package; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.ApiData; import org.fluxtream.core.Configuration; import org.fluxtream.core.TimeInterval; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.ObjectType; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.dao.FacetDao; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.location.LocationFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.UpdateInfo; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.vos.AbstractFacetVO; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.*; import; import org.fluxtream.core.facets.extractors.AbstractFacetExtractor; import org.fluxtream.core.metadata.DayMetadata; import*; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.JPAUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.TimeUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; @Service @Component public class ApiDataServiceImpl implements ApiDataService, DisposableBean { static FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(ApiDataServiceImpl.class); private static final FlxLogger LOG_DEBUG = FlxLogger.getLogger("Fluxtream"); @Autowired Configuration env; @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; @Autowired DataSource dataSource; @Autowired GuestService guestService; @Autowired FacetDao jpaDao; @Autowired BeanFactory beanFactory; @Autowired BodyTrackStorageService bodyTrackStorageService; @Autowired MetadataService metadataService; @Autowired EventListenerService eventListenerService; @Autowired @Qualifier("AsyncWorker") ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor; @Autowired SettingsService settingsService; @Autowired BodyTrackHelper bodyTrackHelper; @Autowired BuddiesService buddiesService; @Override public AbstractFacetVO<AbstractFacet> getFacet(final int api, final int objectType, final long facetId) { Connector connector = Connector.fromValue(api); final ObjectType ot = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector, objectType); final AbstractFacet facet = em.find(ot.facetClass(), facetId); final GuestSettings guestSettings = settingsService.getSettings(facet.guestId); final TimeZone timeZone = metadataService.getTimeZone(facet.guestId, facet.start); final String date = TimeUtils.dateFormatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(timeZone)).print(facet.start); final DayMetadata dayMetadata = metadataService.getDayMetadata(facet.guestId, date); try { final AbstractFacetVO<AbstractFacet> vo = AbstractFacetVO.getFacetVOClass((AbstractFacet)facet).newInstance(); vo.extractValues(facet, dayMetadata.getTimeInterval(), guestSettings); return vo; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. return null; } } /** * start and end parameters allow to specify time boundaries that are not * contained in the connector data itself */ @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void cacheApiDataJSON(UpdateInfo updateInfo, JSONObject jsonObject, long start, long end) throws Exception { ApiData apiData = new ApiData(updateInfo, start, end); apiData.jsonObject = jsonObject; final List<AbstractFacet> facets = extractFacets(apiData, updateInfo.objectTypes, updateInfo); fireDataReceivedEvent(updateInfo, updateInfo.objectTypes(), start, end, facets); } /** * start and end parameters allow to specify time boundaries that are not * contained in the connector data itself */ @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void cacheApiDataJSON(UpdateInfo updateInfo, String json, long start, long end) throws Exception { ApiData apiData = new ApiData(updateInfo, start, end); apiData.json = json; if (updateInfo.objectTypes==0) throw new RuntimeException("ObjectType=0! cacheApiDataJSON is called from an 'Autonomous' " + "Updater -> you need to call the cacheApiDataJSON method with the " + "extra 'objectTypes' parameter!"); final List<AbstractFacet> facets = extractFacets(apiData, updateInfo.objectTypes, updateInfo); fireDataReceivedEvent(updateInfo, updateInfo.objectTypes(), start, end, facets); } private void fireDataReceivedEvent(final UpdateInfo updateInfo, List<ObjectType> objectTypes, final long start, final long end, List<AbstractFacet> facets) { DataReceivedEvent dataReceivedEvent = new DataReceivedEvent(updateInfo, objectTypes, start, end, facets); // date-based connectors may attach a "date" String (yyyy-MM-dd) to the updateInfo object if (updateInfo.getContext("date")!=null) = (String) updateInfo.getContext("date"); eventListenerService.fireEvent(dataReceivedEvent); } /** * start and end parameters allow to specify time boundaries that are not * contained in the connector data itself */ @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void cacheApiDataXML(UpdateInfo updateInfo, String xml, long start, long end) throws Exception { ApiData apiData = new ApiData(updateInfo, start, end); apiData.xml = xml; extractFacets(apiData, updateInfo.objectTypes, null); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void eraseApiData(ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes) { if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return; if (objectTypes == -1) eraseApiData(apiKey, false); else { List<ObjectType> connectorTypes = ObjectType.getObjectTypes( apiKey.getConnector(), objectTypes); for (ObjectType connectorType : connectorTypes) { jpaDao.deleteAllFacets(apiKey, connectorType); } } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void eraseApiData(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, TimeInterval timeInterval) { List<AbstractFacet> facets = getApiDataFacets(apiKey, objectType, timeInterval, null); if (facets != null) { for (AbstractFacet facet : facets) em.remove(facet); } // apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKey.getId()); // em.remove(apiKey); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void eraseApiData(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, List<String> dates) { final List<AbstractFacet> facets = jpaDao.getFacetsByDates(apiKey, objectType, dates, null); if (facets != null) { for (AbstractFacet facet : facets) em.remove(facet); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void eraseApiData(ApiKey apiKey, boolean removeApiKey) { JPAUtils.execute(em, "apiUpdates.delete.byApiKey", apiKey.getId()); buddiesService.removeSharedChannels(apiKey.getId()); buddiesService.removeSharedConnectors(apiKey.getId()); if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return; jpaDao.deleteAllFacets(apiKey); bodyTrackHelper.deleteChannelMappings(apiKey); guestService.deleteConnectorProfile(apiKey); // remove directory <connectorData.location>/<connectorName>/<apiKeyId> final String devKvsLocation = env.get("btdatastore.db.location"); // let's not assume that everyone has set this value if (devKvsLocation!=null) { if (apiKey.getConnector()!=null&&apiKey.getConnector().getName()!=null) { final String connectorDeviceNickname = apiKey.getConnector().getDeviceNickname(); StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(devKvsLocation) .append(File.separator).append(apiKey.getGuestId()) .append(File.separator).append(connectorDeviceNickname); File dataDir = new File(path.toString()); boolean success = false; if (dataDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dataDir); success = true; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Couldn't delete connector data directory at [" + dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } } if (!success) { final String connectorName = apiKey.getConnector().getName(); path = new StringBuilder(devKvsLocation) .append(File.separator).append(apiKey.getGuestId()) .append(File.separator).append(connectorName); dataDir = new File(path.toString()); if (dataDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dataDir); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Couldn't delete connector data directory at [" + dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } } } } } try { JPAUtils.execute(em, "channelMapping.delete.byApiKeyId", apiKey.getId()); } catch(Exception e) {logger.warn("Couldn't delete Channel Mappings for apiKeyId=" + apiKey.getId() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));} if (apiKey.getConnector()!=null) { bodyTrackHelper.deleteStyle(apiKey.getGuestId(), apiKey.getConnector().prettyName()); } if (removeApiKey) { apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKey.getId()); em.remove(apiKey); } } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacets(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, List<String> dates, Long updatedSince) { return jpaDao.getFacetsByDates(apiKey, objectType, dates, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractRepeatableFacet> getApiDataFacets(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final String startDate, final String endDate, Long updatedSince) { return jpaDao.getFacetsBetweenDates(apiKey, objectType, startDate, endDate, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacets(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, TimeInterval timeInterval, Long updatedSince) { return getApiDataFacets(apiKey, objectType, timeInterval, (TagFilter)null, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacets(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final TimeInterval timeInterval, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter, Long updatedSince) { return jpaDao.getFacetsBetween(apiKey, objectType, timeInterval, tagFilter, updatedSince); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacets(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType, TimeInterval timeInterval, @Nullable TagFilter tagFilter, @Nullable String orderByString, Long updatedSince) { return jpaDao.getFacetsBetween(apiKey,objectType,timeInterval,tagFilter,orderByString, updatedSince); } @Override public AbstractFacet getOldestApiDataFacet(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType){ return jpaDao.getOldestFacet(apiKey, objectType); } @Override public AbstractFacet getLatestApiDataFacet(ApiKey apiKey, ObjectType objectType){ return jpaDao.getLatestFacet(apiKey, objectType); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacetsBefore(ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount) { return getApiDataFacetsBefore(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, null); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacetsBefore(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter) { return jpaDao.getFacetsBefore(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, tagFilter); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacetsAfter(ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount) { return getApiDataFacetsAfter(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, null); } @Override public List<AbstractFacet> getApiDataFacetsAfter(final ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long timeInMillis, final int desiredCount, @Nullable final TagFilter tagFilter) { return jpaDao.getFacetsAfter(apiKey, objectType, timeInMillis, desiredCount, tagFilter); } public AbstractFacet getFacetById(ApiKey apiKey, final ObjectType objectType, final long facetId) { return jpaDao.getFacetById(apiKey, objectType, facetId); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) private List<AbstractFacet> extractFacets(ApiData apiData, int objectTypes, UpdateInfo updateInfo) throws Exception { List<AbstractFacet> newFacets = new ArrayList<AbstractFacet>(); AbstractFacetExtractor facetExtractor = apiData.updateInfo.apiKey .getConnector().extractor(objectTypes, beanFactory); if (facetExtractor==null) return newFacets; List<ObjectType> connectorTypes = ObjectType.getObjectTypes( apiData.updateInfo.apiKey.getConnector(), objectTypes); if (connectorTypes != null) { for (ObjectType objectType : connectorTypes) { List<AbstractFacet> facets = facetExtractor.extractFacets(updateInfo, apiData, objectType); for (AbstractFacet facet : facets) { AbstractFacet newFacet = persistFacet(facet); if (newFacet!=null) newFacets.add(newFacet); } } } else { List<AbstractFacet> facets = facetExtractor.extractFacets(updateInfo, apiData, null); for (AbstractFacet facet : facets) { AbstractFacet newFacet = persistFacet(facet); if (newFacet!=null) newFacets.add(newFacet); } } bodyTrackStorageService.storeApiData(updateInfo.apiKey, newFacets); return newFacets; } private static Map<String, String> facetEntityNames = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,String>(); @Transactional(readOnly = false) public AbstractFacet persistFacet(AbstractFacet facet) { String entityName = facetEntityNames.get(facet.getClass().getName()); if (entityName==null) { Entity entityAnnotation = facet.getClass().getAnnotation(Entity.class); entityName =; facetEntityNames.put(facet.getClass().getName(), entityName); } Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM " + entityName + " e WHERE e.guestId=? AND e.start=? AND e.end=? AND e.apiKeyId=?"); query.setParameter(1, facet.guestId); query.setParameter(2, facet.start); query.setParameter(3, facet.end); query.setParameter(4, facet.apiKeyId); List existing = null; try { existing = query.getResultList(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } if (existing.size()>0) { logDuplicateFacet(facet); return null; } else { if (facet.hasTags()) { persistTags(facet); } try { facet.timeUpdated = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis(); em.persist(facet); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=persistFacet") .append(" connector=").append(Connector.fromValue(facet.api).getName()) .append(" objectType=").append(facet.objectType) .append(" guestId=").append(facet.guestId); logger.debug(sb.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=persistFacet") .append(" connector=").append(Connector.fromValue(facet.api).getName()) .append(" objectType=").append(facet.objectType) .append(" guestId=").append(facet.guestId) .append(" message=\"" + t.getMessage() + "\""); logger.warn(sb.toString()); } persistExistingFacet(facet); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=persistFacet") .append(" connector=").append(Connector.fromValue(facet.api).getName()) .append(" objectType=").append(facet.objectType) .append(" guestId=").append(facet.guestId);; return facet; } } public void persistExistingFacet(final AbstractFacet facet) { if (facet != null) { if (facet.hasTags()) { persistTags(facet); } em.persist(facet); } } String getTableName(Class<? extends AbstractFacet> cls) { String entityName = facetEntityNames.get(cls.getName()); if (entityName==null) { Entity entityAnnotation = cls.getAnnotation(Entity.class); entityName =; facetEntityNames.put(cls.getName(), entityName); } return entityName; } // Takes existing or new facet and updates or inserts into database, respectively. // // Also adjusts time of facet to match inferred timezone, if the facet only knows local time (floating time zone) // Also saves tags // // Workflow for using mergeFacet: // Check for existing facet using getEntityManager().query() // If facet already exists, modify // If no facet already exists, create a new one and fill its fields // Call mergeFacet with the updated or new facet // @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public <T extends AbstractFacet> T createOrReadModifyWrite ( Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass, FacetQuery query, FacetModifier<T> modifier, Long apiKeyId) throws Exception { //System.out.println("========================================"); // TODO(rsargent): do we need @Transactional again on class? String tableName=getTableName(facetClass); final String qlString = "SELECT e FROM " + tableName + " e WHERE " + query.query; Query q = em.createQuery(qlString); for (int i = 0; i < query.args.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i+1, query.args[i]); } T orig = null; try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T x = orig = (T) q.getSingleResult(); //System.out.println("====== Facet found, id=" + orig.getId()); // orig is managed by the session and any changes will be written at the end of the transaction // (which is the end of this member function) assert(em.contains(orig)); } catch (javax.persistence.NoResultException ignored) { orig = null; //System.out.println("====== Didn't find facet; need to create new one"); } catch (NonUniqueResultException nonUnique) { // pretend everything's OK orig = (T) q.getResultList().get(0);"WARNING: non unique exception here, query: " + qlString); } T modified = modifier.createOrModify(orig, apiKeyId); // createOrModify must return passed argument if it is not null // If the passed argument is null and the attempt to parse the // new data into a valid facet fails, createOrModify may return null. // In that case, just don't try to persist it. assert(orig == null || orig == modified); if(modified == null) return null; //System.out.println("====== after modify, contained?: " + em.contains(modified)); if (orig == null) { // Persist the newly-created facet (and its tags, if any) persistExistingFacet(modified); //System.out.println("====== after persist, contained?: " + em.contains(modified)); } else { if (modified.hasTags()) { persistTags(modified); } } assert(em.contains(modified)); //System.out.println("========================================"); return modified; } // Each user has a set of all tags. persistTags makes sure this set of all tags includes the tags // from this facet @Transactional(readOnly=false) private void persistTags(final AbstractFacet facet) { for (Tag tag : facet.getTags()) { Tag guestTag = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, Tag.class, "tags.byName", facet.guestId,; if (guestTag==null) { guestTag = new Tag(); guestTag.guestId = facet.guestId; =; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=persistTags") .append(" connector=").append(Connector.fromValue(facet.api).getName()) .append(" objectType=").append(facet.objectType) .append(" guestId=").append(facet.guestId) .append(" tag=").append(;; em.persist(guestTag); } } } private void logDuplicateFacet(AbstractFacet facet) { try { Connector connector = Connector.fromValue(facet.api); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=logDuplicateFacet") .append(" connector=" + connector.getName()) .append(" objectType=").append(facet.objectType) .append(" guestId=" + facet.guestId); if (facet.objectType!=-1) { ObjectType[] objectType = connector.getObjectTypesForValue(facet.objectType); if (objectType!=null&&objectType.length!=0) sb.append(" objectType=").append(objectType[0].getName()); else if (objectType!=null && objectType.length>1) { sb.append(" objectType=["); for (int i = 0; i < objectType.length; i++) { ObjectType type = objectType[i]; if (i>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(type.getName()); } sb.append("]"); } }; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } // addGuestLocation persists the location and adds it to the visited cities // table. The persistence does duplicate detection by checking for locations matching the time, source, // and apiKeyId. In the case of a duplicate the new locationFacet is not persisted. @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void addGuestLocations(final long guestId, List<LocationFacet> locationResources) { // Only call updateLocationMetadata for the subset of locations which we did not already know about. // Keep track of which locations are new in newLocations. List<LocationFacet> newLocations = new ArrayList<LocationFacet>(); for (LocationFacet locationResource : locationResources) { locationResource.guestId = guestId; if(persistLocation(locationResource)) { newLocations.add(locationResource); } } metadataService.updateLocationMetadata(guestId, newLocations); } // addGuestLocations persists a list of locations and adds them to the visited cities // table. The persistence does duplicate detection by checking for locations matching the time, source, // and apiKeyId. In the case of a duplicate the new locationFacet is not persisted. @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void addGuestLocation(final long guestId, LocationFacet locationResource) { locationResource.guestId = guestId; // Persist the location and find out if it is new or not. Only call updateLocationMetadata // if we did not already know about this location if(persistLocation(locationResource)) { List<LocationFacet> locationResources = new ArrayList<LocationFacet>(); locationResources.add(locationResource); metadataService.updateLocationMetadata(guestId, locationResources); } } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public boolean persistLocation(LocationFacet locationResource) { // Create query to check for duplicate, return true if this is a new // location; false otherwise Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Facet_Location e WHERE e.guestId=? AND e.start=? AND e.source=? AND e.apiKeyId=?"); query.setParameter(1, locationResource.guestId); query.setParameter(2, locationResource.timestampMs); query.setParameter(3, locationResource.source); query.setParameter(4, locationResource.apiKeyId); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List existing = query.getResultList(); // Only persist if this location datapoint is not yet present in the DB table if (existing.size()==0) { // This is a new location, persist it em.persist(locationResource); return true; } else { // This is a duplicate location, ignore and print a message. // TODO: consider what we should do if the new one differs from the // stored location. Should we do a merge? //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=apiDataServiceImpl action=addGuestLocation") // .append(" guestId=").append(locationResource.guestId) // .append(" source=").append(locationResource.source.toString()) // .append(" apiKeyId=").append(locationResource.apiKeyId) // .append(" start=").append(locationResource.start) // .append(" latitude=").append(locationResource.latitude) // .append(" longitude=").append(locationResource.longitude) // .append(" message=\"ignoring duplicate locationFacet\""); //; return false; } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void setComment(final String connectorName, final String objectTypeName, final long guestId, final long facetId, final String comment) { final AbstractFacet facet = getFacet(connectorName, objectTypeName, facetId); if (facet==null) throw new RuntimeException("No such facet (connectorName: " + connectorName + ", objectTypeName: " + objectTypeName + ", guestId: " + guestId + ", facetId: " + facetId); if (facet.guestId!=guestId) throw new RuntimeException("Facet doesn't have the expected guestId (expected: " + guestId + ", actual: " + facet.guestId + ")"); facet.comment = comment; em.persist(facet); } private AbstractFacet getFacet(final String connectorName, final String objectTypeName, final long facetId) { final Connector connector = Connector.getConnector(connectorName); Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass = connector.facetClass(); if (objectTypeName!=null) { final ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.getObjectType(connector, objectTypeName); facetClass = objectType.facetClass(); } final TypedQuery<AbstractFacet> query = em.createQuery("SELECT facet FROM " + facetClass.getName() + " facet WHERE id=?", AbstractFacet.class); query.setParameter(1, facetId); final List<AbstractFacet> resultList = query.getResultList(); if (resultList.size()>0) return resultList.get(0); else return null; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void deleteComment(final String connectorName, final String objectTypeName, final long guestId, final long facetId) { final AbstractFacet facet = getFacet(connectorName, objectTypeName, facetId); if (facet==null) throw new RuntimeException("No such facet (connectorName: " + connectorName + ", objectTypeName: " + objectTypeName + ", guestId: " + guestId + ", facetId: " + facetId); if (facet.guestId!=guestId) throw new RuntimeException("Facet doesn't have the expected guestId (expected: " + guestId + ", actual: " + facet.guestId + ")"); facet.comment = null; em.persist(facet); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteStaleData() throws ClassNotFoundException { StaleDataCleanupWorker worker = beanFactory.getBean(StaleDataCleanupWorker.class); executor.execute(worker); } @Override public void destroy() throws Exception { executor.shutdown(); } }