package org.fluxtream.core.connectors.dao; import org.fluxtream.core.TimeInterval; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.ObjectType; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.ObjectTypeSpec; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.location.LocationFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractRepeatableFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ApiKey; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.TagFilter; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.metadata.VisitedCity; import; import; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.JPAUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.TimeUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Repository @Component public class JPAFacetDao implements FacetDao { private static final FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(JPAFacetDao.class); @Autowired GuestService guestService; @Autowired ConnectorUpdateService connectorUpdateService; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; public JPAFacetDao() {} @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsByDates(final ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, List<String> dates, Long updatedSince) { if (!objectType.isClientFacet()) return new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); ArrayList<AbstractFacet> facets = new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return facets; Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass = getFacetClass(apiKey.getConnector(), objectType); final String facetName = getEntityName(facetClass); StringBuilder additionalWhereClause = new StringBuilder(); if (objectType.visibleClause()!=null) additionalWhereClause.append(" AND ").append(objectType.visibleClause()).append(" "); if (updatedSince != null){ additionalWhereClause.append(" AND facet.timeUpdated > ").append(updatedSince); } String queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT facet FROM ") .append(facetName) .append(" facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=:apiKeyId AND IN :dates") .append(additionalWhereClause) .toString(); final TypedQuery<? extends AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery(queryString, AbstractFacet.class); query.setParameter("apiKeyId", apiKey.getId()); query.setParameter("dates", dates); List<? extends AbstractFacet> found = query.getResultList(); if (found!=null) facets.addAll(found); return facets; } @Override public List<AbstractRepeatableFacet> getFacetsBetweenDates(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final String startDateString, final String endDateString, Long updatedSince) { if (!objectType.isClientFacet()) return new ArrayList<AbstractRepeatableFacet>(); ArrayList<AbstractRepeatableFacet> facets = new ArrayList<AbstractRepeatableFacet>(); if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return facets; Class<? extends AbstractRepeatableFacet> facetClass = (Class<? extends AbstractRepeatableFacet>)getFacetClass(apiKey.getConnector(), objectType); final String facetName = getEntityName(facetClass); StringBuilder additionalWhereClause = new StringBuilder(); if (objectType.visibleClause()!=null) additionalWhereClause.append(" AND ").append(objectType.visibleClause()).append(" "); if (updatedSince != null){ additionalWhereClause.append(" AND facet.timeUpdated > ").append(updatedSince); } StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT facet FROM ") .append(facetName) .append(" facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=:apiKeyId AND NOT(facet.endDate<:startDate) AND NOT(facet.startDate>:endDate)") .append(additionalWhereClause); String orderBy = objectType.orderBy(); if (orderBy!=null) queryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY ").append(orderBy); String queryString = queryBuilder.toString(); final TypedQuery<? extends AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery(queryString, AbstractFacet.class); query.setParameter("apiKeyId", apiKey.getId()); final DateTime time = TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.parseDateTime(startDateString); Date startDate = new Date(time.getMillis()); final DateTime time2 = TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.parseDateTime(endDateString); Date endDate = new Date(time2.getMillis()); query.setParameter("startDate", startDate, TemporalType.DATE); query.setParameter("endDate", endDate, TemporalType.DATE); List<? extends AbstractRepeatableFacet> found = (List<? extends AbstractRepeatableFacet>)query.getResultList(); if (found!=null) facets.addAll(found); return facets; } @Cacheable("facetClasses") private String getEntityName(Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { try { return facetClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class).name(); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Could not get Facet class for connector for " + facetClass.getName(); logger.error(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } private Class<? extends AbstractFacet> getFacetClass(final Connector connector, final ObjectType objectType) { return objectType!=null ? objectType.facetClass() : connector.facetClass(); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBetween(final ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, TimeInterval timeInterval, Long updatedSince) { return getFacetsBetween(apiKey, objectType, timeInterval, null, null, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBetween(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, TimeInterval timeInterval, @Nullable TagFilter tagFilter, Long updatedSince) { return getFacetsBetween(apiKey, objectType, timeInterval, tagFilter, null, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBetween(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final TimeInterval timeInterval, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter, @Nullable final String orderByString, Long updatedSince) { if (objectType==null) { return getFacetsBetween(apiKey, timeInterval, tagFilter, updatedSince); } else { if (!objectType.isClientFacet()) return new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass = getFacetClass(apiKey.getConnector(), objectType); final String facetName = getEntityName(facetClass); StringBuilder additionalWhereClause = new StringBuilder(); if (tagFilter != null) additionalWhereClause.append(" AND (").append(tagFilter.getWhereClause()).append(")"); if (objectType.isMixedType()) additionalWhereClause.append(" AND facet.allDayEvent=false "); if (objectType.visibleClause()!=null) additionalWhereClause.append(" AND ").append(objectType.visibleClause()).append(" "); if (updatedSince != null){ additionalWhereClause.append(" AND facet.timeUpdated > ").append(updatedSince); } StringBuilder queryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT facet FROM ") .append(facetName) .append(" facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=? AND facet.end>=? AND facet.start<=?") .append(additionalWhereClause); if (orderByString != null){ queryStringBuilder.append(" ORDER BY ").append(orderByString); } String queryString= queryStringBuilder.toString(); final TypedQuery<AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery(queryString, AbstractFacet.class); query.setParameter(1, apiKey.getId()); query.setParameter(2, timeInterval.getStart()); query.setParameter(3, timeInterval.getEnd()); List<AbstractFacet> facets = query.getResultList(); return facets; } } private List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBetween(final ApiKey apiKey, TimeInterval timeInterval, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter, Long updatedSince) { final ObjectType[] objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes(); List<AbstractFacet> facets = new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); for (ObjectType type : objectTypes) { if (!type.isClientFacet()) continue; facets.addAll(getFacetsBetween(apiKey, type, timeInterval, tagFilter, updatedSince)); } return facets; } @Override public AbstractFacet getOldestFacet(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType) { return getFacet(apiKey, objectType, "getOldestFacet"); } @Override public AbstractFacet getLatestFacet(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType) { return getFacet(apiKey, objectType, "getLatestFacet"); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBefore(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount) { return getFacetsBefore(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, null); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsAfter(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount) { return getFacetsAfter(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, null); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsBefore(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter) { return getFacets(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, "getFacetsBefore", tagFilter); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getFacetsAfter(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter) { return getFacets(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, "getFacetsAfter", tagFilter); } @Override public AbstractFacet getFacetById(ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long facetId) { final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass = objectType.facetClass(); final Entity entity = facetClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class); final TypedQuery<? extends AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery("SELECT facet FROM " + + " facet WHERE = " + facetId + " AND facet.guestId = " + apiKey.getGuestId(), facetClass); query.setMaxResults(1); final List resultList = query.getResultList(); if (resultList != null && resultList.size() > 0) { return (AbstractFacet)resultList.get(0); } return null; } private AbstractFacet getFacet(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final String methodName) { if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) { return null; } AbstractFacet facet = null; if (objectType != null) { try { Class c = objectType.facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class); facet = (AbstractFacet)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, objectType); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacet(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } } else { if (apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes() != null) { for (ObjectType type : apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes()) { AbstractFacet fac = null; try { Class c = type.facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class); fac = (AbstractFacet)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, type); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacet(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } if (facet == null || (fac != null && fac.end > facet.end)) { facet = fac; } } } else { try { Class c = apiKey.getConnector().facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class); facet = (AbstractFacet)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, null); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacet(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } } } return facet; } private List<AbstractFacet> getFacets(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount, final String methodName, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter) { if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) { return null; } List<AbstractFacet> facets = null; if (objectType != null) { try { Class c = objectType.facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class, Long.class, Integer.class, TagFilter.class); facets = (List<AbstractFacet>)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, tagFilter); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacets(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } } else { if (apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes() != null) { for (ObjectType type : apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes()) { try { Class c = type.facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class, Long.class, Integer.class, TagFilter.class); facets = (List<AbstractFacet>)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, type, timeInMillis, desiredCount, tagFilter); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacets(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } } } else { try { Class c = apiKey.getConnector().facetClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, EntityManager.class, ApiKey.class, ObjectType.class, Long.class, Integer.class, TagFilter.class); facets = (List<AbstractFacet>)m.invoke(null, em, apiKey, null, timeInMillis, desiredCount, tagFilter); } catch (Exception ignored) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"JPAFacetDao.getFacets(): ignoring exception '" + ignored.getClass() + "' while trying to invoke method '" + methodName + "'"); } } } } return facets; } @Override public void deleteAllFacets(ApiKey apiKey) { final Connector connector = apiKey.getConnector(); if (connector.hasDeleteOrder()){ final int[] deleteOrder = connector.getDeleteOrder(); for (int ot : deleteOrder) { ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector, ot); deleteAllFacets(apiKey, objectType); } } else { final ObjectType[] objectTypes = connector.objectTypes(); for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes) { deleteAllFacets(apiKey, objectType); } } } @Override public void deleteAllFacets(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType) { if (objectType==null) { deleteAllFacets(apiKey); } else { // if facet has joins delete each facet one-by-one (this is a limitation of JPA) Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass = getFacetClass(apiKey.getConnector(), objectType); if (JPAUtils.hasRelation(facetClass)) { deleteFacetsOneByOne(apiKey, facetClass); } else { bulkDeleteFacets(apiKey, facetClass); } final LocationFacet.Source locationFacetSource = getLocationFacetSource(facetClass); if (locationFacetSource != LocationFacet.Source.NONE) { deleteLocationData(apiKey); deleteVisitedCitiesData(apiKey); } } } @Transactional(readOnly=false) private void deleteVisitedCitiesData(final ApiKey apiKey) { final String facetName = getEntityName(VisitedCity.class); String stmtString = "DELETE FROM " + facetName + " facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=?"; final Query query = em.createQuery(stmtString); query.setParameter(1, apiKey.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } @Transactional(readOnly=false) private void deleteLocationData(final ApiKey apiKey) { final String facetName = getEntityName(LocationFacet.class); String stmtString = "DELETE FROM " + facetName + " facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=?"; final Query query = em.createQuery(stmtString); query.setParameter(1, apiKey.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } private LocationFacet.Source getLocationFacetSource(final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { final ObjectTypeSpec objectTypeSpec = facetClass.getAnnotation(ObjectTypeSpec.class); final LocationFacet.Source locationFacetSource = objectTypeSpec.locationFacetSource(); return locationFacetSource; } private void deleteFacetsOneByOne(final ApiKey apiKey, final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { List<? extends AbstractFacet> facets = getAllFacets(apiKey, facetClass); for (AbstractFacet facet : facets) { final AbstractFacet merged = em.merge(facet); em.remove(merged); } } private List<? extends AbstractFacet> getAllFacets(final ApiKey apiKey, final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { final String facetName = getEntityName(facetClass); String queryString = "SELECT facet FROM " + facetName + " facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=?"; final TypedQuery<? extends AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery(queryString, AbstractFacet.class); query.setParameter(1, apiKey.getId()); List<? extends AbstractFacet> found = query.getResultList(); return found; } private void bulkDeleteFacets(final ApiKey apiKey, final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { final String facetName = getEntityName(facetClass); String stmtString = "DELETE FROM " + facetName + " facet WHERE facet.apiKeyId=?"; final Query query = em.createQuery(stmtString); query.setParameter(1, apiKey.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void persist(Object o) { em.persist(o); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void merge(Object o) { em.merge(o); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void delete(AbstractFacet facet) { AbstractFacet merged = em.merge(facet); em.remove(merged); } }