package org.fluxtream.connectors.sms_backup; import*; import java.lang.Thread; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import; import; import; import*; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.fluxtream.core.Configuration; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.ObjectType; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.Updater; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.AbstractUpdater; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.SettingsAwareUpdater; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.UpdateFailedException; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.UpdateInfo; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ApiKey; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelMapping; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.Notification; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.MailUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap; import; import com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component @Updater(prettyName = "SMS_Backup", value = 6, objectTypes = { CallLogEntryFacet.class, SmsEntryFacet.class }, settings=SmsBackupSettings.class, defaultChannels = {"SMS_Backup.call_log"}) public class SmsBackupUpdater extends AbstractUpdater implements SettingsAwareUpdater { static final int baseSleepAmount = 500; //half a second static final int maxSleepAmount = 1000 * 60 * 60; //one hour FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(SmsBackupUpdater.class); @Autowired BodyTrackHelper bodyTrackHelper; @Autowired SettingsService settingsService; @Autowired Configuration env; // basic cache for email connections static ConcurrentMap<String, Store> stores; static ConcurrentMap<ApiKey, String> emailMap; public SmsBackupUpdater() { super(); } @Override protected void updateConnectorDataHistory(UpdateInfo updateInfo) throws RateLimitReachedException, Exception { updateConnectorData(updateInfo); } @Override public void updateConnectorData(UpdateInfo updateInfo) throws Exception { for (ObjectType type : updateInfo.objectTypes()){ BigInteger historyId = getHistoryId(updateInfo, type); if ("call_log")){ retrieveCallLogSinceDate(updateInfo, historyId); } else if ("sms")){ retrieveSmsEntriesSince(updateInfo, historyId); } } } public BigInteger getHistoryId(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ObjectType ot){ ApiKey apiKey = updateInfo.apiKey; String updateKeyName = "SMSBackup." + ot.getName() + ".historyId"; String historyIdString = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, updateKeyName); if (historyIdString == null) return null; return new BigInteger(historyIdString); } public Date getStartDate(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ObjectType ot) { ApiKey apiKey = updateInfo.apiKey; String updateKeyName = "SMSBackup." + ot.getName() + ".updateStartDate"; String updateStartDate = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, updateKeyName); if(updateStartDate == null) { updateStartDate = "0"; guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(updateInfo.apiKey, updateKeyName, updateStartDate); } return new Date(Long.parseLong(updateStartDate)); } private void updateStartDate(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ObjectType ot, long updateProgressTime){ updateProgressTime -= 1; //incase we didn't pull 2 facets that occured at the same exact time // Calculate the name of the key in the ApiAttributes table // where the next start of update for this object type is // stored and retrieve the stored value. This stored value // may potentially be null if something happened to the attributes table String updateKeyName = "SMSBackup." + ot.getName() + ".updateStartDate"; long lastUpdateStart = getStartDate(updateInfo,ot).getTime(); if (updateProgressTime <= lastUpdateStart) return; guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(updateInfo.apiKey, updateKeyName, "" + updateProgressTime); } private void updateHistoryId(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ObjectType ot, BigInteger historyId){ BigInteger oldHistoryId = getHistoryId(updateInfo, ot); //in case we ran some other update at the same time, we shouldn't overwrite it if (oldHistoryId != null && oldHistoryId.compareTo(historyId) >= 0){ return; } String updateKeyName = "SMSBackup." + ot.getName() + ".historyId"; guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(updateInfo.apiKey, updateKeyName, historyId.toString()); } private void updateStartDate(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ObjectType ot, Date updateProgressTime){ updateStartDate(updateInfo, ot, updateProgressTime.getTime()); } private AbstractFacet flushEntry(final UpdateInfo updateInfo, final String username, final MimeMessage message, Class type) throws Exception{ final String messageId; final String smsBackupId; final String smsBackupAddress; if (message.getHeader("Message-ID") != null){ messageId = message.getHeader("Message-ID")[0]; } else if (message.getHeader("X-smssync-date") != null){ messageId = message.getHeader("X-smssync-date")[0]; } else{ messageId = message.getHeader("X-backup2gmail-sms-date")[0]; } if (message.getHeader("X-smssync-id") != null){ smsBackupId = message.getHeader("X-smssync-id")[0]; } else{ smsBackupId = message.getHeader("X-backup2gmail-sms-id")[0]; } if (message.getHeader("X-smssync-address") != null){ smsBackupAddress = message.getHeader("X-smssync-address")[0]; } else{ smsBackupAddress = message.getHeader("X-backup2gmail-sms-address")[0]; } final String emailId = messageId + smsBackupId; if (type == SmsEntryFacet.class){ return apiDataService.createOrReadModifyWrite(SmsEntryFacet.class, new FacetQuery( "e.apiKeyId = ? AND e.emailId = ?", updateInfo.apiKey.getId(), emailId), new FacetModifier<SmsEntryFacet>() { // Throw exception if it turns out we can't make sense of the observation's JSON // This will abort the transaction @Override public SmsEntryFacet createOrModify(SmsEntryFacet facet, Long apiKeyId) { if (facet == null) { facet = new SmsEntryFacet(updateInfo.apiKey.getId()); facet.emailId = emailId; facet.guestId = updateInfo.apiKey.getGuestId(); facet.api = updateInfo.apiKey.getConnector().value(); } facet.timeUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); try{ InternetAddress[] senders = null; try{ senders = (InternetAddress[]) message.getFrom(); } catch (AddressException ignored){} InternetAddress[] recipients = null; try{ recipients = (InternetAddress[]) message.getRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO); } catch (AddressException ignored){} String fromAddress, toAddress; boolean senderMissing = false, recipientsMissing = false; if (senders != null && senders.length > 0){ fromAddress = senders[0].getAddress(); } else{ fromAddress = message.getSubject().substring(9); senderMissing = true; } if (recipients != null && recipients.length > 0){ toAddress = recipients[0].getAddress(); } else{ toAddress = message.getSubject().substring(9); recipientsMissing = true; } if (fromAddress.startsWith(username)) { facet.smsType = SmsEntryFacet.SmsType.OUTGOING; if (recipientsMissing){ facet.personName = toAddress; facet.personNumber = smsBackupAddress; } else if (toAddress.indexOf("")!=-1) { facet.personName = recipients[0].getPersonal(); facet.personNumber = toAddress.substring(0, toAddress.indexOf("@")); } else { facet.personName = recipients[0].getPersonal(); facet.personNumber = smsBackupAddress; } }else { facet.smsType = SmsEntryFacet.SmsType.INCOMING; if (senderMissing){ facet.personName = fromAddress; facet.personNumber = smsBackupAddress; } else if (fromAddress.indexOf("")!=-1) { facet.personName = senders[0].getPersonal(); facet.personNumber = fromAddress.substring(0, fromAddress.indexOf("@")); } else { facet.personName = senders[0].getPersonal(); facet.personNumber = smsBackupAddress; } } facet.dateReceived = message.getSentDate(); facet.start = facet.dateReceived.getTime(); facet.end = facet.start; Object content = message.getContent(); facet.hasAttachments = false; if (content instanceof String) facet.message = (String) message.getContent(); else if (content instanceof MimeMultipart) {//TODO: this is an MMS and needs to be handled properly facet.message = ""; MimeMultipart multipart = (MimeMultipart) content; int partCount = multipart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++){ MimeBodyPart part = (MimeBodyPart) multipart.getBodyPart(i); String contentType = part.getContentType().split(";")[0].toLowerCase(); Object partContent = part.getContent(); if (contentType.startsWith("text/plain")){//other types of text are returned as byte streams and are attachments if (!facet.message.equals("")){ facet.message += "\n\n"; } facet.message = (String) partContent; } else{ if (!facet.hasAttachments){ facet.hasAttachments = true; facet.attachmentMimeTypes = contentType; facet.attachmentNames = (emailId + i).replaceAll("\\W+",""); } else{ facet.attachmentMimeTypes += "," + contentType; facet.attachmentNames += "," + (emailId + i).replaceAll("\\W+",""); } File attachmentFile = getAttachmentFile(env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.db.location"),updateInfo.getGuestId(),updateInfo.apiKey.getId(),(emailId + i).replaceAll("\\W+","")); attachmentFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fileoutput = new FileOutputStream(attachmentFile); IOUtils.copy((BASE64DecoderStream) partContent, fileoutput); fileoutput.close(); } } } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return facet; } }, updateInfo.apiKey.getId()); } else if (type == CallLogEntryFacet.class){ return apiDataService.createOrReadModifyWrite(CallLogEntryFacet.class, new FacetQuery( "e.apiKeyId = ? AND e.emailId = ?", updateInfo.apiKey.getId(), emailId), new FacetModifier<CallLogEntryFacet>() { // Throw exception if it turns out we can't make sense of the observation's JSON // This will abort the transaction @Override public CallLogEntryFacet createOrModify(CallLogEntryFacet facet, Long apiKeyId) { if (facet == null) { facet = new CallLogEntryFacet(updateInfo.apiKey.getId()); facet.emailId = emailId; facet.guestId = updateInfo.apiKey.getGuestId(); facet.api = updateInfo.apiKey.getConnector().value(); } facet.timeUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); try{ List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(new StringReader((String)message.getContent())); if (lines.size()==2) { String timeLine = lines.get(0); String callLine = lines.get(1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(timeLine); String secsString = st.nextToken(); facet.seconds = Integer.parseInt(secsString.substring(0,secsString.length()-1)); st = new StringTokenizer(callLine); if (callLine.indexOf("outgoing call")!=-1) { facet.callType = CallLogEntryFacet.CallType.OUTGOING; } else if (callLine.indexOf("incoming call")!=-1) { facet.callType = CallLogEntryFacet.CallType.INCOMING; } else { logger.warn("SmsBackupUpdater: Unknown call type, callLine is \"" + callLine + "\""); return null; } facet.personNumber = st.nextToken(); switch(facet.callType) { case OUTGOING: Address[] recipients = null; try{ recipients = message.getRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO); } catch (AddressException ignored){} if (recipients != null && recipients.length > 0) facet.personName = ((InternetAddress)recipients[0]).getPersonal(); else facet.personName = message.getSubject().substring(10);//read the name from the subject line break; case INCOMING: Address[] senders = null; try{ senders = message.getFrom(); } catch (AddressException ignored){} if (senders != null && senders.length > 0) facet.personName = ((InternetAddress)senders[0]).getPersonal(); else facet.personName = message.getSubject().substring(10);//read the name from the subject line } } else if (lines.size()==1) { String callLine = lines.get(0); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(callLine); facet.personNumber = st.nextToken(); facet.callType = CallLogEntryFacet.CallType.MISSED; Address[] senders = null; try{ senders = message.getFrom(); } catch (AddressException ignored){} if (senders != null && senders.length > 0) facet.personName = ((InternetAddress)senders[0]).getPersonal(); else facet.personName = message.getSubject().substring(10);//read the name from the subject line } = message.getSentDate(); facet.start =; facet.end = facet.start + facet.seconds*1000; } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return facet; } }, updateInfo.apiKey.getId()); } else{ return null; } } public static File getAttachmentFile(String kvsLocation, long guestId, long apiKeyId, String attachmentName){ return new File(kvsLocation + File.separator + guestId + File.separator + Connector.getConnector("sms_backup").prettyName() + File.separator + apiKeyId + File.separator + attachmentName); } private GoogleCredential getCredentials(ApiKey apiKey) throws UpdateFailedException{ HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport(); JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory(); // Get all the attributes for this connector's oauth token from the stored attributes String accessToken = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "accessToken"); final String refreshToken = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "refreshToken"); final String clientId = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, ""); final String clientSecret = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey,"google.client.secret"); final GoogleCredential.Builder builder = new GoogleCredential.Builder(); builder.setTransport(httpTransport); builder.setJsonFactory(jsonFactory); builder.setClientSecrets(clientId, clientSecret); GoogleCredential credential =; final Long tokenExpires = Long.valueOf(guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "tokenExpires")); credential.setExpirationTimeMilliseconds(tokenExpires); credential.setAccessToken(accessToken); credential.setRefreshToken(refreshToken); try { if (tokenExpires<System.currentTimeMillis()) { boolean tokenRefreshed = false; // Don't worry about checking if we are running on a mirrored test instance. // Refreshing tokens independently on both the main server and a mirrored instance // seems to work just fine. // Try to swap the expired access token for a fresh one. tokenRefreshed = credential.refreshToken(); if(tokenRefreshed) { Long newExpireTime = credential.getExpirationTimeMilliseconds(); // Update stored expire time guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "accessToken", credential.getAccessToken()); guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "tokenExpires", newExpireTime.toString()); } } } catch (TokenResponseException e) { // Notify the user that the tokens need to be manually renewed notificationsService.addNamedNotification(apiKey.getGuestId(), Notification.Type.WARNING, connector().statusNotificationName(), "Heads Up. We failed in our attempt to automatically refresh your Google authentication tokens.<br>" + "Please head to <a href=\"javascript:App.manageConnectors()\">Manage Connectors</a>,<br>" + "scroll to the Google Calendar connector, and renew your tokens (look for the <i class=\"icon-resize-small icon-large\"></i> icon)"); // Record permanent update failure since this connector is never // going to succeed guestService.setApiKeyStatus(apiKey.getId(), ApiKey.Status.STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, Utils.stackTrace(e), ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.NEEDS_REAUTH); throw new UpdateFailedException("refresh token attempt permanently failed due to a bad token refresh response", e, true, ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.NEEDS_REAUTH); } catch (IOException e) { // Notify the user that the tokens need to be manually renewed throw new UpdateFailedException("refresh token attempt failed", e, true, ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.NEEDS_REAUTH); } return credential; } private String getEmailAddress(ApiKey apiKey) throws UpdateFailedException{ if (emailMap == null){ emailMap = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<ApiKey, String>() .maximumWeightedCapacity(100).build(); } if (emailMap.containsKey(apiKey)){ return emailMap.get(apiKey); } HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport(); JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory(); GoogleCredential credential = getCredentials(apiKey); String emailAddress = null; try{ Plus plus = new Plus(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential); Person mePerson = plus.people().get("me").execute(); List<Person.Emails> emails = mePerson.getEmails(); for (Person.Emails email : emails){ if (email.getType().equals("account")){ emailAddress = email.getValue(); } } if (emailAddress == null) throw new Exception("Account email not in email list"); emailMap.put(apiKey,emailAddress); return emailAddress; } catch (Exception e){ throw new UpdateFailedException("Failed to get gmail address!", e, false, null); } } private Gmail getGmailService(ApiKey apiKey) throws UpdateFailedException{ HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport(); JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory(); GoogleCredential credential = getCredentials(apiKey); return new Gmail(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential); } private Store getStore(String email, String password) throws MessagingException { if (stores == null) stores = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<String, Store>() .maximumWeightedCapacity(100).build(); Store store = null; if (stores.get(email + "-basicAuth") != null) { store = stores.get(email + "-basicAuth"); if (!store.isConnected()) store.connect(); boolean stillAlive = true; try { store.getDefaultFolder(); } catch (Exception e) { stillAlive = false; } if (stillAlive) return store; else store.close(); } store = MailUtils.getGmailImapStore(email, password); stores.put(email + "-basicAuth", store); return store; } void retrieveSmsEntriesSince(UpdateInfo updateInfo, BigInteger historyId) throws Exception { long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); String query = "(incremental sms log retrieval)"; ObjectType smsObjectType = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector(), "sms"); String smsFolderName = getSettingsOrPortLegacySettings(updateInfo.apiKey).smsFolderName; try { Gmail gmail = getGmailService(updateInfo.apiKey); String email = getEmailAddress(updateInfo.apiKey); BigInteger originalHistoryId = historyId; Label smsLabel = null; for (Label label : gmail.users().labels().list(email).execute().getLabels()){ if (label.getName().equals(smsFolderName)){ smsLabel = label; } } if (smsLabel == null) throw new FolderNotFoundException(); //if we get to this point then we were able to access the folder and should delete our error notification Notification errorNotification = notificationsService.getNamedNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(), connector().getName() + ".smsFolderError"); if (errorNotification != null && !errorNotification.deleted){ notificationsService.deleteNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(),errorNotification.getId()); } Properties props = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); if (historyId != null){ ListHistoryResponse historyResponse = null; BigInteger queryHistoryId = historyId; do{ historyResponse = invokeListHistory(gmail,email,queryHistoryId,smsLabel.getId(),historyResponse == null ? null : historyResponse.getNextPageToken()); if (historyResponse == null){ //if historyResponse is null that means we got a 404 error which means historyId is no longer valid historyId = null; break; } List<History> histories = historyResponse.getHistory(); for (History history : histories){ if (history.getMessages() == null) continue; for (Message messageStub : history.getMessages()){ Message message = invokeGetMessage(gmail, email, messageStub.getId()); if (message == null) continue; if (historyId.compareTo(message.getHistoryId()) < 0) historyId = message.getHistoryId(); byte[] emailBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(emailBytes)); if (flushEntry(updateInfo, email, mimeMessage, SmsEntryFacet.class) == null){ throw new Exception("Could not persist SMS"); } } } } while (historyResponse.getNextPageToken() != null); } if (historyId == null){ ListMessagesResponse listResponse = null; do{ listResponse = invokeList(gmail,email,smsLabel.getId(),listResponse == null ? null : listResponse.getNextPageToken()); if (listResponse.getMessages() == null){ continue; } for (Message messageStub : listResponse.getMessages()){ Message message = invokeGetMessage(gmail, email, messageStub.getId()); if (message == null) continue; if (historyId == null || historyId.compareTo(message.getHistoryId()) < 0) historyId = message.getHistoryId(); byte[] emailBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(emailBytes)); if (flushEntry(updateInfo, email, mimeMessage, SmsEntryFacet.class) == null){ throw new Exception("Could not persist SMS"); } } } while (listResponse.getNextPageToken() != null); } if (historyId != null && !historyId.equals(originalHistoryId)){ updateHistoryId(updateInfo,smsObjectType,historyId); } } catch (MessagingException ex){ notificationsService.addNamedNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(), Notification.Type.ERROR, connector().getName() + ".smsFolderError", "The SMS folder configured for SMS Backup, \"" + smsFolderName + "\", does not exist. Either change it in your connector settings or check if SMS Backup is set to use this folder."); throw new UpdateFailedException("Couldn't open SMS folder.",true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); reportFailedApiCall(updateInfo.apiKey, smsObjectType.value(), then, query, Utils.stackTrace(ex), ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } void retrieveCallLogSinceDate(UpdateInfo updateInfo, BigInteger historyId) throws Exception { long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); String query = "(incremental call log retrieval)"; ObjectType callLogObjectType = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector(), "call_log"); String callLogFolderName = getSettingsOrPortLegacySettings(updateInfo.apiKey).callLogFolderName; try { Gmail gmail = getGmailService(updateInfo.apiKey); String email = getEmailAddress(updateInfo.apiKey); BigInteger originalHistoryId = historyId; Label callLogLabel = null; for (Label label : gmail.users().labels().list(email).execute().getLabels()){ if (label.getName().equals(callLogFolderName)){ callLogLabel = label; } } if (callLogLabel == null) throw new FolderNotFoundException(); //if we get to this point then we were able to access the folder and should delete our error notification Notification errorNotification = notificationsService.getNamedNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(), connector().getName() + ".callLogFolderError"); if (errorNotification != null && !errorNotification.deleted){ notificationsService.deleteNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(),errorNotification.getId()); } Properties props = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); if (historyId != null){ ListHistoryResponse historyResponse = null; BigInteger queryHistoryId = historyId; do{ historyResponse = invokeListHistory(gmail,email,queryHistoryId,callLogLabel.getId(),historyResponse == null ? null : historyResponse.getNextPageToken()); if (historyResponse == null){ //if historyResponse is null that means we got a 404 error which means historyId is no longer valid historyId = null; break; } List<History> histories = historyResponse.getHistory(); for (History history : histories){ if (history.getMessages() == null) continue; for (Message messageStub : history.getMessages()){ Message message = invokeGetMessage(gmail, email, messageStub.getId()); if (message == null) continue; if (historyId.compareTo(message.getHistoryId()) < 0) historyId = message.getHistoryId(); byte[] emailBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(emailBytes)); if (flushEntry(updateInfo, email, mimeMessage, CallLogEntryFacet.class) == null){ throw new Exception("Could not persist Call log"); } } } } while (historyResponse.getNextPageToken() != null); } if (historyId == null){ ListMessagesResponse listResponse = null; do{ listResponse = invokeList(gmail,email,callLogLabel.getId(),listResponse == null ? null : listResponse.getNextPageToken()); if (listResponse.getMessages() == null){ continue; } for (Message messageStub : listResponse.getMessages()){ Message message = invokeGetMessage(gmail, email, messageStub.getId()); if (message == null) continue; if (historyId == null || historyId.compareTo(message.getHistoryId()) < 0) historyId = message.getHistoryId(); byte[] emailBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(emailBytes)); if (flushEntry(updateInfo, email, mimeMessage, CallLogEntryFacet.class) == null){ throw new Exception("Could not persist Call log"); } } } while (listResponse.getNextPageToken() != null); } if (historyId != null && !historyId.equals(originalHistoryId)){ updateHistoryId(updateInfo,callLogObjectType,historyId); } countSuccessfulApiCall(updateInfo.apiKey, callLogObjectType.value(), then, query); } catch (MessagingException ex){ notificationsService.addNamedNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(), Notification.Type.ERROR, connector().getName() + ".callLogFolderError", "The call log folder configured for SMS Backup, \"" + callLogFolderName + "\", does not exist. Either change it in your connector settings or check if SMS Backup is set to use this folder."); throw new UpdateFailedException("Couldn't open Call Log folder.",true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); reportFailedApiCall(updateInfo.apiKey, callLogObjectType.value(), then, query, Utils.stackTrace(ex), ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } private SmsBackupSettings getSettingsOrPortLegacySettings(final ApiKey apiKey){ SmsBackupSettings settings = (SmsBackupSettings)apiKey.getSettings(); boolean persistSettings = false; if (settings == null){ settings = new SmsBackupSettings(); persistSettings = true; } if (settings.smsFolderName == null){ String oldSmsFolder = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey,"smsFolderName"); if (oldSmsFolder != null){ settings.smsFolderName = oldSmsFolder; guestService.removeApiKeyAttribute(apiKey.getId(),"smsFolderName"); } else{ settings.smsFolderName = ""; } persistSettings = true; } if (settings.callLogFolderName == null){ String oldCallLogFolder = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey,"callLogFolderName"); if (oldCallLogFolder != null){ settings.callLogFolderName = oldCallLogFolder; guestService.removeApiKeyAttribute(apiKey.getId(),"callLogFolderName"); } else{ settings.callLogFolderName = ""; } persistSettings = true; } if (settings.smsFolderName.equals("")){ settings.smsFolderName = "SMS"; persistSettings = true; } if (settings.callLogFolderName.equals("")){ settings.callLogFolderName = "Call log"; persistSettings = true; } if (persistSettings){ settingsService.saveConnectorSettings(apiKey.getId(),settings); } return settings; } @Override public void connectorSettingsChanged(final long apiKeyId, final Object settings) { } @Override public Object syncConnectorSettings(final UpdateInfo updateInfo, final Object settings) { return settings; } private Message invokeGetMessage(Gmail gmail, String email, String messageId) throws IOException { Gmail.Users.Messages.Get messageQuery = gmail.users().messages().get(email, messageId).setFormat("raw"); Message message = null; int sleepTime = baseSleepAmount; while (message == null){ try{ message = messageQuery.execute(); } catch ( ex){ try{ sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException responseException){ switch (responseException.getDetails().getCode()){ case 500://internal server error, should resolve case 503://internal server error, should resolve case 429://per second rate limit, just need to sleep try{ System.err.println("SmsBackUpdater.invokeGetMessage: Error " + responseException.getDetails().getCode()); sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} break; case 404://not found/invalid message id (could happen if the message was deleted before we queried for it) return null; case 401://Unauthorized (should indicate that our auth info is invalid) default: throw responseException; } } } return message; } private ListMessagesResponse invokeList(Gmail gmail, String email, List<String> labels, String nextPageToken) throws IOException { Gmail.Users.Messages.List messagesQuery = gmail.users().messages().list(email).setLabelIds(labels); if (nextPageToken != null){ messagesQuery.setPageToken(nextPageToken); } ListMessagesResponse response = null; int sleepTime = baseSleepAmount; while (response == null){ try{ response = messagesQuery.execute(); } catch ( ex){ try{ sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException responseException){ switch (responseException.getDetails().getCode()){ case 500://internal server error, should resolve case 503://internal server error, should resolve case 429://per second rate limit, just need to sleep try{ System.err.println("SmsBackUpdater.invokeList: Error " + responseException.getDetails().getCode()); sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} break; case 401://Unauthorized default: throw responseException; } } } return response; } private ListMessagesResponse invokeList(Gmail gmail, String email, String labelId, String nextPageToken) throws IOException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(labelId); return invokeList(gmail,email,list,nextPageToken); } private ListHistoryResponse invokeListHistory(Gmail gmail, String email, BigInteger historyId, String labelId, String nextPageToken) throws IOException { Gmail.Users.History.List historyQuery = gmail.users().history().list(email).setStartHistoryId(historyId).setLabelId(labelId); if (nextPageToken != null){ historyQuery.setPageToken(nextPageToken); } ListHistoryResponse response = null; int sleepTime = baseSleepAmount; while (response == null){ try{ response = historyQuery.execute(); } catch ( ex){ try{ sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException responseException){ switch (responseException.getDetails().getCode()){ case 500://internal server error, should resolve case 503://internal server error, should resolve case 429://per second rate limit, just need to sleep try{ System.err.println("SmsBackUpdater.invokeListHistory: Error " + responseException.getDetails().getCode()); sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime * 2, maxSleepAmount); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ignored){} break; case 404://not found/invalid historyid return null; case 401://Unauthorized default: throw responseException; } } } return response; } public void setDefaultChannelStyles(ApiKey apiKey) { ChannelStyle channelStyle = new ChannelStyle(); channelStyle.timespanStyles = new MainTimespanStyle(); channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle = new TimespanStyle(); channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.fillColor = "green"; channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.borderColor = "#006000"; channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.borderWidth = 2; = 0.0; channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.bottom = 1.0; bodyTrackHelper.setBuiltinDefaultStyle(apiKey.getGuestId(), apiKey.getConnector().getName(), "data", channelStyle); } }