package org.fluxtream.core.connectors.location; import; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.ObjectTypeSpec; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import; import org.hibernate.annotations.Index; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; @Entity(name="Facet_Location") @ObjectTypeSpec(name = "location", value = 1, prettyname = "Location") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "location.delete.all", query = "DELETE FROM Facet_Location location WHERE location.guestId=?"), @NamedQuery(name = "location.lastSeen", query = "SELECT facet FROM " + "Facet_Location facet WHERE " + "facet.guestId=? AND facet.timestampMs<? " + "ORDER BY facet.timestampMs DESC"), @NamedQuery(name = "location.nextSeen", query = "SELECT facet FROM " + "Facet_Location facet WHERE " + "facet.guestId=? AND facet.timestampMs>? " + "ORDER BY facet.timestampMs ASC"), @NamedQuery(name = "location.newest", query = "SELECT facet FROM Facet_Location facet WHERE facet.guestId=? AND (facet.apiKeyId is null OR facet.apiKeyId=?) ORDER BY facet.timestampMs DESC") }) public class LocationFacet extends AbstractFacet implements Comparable<LocationFacet>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2882496521084143121L; public LocationFacet() {} public LocationFacet(final long apiKeyId) { super(apiKeyId); } public static enum Source { OTHER, USER, GOOGLE_LATITUDE, GEO_IP_DB, IP_TO_LOCATION, OPEN_PATH, RUNKEEPER, FLUXTREAM_CAPTURE, FLICKR, MOVES, MYMEE, NONE, EVERNOTE, JAWBONE_UP } @Index(name="source") public Source source = Source.GOOGLE_LATITUDE; @Key @Index(name="timestamp_index") public long timestampMs; @Key @Index(name="latitude_index") public float latitude; @Key @Index(name="longitude_index") public float longitude; @Key public int accuracy; @Key public int speed; @Key public int heading; @Key public int altitude; @Key public int altitudeAccuracy; @Key public int placeid; public String device; public String version; public String os; @Type(type="yes_no") @Index(name="processed_index") public Boolean processed = false; /** * serves as a backreference to the resource that originated in this coordinate, * e.g. a runkeeper run or bike ride */ @Index(name = "uri") public String uri; public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof LocationFacet)) return false; LocationFacet lr = (LocationFacet) o; return lr.timestampMs == timestampMs && lr.latitude == this.latitude && lr.longitude == this.longitude; } @Override public int compareTo(LocationFacet o1) { return (o1.timestampMs > timestampMs)?-1:1; } @Override protected void makeFullTextIndexable() { } }