package org.fluxtream.core.mvc.models; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import java.util.List; /** * User: candide * Date: 25/06/14 * Time: 12:59 */ @ApiModel(value = "Full info on a connector (instance).") public class ConnectorModelFull { @ApiModelProperty("Types of faces provided by this connector") public List<String> facetTypes; @ApiModelProperty(value = "Current status of the connector", allowableValues="STATUS_UP, STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, STATUS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, STATUS_OVER_RATE_LIMIT") public String status; @ApiModelProperty("User name of the connector") public String name; @ApiModelProperty("URL to direct the user to to add an instance of this connector") public String connectUrl; @ApiModelProperty("Icon URL for this connector") public String image; @ApiModelProperty("The connector's 'technical' name") public String connectorName; @ApiModelProperty("Wether this connector is enabled on this server") public boolean enabled; @ApiModelProperty("Wether this connector is manageable") public boolean manageable; @ApiModelProperty("User-friendly description of the device or service related to this connector") public String text; @ApiModelProperty("This connector's 'technical' api code") public int api; @ApiModelProperty("This connector instance's API key ID") public Long apiKeyId; @ApiModelProperty("UTC timestamp of this connector's last sync time") public long lastSync; @ApiModelProperty("UTC timestamp of this connector's latest data") public long latestData; @ApiModelProperty("Possible error trace if this connector is currently down") public boolean errors; @ApiModelProperty("Types of faces provided by this connector") public String auditTrail; @ApiModelProperty("Is this connector currently synching?") public boolean syncing; @ApiModelProperty("The list of BodyTrack channels associated to this connector") public String[] channels; @ApiModelProperty("Types of faces provided by this connector") public boolean sticky; @ApiModelProperty("Wether this connector supports oauth tokens renewal") public boolean supportsRenewToken; @ApiModelProperty("Wether this connector supports sync") public boolean supportsSync; @ApiModelProperty("Wether this connector supports file upload") public boolean supportsFileUpload; @ApiModelProperty("This connector's pretty name") public String prettyName; @ApiModelProperty("If this is an upload connector, the message that is shown to the user on the dialog that allows file upload") public String uploadMessage; @ApiModelProperty("This connector's device name") public String deviceNickname; @ApiModelProperty("This connector's internal device name") public String internalDeviceNickname; }