/* * Copyright 2015 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.glance; public interface GlanceConstants { String HTTPS_URL = "https://"; String HTTP_URL = "http://"; String COLON = ":"; String HYPHEN = "-"; char CHAR_HYPHEN = '-'; String DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; public static String GLANCE_SSH_PORT = "22"; public static String GLANCE_REST_PORT = "9292"; public static String AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER = "X-Auth-Token"; public static String REST_API_VERSION_1 = "/v1"; public static String REST_API_VERSION_2 = "/v2"; public static String DEFAULT_API_VERSION = REST_API_VERSION_1; // default version V1 public static String IMAGE_NAME = "/images/"; public final static String GLANCE_PORT_GROUP = "Glance-PortGroup"; /* * Enum types for the status check of the components * */ public static enum ComponentStatus { AVAILABLE ("Available"), ERROR ("Error"), DOWNLOADING ("Downloading"); public String status = ""; ComponentStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public String getStatus() { return this.status; } } }