package org.fluxtream.core.connectors; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.velocity.util.StringUtils; import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.ObjectTypeSpec; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.Updater; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.bodytrackResponders.AbstractBodytrackResponder; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.AbstractUpdater; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractUserProfile; import org.fluxtream.core.facets.extractors.AbstractFacetExtractor; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider; import org.springframework.core.type.filter.AnnotationTypeFilter; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class Connector { static FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(Connector.class); UpdateStrategyType updateStrategyType = UpdateStrategyType.INCREMENTAL; private static Map<String, Connector> connectors = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Connector>(); private static Map<Integer, Connector> connectorsByValue = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Connector>(); private static Map<String, Connector> connectorsByPrettyName = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Connector>(); private static Map<String, Connector> connectorsByDeviceNickname = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Connector>(); private Class<? extends AbstractFacetExtractor> extractorClass; private Map<Integer, Class<? extends AbstractFacetExtractor>> objectTypeExtractorClasses; private Class<? extends AbstractUserProfile> userProfileClass; private ObjectType[] objectTypes; private Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass; private int value; private String name; private String prettyName; private int[] objectTypeValues; private boolean hasFacets; private String[] defaultChannels; private Class<? extends AbstractUpdater> updaterClass; private Class<? extends AbstractBodytrackResponder> bodytrackResponder; private String deviceNickname; static { Connector flxConnector = new Connector(); = "fluxtream"; flxConnector.deviceNickname = "FluxtreamCapture"; connectors.put(, flxConnector); connectorsByValue.put(0xCAFEBABE, flxConnector); // NOTE! This connector has no pretty name, and ConcurrentHashMaps don't allow keys or values to be null, so // we won't add it to the connectorsByPrettyName map. ObjectType objectType = new ObjectType(); objectType.value = 0xBABEFACE; = "comment"; ObjectType.addObjectType(, flxConnector, objectType); } private int[] deleteOrder; private Class<? extends SharedConnectorFilter> sharedConnectorFilterClass; public Class<? extends SharedConnectorFilter> sharedConnectorFilterClass() { return sharedConnectorFilterClass; } public boolean supportsFiltering() { return this.sharedConnectorFilterClass != DefaultSharedConnectorFilter.class; } public String toString() { String string = "{name:" + name; if (this.objectTypes != null) { string += ", objectTypes:["; for (int i = 0; i < objectTypes.length; i++) { if (i > 0) string += ", "; string += objectTypes[i].getName() + "/" + objectTypes[i].value(); } string += "], objectTypeValues: [" + toString(objectTypeValues()) + "], objectTypeExtractorClasses: " + this.objectTypeExtractorClasses + "}"; } else { string += ", extractorClass: " + this.extractorClass + "}"; } return string; } private String toString(int[] values) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) s += ", "; s += values[i]; } return s; } public static Collection<Connector> getAllConnectors() { return connectors.values(); } public static Connector fromString(String s) { return connectors.get(s); } private static boolean initialized = false; static { if (!initialized) { ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider( false); scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(Updater.class)); for (BeanDefinition bd : scanner .findCandidateComponents("org.fluxtream.connectors")) extractConnectorMetadata(bd); initialized = true; for (Connector connector : connectors.values()) { System.out.println(connector); } } } private static void extractConnectorMetadata(final BeanDefinition bd) { String beanClassName = bd.getBeanClassName(); String connectorName = getConnectorName(beanClassName); Connector connector = new Connector(); connector.updaterClass = getUpdaterClass(beanClassName); Updater updaterAnnotation = connector.updaterClass .getAnnotation(Updater.class); // set connectors' pretty name connector.prettyName = updaterAnnotation.prettyName(); connector.deviceNickname = updaterAnnotation.deviceNickname().equals(Updater.DEVICE_NICKNAME_NONE) ? updaterAnnotation.prettyName()==null ? connectorName : updaterAnnotation.prettyName() : updaterAnnotation.deviceNickname(); connector.value = updaterAnnotation.value(); connector.updateStrategyType = updaterAnnotation .updateStrategyType(); connector.hasFacets = updaterAnnotation.hasFacets(); = connectorName; connector.sharedConnectorFilterClass = updaterAnnotation.sharedConnectorFilter(); connector.deleteOrder = updaterAnnotation.deleteOrder(); // set connectors' object types Class<? extends AbstractFacet>[] facetTypes = updaterAnnotation .objectTypes(); if (updaterAnnotation.extractor() != AbstractFacetExtractor.class) connector.extractorClass = updaterAnnotation.extractor(); if (facetTypes.length == 1) { connector.facetClass = facetTypes[0]; } if (updaterAnnotation.userProfile() != AbstractUserProfile.class) connector.userProfileClass = updaterAnnotation .userProfile(); connector.defaultChannels = updaterAnnotation.defaultChannels(); List<ObjectType> connectorObjectTypes = new ArrayList<ObjectType>(); for (Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetType : facetTypes) { final ObjectType objectType = getFacetTypeMetadata(connector, facetTypes, facetType); connectorObjectTypes.add(objectType); ObjectType.addObjectType(, connector, objectType); } if (connectorObjectTypes.size()>0) connector.objectTypes = connectorObjectTypes.toArray(new ObjectType[0]); connectors.put(connectorName, connector); connectorsByValue.put(connector.value(), connector); connectorsByDeviceNickname.put(connector.deviceNickname, connector); if (connector.prettyName != null) { connectorsByPrettyName.put(connector.prettyName.toLowerCase(), connector); } final Class<? extends AbstractBodytrackResponder> bodytrackResponderClass = updaterAnnotation.bodytrackResponder(); if (!(bodytrackResponderClass == AbstractBodytrackResponder.class)) connector.bodytrackResponder = bodytrackResponderClass; } private static ObjectType getFacetTypeMetadata(final Connector connector, final Class<? extends AbstractFacet>[] facetTypes, final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetType) { ObjectTypeSpec ots = facetType .getAnnotation(ObjectTypeSpec.class); // objectTypes are mandatory only if there are more than 1 if (ots == null) { if (facetTypes.length>1) throw new RuntimeException( "No ObjectTypeSpec Annotation for Facet [" + facetType.getName() + "]"); else return null; } ObjectType objectType = new ObjectType(); objectType.facetClass = facetType; objectType.value = ots.value(); =; objectType.prettyname = ots.prettyname(); objectType.isImageType = ots.isImageType(); objectType.isDateBased = ots.isDateBased(); objectType.isMixedType = ots.isMixedType(); objectType.isClientFacet = ots.clientFacet(); objectType.visibleClause = ots.visibleClause().equals("")?null:ots.visibleClause(); objectType.orderBy = ots.orderBy().equals("")?null:ots.orderBy(); if (ots.extractor() != null && ots.extractor()!=AbstractFacetExtractor.class) { connector.addObjectTypeExtractorClass( objectType.value, ots.extractor(), ots.parallel()); } return objectType; } public boolean hasImageObjectType() { if (objectTypes==null) return false; for (ObjectType objectType: objectTypes) { if (objectType.isImageType()) return true; } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class<? extends AbstractUpdater> getUpdaterClass( String beanClassName) { Class<? extends AbstractUpdater> updaterClass = null; try { updaterClass = (Class<? extends AbstractUpdater>) Class .forName(beanClassName); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not get Updater Class for [" + beanClassName + "]"); } return updaterClass; } private void addObjectTypeExtractorClass(int objectTypeValue, Class<? extends AbstractFacetExtractor> extractorClass, boolean parallel) { if (this.objectTypeExtractorClasses == null) this.objectTypeExtractorClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Class<? extends AbstractFacetExtractor>>(); if (!parallel && this.objectTypeExtractorClasses .containsValue(extractorClass)) { Set<Integer> keySet = this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.keySet(); int previousObjectType = -1; for (Integer objectType : keySet) { if (this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.get(objectType) == extractorClass) { previousObjectType = objectType; this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.remove(objectType); break; } } this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.put(previousObjectType + objectTypeValue, extractorClass); } else this.objectTypeExtractorClasses .put(objectTypeValue, extractorClass); } public static String getConnectorName(String beanClassName) { final String[] splits = StringUtils.split(beanClassName, "."); return splits[splits.length-2]; } public Class<? extends AbstractUpdater> getUpdaterClass() { return updaterClass; } public String statusNotificationName() { return new StringBuilder(getName()).append(".status").toString(); } public enum UpdateStrategyType { ALWAYS_UPDATE, INCREMENTAL } public boolean isAutonomous() { final Class<?>[] interfaces = this.updaterClass.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { if (anInterface==Autonomous.class) return true; } return false; } private Connector() { } public String[] getDefaultChannels(){ return defaultChannels; } public ObjectType[] objectTypes() { return this.objectTypes; } public int[] objectTypeValues() { if (this.objectTypeValues == null) { if (this.objectTypeExtractorClasses != null && this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.size() > 0) { Set<Integer> keySet = this.objectTypeExtractorClasses.keySet(); Iterator<Integer> eachKey = keySet.iterator(); this.objectTypeValues = new int[keySet.size()]; for (int i = 0; eachKey.hasNext(); i++) { this.objectTypeValues[i] =; } } else { this.objectTypeValues = new int[] { -1 }; } } return this.objectTypeValues; } public Class<? extends AbstractUserProfile> userProfileClass() { return userProfileClass; } public Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass() { return facetClass; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getValue() { return value; } public int value() { return value; } public AbstractFacetExtractor extractor(int objectTypes, BeanFactory beanFactory) { if (extractorClass != null) try { return beanFactory.getBean(extractorClass); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } else if (objectTypes != -1) { Iterator<Integer> eachObjectTypeValue = objectTypeExtractorClasses.keySet().iterator(); Class<? extends AbstractFacetExtractor> extractorClass = null; while (eachObjectTypeValue.hasNext()) { int objectTypeValue =; if ((objectTypes&objectTypeValue)!=0) { extractorClass = objectTypeExtractorClasses.get(objectTypeValue); break; } } try { if (extractorClass!=null) return beanFactory.getBean(extractorClass); else { logger.error("COULD NOT FIND EXTRACTOR CLASS FOR " + objectTypes); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public UpdateStrategyType updateStrategyType() { return this.updateStrategyType; } public String getPrettyName() { return prettyName(); } public String getDeviceNickname() { return deviceNickname; } public String prettyName() { return prettyName; } public int[] getDeleteOrder() { return deleteOrder; } public boolean hasDeleteOrder() { return !ArrayUtils.isEquals(deleteOrder, new int[]{-1}); } public ObjectType[] getObjectTypesForValue(int value) { if (this.objectTypes==null) return null; List<ObjectType> result = new ArrayList<ObjectType>(); for(ObjectType objectType : objectTypes) { if ((value&objectType.value)!=0) result.add(objectType); } return result.toArray(new ObjectType[0]); } public boolean hasFacets() { return hasFacets; } public static Connector getConnector(String apiName) { return fromString(apiName.toLowerCase()); } public static Connector fromValue(int api) { return connectorsByValue.get(api); } public static Connector fromDeviceNickname(String deviceNickname) { return connectorsByDeviceNickname.get(deviceNickname); } /** * Returns the Connector having the given pretty name. Returns <code>null</code> if no such connector exists or * if the given pretty name is <code>null</code>. */ public static Connector fromPrettyName(@Nullable final String prettyName) { if (prettyName != null) { return connectorsByPrettyName.get(prettyName); } return null; } public AbstractBodytrackResponder getBodytrackResponder(BeanFactory beanFactory){ try{ if (bodytrackResponder!=null) { final AbstractBodytrackResponder bean = beanFactory.getBean(bodytrackResponder); return bean; } } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("COULD NOT INSTANTIATE RESPONDER: " + bodytrackResponder); System.out.println("PLEASE CHECK THAT IT HAS THE @Component ANNOTATION!"); return null; } return null; } }