package com.emc.storageos.api.system.vplex; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.internal.MethodSorter; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import org.springframework.context.annotation.DependsOn; import com.emc.storageos.api.service.utils.ApisvcTestBase; import com.emc.storageos.api.system.ApiSystemTestUtil; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume; import com.emc.storageos.model.block.UnManagedVolumeRestRep; import com.emc.storageos.model.block.VolumeRestRep; import com.emc.vipr.client.ViPRCoreClient; import; /** * This class runs tests on VPlex (backend) ingestion. It was created in August 2015. * * See the superclass ApisvcTestBase for instructions on setting up the environment to run the test. * All these instructions should be followed. This will start the apisvc. * There is additional configuration for this test needed as follows: * 1. Copy the file from the directory containing this source * to the directory /opt/storageos/conf. Edit the version in /opt/storageos/conf to have appropriate * settings for your environment. Two environments are possible, the simulator based environment, * and a hardware based environment. * 2. To run this from Eclipse, right click on this source file, and select "Run As J-Unit". It won't run * until you modify the environmental settings as described in ApisvcTestBase, but then should start * the apisvc and run correctly. Note you must have the apisvc stopped when doing this, but all other * services should be running. This test effectively becomes part of the apisvc. * * The general architecture of the tests are that there is a preparation phase for each one (prepare1, prepare2, ...), * followed by a discovery of the unmanaged devices on all the arrays (prepare999), * followed by the actual ingestion tests (test1, test2, ...). * This is done because on real hardware, the discovery phase takes an inordinate amount of time (> 1 hour.) * Arguments are passed between the prepare steps and the test steps using the args static Map. * */ @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) //This test fails on public build servers and coverage servers because it is not "self-contained" and relies on external //services to be running. Therefore it is Ignored by default. @Ignore public class VPlexIngestionTest extends ApisvcTestBase { Properties properties = new Properties(); ApiSystemTestUtil util = null; private static Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Fields that can appear in the configuration file. private static final String PROJECT = "project"; private static final String LOCAL_VPOOL = "localVpool"; private static final String LOCAL_VARRAY = "localVarray"; private static final String DIST_VPOOL = "distributedVpool"; private static final String DIST_VARRAY = "distributedVarray"; private static final String MIRROR_VPOOL = "mirrorVpool"; private static final String MIRROR_VARRAY = "mirrorVarray"; private static final String CONSISTENCY_GROUP = "consistencyGroup"; private static final String VIPR_IP = "viprIP"; private static final String USER_NAME = "userName"; private static final String PASS_WORD = "passWord"; private static final String ARRAY1_GUID = "array1GUID"; private static final String ARRAY2_GUID = "array2GUID"; private static final String ARRAY3_GUID = "array3GUID"; private static final String VPLEX_GUID = "vplexGUID"; // Name of the configuration file: private static final String CONFIG_FILE = ""; protected ViPRCoreClient client = null; @Before // This starts the apisvc. We assume all other required services are running except the apisvc. // Note the apisvc is only started once for the entire test run. public void setup() { try { FileInputStream configFile = new FileInputStream(CONFIG_FILE); properties.load(configFile); configFile.close(); printLog(properties.toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Assert.assertTrue("Cannot find configuration file: " + CONFIG_FILE, false); } catch (IOException ex) { Assert.assertTrue("IO exception configuration file: " + CONFIG_FILE, false); } // This routine starts the apisvc the first time it is called. startApisvc(); // A new client is setup each time a test runs. client = getViprClient(properties.getProperty(VIPR_IP), properties.getProperty(USER_NAME), properties.getProperty(PASS_WORD)); util = new ApiSystemTestUtil(client, dbClient, log); } @After public void teardown() { if (client != null) { client.auth().logout(); } } @Ignore @Test // Test1 creates a vplex locl volume, inventory deletes it, // discovers unmanaged resources, and ingests volume. // test1a creates unmanaged vplex local volume create. Ingestion handled in test1b. public void prepare1() { // Create the volume to be ingested start(); String timeInt = getTimeInt(); String volumeName = "vpingest" + timeInt; printLog("Creating virtual volume: " + volumeName); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(LOCAL_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(LOCAL_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); String cgName = properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP) + timeInt; URI cg = null; if (cgName != null) { cg = util.createConsistencyGroup(cgName, project); } List<URI> volumeURIs = util.createVolume(volumeName, "1GB", 1, vpool, varray, project, cg); // Look up the volume VolumeRestRep volume = client.blockVolumes().get(volumeURIs.get(0)); String nativeId = volume.getNativeId(); args.put("test1NativeId", nativeId); printLog("Virtual volume: " + nativeId); stop("Test 1 virtual volume creation: " + volumeName); // Inventory only delete it. util.deleteVolumes(volumeURIs, true); } @Ignore @Test // Test2 creates a vplex distributed volume, inventory deletes it, // discovers unmanaged resources, and ingests volume. // test2a creates unmanaged distributed local volume create. Ingestion handled in test2b. public void prepare2() { // Create the volume to be ingested start(); String timeInt = getTimeInt(); String volumeName = "vpingest" + timeInt; printLog("Creating virtual volume: " + volumeName); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(DIST_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(DIST_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); String cgName = properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP) + timeInt; URI cg = null; if (cgName != null) { cg = util.createConsistencyGroup(cgName, project); } List<URI> volumeURIs = util.createVolume(volumeName, "1GB", 1, vpool, varray, project, cg); // Look up the volume VolumeRestRep volume = client.blockVolumes().get(volumeURIs.get(0)); String nativeId = volume.getNativeId(); args.put("test2NativeId", nativeId); printLog("Virtual volume: " + nativeId); stop("Test 2 virtual volume creation: " + volumeName); // Inventory only delete it. util.deleteVolumes(volumeURIs, true); } @Test // Test3 creates a vplex locl volume with mirror option, inventory deletes it, // discovers unmanaged resources, and ingests volume, checking for mirror. // test3a creates unmanaged vplex local volume create. Ingestion handled in test1b. public void prepare3() { // Create the volume to be ingested start(); String timeInt = getTimeInt(); String volumeName = "vpingest" + timeInt; printLog("Creating virtual volume: " + volumeName); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(MIRROR_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(MIRROR_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); String cgName = properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP) + timeInt; URI cg = null; if (cgName != null) { cg = util.createConsistencyGroup(cgName, project); } List<URI> volumeURIs = util.createVolume(volumeName, "1GB", 1, vpool, varray, project, null); // Look up the volume VolumeRestRep volume = client.blockVolumes().get(volumeURIs.get(0)); String nativeId = volume.getNativeId(); args.put("test3NativeId", nativeId); printLog("Virtual volume: " + nativeId); stop("Test 3 virtual volume creation: " + volumeName); // Attach the mirror List<URI> mirrorURIs = util.attachContinuousCopy(volumeURIs.get(0), volumeName + "-mirror"); printLog("Mirror volume: " + mirrorURIs.get(0).toString()); // Inventory only delete it. // N.B. There is currently a problem... the VplexMirror object is not currently being deleted // by inventory delete. util.deleteVolumes(volumeURIs, true); } @Test public void prepare999() { // Do discovery of unmanaged volumes / exports URI storageSystemURI; if (!properties.getProperty(ARRAY1_GUID).equals("null")) { printLog("Discovering " + properties.getProperty(ARRAY1_GUID)); start(); storageSystemURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(ARRAY1_GUID)); util.discoverStorageSystem(storageSystemURI, true); stop(String.format("Discovery of %s", properties.getProperty(ARRAY1_GUID))); } if (!properties.getProperty(ARRAY2_GUID).equals("null")) { printLog("Discovering " + properties.getProperty(ARRAY2_GUID)); start(); storageSystemURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(ARRAY2_GUID)); util.discoverStorageSystem(storageSystemURI, true); stop(String.format("Discovery of %s", properties.getProperty(ARRAY2_GUID))); } if (!properties.getProperty(ARRAY3_GUID).equals("null")) { printLog("Discovering " + properties.getProperty(ARRAY3_GUID)); start(); storageSystemURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(ARRAY3_GUID)); util.discoverStorageSystem(storageSystemURI, true); stop(String.format("Discovery of %s", properties.getProperty(ARRAY3_GUID))); } printLog("Discovering " + properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID)); start(); storageSystemURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID)); util.discoverStorageSystem(storageSystemURI, true); stop(String.format("Discovery of %s", properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID))); } @Ignore @Test public void test1() { printLog("test1"); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(LOCAL_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(LOCAL_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); URI cg = util.getURIFromLabel(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP)); URI vplexURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID)); // Look up the unmanaged volume by nativeId. List<UnManagedVolumeRestRep> uvols = client.unmanagedVolumes().getByStorageSystem(vplexURI); List<URI> uvolId = new ArrayList<URI>(); for (UnManagedVolumeRestRep uvol : uvols) { if (uvol.getNativeGuid().equals(args.get("test1NativeId"))) { printLog("UnManagedVolume: " + uvol.getNativeGuid()); uvolId.add(uvol.getId()); } } Assert.assertFalse("Unmanaged volume id null", uvolId.isEmpty()); // Do ingestion of virtual volume. start(); List<String> nativeGuids = util.ingestUnManagedVolume(uvolId, project, varray, vpool); stop("Test1 ingestion of volume: " + uvolId); // Lookup the volumes in the database. List<Volume> volumes = util.findVolumesByNativeGuid(vplexURI, nativeGuids); for (Volume vvol : volumes) { printLog(String.format("Volume %s %s %s", vvol.getLabel(), vvol.getNativeGuid(), vvol.getId())); Assert.assertNotNull("No associated volumes", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()); Assert.assertFalse("Associated volumes empty", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()); for (String assocVolume : vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()) { Volume bvol = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(assocVolume)); printLog(String.format(" Backend Volume %s %s %s", bvol.getLabel(), bvol.getNativeGuid(), bvol.getId())); } } } @Ignore @Test public void test2() { printLog("test2"); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(DIST_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(DIST_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); URI cg = util.getURIFromLabel(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP)); URI vplexURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID)); // Look up the unmanaged volume by nativeId. List<UnManagedVolumeRestRep> uvols = client.unmanagedVolumes().getByStorageSystem(vplexURI); List<URI> uvolId = new ArrayList<URI>(); for (UnManagedVolumeRestRep uvol : uvols) { if (uvol.getNativeGuid().equals(args.get("test2NativeId"))) { printLog("UnManagedVolume: " + uvol.getNativeGuid()); uvolId.add(uvol.getId()); } } Assert.assertFalse("Unmanaged volume id null", uvolId.isEmpty()); // Do ingestion of virtual volume. start(); List<String> nativeGuids = util.ingestUnManagedVolume(uvolId, project, varray, vpool); stop("Test2 ingestion of virtual volume: " + uvolId); // Lookup the volumes in the database. List<Volume> volumes = util.findVolumesByNativeGuid(vplexURI, nativeGuids); for (Volume vvol : volumes) { printLog(String.format("Volume %s %s %s", vvol.getLabel(), vvol.getNativeGuid(), vvol.getId())); Assert.assertNotNull("No associated volumes", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()); Assert.assertFalse("Associated volumes empty", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()); for (String assocVolume : vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()) { Volume bvol = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(assocVolume)); printLog(String.format(" Backend Volume %s %s %s", bvol.getLabel(), bvol.getNativeGuid(), bvol.getId())); } } } @Test public void test3() { printLog("test3"); URI vpool = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualPool.class, properties.getProperty(MIRROR_VPOOL)); URI varray = util.getURIFromLabel(VirtualArray.class, properties.getProperty(MIRROR_VARRAY)); URI project = util.getURIFromLabel(Project.class, properties.getProperty(PROJECT)); URI cg = util.getURIFromLabel(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, properties.getProperty(CONSISTENCY_GROUP)); URI vplexURI = util.getURIFromLabel(StorageSystem.class, properties.getProperty(VPLEX_GUID)); // Look up the unmanaged volume by nativeId. List<UnManagedVolumeRestRep> uvols = client.unmanagedVolumes().getByStorageSystem(vplexURI); List<URI> uvolId = new ArrayList<URI>(); for (UnManagedVolumeRestRep uvol : uvols) { if (uvol.getNativeGuid().equals(args.get("test3NativeId"))) { printLog("UnManagedVolume: " + uvol.getNativeGuid()); uvolId.add(uvol.getId()); } } Assert.assertFalse("Unmanaged volume id null", uvolId.isEmpty()); // Do ingestion of virtual volume. start(); List<String> nativeGuids = util.ingestUnManagedVolume(uvolId, project, varray, vpool); stop("Test3 ingestion of volume: " + uvolId); // Lookup the volumes in the database. List<Volume> volumes = util.findVolumesByNativeGuid(vplexURI, nativeGuids); for (Volume vvol : volumes) { printLog(String.format("Volume %s %s %s", vvol.getLabel(), vvol.getNativeGuid(), vvol.getId())); Assert.assertNotNull("No associated volumes", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()); Assert.assertFalse("Associated volumes empty", vvol.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()); for (String assocVolume : vvol.getAssociatedVolumes()) { Volume bvol = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(assocVolume)); printLog(String.format(" Backend Volume %s %s %s", bvol.getLabel(), bvol.getNativeGuid(), bvol.getId())); } } } @Ignore @Test /** * Causes the apisvc to hang around for an hour after testing completes. */ public void test999() { printLog("test999"); try { Thread.sleep(3600000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"Interrupted");; } } private static Long startTime = 0L; private void start() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void stop(String message) { Long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; startTime = 0L; printLog(String.format("%s time (seconds): %d", message, time / 1000)); } /** * Returns an integer based on time within the last hour. * Used to generate random volume names for example. * @return Millisecond time within the last hour. */ private String getTimeInt() { Long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); time = time % 3600000; // get time within the current hour return Long.toHexString(time); } private void printLog(String s) { System.out.println(s);;; } }