package; import*; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.Configuration; import org.fluxtream.core.TimeInterval; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.auth.AuthHelper; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.ObjectType; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.*; import*; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.JPAUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.utils.Utils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; //import java.nio.file.Path; //import java.nio.file.Paths; /** * * @author Candide Kemmler ( */ @Component @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class BodyTrackHelper { public interface BodyTrackUploadResult { /** * Status code for the upload operation. * @see #isSuccess() */ int getStatusCode(); /** Text output from the upload, usually (always?) JSON. */ String getResponse(); /** Returns <code>true</code> if the upload was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ boolean isSuccess(); } protected long getMinTimeForApiKey(long apiKeyId, Integer objectTypeId){ ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId); ObjectType[] objectTypes; if (objectTypeId != null) objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().getObjectTypesForValue(objectTypeId); else objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes(); if (objectTypes == null || objectTypes.length == 0){ final String minTimeAtt = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, ApiKeyAttribute.MIN_TIME_KEY); if (minTimeAtt !=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(minTimeAtt)) { final DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinuteSecondFraction().withZoneUTC().parseDateTime(minTimeAtt); return dateTime.getMillis(); } } else{ long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes){ final String minTimeAtt = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, objectType.getApiKeyAttributeName(ApiKeyAttribute.MIN_TIME_KEY)); if (minTimeAtt !=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(minTimeAtt)) { final DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinuteSecondFraction().withZoneUTC().parseDateTime(minTimeAtt); minTime = Math.min(minTime, dateTime.getMillis()); } } if (minTime < Long.MAX_VALUE) return minTime; } //if we couldn't get the minTime from ApiKey Attributes fallback to oldest facet AbstractFacet facet; if (objectTypes == null || objectTypes.length == 0){ facet = apiDataService.getOldestApiDataFacet(apiKey,null); } else{ facet = null; for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes){ AbstractFacet potentialFacet = apiDataService.getOldestApiDataFacet(apiKey,objectType); if (potentialFacet!=null) { if (facet == null || facet.start > potentialFacet.start) facet = potentialFacet; } } } if (facet != null) return facet.start; else return Long.MAX_VALUE; } protected long getMaxTimeForApiKey(long apiKeyId, Integer objectTypesMask){ ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId); ObjectType[] objectTypes; if (objectTypesMask != null) objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().getObjectTypesForValue(objectTypesMask); else objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes(); if (objectTypes == null || objectTypes.length == 0){ final String maxTimeAtt = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, ApiKeyAttribute.MAX_TIME_KEY); if (maxTimeAtt !=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxTimeAtt)) { final DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinuteSecondFraction().withZoneUTC().parseDateTime(maxTimeAtt); return dateTime.getMillis(); } } else{ long maxTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes){ final String maxTimeAtt= guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, objectType.getApiKeyAttributeName(ApiKeyAttribute.MAX_TIME_KEY)); if (maxTimeAtt !=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxTimeAtt)) { final DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinuteSecondFraction().withZoneUTC().parseDateTime(maxTimeAtt); maxTime = Math.max(maxTime,dateTime.getMillis()); } } if (maxTime > Long.MIN_VALUE) return maxTime; } //if we couldn't get the minTime from ApiKey Attributes fallback to oldest facet AbstractFacet facet; if (objectTypes == null || objectTypes.length == 0){ facet = apiDataService.getLatestApiDataFacet(apiKey,null); } else{ facet = null; for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes){ AbstractFacet potentialFacet = apiDataService.getLatestApiDataFacet(apiKey,objectType); if (potentialFacet != null && (facet == null || facet.end < potentialFacet.end)) facet = potentialFacet; } } if (facet != null) return facet.end; else return Long.MIN_VALUE; } public void setChannelBounds(final ChannelMapping mapping, final Channel channel, ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse) { Set<String> channelNames = infoResponse.channel_specs.keySet(); boolean datastoreChannelBoundsSet = false; switch (mapping.getChannelType()){ case photo: channel.min = 0.6; channel.max = 1; break; case data: Connector connector = Connector.fromDeviceNickname(mapping.getDeviceName()); if (connector!=null) { // historically, some channels have used a device nickname, others a connector name String deviceChannelName = new StringBuilder(connector.getName()).append(".").append(mapping.getChannelName()).toString(); String deviceNicknameChannelName = new StringBuilder(mapping.getDeviceName()).append(".").append(mapping.getChannelName()).toString(); String internalDeviceNicknameChannelName = new StringBuilder(mapping.getInternalDeviceName()).append(".").append(mapping.getChannelName()).toString(); String deviceInternalChannelName = new StringBuilder(mapping.getDeviceName()).append(".").append(mapping.getInternalChannelName()).toString(); for (String channelName : channelNames) { if (channelName.toLowerCase().equals(deviceChannelName.toLowerCase()) || channelName.toLowerCase().equals(deviceNicknameChannelName.toLowerCase())|| channelName.toLowerCase().equals(internalDeviceNicknameChannelName.toLowerCase())||deviceInternalChannelName.equals(channelName)) { ChannelSpecs channelSpecs = infoResponse.channel_specs.get(channelName); channel.min = channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_value; channel.max = channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_value; channel.min_time = channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time; channel.max_time = channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time; datastoreChannelBoundsSet = true; break; } } } else { channel.min = 0; channel.max = 1; } break; default: channel.min = 0; channel.max = 1; break; } if (!datastoreChannelBoundsSet) { long maxTime = getMaxTimeForApiKey(mapping.getApiKeyId(), mapping.getObjectTypes()); long minTime = getMinTimeForApiKey(mapping.getApiKeyId(), mapping.getObjectTypes()); if (maxTime < minTime) { channel.max_time = 0d; channel.min_time = 0d; } else { channel.max_time = maxTime / 1000.0; channel.min_time = minTime / 1000.0; } } } @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; static final boolean verboseOutput = false; static final boolean showOutput = false; @Autowired DataUpdateService dataUpdateService; @Autowired Configuration env; @Autowired PhotoService photoService; @Autowired GuestService guestService; @Autowired ApiDataService apiDataService; @Autowired BuddiesService buddiesService; @Autowired BeanFactory beanFactory; // Create a Gson parser which handles ChannelBounds specially to avoid problems with +/- infinity Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(ChannelBounds.class, new ChannelBoundsDeserializer()).create(); static FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(BodyTrackHelper.class); private int executeDataStore(String commandName, Object[] parameters,OutputStream out){ try{ Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); String launchCommand = env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.exec.location") + "/" + commandName + " " + env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.db.location"); // Path commandPath= Paths.get(env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.exec.location")); // Path launchExecutable = commandPath.resolve(commandName); // String launchCommand = launchExecutable.toString()+ " " + env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.db.location"); for (Object param : parameters){ launchCommand += ' '; String part = param.toString(); if (part.indexOf(' ') == -1){ launchCommand += part; } else{ launchCommand += "\"" + part + "\""; } } if (showOutput) System.out.println("BTDataStore: running with command: " + launchCommand); //create process for operation final Process pr = rt.exec(launchCommand); new Thread(){//outputs the errorstream public void run(){ BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getErrorStream())); String line=null; try{ if (verboseOutput && showOutput){ while((line=error.readLine()) != null) { //output all console output from the execution System.out.println("BTDataStore-error: " + line); } } else while (error.readLine() != null) {} } catch(Exception ignored){} } }.start(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())); String line; boolean first = true; while((line=input.readLine()) != null) { //output all console output from the execution if (showOutput) System.out.println("BTDataStore: " + line); if (first){ first = false; } else{ out.write("\n".getBytes()); } out.write(line.getBytes()); } int exitValue = pr.waitFor(); if (showOutput) System.out.println("BTDataStore: exited with code " + exitValue); return exitValue; } catch (Exception e){ if (showOutput) System.out.println("BTDataStore: datastore execution failed!"); throw new RuntimeException("Datastore execution failed"); } } private DataStoreExecutionResult executeDataStore(String commandName, Object[] parameters){ final StringBuilder responseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int result = executeDataStore(commandName,parameters,new OutputStream(){ @Override public void write(final int b) throws IOException { responseBuilder.append((char) b); } }); return new DataStoreExecutionResult(result,responseBuilder.toString()); } //start and end are optional public int exportToCSV(final Long guestId, final Collection<String> channelNames, final Long start, final Long end, final OutputStream out){ try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (channelNames == null || channelNames.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); params.add("--csv"); params.add("" + guestId); params.addAll(channelNames); if (start != null){ params.add("--start"); params.add("" + start); } if (end != null){ params.add("--end"); params.add("" + end); } final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("export",params.toArray(new String[]{})); out.write(dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse().getBytes()); return dataStoreExecutionResult.getStatusCode(); } catch (Exception e){ return -1; } } public BodyTrackUploadResult uploadToBodyTrack(final ApiKey apiKey, final String deviceName, final Collection<String> channelNames, final List<List<Object>> data) { try{ if (apiKey == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("input",".json"); Map<String,Object> tempFileMapping = new HashMap<String,Object>(); tempFileMapping.put("data", data); tempFileMapping.put("channel_names", channelNames); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); final String bodyTrackJSONData = gson.toJson(tempFileMapping); fos.write(bodyTrackJSONData.getBytes()); fos.close(); final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("import", new Object[]{apiKey.getGuestId(), deviceName, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()}); ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult parsedResult = new ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult(dataStoreExecutionResult, deviceName, gson); if (!dataStoreExecutionResult.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("Datastore: There was an error persisting data to the datastore, guestId: " + apiKey.getGuestId() + ", deviceName: " + deviceName + ", tempFile: " + tempFile.getCanonicalPath()); dataUpdateService.logBodyTrackDataUpdate(apiKey.getGuestId(), apiKey.getId(), null, deviceName, channelNames.toArray(new String[channelNames.size()]), dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse()); } else { try { long startTime = 0, endTime = 0; if (parsedResult.getParsedResponse().min_time!=null) startTime = (long) (parsedResult.getParsedResponse().min_time * 1000); if (parsedResult.getParsedResponse().max_time!=null) endTime = (long) (parsedResult.getParsedResponse().max_time * 1000); dataUpdateService.logBodyTrackDataUpdate(apiKey.getGuestId(), apiKey.getId(), null, deviceName, channelNames.toArray(new String[channelNames.size()]), startTime, endTime); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Datastore: couldn't log successful api data update"); logger.warn(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t)); } } tempFile.delete(); return parsedResult; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could not persist to datastore"); System.err.println(Utils.stackTrace(e)); throw new RuntimeException("Could not persist to datastore"); } } public BodyTrackUploadResult uploadJsonToBodyTrack(final Long guestId, final String deviceName, final String json) { try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("input",".json"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); fos.write(json.getBytes()); fos.close(); final ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult dataStoreExecutionResult = new ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult(executeDataStore("import", new Object[]{guestId, deviceName, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()}), deviceName, gson); tempFile.delete(); if (dataStoreExecutionResult.isSuccess()){//log to DataUpdate table //TODO: confirm this works List<ApiKey> keys = guestService.getApiKeys(guestId,Connector.getConnector("fluxtream_capture")); long apiKeyId = -1; if (keys.size() > 0){ apiKeyId = keys.get(0).getId(); } dataUpdateService.logBodyTrackDataUpdate(guestId,apiKeyId,null,dataStoreExecutionResult); } return dataStoreExecutionResult; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not persist to datastore"); System.out.println(Utils.stackTrace(e)); throw new RuntimeException("Could not persist to datastore"); } } public GetTileResponse fetchTileObject(Long guestId, String deviceNickname, String channelName, int level, long offset){ try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); ChannelMapping mapping = getChannelMapping(guestId, deviceNickname, channelName); String internalDeviceName = mapping != null ? mapping.getInternalDeviceName() : deviceNickname; String internalChannelName = mapping != null ? mapping.getInternalChannelName() : channelName; internalDeviceName = checkDatastoreDir(guestId, internalDeviceName); final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("gettile", new Object[]{guestId, internalDeviceName + "." + internalChannelName, level, offset}); String result = dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse(); // TODO: check statusCode in DataStoreExecutionResult GetTileResponse tileResponse = gson.fromJson(result,GetTileResponse.class); if ( == null){ tileResponse = GetTileResponse.getEmptyTile(level,offset); }//TODO:several fields are missing still and should be implemented return tileResponse; } catch(Exception e){ return GetTileResponse.getEmptyTile(level,offset); } } private String checkDatastoreDir(Long guestId, String internalDeviceName) throws IOException { File dir = new File(env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.db.location")+File.separator+guestId+File.separator+ internalDeviceName); if (dir.exists() && dir.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(internalDeviceName)) return internalDeviceName; String connectorName = Connector.fromDeviceNickname(internalDeviceName).getName(); dir = new File(env.targetEnvironmentProps.getString("btdatastore.db.location")+File.separator+guestId+File.separator+connectorName); if (dir.exists() && dir.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(connectorName)) return connectorName; return internalDeviceName; } public String fetchTile(Long guestId, String deviceNickname, String channelName, int level, long offset){ return gson.toJson(fetchTileObject(guestId,deviceNickname,channelName,level,offset)); } public String getSourcesResponse(Long guestId, TrustedBuddy trustedBuddy) { final SourcesResponse response = new SourcesResponse(); final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("info",new Object[]{"-r",guestId}); String result = dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse(); // Iterate over the various (photo) connectors (if any), manually inserting each into the ChannelSpecs final Map<String, TimeInterval> photoChannelTimeRanges = photoService.getPhotoChannelTimeRanges(guestId, null); // TODO: check statusCode in DataStoreExecutionResult ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse = gson.fromJson(result, ChannelInfoResponse.class); // create the 'All' photos block final Source allPhotosSource = getAllPhotosSource(infoResponse, photoChannelTimeRanges); // retrieve channel mappings directly if trustedBuddy is null or through the SharedChannels otherwise final List<ChannelMapping> channelMappings = getChannelMappings(guestId, trustedBuddy); // populateResponseWithChannelMappings is meant to be backward compatible with the LegacyBodytrackController // and so it includes a trustedBuddy parameter because it has another (deprecated) way of figuring out // access permissions to a buddy's info - here it has to be null since we have already filtered out // Channels to which the loggedIn guest doesn't have access try { populateResponseWithChannelMappings(guestId, null /*IMPORTANT: trustedBuddy needs to be null here*/, response, channelMappings, infoResponse); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error trying to populate response with channel mappings: " + e.getMessage()); } // if trustedBuddy is null, add the All photos block to the response if (trustedBuddy==null&&!photoChannelTimeRanges.isEmpty()) { response.sources.add(allPhotosSource); } final String jsonResponse = gson.toJson(response); return jsonResponse; } public String listSources(Long guestId, TrustedBuddy trustedBuddy){ SourcesResponse response = null; try{ if (guestId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("info",new Object[]{"-r",guestId}); String result = dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse(); // TODO: check statusCode in DataStoreExecutionResult ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse = gson.fromJson(result,ChannelInfoResponse.class); // Iterate over the various (photo) connectors (if any), manually inserting each into the ChannelSpecs final Map<String, TimeInterval> photoChannelTimeRanges = photoService.getPhotoChannelTimeRanges(guestId, trustedBuddy); // create the 'All' photos block final Source allPhotosSource = getAllPhotosSource(infoResponse, photoChannelTimeRanges); // create the respone response = new SourcesResponse(infoResponse, guestId, trustedBuddy); // filter out photo connectors that aren't shared with this user if (trustedBuddy !=null) { List<String> sourcesToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Source source : response.sources) { final Connector photoConnectorForSource = Connector.fromDeviceNickname(; if (photoConnectorForSource!=null) { final List<ApiKey> apiKeys = guestService.getApiKeys(trustedBuddy.guestId, photoConnectorForSource); for (ApiKey apiKey : apiKeys) { if (buddiesService.getSharedConnector(apiKey.getId(), AuthHelper.getGuestId())==null) { sourcesToRemove.add(; break; } } // 09/15/2014 on Anne's request: until we have thoroughly fixed the management // of channel mappings, sources that don't map to connectors need to continue being // shared with buddies // } else { // // let's be conservative: if we don't know this connector, let's assume // // it wasn't shared // sourcesToRemove.add(; } } for (String sourceName : sourcesToRemove) { response.deleteSource(sourceName); } } //TODO: this is a hack to prevent double flickr photo channel showing up response.deleteSource("Flickr"); response.deleteSource("SMS_Backup"); final List<ChannelMapping> channelMappings = getChannelMappings(guestId, trustedBuddy); populateResponseWithChannelMappings(guestId, trustedBuddy, response, channelMappings, infoResponse); // add the All photos block to the response if (!photoChannelTimeRanges.isEmpty()) { response.sources.add(allPhotosSource); } for (Source source : response.sources){ if (source.max_time < source.min_time) source.min_time = source.max_time = 0.0; } final String jsonResponse = gson.toJson(response); return jsonResponse; } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=bodytrackHelper component=listSources action=listSources") .append(" guestId=") .append(guestId) .append(" message=").append(e.getMessage()); if(response!=null) { // In case the exception was caused by speical floating point values such as // Infinity, create a gson builder that will potentially let us debug even though // the javascript would choke on the result if we returned it Gson errorGson = new GsonBuilder().serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues().create(); sb.append(" response=").append(errorGson.toJson(response)); } logger.error(sb.toString()); return gson.toJson(new SourcesResponse(null, guestId, trustedBuddy)); } } private Source getAllPhotosSource(ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse, Map<String, TimeInterval> photoChannelTimeRanges) { final Source allPhotosSource = new Source(); if (!photoChannelTimeRanges.isEmpty()) { = PhotoService.ALL_DEVICES_NAME; allPhotosSource.channels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); final Channel allPhotosChannel = new Channel(); allPhotosSource.channels.add(allPhotosChannel); = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; // photo channels are always named the same allPhotosChannel.objectTypeName = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; allPhotosChannel.type = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; allPhotosChannel.builtin_default_style = new ChannelStyle(); = allPhotosChannel.builtin_default_style; allPhotosChannel.min = .6; allPhotosChannel.max = 1; allPhotosChannel.min_time = Double.MAX_VALUE; allPhotosChannel.max_time = Double.MIN_VALUE; final double defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; for (final String channelName : photoChannelTimeRanges.keySet()) { final ChannelSpecs channelSpecs = new ChannelSpecs(); final TimeInterval timeInterval = photoChannelTimeRanges.get(channelName); // mark this channel as a photo channel so that the grapher can properly render it as a photo channel channelSpecs.channelType = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; final String[] connectorNameAndObjectTypeName = channelName.split("\\."); if (connectorNameAndObjectTypeName.length > 1) { channelSpecs.objectTypeName = connectorNameAndObjectTypeName[1]; } channelSpecs.channel_bounds = new ChannelBounds(); if (timeInterval == null) { channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time = defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time = defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals; } else { channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time = timeInterval.getStart() / 1000; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time = timeInterval.getEnd() / 1000; } channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_value = .6; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_value = 1; infoResponse.channel_specs.put(channelName, channelSpecs); if (timeInterval != null) { // update the min/max times in ChannelInfoResponse and in the All photos channel infoResponse.min_time = Math.min(infoResponse.min_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time); infoResponse.max_time = Math.max(infoResponse.max_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time); allPhotosChannel.min_time = Math.min(allPhotosChannel.min_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time); allPhotosChannel.max_time = Math.max(allPhotosChannel.max_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time); } } } return allPhotosSource; } private void populateResponseWithChannelMappings(Long guestId, TrustedBuddy trustedBuddy, SourcesResponse response, List<ChannelMapping> channelMappings, ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse) { for (ChannelMapping mapping : channelMappings){ ApiKey api = guestService.getApiKey(mapping.getApiKeyId()); // This is to prevent a rare condition when working, under development, on a branch that // doesn't yet support a connector that is supported on another branch and resulted // in data being populated in the database which is going to cause a crash here if (api==null||api.getConnector()==null) continue; // filter out not shared connectors if (trustedBuddy !=null&& buddiesService.getSharedConnector(api.getId(), AuthHelper.getGuestId())==null) continue; Source source; String deviceName; if (mapping.getInternalDeviceName()!=null&&!mapping.getInternalDeviceName().equals(mapping.getDeviceName())) { source = response.hasSource(mapping.getInternalDeviceName()); deviceName = mapping.getInternalDeviceName(); } else { source = response.hasSource(mapping.getDeviceName()); deviceName = mapping.getDeviceName(); } if (source == null){ source = new Source(); response.sources.add(source); = Utils.sanitize(deviceName); source.channels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); source.min_time = Double.MAX_VALUE; source.max_time = Double.MIN_VALUE; } Channel channel = new Channel(); = Utils.sanitize(mapping.getChannelName()); channel.type = mapping.getChannelType().name(); channel.time_type = mapping.getTimeType().name(); source.channels.add(channel); // Set builtin default style and style to a line by default channel.builtin_default_style = ChannelStyle.getDefaultChannelStyle(; = channel.builtin_default_style; // getDefaultStyle checks for user-generated overrides in the database. // If it returns non-null we set style to the user-generated value, otherwise we leave // it as the builtin default ChannelStyle userStyle = getDefaultStyle(guestId,api.getConnector().getDeviceNickname(),; if (userStyle != null) { = userStyle; } else { userStyle = getDefaultStyle(guestId,api.getConnector().getName(),; if (userStyle != null) = userStyle; } setChannelBounds(mapping, channel, infoResponse); source.min_time = Math.min(source.min_time,channel.min_time); source.max_time = Math.max(source.max_time,channel.max_time); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public SourceInfo getSourceInfoObject(final Long guestId, final String deviceName){ try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); final DataStoreExecutionResult dataStoreExecutionResult = executeDataStore("info",new Object[]{"-r",guestId}); String result = dataStoreExecutionResult.getResponse(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("datastore execution time = " + (now-then)); then = now; // TODO: check statusCode in DataStoreExecutionResult ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse = gson.fromJson(result,ChannelInfoResponse.class); final Map<String, TimeInterval> photoChannelTimeRanges = photoService.getPhotoChannelTimeRanges(guestId, null); if (!photoChannelTimeRanges.isEmpty()) { final double defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; for (final String channelName : photoChannelTimeRanges.keySet()) { final ChannelSpecs channelSpecs = new ChannelSpecs(); final TimeInterval timeInterval = photoChannelTimeRanges.get(channelName); // mark this channel as a photo channel so that the grapher can properly render it as a photo channel channelSpecs.channelType = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; final String[] connectorNameAndObjectTypeName = channelName.split("\\."); if (connectorNameAndObjectTypeName.length > 1) { channelSpecs.objectTypeName = connectorNameAndObjectTypeName[1]; } channelSpecs.channel_bounds = new ChannelBounds(); if (timeInterval == null) { channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time = defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time = defaultTimeForNullTimeIntervals; } else { channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time = timeInterval.getStart() / 1000; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time = timeInterval.getEnd() / 1000; } channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_value = .6; channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_value = 1; infoResponse.channel_specs.put(channelName, channelSpecs); if (timeInterval != null) { // update the min/max times in ChannelInfoResponse and in the All photos channel infoResponse.min_time = Math.min(infoResponse.min_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.min_time); infoResponse.max_time = Math.max(infoResponse.max_time, channelSpecs.channel_bounds.max_time); } } } SourceInfo response = new SourceInfo(infoResponse,deviceName); return response; } catch(Exception e){ return new SourceInfo(null, null); } } public String getSourceInfo(final Long guestId, final String deviceName) { return gson.toJson(getSourceInfoObject(guestId,deviceName)); } public void setDefaultStyle(final Long guestId, final String deviceName, final String channelName, final ChannelStyle style) { setDefaultStyle(guestId,deviceName,channelName, gson.toJson(style)); } @Deprecated @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteStyle(final Long guestId, final String deviceName) { try { JPAUtils.execute(em, "channelStyle.delete.byGuestAndDeviceName", guestId, deviceName); } catch(Exception e) {logger.warn("Couldn't delete Channel Style for connector " + deviceName + ", guest: " + guestId + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));} } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void setDefaultStyle(final Long guestId, final String deviceName, final String channelName, final String style) { try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle savedStyle = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle.class, "channelStyle.byDeviceNameAndChannelName", guestId, deviceName, channelName); if (savedStyle==null) { savedStyle = new org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle(); savedStyle.guestId = guestId; savedStyle.channelName = channelName; savedStyle.deviceName = deviceName; savedStyle.json = style; em.persist(savedStyle); } else { savedStyle.json = style; em.merge(savedStyle); } List<ApiKey> keys = guestService.getApiKeys(guestId,Connector.getConnector("fluxtream_capture")); long apiKeyId = -1; if (keys.size() > 0){ apiKeyId = keys.get(0).getId(); } dataUpdateService.logBodyTrackStyleUpdate(guestId,apiKeyId,null,deviceName,new String[]{channelName}); } catch (Exception e){ } } public String getDeviceName(long apiKeyId) { ChannelMapping channelMapping = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ChannelMapping.class, "channelMapping.byApiKeyId", apiKeyId); if (channelMapping!=null) return channelMapping.getDeviceName(); return null; } public String getInternalDeviceName(long apiKeyId) { ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId); if (apiKey.getConnector().getName().equals("fluxtream_capture")) return getDeviceName(apiKeyId); ChannelMapping channelMapping = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ChannelMapping.class, "channelMapping.byApiKeyId", apiKeyId); if (channelMapping!=null) return channelMapping.getInternalDeviceName(); return null; } public ChannelMapping getChannelMapping(long guestId, String displayDeviceName, String displayChannelName){ ChannelMapping channelMapping = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ChannelMapping.class, "channelMapping.byDisplayName", guestId, displayDeviceName, displayChannelName); return channelMapping; } public List<ChannelMapping> getChannelMappings(long guestId, TrustedBuddy trustedBuddy){ if (trustedBuddy ==null) return JPAUtils.find(em, ChannelMapping.class, "channelMapping.all",guestId); else { List<SharedChannel> sharedChannels = buddiesService.getSharedChannels(trustedBuddy.buddyId, trustedBuddy.guestId); List<ChannelMapping> channelMappings = new ArrayList<ChannelMapping>(); for (SharedChannel sharedChannel : sharedChannels) { channelMappings.add(sharedChannel.channelMapping); } return channelMappings; } } public void deleteChannelMappings(ApiKey apiKey){ Query query = em.createNamedQuery("channelMapping.delete"); query.setParameter(1,apiKey.getGuestId()); query.setParameter(2,apiKey.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } public void setBuiltinDefaultStyle(final Long guestId, final String deviceName, final String channelName, final ChannelStyle style){ setBuiltinDefaultStyle(guestId, deviceName, channelName, gson.toJson(style)); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void setBuiltinDefaultStyle(final Long guestId, final String deviceName, final String channelName, final String style) { try{ if (guestId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle savedStyle = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle.class, "channelStyle.byDeviceNameAndChannelName", guestId, deviceName, channelName); if (savedStyle==null) { savedStyle = new org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle(); savedStyle.guestId = guestId; savedStyle.channelName = channelName; savedStyle.deviceName = deviceName; savedStyle.json = style; em.persist(savedStyle); } } catch (Exception e){ } } private ChannelStyle getDefaultStyle(long guestId, String deviceName, String channelName){ org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle savedStyle = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, org.fluxtream.core.domain.ChannelStyle.class, "channelStyle.byDeviceNameAndChannelName", guestId, deviceName, channelName); if(savedStyle == null) return null; return gson.fromJson(savedStyle.json,ChannelStyle.class); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public String saveView(long guestId, String viewName, String viewJSON){ GrapherView view = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, GrapherView.class,"grapherView.byName",guestId,viewName); if (view == null){ view = new GrapherView(); view.guestId = guestId; = viewName; view.json = viewJSON; view.lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis(); em.persist(view); } else{ view.json = viewJSON; em.merge(view); } AddViewResult result = new AddViewResult(); result.saved_view_id = view.getId(); result.populateViews(em, gson, guestId); return gson.toJson(result); } public String listViews(long guestId){ ViewsList list = new ViewsList(); list.populateViews(em, gson, guestId); return gson.toJson(list); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public String getView(Long guestId, long viewId){ GrapherView view = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, GrapherView.class,"grapherView.byId",guestId,viewId); if (view != null){ view.lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis(); em.merge(view); } return view == null ? "{\"error\",\"No matching view found for user " + guestId + "\"}" : view.json; } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteView(Long guestId, long viewId){ GrapherView view = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, GrapherView.class,"grapherView.byId",guestId,viewId); em.remove(view); } public String getAllTagsForUser(final Long guestId) { final List<Tag> tagList = JPAUtils.find(em, Tag.class, "tags.all", guestId); final TagsJson tagsJson = new TagsJson(); if ((tagList != null) && (!tagList.isEmpty())) { for (final Tag tag : tagList) { if (tag != null && != null && > 0) { tagsJson.tags.add(; } } } return gson.toJson(tagsJson); } private static class TagsJson { private final SortedSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<String>(); } @ApiModel public static class ViewsList{ @ApiModelProperty public LinkedList<ViewStub> views = new LinkedList<ViewStub>(); void populateViews(EntityManager em, Gson gson, long guestId){ List<GrapherView> viewList = JPAUtils.find(em, GrapherView.class,"grapherView",guestId); for (GrapherView view : viewList){ views.add(0,new ViewStub(view,gson)); } } } public static class AddViewResult extends ViewsList{ public long saved_view_id; } @ApiModel public static class ViewStub{ @ApiModelProperty public long id; @ApiModelProperty public long last_used; @ApiModelProperty public String name; @ApiModelProperty public AxisRange time_range; public ViewStub(GrapherView view,Gson gson){ id = view.getId(); last_used = view.lastUsed; name =; ViewJSON json = gson.fromJson(view.json,ViewJSON.class); time_range = new AxisRange(); time_range.min = json.v2.x_axis.min * 1000; time_range.max = json.v2.x_axis.max * 1000; } } public static class ViewJSON{ public String name; public ViewData v2; } public static class ViewData{ public AxisRange x_axis; public boolean show_add_pane; public ArrayList<ViewChannelData> y_axes; } public static class AxisRange{ public double min; public double max; } public static class GetTileResponse{ public Object[][] data; public String[] fields; public int level; public long offset; public int sample_width; public String type = "value"; public static GetTileResponse getEmptyTile(int level, long offset){ GetTileResponse tileResponse = new GetTileResponse(); = new Object[0][]; tileResponse.level = level; tileResponse.offset = offset; tileResponse.fields = new String[]{"time", "mean", "stddev", "count"}; return tileResponse; } } private static class ChannelInfoResponse { Map<String,ChannelSpecs> channel_specs; double max_time; double min_time; } private static class ChannelSpecs{ String channelType; String objectTypeName; String time_type; ChannelBounds channel_bounds; public ChannelSpecs(){ // time_type defaults to gmt. It can be overridden to "local" for channels that only know local time time_type = "gmt"; } } private static class ChannelBounds{ double max_time; double max_value; double min_time; double min_value; } class ChannelBoundsDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<ChannelBounds>{ // Create a custom deserializer for ChannelBounds to deal with the possibility // of the values being interpreted as +/- Infinity and causing json creation errors // later on. The min/max time fields are required. The min/max value fields are // optional and default to 0. @Override public ChannelBounds deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { ChannelBounds cb=new ChannelBounds(); JsonObject jo = (JsonObject)json; cb.max_time=Math.max(Math.min(jo.get("max_time").getAsDouble(), Double.MAX_VALUE),-Double.MAX_VALUE); cb.min_time=Math.max(Math.min(jo.get("min_time").getAsDouble(), Double.MAX_VALUE), -Double.MAX_VALUE); try { cb.max_value=Math.max(Math.min(jo.get("max_value").getAsDouble(), Double.MAX_VALUE),-Double.MAX_VALUE); cb.min_value=Math.max(Math.min(jo.get("min_value").getAsDouble(), Double.MAX_VALUE), -Double.MAX_VALUE); } catch(Throwable e) { cb.min_value=cb.max_value=0; } return cb; } } @ApiModel public class SourcesResponse { @ApiModelProperty public List<Source> sources = new ArrayList<Source>(); public SourcesResponse() {} public SourcesResponse(ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse, Long guestId, TrustedBuddy trustedBuddy){ sources = new ArrayList<Source>(); if (infoResponse == null) return; for (Map.Entry<String,ChannelSpecs> entry : infoResponse.channel_specs.entrySet()){ String fullName = entry.getKey(); ChannelSpecs specs = entry.getValue(); String[] split = fullName.split("\\."); // device.objectTypeName._comment should not generate an entry if (split.length>2) continue; String deviceName = split[0]; String objectTypeName = split[1]; Source source = null; if (trustedBuddy ==null || trustedBuddy.hasAccessToDevice(deviceName, env)) { for (Source src : sources) if ({ source = src; break; } if (source == null){ source = new Source(); = deviceName; source.channels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); sources.add(source); } Channel newChannel = new Channel(objectTypeName,specs); // Setup style settings. The Channel constructor sets builtin_default_style // and style to default line settings. getDefaultStyle checks for user-generated overrides // in the database. If it returns non-null we set style to the user-generated value. ChannelStyle userStyle = getDefaultStyle(guestId,,; if (userStyle != null) = userStyle; // Temporary hack: Until generic support is available for time_type, special case // devices named 'Zeo', 'Fitbit', or 'Flickr' to use time_type="local" if("Zeo") ||"Fitbit") ||"Flickr")) { newChannel.time_type="local"; } // Add channel to source's channel list source.channels.add(newChannel); } } } public Source hasSource(String deviceName){ for (Source s : sources){ if ( return s; } return null; } public void deleteSource(String deviceName){ for (Iterator<Source> i = sources.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ Source s =; if ( i.remove(); } } } @ApiModel public static class SourceInfo{ @ApiModelProperty public Source info; public SourceInfo(ChannelInfoResponse infoResponse, String deviceName){ info = new Source(); = deviceName; info.channels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); info.max_time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0; info.min_time = info.max_time - 1; if (infoResponse == null) return; for (Map.Entry<String,ChannelSpecs> entry : infoResponse.channel_specs.entrySet()){ String fullName = entry.getKey(); ChannelSpecs specs = entry.getValue(); String[] split = fullName.split("\\."); // device.objectTypeName._comment should not generate an entry if (split.length>2) continue; String devName = split[0]; String objectTypeName = split[1]; Source source = null; if (devName.equals(deviceName)){ Channel channel = new Channel(objectTypeName,specs); info.channels.add(channel); if (channel.min_time < info.min_time) info.min_time = channel.min_time; if (channel.max_time > info.max_time) info.max_time = channel.max_time; } } } } @ApiModel public static class Source{ @ApiModelProperty public String name; @ApiModelProperty public List<Channel> channels; @ApiModelProperty public Double min_time = 0.0; @ApiModelProperty public Double max_time = 0.0; } @ApiModel public static class Channel{ @ApiModelProperty public String type; @ApiModelProperty public ChannelStyle builtin_default_style; @ApiModelProperty public ChannelStyle style; @ApiModelProperty public double max; @ApiModelProperty public double min; @ApiModelProperty public Double min_time; @ApiModelProperty public Double max_time; @ApiModelProperty public String name; @ApiModelProperty public String objectTypeName; @ApiModelProperty public String time_type; public Channel(){ // time_type defaults to gmt. It can be overridden to "local" for channels that only know local time time_type = "gmt"; } public Channel(String name, ChannelSpecs specs){ = name; max = specs.channel_bounds.max_value; min = specs.channel_bounds.min_value; min_time = specs.channel_bounds.min_time; max_time = specs.channel_bounds.max_time; if (specs.channelType != null) { = PhotoService.DEFAULT_PHOTOS_CHANNEL_NAME; // photo channels are always named the same type = specs.channelType; } if (specs.objectTypeName != null) { objectTypeName = specs.objectTypeName; } style = builtin_default_style = ChannelStyle.getDefaultChannelStyle(name); // time_type defaults to gmt. It can be overridden to "local" for channels that only know local time time_type = specs.time_type; } } public static class ViewChannelData extends Channel{ public Integer channel_height; public String channel_name; public String device_name; } @ApiModel public static class ChannelStyle{ @ApiModelProperty public HighlightStyling highlight; @ApiModelProperty public CommentStyling comments; @ApiModelProperty public List<Style> styles; @ApiModelProperty public MainTimespanStyle timespanStyles; public static ChannelStyle getDefaultChannelStyle(String name){ ChannelStyle style = new ChannelStyle(); style.styles = new ArrayList<Style>(); if (name.equals("Sleep_Graph")){ Style subStyle = new Style(); subStyle.type = "zeo"; = true; style.styles.add(subStyle); } else{ Style subStyle = new Style(); subStyle.type = "line"; subStyle.lineWidth = 1; = true; style.styles.add(subStyle); } return style; } } public static class TimespanStyle{ public Integer borderWidth; public String borderColor; public String fillColor; public Double top; public Double bottom; public String iconURL; } public static class MainTimespanStyle{ public TimespanStyle defaultStyle; public Map<String, TimespanStyle> values; } public static class CommentStyling{ public Boolean show; public Integer verticalMargin; public ArrayList<Style> styles; } public static class HighlightStyling{ public Integer lineWidth; public ArrayList<Style> styles; } public static class Style{ public String type; public Integer lineWidth; public String color; public String fillColor; public Integer marginWidth; public String numberFormat; public Integer verticalOffset; public Integer radius; public Boolean fill; public Boolean show; } public static final class UploadResponseChannelSpecs{ ChannelBounds imported_bounds; ChannelBounds channel_bounds; } public static final class UploadResponse{ Map<String,UploadResponseChannelSpecs> channel_specs; int failed_records; int successful_records; Double max_time; //seconds Double min_time; //seconds } public static final class ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult implements BodyTrackUploadResult { private int statusCode; private String responseText; private UploadResponse parsedResponse; private String deviceName; private ParsedBodyTrackUploadResult(BodyTrackUploadResult result, String deviceName,Gson gson){ this.statusCode = result.getStatusCode(); this.responseText = result.getResponse(); this.deviceName = deviceName; if (result.isSuccess()) this.parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(responseText,UploadResponse.class); else { this.parsedResponse = new UploadResponse(); logger.warn("Couldn't upload to bodytrack, (response text is \"" + responseText + "\", statusCode: " + statusCode + ", deviceName: " + deviceName + ")"); } } public UploadResponse getParsedResponse(){ return parsedResponse; } public String getDeviceName(){ return deviceName; } @Override public int getStatusCode() { return statusCode; } @Override public String getResponse() { return responseText; } @Override public boolean isSuccess() { return statusCode == 0; } } public static final class DataStoreExecutionResult implements BodyTrackUploadResult { private final int statusCode; private final String response; private DataStoreExecutionResult(final int statusCode, final String response) { this.statusCode = statusCode; this.response = response; } @Override public int getStatusCode() { return statusCode; } @Override public String getResponse() { return response; } @Override public boolean isSuccess() { return statusCode == 0; } } }