/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 iWave Software LLC * All Rights Reserved */ package com.iwave.ext.netapp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule; import netapp.manage.NaServer; @SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S2444", "findbugs:RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE" }) /* * Change to static reference will be made in the future release */ public class Main { static private NetAppFacade netAppFacade = null; private static Server server = null; private NaServer server2 = null; public static void main(String[] args) { String arrayIp = null; int arrayPort = 443; String arrayUser = null, arrayPassword = null; if (args.length == 3) { arrayIp = args[0]; arrayUser = args[1]; arrayPassword = args[2]; } System.out.println("Entering OnTap Test Client"); netAppFacade = new NetAppFacade(arrayIp, arrayPort, arrayUser, arrayPassword, true); /* * List<ExportsRuleInfo> exports = netAppFacade.listNFSExportRules("/vol/GOPINETAPP"); * for (ExportsRuleInfo export : exports) { * String filesystem = export.getPathname(); * } */ // List<AggregateInfo> temp2 =netAppFacade.listAggregates(null); // Step1:List aggregate(storage groups) // Aggregate aggr = new Aggregate(server.getNaServer(), "name"); // List<AggregateInfo> temp = aggr.listAllAggregates(true); // List<String> volumes = netAppFacade.listVolumes(); Map<String, String> value = netAppFacade.systemInfo(); // Boolean status1 = createFS("rajaFS2", "aggr0", "25m"); String exportPath = "/vol/GOPI_INGESTION_TEST"; List<ExportRule> exportRules = new ArrayList<ExportRule>(); ExportRule exportRule1 = new ExportRule(); exportRule1.setAnon("0"); Set<String> readOnlyHosts = new HashSet<String>(); readOnlyHosts.add("hostReadOnly"); exportRule1.setReadOnlyHosts(readOnlyHosts); exportRule1.setSecFlavor("sys"); ExportRule exportRule3 = new ExportRule(); exportRule3.setAnon("0"); readOnlyHosts = new HashSet<String>(); readOnlyHosts.add("hostReadOnlyOT"); exportRule3.setReadOnlyHosts(readOnlyHosts); exportRule3.setSecFlavor("sys"); ExportRule exportRule2 = new ExportRule(); exportRule2.setAnon("root"); Set<String> readWriteHosts = new HashSet<String>(); readWriteHosts.add("hostWriteOnly"); exportRule2.setReadWriteHosts(readWriteHosts); exportRule2.setSecFlavor("sys"); ExportRule rule = new ExportRule(); rule.setAnon("root"); Set<String> rwHosts = new HashSet<>(); rwHosts.add(""); rule.setReadWriteHosts(rwHosts); rule.setSecFlavor("sys"); // exportRules.add(rule); // exportRules.add(exportRule1); // exportRules.add(exportRule2); // exportRules.add(exportRule3); // deleteExportRules(exportPath); // exportNewFS(exportPath, exportRules); try { // exportModifyFS(exportPath, exportRules); deleteNFSExport(exportPath); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to delete NFS Export" + e.getMessage()); } // List<String> endpointsList = new ArrayList<String>(); // endpointsList.add(""); // // Boolean status2 = exportFS(endpointsList, "rw", "6553", "rajaFS", NFSSecurityStyle.sys.toString()); // // List<String> endpointsList2 = null; // Boolean status3 = unexportFS(endpointsList2, "null", "root", "rajaFS"); // Boolean status4 = deleteFS("rajaFS"); } public static Boolean createVolume(String volName, String aggregate, String size) { Boolean status = netAppFacade.createFlexibleVolume(volName, aggregate, false, null, size, null, "file", false, null); return status; } public static Boolean createFS(String fsName, String aggregate, String size) { Boolean SuccessStatus = false; try { boolean createVolStatus = createVolume(fsName, aggregate, size); if (createVolStatus) { // Create an NFS file-share System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Adding NFS share..."); String mountPath = "/vol" + "/" + fsName; String exportPath = "/" + fsName; int anonymousUid = -1; List<String> roHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); roHosts.add(""); List<String> rwHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> rootHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean roAddAll = false; ; boolean rwAddAll = false; boolean rootAddAll = false; List<NFSSecurityStyle> securityStyle = new ArrayList<NFSSecurityStyle>(); securityStyle.add(NFSSecurityStyle.sys); List<String> share = netAppFacade.addNFSShare(mountPath, exportPath, anonymousUid, roHosts, roAddAll, rwHosts, rwAddAll, rootHosts, rootAddAll, securityStyle); System.out.println("Shares: "); if (share.isEmpty()) { return SuccessStatus; } } else { System.out.println("FS creation failed..."); return SuccessStatus; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FS creation failed..."); String exception = "myexception"; } return SuccessStatus; } public static Boolean exportFS(List<String> endpointsList, String permissions, String root_user, String fsName, String securityStyle) { if (endpointsList == null) { System.out.println("End points list is null..."); return false; } else { List<String> roHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> rwHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> rootHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<NFSSecurityStyle> secruityStyleList = new ArrayList<NFSSecurityStyle>(); secruityStyleList.add(NFSSecurityStyle.valueOfLabel(securityStyle)); boolean roAddAll = false; boolean rwAddAll = false; boolean rootAddAll = false; // TODO: Should we preserve existing exports??? // TODO: Should we preserve existing exports??? for (int endpointCount = 0; endpointCount < endpointsList .size(); endpointCount++) { if ((null == permissions) || (permissions.contains("rw"))) { rwHosts.add(endpointsList.get(endpointCount)); } else if ((null == permissions) || (permissions.contains("ro"))) { roHosts.add(endpointsList.get(endpointCount)); } else { rootHosts.add(endpointsList.get(endpointCount)); } } if (roHosts.isEmpty()) { roHosts = null; } if (rwHosts.isEmpty()) { rwHosts = null; } int rootMappingUid = 0; if (root_user.equals("root")) { rootMappingUid = 0; } else if (root_user.equals("nobody")) { rootMappingUid = 65535; } else { // If UID is specified other than root or nobody default it to this value. rootMappingUid = 65534; } String mountPath = "/vol" + "/" + fsName; String exportPath = "/" + fsName; List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.addNFSShare(mountPath, exportPath, rootMappingUid, roHosts, roAddAll, rwHosts, rwAddAll, rootHosts, rootAddAll, secruityStyleList); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } } public static Boolean deleteExportRules(String exportPath) { List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.deleteNFSShare(exportPath, false); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public static Boolean exportNewFS(String exportPath, List<ExportRule> exportRules) { List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.addNewNFSShare(exportPath, exportRules); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public static Boolean exportModifyFS(String exportPath, List<ExportRule> exportRules) { List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.modifyNFSShare(exportPath, exportRules); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public static Boolean deleteNFSExport(String exportPath) { List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.deleteNFSShare(exportPath, false); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public static Boolean unexportFS(List<String> endpointsList, String permissions, String root_user, String fsName) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Adding NFS share..."); String mountPath = "/vol" + "/" + fsName; String exportPath = "/" + fsName; int anonymousUid = -1; List<String> roHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); roHosts.add(""); List<String> rwHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> rootHosts = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean roAddAll = false; ; boolean rwAddAll = false; boolean rootAddAll = false; List<NFSSecurityStyle> securityStyle = new ArrayList<NFSSecurityStyle>(); securityStyle.add(NFSSecurityStyle.sys); List<String> FsList = netAppFacade.addNFSShare(mountPath, exportPath, -1, roHosts, roAddAll, rwHosts, rwAddAll, rootHosts, rootAddAll, securityStyle); if (FsList.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public static Boolean deleteFS(String volName) { String exportPath = "/" + volName; List<String> deletedPaths = netAppFacade.deleteNFSShare(exportPath, false); netAppFacade.setVolumeOffline(volName, 1); netAppFacade.destroyVolume(volName, true); return false; } }