/* * Copyright (c) 2013 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.vplex.api; import java.net.URI; /** * Defines constants relative to using the VPlex HTTP Element Manager API. */ public class VPlexApiConstants { // VPLEX firmware version strings for testing availability of certain features public static final String FIRMWARE_MIXED_VERSIONS = "mixed"; public static final String MIN_VERSION_THIN_PROVISIONING = ""; // Constants define the headers required when making HTTP requests to the // VPlex Management Station using the Element Manager API. public static final String USER_NAME_HEADER = "Username"; public static final String PASS_WORD_HEADER = "Password"; public static final String LOCATION_HEADER = "Location"; public static final String CONNECTION_HEADER = "Connection"; public static final String CONNECTION_HEADER_VALUE_CLOSE = "close"; public static final String SESSION_COOKIE = "JSESSIONID"; // Constants related to JSON response formatting from the VPLEX API // // JSON format 0 is a very expansive JSON format that includes lots of // unnecessary spacing and maps of maps of maps. Quite a // few existing ViPR calls use this format still, but the // best practice would be to move towards JSON format 1. // JSON format 1 is a compacted JSON format that can reduce the size of // the response payload by 50% or more and also removes the // need to set attributes on VPlexResourceInfo classes, since // the format is more compatible with GSON. // Cache Control settings affect a response cache on the VPLEX. Settings // greater than zero will allow the VPLEX to avoid fetching // data internally again if nothing has changed within the // max-age value time frame. Setting cache-control to zero // will force the VPLEX to fetch the most recent data. public static final String ACCEPT_HEADER = "Accept"; public static final String ACCEPT_JSON_FORMAT_0 = ";format=0"; public static final String ACCEPT_JSON_FORMAT_1 = ";format=1"; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER = "Cache-control"; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_MAXAGE_KEY = "max-age="; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_MAXAGE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "600"; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_MAXAGE_ZERO = "0"; // Constants defining HTTP resource paths. public static final String WILDCARD = "*"; public static final String SLASH = "/"; public static final String EQUALS = "="; public static final String QUESTION_MARK = "?"; public static final String VPLEX_PATH = "/vplex"; public static final URI URI_MANAGEMENT_SERVER = URI.create("/vplex/management-server/"); public static final URI URI_ENGINES = URI.create("/vplex/engines/"); public static final URI URI_DIRECTORS = URI.create("/directors/"); public static final URI URI_DIRECTOR_PORTS = URI.create("/hardware/ports/"); public static final URI URI_CLUSTERS = URI.create("/vplex/clusters/"); public static final URI URI_CLUSTERS_RELATIVE = URI.create("/clusters/"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_SYSTEMS = URI.create("/storage-elements/storage-arrays/"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VOLUMES = URI.create("/storage-elements/storage-volumes/"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VOLUMES_DETAILS = URI.create("/storage-elements/storage-volumes/*"); public static final URI URI_SYSTEM_VOLUMES = URI.create("/system-volumes/"); public static final URI URI_EXTENTS = URI.create("/storage-elements/extents/"); public static final URI URI_DEVICES = URI.create("/devices/"); public static final URI URI_VIRTUAL_VOLUMES = URI.create("/virtual-volumes/"); public static final URI URI_INITIATORS = URI.create("/exports/initiator-ports/"); public static final URI URI_REGISTER_INITIATOR = URI.create("/vplex/export+initiator-port+register"); public static final URI URI_UNREGISTER_INITIATORS = URI.create("/vplex/export+initiator-port+unregister"); public static final URI URI_INITIATOR_DISCOVERY = URI.create("/vplex/export+initiator-port+discovery"); public static final URI URI_TARGETS = URI.create("/exports/ports/"); public static final URI URI_DISTRIBUTED_DEVICES = URI.create("/vplex/distributed-storage/distributed-devices/"); public static final URI URI_CLAIM_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/storage-volume+claim"); public static final URI URI_UNCLAIM_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/storage-volume+unclaim"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VOLUME_USED_BY = URI.create("/vplex/storage-volume+used-by"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_EXTENT = URI.create("/vplex/extent+create"); public static final URI URI_DESTROY_EXTENT = URI.create("/vplex/extent+destroy"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_LOCAL_DEVICE = URI.create("/vplex/local-device+create"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+create"); public static final URI URI_DESTROY_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+destroy"); public static final URI URI_SET_THIN_ENABLED_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+set-thin-enabled"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_DIST_DEVICE = URI.create("/vplex/ds+dd+create"); public static final URI URI_REDISCOVER_ARRAY = URI.create("/vplex/array+re-discover"); public static final URI URI_DISMANTLE = URI.create("/vplex/advadm+dismantle"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEWS = URI.create("/exports/storage-views/"); public static final URI URI_FIND_STORAGE_VIEW = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+find"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_STORAGE_VIEW = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+create"); public static final URI URI_DESTROY_STORAGE_VIEW = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+destroy"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_ADD_INITIATORS = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+addinitiatorport"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_REMOVE_INITIATORS = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+removeinitiatorport"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_ADD_TARGETS = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+addport"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_REMOVE_TARGETS = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+removeport"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_ADD_VOLUMES = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+addvirtualvolume"); public static final URI URI_STORAGE_VIEW_REMOVE_VOLUMES = URI.create("/vplex/export+storage-view+removevirtualvolume"); public static final URI URI_VERSION_INFO = URI.create("/vplex/version"); public static final URI URI_START_MIGRATION = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+start"); public static final URI URI_EXTENT_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/data-migrations/extent-migrations/"); public static final URI URI_DEVICE_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/data-migrations/device-migrations/"); public static final URI URI_COMMIT_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+commit"); public static final URI URI_PAUSE_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+pause"); public static final URI URI_RESUME_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+resume"); public static final URI URI_CLEAN_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+clean"); public static final URI URI_REMOVE_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+remove"); public static final URI URI_CANCEL_MIGRATIONS = URI.create("/vplex/dm+migration+cancel"); public static final URI URI_DISTRIBUTED_DEVICE_COMP = URI.create("/distributed-device-components/"); public static final URI URI_COMPONENTS = URI.create("/components/"); public static final URI URI_DEVICE_ATTACH_MIRROR = URI.create("/vplex/device+attach-mirror"); public static final URI URI_REBUILD_SET_TRANSFER_SIZE = URI.create("/vplex/rebuild+set-transfer-size"); public static final URI URI_EXPAND_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+expand"); public static final URI URI_CREATE_CG = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+create"); public static final URI URI_ADD_VOLUMES_TO_CG = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+add-virtual-volumes"); public static final URI URI_REMOVE_VOLUMES_FROM_CG = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+remove-virtual-volumes"); public static final URI URI_CGS = URI.create("/consistency-groups/"); public static final URI URI_CGS_ADVANCED = URI.create("/advanced"); public static final URI URI_DELETE_CG = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+destroy"); public static final URI URI_LOGICAL_UNITS = URI.create("/logical-units/"); public static final URI URI_FORGET_LOG_UNIT = URI.create("/vplex/logical-unit+forget"); public static final URI URI_CG_DETACH_RULE_WINNER = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+set-detach-rule+winner"); public static final URI URI_CG_DETACH_RULE_NO_AUTO_WINNER = URI.create("/vplex/consistency-group+set-detach-rule+no-automatic-winner"); public static final URI URI_INVALIDATE_VOLUME_CACHE = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+cache-invalidate"); public static final URI URI_INVALIDATE_VOLUME_CACHE_STATUS = URI.create("/vplex/virtual-volume+cache-invalidate-status"); public static final URI URI_DEVICE_DETACH_MIRROR = URI.create("/vplex/device+detach-mirror"); public static final URI URI_DEVICE_COLLAPSE = URI.create("/vplex/device+collapse"); public static final URI URI_REFRESH_CONTEXT = URI.create("/vplex/ls"); public static final URI URI_DRILL_DOWN = URI.create("/vplex/drill-down"); // Keys found in JSON responses to HTTP requests public static final String RESPONSE_JSON_KEY = "response"; public static final String CONTEXT_JSON_KEY = "context"; public static final String PARENT_JSON_KEY = "parent"; public static final String CHILDREN_JSON_KEY = "children"; public static final String ATTRIBUTES_JSON_KEY = "attributes"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME_JSON_KEY = "name"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_JSON_KEY = "value"; public static final String SERIAL_NO_ATT_KEY = "serial-number"; public static final String CUSTOM_DATA_JSON_KEY = "custom-data"; public static final String REBUILD_STATUS_ATT_KEY = "rebuild-status"; public static final String REBUILD_STATUS_DONE = "done"; public static final String REBUILD_STATUS_ERROR = "error"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_CG_RP_ENABLED = "recoverpoint-enabled"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_CG_READ_ONLY = "read-only"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_CG_AUTO_RESUME = "auto-resume-at-loser"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE_VISIBILITY = "visibility"; public static final String EXCEPTION_MSG_JSON_KEY = "exception"; // Constant defines the JSON key for arguments passed as POST data in // a VPlex API POST request to execute a VPlex command. public static final String POST_DATA_ARG_KEY = "args"; // Constants define VPlex command arguments public static final String ARG_DASH_A = "-a"; public static final String ARG_DASH_C = "-c"; public static final String ARG_DASH_D = "-d"; public static final String ARG_DASH_E = "-e"; public static final String ARG_DASH_F = "-f"; public static final String ARG_DASH_G = "-g"; public static final String ARG_DASH_I = "-i"; public static final String ARG_DASH_M = "-m"; public static final String ARG_DASH_N = "-n"; public static final String ARG_DASH_O = "-o"; public static final String ARG_DASH_P = "-p"; public static final String ARG_DASH_R = "-r"; public static final String ARG_DASH_S = "-s"; public static final String ARG_DASH_T = "-t"; public static final String ARG_DASH_U = "-u"; public static final String ARG_DASH_V = "-v"; public static final String ARG_FORCE = "--force"; public static final String ARG_HARD = "--hard"; public static final String ARG_PAUSED = "--paused"; public static final String ARG_DISCARD = "--discard"; public static final String ARG_GEOMETRY_RAID0 = "raid-0"; public static final String ARG_GEOMETRY_RAID1 = "raid-1"; public static final String ARG_GEOMETRY_RAIDC = "raid-C"; public static final String ARG_UNCLAIM = "--unclaim-storage-volumes"; public static final String ARG_APPC = "--appc"; public static final String ARG_THIN_ENABLED = "--thin"; public static final String ARG_THIN_REBUILD = "--thin-rebuild"; public static final String ARG_TRANSFER_SIZE = "--transfer-size"; public static final String ARG_DEVICES = "--devices"; public static final String ARG_VIRTUAL_VOLUMES = "--virtual-volumes"; // Constants related to claimed storage volumes. public static final String VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX = "V"; public static final int MAX_VOL_NAME_LENGTH = 27; public static final int MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH_FOR_ATTACH_MIRROR = 47; public static final String DOT_OPERATOR = "."; public static final String UNDERSCORE_OPERATOR = "_"; public static final String PLUS_OPERATOR = "+"; public static final String HYPHEN_OPERATOR = "-"; // Virtual Volume Locality public static final String LOCAL_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = "local"; public static final String DISTRIBUTED_VIRTUAL_VOLUME = "distributed"; public static final String LOCAL_DEVICE = "local"; public static final String DISTRIBUTED_DEVICE = "distributed"; public static final int LOCAL_BACKEND_VOLUME_COUNT = 1; public static final int DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND_VOLUME_COUNT = 2; // Virtual Volume VPD-ID public static final String VOLUME_WWN_PREFIX = "VPD83T3:"; public static final String VOLUME_WWN_PREFIX_T2 = "VPD83T2:"; // The prefix and suffix VPlex applies to an extent when created // for a storage volume. Note that the suffix implies that only // one extent is created for the storage volumes. public static final String EXTENT_PREFIX = "extent_"; public static final String EXTENT_SUFFIX = "_1"; // The prefix we append to the storage volume name when creating // a local device. public static final String DEVICE_PREFIX = "device_"; // The prefix we append when creating a distributed device. public static final String DIST_DEVICE_PREFIX = "dd"; // Delimiter used when building a distributed device name public static final String DIST_DEVICE_NAME_DELIM = "_"; // The suffix appended by VPlex to the device name when creating // a virtual volume for that device. public static final String VIRTUAL_VOLUME_SUFFIX = "_vol"; // The prefix appended to the initiator port WWN to set the // initiator name when an initiator is registered. public static final String REGISTERED_INITIATOR_PREFIX = "REGISTERED_"; public static final String UNREGISTERED_INITIATOR_PREFIX = "UNREGISTERED-"; public static final String WWN_PREFIX = "0x"; // The delimiter used to separate the port and node WWNs when // registering an initiator port public static final String INITIATOR_REG_DELIM = "|"; // Initiator name cluster delimiter (for mapping Initiator name per cluster) public static final String INITIATOR_CLUSTER_NAME_DELIM = "|"; // Constants representing response status for VPlex requests public static final int SUCCESS_STATUS = 200; public static final int ASYNC_STATUS = 202; public static final int AUTHENTICATION_STATUS = 401; public static final int NOT_FOUND_STATUS = 404; public static final int TASK_PENDING_STATUS = 517; public static final int COULD_NOT_READ_STORAGE_VIEW_STATUS = 541; // Number of milliseconds to wait before checking the status of // a VPlex command that is running asynchronously. public static final int TASK_PENDING_WAIT_TIME = 30000; // Maximum number of retries while checking the status of an // asynchronous command. This value times the wait time // determines how long we'll wait for the asynchronous // command to complete. public static final int MAX_RETRIES = 240; // VPlex API attribute values public static final String NULL_ATT_VAL = "null"; public static final String ENABLED = "enabled"; public static final String TRUE = "true"; public static final String FALSE = "false"; // Type for a system volume that is a logging volume public static final String LOGGING_VOLUME_TYPE = "logging-volume"; // Component type for a storage volume public static final String STORAGE_VOLUME_TYPE = "storage-volume"; // When trying to find storage volumes these parameters control how // long we will try and find those volumes before giving up. public static final int FIND_STORAGE_VOLUME_RETRY_COUNT = 5; public static final long FIND_STORAGE_VOLUME_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 3000; // Controls how long we sleep before retrying StorageView create public static final int STORAGE_VIEW_CREATE_RETRY_TIME_MS = 60000; public static final int STORAGE_VIEW_CREATE_MAX_RETRIES = 1; // Controls how long we wait for a volume expansion to complete. public static final String EXPANSION_STATUS_RETRY_COUNT = "controller_vplex_volume_expansion_status_check_retry_count"; public static final String EXPANSION_STATUS_SLEEP_TIME_MS = "controller_vplex_volume_expansion_status_check_retry_max_wait"; // When waiting on a rebuild operation to complete these parameters // control how long we wait. public static final int REBUILD_WAIT_RETRY_COUNT = 240; public static final long REBUILD_WAIT_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 60000; // Retry parameters for when trying to reattach the HA mirror // for a distributed virtual volume. public static final int REATTACH_HA_MIRROR_RETRY_COUNT = 10; public static final long REATTACH_HA_MIRROR_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 60000; // Value to specify for virtual volumes in storage views, when // the VPlex is to assign the LUN ID. public static final int LUN_UNASSIGNED = -1; // Migration status public static final String MIGRATION_COMPLETE = "complete"; public static final String MIGRATION_INPROGRESS = "in-progress"; public static final String MIGRATION_PAUSED = "paused"; public static final String MIGRATION_COMMITTED = "committed"; public static final String MIGRATION_CANCELED = "cancelled"; public static final String MIGRATION_ERROR = "error"; public static final String MIGRATION_QUEUED = "queued"; public static final String MIGRATION_PART_CANCELED = "partially-cancelled"; // Constant defines a string found in the exception message returned // in the response to a cache-invalidate request that fails because // the operation timed out prior to the invalidation completing. public static final String CACHE_INVALIDATE_IN_PROGRESS_MSG = "Please execute 'virtual-volume cache-invalidate-status"; // Dismantle error message public static final String DISMANTLE_ERROR_MSG = "will not be dismantled because"; // Cluster ids public static final String CLUSTER_1_ID = "1"; public static final String CLUSTER_2_ID = "2"; public static final Integer VPLEX_LOCAL_ASSEMBLY_COUNT = 1; public static final Integer VPLEX_METRO_ASSEMBLY_COUNT = 2; // Rule set names public static final String CLUSTER_1_DETACHES = "cluster-1-detaches"; public static final String CLUSTER_2_DETACHES = "cluster-2-detaches"; // Default EMC recommended detach delay in seconds. public static final int DETACH_DELAY = 5; public static final String HDS_SYSTEM = "HDS"; public static final int FIND_NEW_ARTIFACT_MAX_TRIES = 60; public static final int FIND_NEW_ARTIFACT_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 10000; // VPLEX API error response fragment used to check if // the failure were due to duplicate storage view public static final String DUPLICATE_STORAGE_VIEW_ERROR_FRAGMENT = "failed with Status 537: Duplicate view"; // VPLEX API error response fragment used to check Consistency Group read-only flag not supported public static final String CG_READ_ONLY_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE = "Invalid attribute 'read-only'"; public static final String CG_CANNOT_MAKE_READ_ONLY = "Cannot make a consistency-group read-only"; // Reason given to user public static final String CG_READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Consistency Group read-only attribute is not supported"; // delimiter for cause in VPLEX API error responses public static final String CAUSE_DELIM = "cause:"; // The value returned by VPLEX when the volume has no expandable capacity. public static final String NO_EXPANDABLE_CAPACITY = "0B"; // Match string for device name when a Storage Volume is not used (either claimed or unclaimed) public static final String STORAGE_VOLUME_NOT_IN_USE = "Storage-volume.*is not in use.*"; // used to indicate the device collapse command should just use the // given path instead of trying to locate a device component public static final String COLLAPSE_BY_PATH = "collapse-by-path"; // Constants used when renaming a resource fails. public static final int RENAME_RESOURCE_MAX_TRIES = 10; public static final int RENAME_RESOURCE_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 2000; }