/* * Copyright (c) 2012 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.systemservices.impl.logsvc; /** * Class defines the log service request parameter names. * <p/> * Note that using a class rather than an enum because the values are used in the JAX-RS QueryParam annotations in the LogService resource, * which require a constant expression. */ public class LogRequestParam { public static final String ID = "id"; public static final String NODE_ID = "node_id"; public static final String NODE_NAME = "node_name"; public static final String LOG_NAME = "log_name"; public static final String SEVERITY = "severity"; public static final String START_TIME = "start"; public static final String END_TIME = "end"; public static final String MSG_REGEX = "msg_regex"; public static final String MAX_COUNT = "maxcount"; public static final String DRY_RUN = "dryrun"; }