for (LocationFacet locationResource : locationResources) { try { City newCity = anchorCity; Point2D.Double location = new Point2D.Double(locationResource.latitude, locationResource.longitude); boolean withinAnchorRange = isWithinRange(location, anchorLocation); if (!withinAnchorRange) { anchorLocation = new Point2D.Double(locationResource.latitude, locationResource.longitude); newCity = getClosestCity(locationResource.latitude, locationResource.longitude); } String newDate = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(newCity.geo_timezone)).print(locationResource.timestampMs); final boolean dateChanged = !newDate.equals(currentDate); final boolean cityChanged = newCity.geo_id!=anchorCity.geo_id; if (dateChanged||cityChanged) { if (count>0) storeCityInfo(lastLocationResourceMatchingAnchor, currentDate, anchorCity, start, count); anchorCity = newCity; start = locationResource.start; count = 0; } count++; // update count on the last location before we finish if (locationResources.indexOf(locationResource)==locationResources.size()-1) storeCityInfo(locationResource, newDate, newCity, start, count); currentDate = newDate; lastLocationResourceMatchingAnchor = locationResource; } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("Exception occurred trying to store location metadata. Skipping datapoint..."); e.printStackTrace(); } } em.flush(); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public JSONObject getFoursquareVenueJSON(final String venueId) { String url = String.format("", venueId, env.get(""), env.get("foursquare.client.secret")); try { final String fetched = HttpUtils.fetch(url); JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(fetched); return json; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. return null; } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public FoursquareVenue getFoursquareVenue(final String venueId) { final TypedQuery<FoursquareVenue> query = em.createQuery("SELECT venue FROM FoursquareVenue venue WHERE venue.foursquareId=:venueId", FoursquareVenue.class); query.setParameter("venueId", venueId); final List<FoursquareVenue> resultList = query.getResultList(); if (resultList.size()>0) return resultList.get(0); else { String url = String.format("", venueId, env.get(""), env.get("foursquare.client.secret")); try { final String fetched = HttpUtils.fetch(url); JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(fetched); if (!json.has("meta")) throw new Exception("no meta information"); JSONObject meta = json.getJSONObject("meta"); final int code = meta.getInt("code"); if (code!=200) throw new Exception("error code is " + code); JSONObject responseWrapper = json.getJSONObject("response"); JSONObject response = responseWrapper.getJSONObject("venue"); // we only use the primary category and flatten its information in the venue final Object categoriesObject = response.get("categories"); JSONArray categories = null; if (categoriesObject instanceof JSONArray) categories = (JSONArray) categoriesObject; else { categories = new JSONArray(); JSONObject categoriesJson = (JSONObject)categoriesObject; categories.add(categoriesJson); } FoursquareVenue venue = new FoursquareVenue(); String venueName = response.getString("name"); String canonicalUrl = response.getString("canonicalUrl"); = venueName; venue.canonicalUrl = canonicalUrl; venue.foursquareId = venueId; for(int i=0; i<categories.size(); i++) { JSONObject categoryInfo = categories.getJSONObject(i); if (categoryInfo.has("primary")&&categoryInfo.getBoolean("primary")) { if (categoryInfo.has("id")) venue.categoryFoursquareId = categoryInfo.getString("id"); if (categoryInfo.has("name")) venue.categoryName = categoryInfo.getString("name"); if (categoryInfo.has("shortName")) venue.categoryShortName = categoryInfo.getString("shortName"); if (categoryInfo.has("icon")) { JSONObject iconJson = categoryInfo.getJSONObject("icon"); venue.categoryIconUrlPrefix = iconJson.getString("prefix"); venue.categoryIconUrlSuffix = iconJson.getString("suffix"); } } } em.persist(venue); return venue; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("action=getFoursquareVenue venueId=" + venueId + " message=" + e.getMessage()); } } return null; } private void storeCityInfo(final LocationFacet locationResource, String date, final City city, final long start, final int count) { VisitedCity previousRecord = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, VisitedCity.class, "visitedCities.byApiDateAndCity", locationResource.guestId, locationResource.apiKeyId, date, city.geo_id); if (previousRecord==null) { persistCity(locationResource, date, start, count, city); } else { // update start time and end time if necessary if (start<previousRecord.start) { previousRecord.start = start; previousRecord.startTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(start); } if (locationResource.end>previousRecord.end) { previousRecord.end = locationResource.end; previousRecord.endTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(locationResource.end); } // update timeUpdated previousRecord.timeUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); previousRecord.count += count; em.persist(previousRecord); } } private static float getMeterDistance(final Point2D.Double location, final Point2D.Double anchorLocation) { double earthRadius = 3958.75; double dLat = Math.toRadians(anchorLocation.x-location.x); double dLng = Math.toRadians(anchorLocation.y-location.y); double a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(location.x)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(anchorLocation.x)) * Math.sin(dLng/2) * Math.sin(dLng/2); double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); double dist = earthRadius * c; int meterConversion = 1609; float meters = new Float(dist * meterConversion).floatValue(); return meters; } private boolean isWithinRange(final Point2D.Double location, final Point2D.Double anchorLocation) { float meters = getMeterDistance(location, anchorLocation); return meters< CITY_RANGE; } @Transactional(readOnly=false) private void persistCity(final LocationFacet locationResource, final String date, long start, int count, final City city) { VisitedCity visitedCity = new VisitedCity(locationResource.apiKeyId); visitedCity.guestId = locationResource.guestId; visitedCity.locationSource = locationResource.source; visitedCity.api = locationResource.api; = date; = city; visitedCity.count = count; visitedCity.start = start; visitedCity.end = locationResource.end; visitedCity.startTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(start); visitedCity.endTimeStorage = AbstractLocalTimeFacet.timeStorageFormat.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(city.geo_timezone)).print(locationResource.end); computeSunriseSunset(locationResource, city, visitedCity); em.persist(visitedCity); } private void computeSunriseSunset(final LocationFacet locationFacet, final City city, final VisitedCity mdFacet) { Location location = new Location(String.valueOf(locationFacet.latitude), String.valueOf(locationFacet.longitude)); final TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(city.geo_timezone); SunriseSunsetCalculator calc = new SunriseSunsetCalculator(location, timeZone); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone); c.setTimeInMillis(locationFacet.start); Calendar sunrise = calc.getOfficialSunriseCalendarForDate(c); Calendar sunset = calc.getOfficialSunsetCalendarForDate(c); if (sunrise==null||sunset==null) return; if (sunrise.getTimeInMillis() > sunset.getTimeInMillis()) { Calendar sr = sunrise; Calendar ss = sunset; sunset = sr; sunrise = ss; } mdFacet.sunrise = AbstractFacetVO.toMinuteOfDay(sunrise.getTime(), timeZone); mdFacet.sunset = AbstractFacetVO.toMinuteOfDay(sunset.getTime(), timeZone); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) private void fetchWeatherInfo(double latitude, double longitude, String city, String date) throws IOException { List<WeatherInfo> weatherInfo = null; try { weatherInfo = wwoHelper.getWeatherInfo(latitude, longitude, date); } catch (UnexpectedHttpResponseCodeException e) { logger.warn(String.format("Weather Info service down? http code is %s, message: '%s'", e.getHttpResponseCode(), e.getHttpResponseMessage())); } for (WeatherInfo info : weatherInfo) { = city; info.fdate = date; em.persist(info); } } private void addIcons(List<WeatherInfo> weather){ for (WeatherInfo weatherInfo : weather){ switch (weatherInfo.weatherCode){ case 395://Moderate or heavy snow in area with thunder weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CSS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CSM.png"; break; case 389://Moderate or heavy rain in area with thunder weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CL.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CL.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CL.png"; break; case 200://Thundery outbreaks in nearby case 386://Patchy light rain in area with thunder case 392://Patchy light snow in area with thunder weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CL.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CLS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CLM.png"; break; case 113://Clear/Sunny weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/Sun.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/Sun.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/Moon.png"; break; case 116://Partly Cloudy weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/Cloud.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CS1.png";//CS#1.png weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CM.png"; break; case 122://Overcast case 119://Cloudy weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/Cloud.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/Cloud.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/Cloud.png"; break; case 299://Moderate rain at times case 302://Moderate rain case 305://Heavy rain at times case 308://Heavy rain case 296: //Light rain case 293: //Patchy light rain case 266://Light drizzle case 353://Light rain shower case 356://Moderate or heavy rain shower case 359://Torrentail rain shower weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CD.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CDS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CDM.png"; break; case 263://patchy light drizzle case 176://patchy rain nearby case 143://Mist weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CD_Alt.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CDS_Alt.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CDM_Alt.png"; break; case 227://Blowing snow case 230://Blizzard case 329://Patchy moderate snow case 332://Moderate snow case 335://Patchy heavy snow case 338://Heavy snow case 368://Light snow showers case 371://Moderate or heavy snow showers weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CSS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CSM.png"; break; case 179://Patchy snow nearby case 323://Patchy Light snow case 325://Light snow weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CSA.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CSSA.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CSMA.png"; break; case 281://Freezing drizzle case 185: //Patchy freezing drizzle nearby case 182://Patchy sleet nearby case 311://Light freezing rain case 317://Light sleet weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CH.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CHS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CHM.png"; break; case 260://Freezing Fog case 248://Fog weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/Fog.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/FS.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/FM.png"; break; case 314://Moderate or Heavy freezing rain case 320://Moderate or heavy sleet case 284://Heavy freezing drizzle case 350://Ice pellets case 362://Light sleet showers case 365://Moderate or heavy sleet case 374://Light showrs of ice pellets case 377://Moderate or heavy showres of ice pellets weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/CH_Alt.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/CHS_Alt.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/CHM_Alt.png"; break; default: weatherInfo.weatherIconUrl = "images/climacons/WC.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlDay = "images/climacons/WC.png"; weatherInfo.weatherIconUrlNight = "images/climacons/WC.png"; break; } } } public static void main(final String[] args) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); //final DateTime dateTime = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Brussels")).parseDateTime("2013-06-03"); //System.out.println(dateTime.getMillis()); //System.out.println(dateTime.getMillis()+DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY); //Point2D.Double p1 = new Point2D.Double(0,0); //Point2D.Double p2 = new Point2D.Double(0,0.0089); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); //p2 = new Point2D.Double(0.00904,0.00); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); //p2 = new Point2D.Double(0.00639, 0.00629); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); //p1 = new Point2D.Double(40.0, 0.0); //p2 = new Point2D.Double(40, 0.0117647); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); //p2 = new Point2D.Double(40.00904, 0.0); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); //p2 = new Point2D.Double(40.00639, 0.0083); //System.out.println(getMeterDistance(p1, p2)); } }