package org.fluxtream.core.connectors; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.annotations.ObjectTypeSpec; import org.fluxtream.core.domain.AbstractFacet; import java.util.*; @ApiModel("Each Connector maintains bags of facets of different types. An ObjectType is the description of such a facet type.") public class ObjectType { @ApiModelProperty(value="The name of the object type", required=true) String name; @ApiModelProperty(value="The pretty name of the object type", required=true) String prettyname; boolean isDateBased; boolean isMixedType; boolean isClientFacet; String visibleClause; String orderBy; private static Map<Connector,List<ObjectType>> connectorObjectTypes = new Hashtable<Connector,List<ObjectType>>(); private static Map<Connector,Map<String,ObjectType>> connectorNamedObjectTypes = new Hashtable<Connector,Map<String,ObjectType>>(); private static Map<Connector,Map<Integer,ObjectType>> connectorObjectTypeValues = new Hashtable<Connector,Map<Integer,ObjectType>>(); private static Map<String, ObjectType> customObjectTypes = new Hashtable<String, ObjectType>(); /** * "Custom" objectTypes are there to compute a value (hashCode()) * for special API calls. We use it for counting those calls so we * don't confuse them with the usual API calls that retrieve data. * @param name */ public static void registerCustomObjectType(String name) { ObjectType customObjectType = new ObjectType(); = name; customObjectType.value = name.hashCode(); customObjectTypes.put(name, customObjectType); } public static ObjectType getCustomObjectType(String name) { return customObjectTypes.get(name); } public String getApiKeyAttributeName(String attName) { return new StringBuilder(name).append("/").append(attName).toString(); } public static ObjectType getObjectType(Connector connector, Integer objectType) { if (objectType==null) return null; Map<Integer, ObjectType> connectorObjectTypes = connectorObjectTypeValues.get(connector); if (connectorObjectTypes!=null) { ObjectType type = connectorObjectTypes.get(objectType); return type; } return null; } static void addObjectType(String name, Connector connector, ObjectType value) { if (!connectorObjectTypes.containsKey(connector)) connectorObjectTypes.put(connector, new Vector<ObjectType>()); connectorObjectTypes.get(connector).add(value); if (!connectorNamedObjectTypes.containsKey(connector)) connectorNamedObjectTypes.put(connector, new Hashtable<String,ObjectType>()); connectorNamedObjectTypes.get(connector).put(, value); if (!connectorObjectTypeValues.containsKey(connector)) connectorObjectTypeValues.put(connector, new Hashtable<Integer,ObjectType>()); connectorObjectTypeValues.get(connector).put(value.value(), value); } public static ObjectType getObjectType(Connector connector, String name) { Map<String, ObjectType> connectorObjectTypes = connectorNamedObjectTypes.get(connector); ObjectType namedObjectType = connectorObjectTypes.get(name); return namedObjectType; } public static List<ObjectType> getObjectTypes(Connector connector, int objectTypes) { List<ObjectType> connectorTypes = connectorObjectTypes.get(connector); if (connectorTypes==null) return null; List<ObjectType> result = new ArrayList<ObjectType>(); for (ObjectType objectType : connectorTypes) { if ((objectTypes & objectType.value())!=0) result.add(objectType); } return result; } @ApiModelProperty(value="Is data referred to by this object type (local) date based?", required=true) public boolean isDateBased() { return isDateBased; } @ApiModelProperty(value="Is it a client, non-technical, facet, of the type that mean something to the end-user?", required=true) public boolean isClientFacet() { return isClientFacet; } public String toString() { return name; } public String getName() { return name; } int value; boolean isImageType; Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass; ObjectType(){} public Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass() { return facetClass; } public String name() { return name; } @ApiModelProperty(value="The bitmask value for this ObjectType", required=true) public int value() { return value; } @ApiModelProperty(value="Does the data this object type refers to contain an image?", required=true) public boolean isImageType() { return isImageType; } public String prettyname() { return prettyname; } @ApiModelProperty(hidden=true) public String visibleClause() { return visibleClause; } @ApiModelProperty(hidden=true) public String orderBy() { return orderBy; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final ObjectType that = (ObjectType)o; if (isDateBased != that.isDateBased) { return false; } if (isImageType != that.isImageType) { return false; } if (value != that.value) { return false; } if (facetClass != null ? !facetClass.equals(that.facetClass) : that.facetClass != null) { return false; } if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) { return false; } if (prettyname != null ? !prettyname.equals(that.prettyname) : that.prettyname != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (prettyname != null ? prettyname.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (isDateBased ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (isMixedType ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + value; result = 31 * result + (isImageType ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (facetClass != null ? facetClass.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @ApiModelProperty(value="Can this object type refer both to date-based data and epoch time-based intervals?", required=true) public boolean isMixedType() { return isMixedType; } public static int getObjectTypeValue(final Class<? extends AbstractFacet> facetClass) { try { final ObjectTypeSpec annotation = facetClass.getAnnotation(ObjectTypeSpec.class); final int value = annotation.value(); return value; } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Could not get Facet ObjectType value for " + facetClass.getName(); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } }