package org.fluxtream.core.connectors.fluxtream_capture; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.ObjectType; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.ObjectTypeSpec; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.Geolocation; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.Tag; import org.fluxtream.core.images.ImageOrientation; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Lob; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import java.awt.*; import; /** * @author Chris Bartley ( */ @Entity(name = "Facet_FluxtreamCapturePhoto") @ObjectTypeSpec(name = "photo", value = 1, isImageType = true, prettyname = "Photos") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "", query = "SELECT facet FROM Facet_FluxtreamCapturePhoto facet WHERE facet.guestId=? ORDER BY facet.start ASC"), @NamedQuery(name = "", query = "SELECT facet FROM Facet_FluxtreamCapturePhoto facet WHERE facet.guestId=? ORDER BY facet.start DESC LIMIT 1"), @NamedQuery(name = "", query = "SELECT facet FROM Facet_FluxtreamCapturePhoto facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND") }) public class FluxtreamCapturePhotoFacet extends AbstractFacet implements Serializable, Geolocation { public static final int NUM_THUMBNAILS = 3; private String hash; private String title; private String captureYYYYDDD; private String imageType; @Lob private byte[] thumbnail0; @Lob private byte[] thumbnail1; @Lob private byte[] thumbnail2; private int thumbnail0Width; private int thumbnail0Height; private int thumbnail1Width; private int thumbnail1Height; private int thumbnail2Width; private int thumbnail2Height; private int orientation; private Double latitude; private Double longitude; private Float heading; private String headingRef; private Float altitude; private Integer altitudeRef; private Float gpsPrecision; private String gpsDatestamp; private String gpsTimestamp; public FluxtreamCapturePhotoFacet() { super(); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public FluxtreamCapturePhotoFacet(Long apiKeyId) { super(apiKeyId); } public FluxtreamCapturePhotoFacet(@NotNull final FluxtreamCapturePhoto photo, final Long apiKeyId) { super(apiKeyId); guestId = photo.getGuestId(); timeUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); start = photo.getCaptureTimeMillisUtc(); end = start; hash = photo.getPhotoHash(); final Connector connector = Connector.getConnector("fluxtream_capture"); this.api = connector.value(); this.objectType = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector, "photo").value(); captureYYYYDDD = photo.getCaptureYYYYDDD(); imageType = photo.getImageType().getFileExtension(); thumbnail0 = photo.getThumbnail0(); thumbnail1 = photo.getThumbnail1(); thumbnail2 = photo.getThumbnail2(); final Dimension thumbnail0Size = photo.getThumbnail0Size(); final Dimension thumbnail1Size = photo.getThumbnail1Size(); final Dimension thumbnail2Size = photo.getThumbnail2Size(); thumbnail0Width = thumbnail0Size.width; thumbnail0Height = thumbnail0Size.height; thumbnail1Width = thumbnail1Size.width; thumbnail1Height = thumbnail1Size.height; thumbnail2Width = thumbnail2Size.width; thumbnail2Height = thumbnail2Size.height; orientation = photo.getOrientation().getId(); this.addTags(photo.getTags(), Tag.COMMA_DELIMITER); this.comment = photo.getComment(); final Geolocation geolocation = photo.getGeolocation(); if (geolocation != null) { latitude = geolocation.getLatitude(); longitude = geolocation.getLongitude(); heading = geolocation.getHeading(); headingRef = geolocation.getHeadingRef(); altitude = geolocation.getAltitude(); altitudeRef = geolocation.getAltitudeRef(); gpsPrecision = geolocation.getGpsPrecision(); gpsDatestamp = geolocation.getGpsDatestamp(); gpsTimestamp = geolocation.getGpsTimestamp(); } } @Override protected void makeFullTextIndexable() { this.fullTextDescription = title; } public long getGuestId() { return guestId; } public String getHash() { return hash; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getCaptureYYYYDDD() { return captureYYYYDDD; } public String getImageType() { return imageType; } /** Returns the thumbnail associated with the given <code>thumbnailIndex</code>, or thumbnail0 if no such index exists. */ public byte[] getThumbnail(final int thumbnailIndex) { if (thumbnailIndex == 1) { return thumbnail1; } else if (thumbnailIndex == 2) { return thumbnail2; } return thumbnail0; } @Nullable public Dimension getThumbnailSize(final int thumbnailIndex) { switch (thumbnailIndex) { case 0: return new Dimension(thumbnail0Width, thumbnail0Height); case 1: return new Dimension(thumbnail1Width, thumbnail1Height); case 2: return new Dimension(thumbnail2Width, thumbnail2Height); } return null; } @Nullable public ImageOrientation getOrientation() { return ImageOrientation.findById(orientation); } public Double getLatitude() { return latitude; } public Double getLongitude() { return longitude; } public Float getHeading() { return heading; } public String getHeadingRef() { return headingRef; } public Float getAltitude() { return altitude; } public Integer getAltitudeRef() { return altitudeRef; } public Float getGpsPrecision() { return gpsPrecision; } public String getGpsDatestamp() { return gpsDatestamp; } public String getGpsTimestamp() { return gpsTimestamp; } @Nullable public String getPhotoStoreKey() { if (guestId != 0 && captureYYYYDDD != null && start != 0 && hash != null) { return FluxtreamCapturePhoto.createPhotoStoreKey(guestId, captureYYYYDDD, start, hash); } return null; } }