/* * Copyright (c) 2015 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.brocade; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.cim.CIMArgument; import javax.cim.CIMInstance; import javax.cim.CIMObjectPath; import javax.cim.CIMProperty; import javax.cim.UnsignedInteger32; import javax.wbem.CloseableIterator; import javax.wbem.WBEMException; import javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.emc.storageos.cimadapter.connections.cim.CimObjectPathCreator; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.FCEndpoint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.util.EndpointUtility; import com.emc.storageos.model.valid.Endpoint.EndpointType; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.BaseSANCIMObject; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.SSHDialog; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkControllerSessionLockedException; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.NetworkDeviceController; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.Zone; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.ZoneMember; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.ZoneMember.ConnectivityMemberType; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.ZoneWwnAlias; import com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.Zoneset; import com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.CIMArgumentFactory; import com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.CIMPropertyFactory; import com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisConstants; public class BrocadeNetworkSMIS extends BaseSANCIMObject { private final Integer defaultTimeout = 5 * 60000; // in milliseconds private static final String _namespace = "root/brocade1"; private static final String _fabric_path = "Brocade_Fabric"; private static final String _zoneset_fabric_path = "Brocade_ZoneSetInFabric"; private static final String _zoneset_name = "Brocade_ZoneSet"; private static final String _agent_name = "Brocade_Agent"; private static final String _name = "Name"; private static final String _element_name = "ElementName"; private static final String _CollectionAlias = "CollectionAlias"; private static final String _Brocade_PhysicalSwitch = "Brocade_PhysicalComputerSystem"; private static final String _Brocade_SwitchPCS = "Brocade_SwitchInPCS"; private static final String _Brocade_TopologyViewInFabric = "Brocade_TopologyViewInFabric"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneInZoneSet = "Brocade_ZoneInZoneSet"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneInFabric = "Brocade_ZoneInFabric"; private static final String _Brocade_Zone = "Brocade_Zone"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneAlias = "Brocade_ZoneAlias"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneAliasInZone = "Brocade_ZoneAliasInZone"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneAliasInFabric = "Brocade_ZoneAliasInFabric"; private static final String _Brocade_TopologyView = "Brocade_TopologyView"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone = "Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias = "Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData = "Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneServiceInFabric = "Brocade_ZoneServiceInFabric"; private static final String _ActivateZoneSet = "ActivateZoneSet"; private static final String _Brocade_ZoneService = "Brocade_ZoneService"; private static final String _ConnectivityMemberID = "ConnectivityMemberID"; private static final String _ConnectivityMemberType = "ConnectivityMemberType"; private static final String _AntecedentFCPortType = "AntecedentFCPortType"; private static final String _DependentFCPortWWN = "DependentFCPortWWN"; private static final String _DependentElementWWN = "DependentElementWWN"; private static final String _AntecedentFCPortWWN = "AntecedentFCPortWWN"; private static final String _AntecedentFCPortElementName = "AntecedentFCPortElementName"; private static final String _AntecedentElementWWN = "AntecedentElementWWN"; private static final String _AntecedentSystem = "AntecedentSystem"; private static final String _Parent = "Antecedent"; private static final String _Child = "Dependent"; private static final String _GroupComponent = "GroupComponent"; private static final String _PartComponent = "PartComponent"; private static final String _SystemSpecificCollection = "SystemSpecificCollection"; private static final String _CreateZoneMembershipSettingData = "CreateZoneMembershipSettingData"; private static final String _AddZoneAlias = "AddZoneAlias"; private static final String _SessionState = "SessionState"; private static final String _requestedSessionState = "requestedSessionState"; private static final String _SessionControl = "SessionControl"; private static final String _StartTime = "StartTime"; private static final String _ManagementServerVersion = "ManagementServerVersion"; private static final String _XlatePhantomPort = "Xlate Phantom Port"; private static final String _ZoneSet = "ZoneSet"; private static final String _Zone = "Zone"; private static final String _ZoneAlias = "ZoneAlias"; private static final String _ZoneSetName = "ZoneSetName"; private static final String _CreateZoneSet = "CreateZoneSet"; private static final String _ZoneName = "ZoneName"; private static final String _ZoneType = "ZoneType"; private static final String _ZoneSubType = "ZoneSubType"; private static final String _CreateZone = "CreateZone"; private static final String _CreateZoneAlias = "CreateZoneAlias"; private static final String _ManagedElement = "ManagedElement"; private static final String _SettingData = "SettingData"; private static final String _Activate = "Activate"; private static final String _active = "Active"; private static final String _ZMType_Wwn = "5"; private static final int _started = 2; private static final int _ended = 3; private static final int _notApplicable = 4; private static final int _terminated = 4; private static final int _noChange = 5; private static final int _clientPort = 15; private CIMArgumentFactory _cimArgumentFactory = new CIMArgumentFactory(); private CIMPropertyFactory _cimProperty = new CIMPropertyFactory(); private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrocadeNetworkSMIS.class); public static String getNamespace() { return _namespace; } /** * Returns a list of fabric names. * * @param client * - WBEM Client * @return List<String> containing fabric names * @throws javax.wbem.WBEMException */ public List<String> getFabricIds(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { List<String> fabricNames = new ArrayList<String>(); CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_fabric_path, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); String wwnName = cimStringProperty(ins, _name); String fabricName = cimStringProperty(ins, _element_name); _log.info("Fabric: " + fabricName + " (" + wwnName + ")"); fabricNames.add(fabricName); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return fabricNames; } /** * Returns a list of fabric names. * * @param client * - WBEM Client * @return Map<String, String> containing fabric WWN-to-fabric-name * @throws javax.wbem.WBEMException */ public Map<String, String> getFabricIdsMap(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { Map<String, String> fabricNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_fabric_path, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); String wwnName = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(ins, _name)).toUpperCase(); String fabricName = cimStringProperty(ins, _element_name); _log.debug("Fabric: " + fabricName + " (" + wwnName + ")"); fabricNames.put(wwnName, fabricName); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return fabricNames; } /** * Returns a map of fabric CIMObjectPath to its WWN. * * @param client * - WBEM Client * @return Map<String, String> containing fabric CIMObjectPath to its WWN * @throws javax.wbem.WBEMException */ public Map<String, String> getFabricPathToWwnMap(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { Map<String, String> fabricPaths = new HashMap<String, String>(); CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_fabric_path, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); String wwnName = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(ins, _name)).toUpperCase(); _log.debug("Fabric: " + ins.getObjectPath() + " (" + wwnName + ")"); fabricPaths.put(ins.getObjectPath().toString(), wwnName); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return fabricPaths; } /** * Given the fabricId, get its wwn * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param fabricId the fabricId (or vsan id) * @return the fabric formatted WWN * @throws WBEMException */ public String getFabricWwn(WBEMClient client, String fabricId) throws WBEMException { String fabricWwn = null; Map<String, String> map = getFabricIdsMap(client); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(fabricId)) { fabricWwn = entry.getKey(); break; } } // failed to get fabric's wwn for given fabricId. Throw exception here, // which will be handle and wrapped in NetworkDeviceControllerException in catch block. if (fabricWwn == null) { throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.fabricNotFoundInNetwork(fabricId, ""); } return fabricWwn; } /** * Get the list of port connections. * * @param client * WBEMClient * @param routedConnections IN/OUT parameter to get the routed endpoints map of Fabric-WWN-to-endpoints-WWN * @return List<FCPortConnection> * @throws javax.wbem.WBEMException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<FCEndpoint> getPortConnections(WBEMClient client, Map<String, Set<String>> routedConnections, boolean discoverEndpointsByFabric) throws WBEMException { Map<String, FCEndpoint> portConnections = null; Map<String, String> deviceNameCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> fabricsByIds = getFabricIdsMap(client); Map<String, String> logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap = getLogicalToPhysicalSwitcheMap(client); if (discoverEndpointsByFabric) { portConnections = getFCEndpointsByFabric(client, routedConnections, fabricsByIds, deviceNameCache, logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap); } else { portConnections = getFCEndpointsByTopologyViewInFabric(client, routedConnections, fabricsByIds, deviceNameCache, logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap); } if (portConnections != null) { addEndpointAliasName(client, portConnections); return new ArrayList<FCEndpoint>(portConnections.values()); } else { return new ArrayList<FCEndpoint>(); } } /** * Get FCEndpoints instances by getting TopologyView instances by fabric. This method * of getting TopologyView instances can be slow in some environments thus the need * for the alternate function {@link #getFCEndpointsByFabric(WBEMClient, Map, Map, Map, Map)} which is faster but requires more * memory. The user can select the function best suitable * using config item controller_ns_brocade_discovery_by_fabric_association * * @param client * WBEMClient * @param routedConnections * IN/OUT - A map where routed endpoints will be stored * @param fabricsByIds * a map of fabric name to fabric WWN * @param deviceNameCache * a map to cache switch names * @param logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap * a map to cache logical switches and their container physical switch * @return a map of endpoint Wwn to its FCEndpoint instance * @throws WBEMException */ private Map<String, FCEndpoint> getFCEndpointsByFabric(WBEMClient client, Map<String, Set<String>> routedConnections, Map<String, String> fabricsByIds, Map<String, String> deviceNameCache, Map<String, String> logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap) throws WBEMException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); _log.info("Getting topology by fabric"); Map<String, FCEndpoint> portConnections = new HashMap<String, FCEndpoint>(); CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_fabric_path, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); String fabricWwn = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(ins, _name)); String fabricName = cimStringProperty(ins, _element_name); _log.info("Fabric: " + fabricName + " (" + fabricWwn + ")"); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> topit = client.associatorInstances( ins.getObjectPath(), _Brocade_TopologyViewInFabric, _Brocade_TopologyView, null, null, false, null); try { CIMInstance topins = null; while (topit.hasNext()) { topins = topit.next(); _log.debug(topins.toString()); processTopologyViewInstance(client, topins, portConnections, routedConnections, fabricsByIds.get(fabricWwn), fabricWwn, deviceNameCache, logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap); } } finally { if (topit != null) { topit.close(); } } } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } _log.info("Getting topology by fabric took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return portConnections; } /** * Get FCEndpoints instances by getting all instances of TopologyView to get all endpoints * and TopologyViewInfabric to sort them into their fabrics. * <p> * This method of getting TopologyView instances requires more memory that the alternate * {@link #getFCEndpointsByTopologyViewInFabric(WBEMClient, Map, Map, Map, Map)} which can be slow. The user can select the function best suitable using * config item controller_ns_brocade_discovery_by_fabric_association * * @param client * WBEMClient * @param routedConnections * IN/OUT - A map where routed endpoints will be stored * @param fabricsByIds * a map of fabric name to fabric WWN * @param deviceNameCache * a map to cache switch names * @param logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap * a map to cache logical switches and their container physical switch * @return a map of fabric Wwn to the TopologyView instances * @throws WBEMException */ private Map<String, FCEndpoint> getFCEndpointsByTopologyViewInFabric( WBEMClient client, Map<String, Set<String>> routedConnections, Map<String, String> fabricsByIds, Map<String, String> deviceNameCache, Map<String, String> logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap) throws WBEMException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); _log.info("Getting topology by TopologyViewInFabric associations"); Map<String, FCEndpoint> portConnections = new HashMap<String, FCEndpoint>(); // Get a map of fabric CIMObjectPath-to-WWN Map<String, String> fabricPathToWwn = getFabricPathToWwnMap(client); // Get all the TopologyViewInFabric instances and store them in a map of // TopologyView CIMObjectPath to Fabric CIMObjectPath Map<String, String> topInsToFabricPath = new HashMap<String, String>(); CIMObjectPath assnPath = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_TopologyViewInFabric, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMObjectPath> assnIt = null; try { assnIt = client.enumerateInstanceNames(assnPath); while (assnIt.hasNext()) { CIMObjectPath assn = assnIt.next(); _log.debug(assn.toString()); // get the path of the TopologyView instance String compPath = assn.getKeyValue(_PartComponent).toString(); // Trim the switch name when the path has /switchName/root/brocade/.... compPath = compPath.substring(compPath.indexOf("/root")); // get the path of the fabric String grpPath = assn.getKeyValue(_GroupComponent).toString(); // Trim the switch name when the path has /switchName/root/brocade/.... grpPath = grpPath.substring(grpPath.indexOf("/root")); _log.debug("PartComponent " + compPath + " GroupComponent " + grpPath); topInsToFabricPath.put(compPath, grpPath); } } finally { if (assnIt != null) { assnIt.close(); } } // Get the topology instances and map them to their fabrics CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_TopologyView, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance topins = it.next(); _log.debug(topins.toString()); String fabricPath = topInsToFabricPath.get(topins.getObjectPath().toString()); String fabricWwn = fabricPathToWwn.get(fabricPath); if (fabricWwn != null) { processTopologyViewInstance(client, topins, portConnections, routedConnections, fabricsByIds.get(fabricWwn), fabricWwn, deviceNameCache, logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap); } } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } _log.info("Getting topology by TopologyViewInFabric associations took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return portConnections; } /** * generate port connections from the Topology details * @param client * WBEMClient * @param topins * toplogy instance * @param portConnections * port connections * @param routedConnections * routed connections * @param fabricName * fabric name * @param fabricWwn * fabric WWN * @param deviceNameCache * a map to cache switch names * @param logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap * a map to cache logical switches and container physical switch * @throws WBEMException */ private void processTopologyViewInstance(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance topins, Map<String, FCEndpoint> portConnections, Map<String, Set<String>> routedConnections, String fabricName, String fabricWwn, Map<String, String> deviceNameCache, Map<String, String> logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap) throws WBEMException { if (_XlatePhantomPort.equals(cimStringProperty(topins, _AntecedentFCPortElementName))) { Set<String> fabricRoutedEndpoints = routedConnections.get(fabricWwn); if (fabricRoutedEndpoints == null) { fabricRoutedEndpoints = new HashSet<String>(); routedConnections.put(fabricWwn, fabricRoutedEndpoints); } fabricRoutedEndpoints.add(formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _DependentFCPortWWN))); return; // if this is a routed endpoint, collect and move on } // skip things that are not fiber links e.g. eport links if (cimIntegerProperty(topins, _AntecedentFCPortType) != _clientPort) { return; } String remotePortName = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _DependentFCPortWWN)); String remoteNodeName = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _DependentElementWWN)); String switchPortName = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _AntecedentFCPortWWN)); String switchInterfaceName = cimStringProperty(topins, _AntecedentFCPortElementName); String switchWwn = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _AntecedentElementWWN)); String switchName = switchWwn; if (deviceNameCache.get(switchWwn) != null) { switchName = deviceNameCache.get(switchWwn); } else { CIMProperty switchPathProperty = topins .getProperty(_AntecedentSystem); CIMObjectPath switchPath = null; if (switchPathProperty.getValue() instanceof String) { switchPath = new CIMObjectPath((String)switchPathProperty.getValue()); } else { switchPath = (CIMObjectPath) switchPathProperty.getValue(); } CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> switchIt = client .enumerateInstances(switchPath, false, true, true, null); while (switchIt.hasNext()) { CIMInstance swins = switchIt.next(); String namex = formatWWN(cimStringProperty(swins, _name)); String enamex = cimStringProperty(swins, _element_name); if (namex.equals(switchWwn)) { switchName = enamex; deviceNameCache.put(switchWwn, switchName); } } } //Get the Physcial Switch Name for the Logical Switch String physicalSwitchName = logicalToPhysicalSwitchMap.get(switchName); _log.info("Switch Name : {} Physical SwitchName {}", switchName, physicalSwitchName); if(physicalSwitchName != null ) { switchName = physicalSwitchName; } FCEndpoint conn = new FCEndpoint(); conn.setFabricId(fabricName); conn.setRemotePortName(remotePortName); conn.setRemoteNodeName(remoteNodeName); conn.setSwitchPortName(switchPortName); conn.setSwitchInterface(switchInterfaceName); conn.setSwitchName(switchName); conn.setFabricWwn(fabricWwn); portConnections.put(remotePortName, conn); } /** * Update the FCEndpoints with aliases from the alias database. * This function uses the associations to improve performance and parses the * alias name and member address from the paths: * Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias { * ManagedElement = * "root/brocade1:Brocade_ZoneAlias.InstanceID=\"NAME=Hala_REST_API_ZONE_12;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F858F6C0;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneAlias\"" * ; * SettingData = * "root/brocade1:Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData.InstanceID=\"NAME=2010101010101010;ZMTYPE=5;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F858F6C0;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData\"" * ; * }; * * @param client * @param fabricEps * @throws WBEMException */ private void addEndpointAliasName(WBEMClient client, Map<String, FCEndpoint> fabricEps) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int count = 0; try { CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias, _namespace); it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); CIMInstance ins = null; FCEndpoint ep; String aliasPath = null; String memberPath = null; String wwn = null; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; ins = it.next(); _log.debug(ins.toString()); aliasPath = cimStringProperty(ins, _ManagedElement); memberPath = cimStringProperty(ins, _SettingData); wwn = formatWWN(getPropertyValueFromString(memberPath, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME)); ep = fabricEps.get(wwn); if (ep != null) { ep.setRemotePortAlias(getPropertyValueFromString(aliasPath, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME)); fabricEps.remove(ep); _log.debug("added alias " + ep.getRemotePortAlias() + " to " + ep.getRemotePortName()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.warn("An exception was encountered while updating the endpoint aliases. " + "Discovery will proceed. The exception is: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } _log.info("Processing " + count + " aliases took " + (start - System.currentTimeMillis())); } /** * Gets the list of aliases for a given fabric * This function uses the associations to improve performance and parses the * alias name and member address from the paths: * Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias { * ManagedElement = * "root/brocade1:Brocade_ZoneAlias.InstanceID=\"NAME=Hala_REST_API_ZONE_12;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F858F6C0;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneAlias\"" * ; * SettingData = * "root/brocade1:Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData.InstanceID=\"NAME=2010101010101010;ZMTYPE=5;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F858F6C0;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData\"" * ; * }; * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param fabricId the name of the fabric * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the fabric * @throws WBEMException */ public List<ZoneWwnAlias> getAliases(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { Map<String, ZoneWwnAlias> aliases = new HashMap<String, ZoneWwnAlias>(); if (fabricWwn == null) { fabricWwn = getFabricWwn(client, fabricId); } fabricWwn = fabricWwn.replaceAll(":", ""); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias, _namespace); it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); CIMInstance ins = null; String aliasPath = null; String memberPath = null; String wwn = null; ZoneWwnAlias alias = null; while (it.hasNext()) { ins = it.next(); _log.debug(ins.toString()); aliasPath = cimStringProperty(ins, _ManagedElement); memberPath = cimStringProperty(ins, _SettingData); wwn = getPropertyValueFromString(memberPath, SmisConstants.CP_FABRIC); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(wwn, fabricWwn)) { try { alias = new ZoneWwnAlias(); alias.setAddress(formatWWN(getPropertyValueFromString(memberPath, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME))); alias.setName(getPropertyValueFromString(aliasPath, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME)); // Use a map to handle the unsupported scenario when an alias has more than one member // in this code the alias will arbitrarily have the the last members discovered. // this is needed to ensure code dependent on this code does not receive duplicates aliases.put(alias.getName(), alias); _log.debug("Retreived alias name " + alias.getName() + " and address " + alias.getAddress()); } catch (Exception e){ //if the WWN is not a valid one and setAddress will throw an error //Catch it , log it , skip it it and move forward with processing the rest of the data _log.warn("An exception was encountered while processing " + wwn + " may be it is malformed " + e.getMessage()); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.warn("An exception was encountered while getting the aliases for " + "fabric: " + fabricId + ". The exception is: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return new ArrayList<ZoneWwnAlias>(aliases.values()); } /** * Creates an instance of {@link ZoneWwnAlias} from a {@link CIMInstance} after it retrieves * the alias member. Note, the alias is expected to have a single member. * * @param client and instance of WBEMClient * @param ins the alias WBEMClient instance * @param addMember if true also retrieve the alias WWN member * @return an instance of {@link ZoneWwnAlias} * @throws WBEMException */ private ZoneWwnAlias getAliasFromInstance(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance ins, boolean addMember) throws WBEMException { ZoneWwnAlias alias = new ZoneWwnAlias(); alias.setName(cimStringProperty(ins, _CollectionAlias)); alias.setCimObjectPath(ins.getObjectPath()); if (addMember) { List<ZoneMember> members = getZoneOrAliasMembers(client, ins.getObjectPath(), true); for (ZoneMember member : members) { alias.setAddress(EndpointUtility.changeCase(member.getAddress())); alias.setCimMemberPath(member.getCimObjectPath()); break; // there should only be 1 member } } return alias; } /** * Scans the topology view for a fabric to get any endpoints that are routed. * * @param client and instance of WBEMClient * @param fabricId the fabric Id * @param fabricWwn the fabric WWN * @return a list of endpoints that are routed to the fabric * @throws WBEMException */ public Set<String> getRoutedEndpoints(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { Set<String> routedConnections = new HashSet<String>(); CIMInstance ins = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> topit = null; try { topit = client.associatorInstances( ins.getObjectPath(), _Brocade_TopologyViewInFabric, _Brocade_TopologyView, null, null, false, null); while (topit.hasNext()) { CIMInstance topins = topit.next(); if (_XlatePhantomPort.equals(cimStringProperty(topins, _AntecedentFCPortElementName))) { // Looking specifically for routed connection routedConnections.add(formatWWN(cimStringProperty(topins, _DependentFCPortWWN))); } } } finally { if (topit != null) { topit.close(); } } return routedConnections; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Zoneset> getZoneSets(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, String zoneName, boolean excludeMembers, boolean excludeAliases) throws WBEMException { List<Zoneset> zonesets = new ArrayList<Zoneset>(); fabricWwn = StringUtils.isEmpty(fabricWwn) ? getFabricWwn(client, fabricId) : fabricWwn; CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zonesetItr = null; try { CIMInstance activeZonesetIns = getActiveZonesetInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (activeZonesetIns != null) { Zoneset activeZoneset = new Zoneset(cimStringProperty(activeZonesetIns, _element_name)); activeZoneset.setActive(cimBooleanProperty(activeZonesetIns, _active)); // if zoneName not specified, get all zones in the zoneset. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(zoneName) || (zoneName != null && zoneName.startsWith(NetworkDeviceController.ZONESET_QUERY_FILTER))) { activeZoneset.setZones( getZonesetZones(client, activeZonesetIns.getObjectPath(), !excludeMembers, !excludeAliases, zoneName)); } else { // looking for a zone with given zoneName Zone zone = getZone(client, zoneName, fabricWwn, true, !excludeMembers, !excludeAliases); if (zone != null) { activeZoneset.getZones().add(zone); } } // get pending active zoneset and consolidate with active zoneset zonesetItr = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _zoneset_fabric_path, _zoneset_name, null, null, false, null); while (zonesetItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zonesetIns = zonesetItr.next(); Zoneset zoneset = new Zoneset(cimStringProperty(zonesetIns, _element_name)); zoneset.setActive(cimBooleanProperty(zonesetIns, _active)); if (!zoneset.getActive() && StringUtils.equals(zoneset.getName(), activeZoneset.getName())) { // found a pending active zoneset, consolidate its zones into active zoneset if (StringUtils.isEmpty(zoneName)) { zoneset.setZones( getZonesetZones(client, zonesetIns.getObjectPath(), !excludeMembers, !excludeAliases, null)); // consolidate active and pending zones in the zoneset List<String> activeZoneNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Zone zone : activeZoneset.getZones()) { activeZoneNames.add(zone.getName()); } // get zones that are not yet active in zoneset, then // append to zoneset List<Zone> inactiveZones = new ArrayList<Zone>(); for (Zone zone : zoneset.getZones()) { if (!activeZoneNames.contains(zone.getName())) { inactiveZones.add(zone); } } activeZoneset.getZones().addAll(inactiveZones); } else if (activeZoneset.getZones().isEmpty()) { // if specified zone was not found in active zone set, look into pending zoneset Zone zone = getZone(client, zoneName, fabricWwn, true, !excludeMembers, !excludeAliases); if (zone != null) { zoneset.getZones().add(zone); } } break; } } if (activeZoneset != null) { zonesets.add(activeZoneset); } } } finally { if (zonesetItr != null) { zonesetItr.close(); } } } return zonesets; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public CIMObjectPath getZoneSetPath(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, String name) throws WBEMException { CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zonesetItr = null; try { zonesetItr = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _zoneset_fabric_path, _zoneset_name, null, null, false, null); while (zonesetItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zonesetIns = zonesetItr.next(); if (cimStringProperty(zonesetIns, _element_name).equals(name)) { return zonesetIns.getObjectPath(); } } } finally { if (zonesetItr != null) { zonesetItr.close(); } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Zone> getZonesetZones(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath zonesetPath, boolean includeMembers, boolean includeAliases, String filter) throws WBEMException { List<Zone> zones = new ArrayList<Zone>(); if (zonesetPath != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null; try { zoneItr = client.associatorInstances( zonesetPath, _Brocade_ZoneInZoneSet, _Brocade_Zone, null, null, false, null); String filterCriteria = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(filter)) { filterCriteria = filter.substring(NetworkDeviceController.ZONESET_QUERY_FILTER.length()); } while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zoneIns = zoneItr.next(); boolean getZone = true; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(filter)) { String zoneName = cimStringProperty(zoneIns, _element_name); if (!zoneName.contains(filterCriteria)) { getZone = false; } } if (getZone) { Zone zone = getZoneFromZoneInstance(client, zoneIns, includeMembers, includeAliases); zones.add(zone); } } } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } } return zones; } /** * Checks to see if the zoneset has a number of zones that is greater than the count parameter. * This function is used when deleting zones to check if the zoneset will become * empty. * * @param client and instance of client * @param zonesetPath the cim path to the zoneset * @param removeCount the count of zones that will be removed * @return true if the zoneset will have remaining zones after the number of zones is removed. * @throws WBEMException */ public boolean zonesetHasMore(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath zonesetPath, int removeCount) throws WBEMException { CloseableIterator<CIMObjectPath> zoneItr = null; int count = 0; try { zoneItr = client.associatorNames( zonesetPath, _Brocade_ZoneInZoneSet, _Brocade_Zone, null, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { if (zoneItr.next() != null) { count++; } if (count > removeCount) { return true; } } } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } return false; } /** * Checks to see if the zoneset has become empty. * * @param client and instance of client * @param zonesetPath the cim path to the zoneset * @return true if the zoneset has 0 zones. * @throws WBEMException */ public boolean isEmptyZoneset(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath zonesetPath) throws WBEMException { return !zonesetHasMore(client, zonesetPath, 0); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Zone> getFabricZones(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { List<Zone> zones = new ArrayList<Zone>(); CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null; try { zoneItr = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _Brocade_ZoneInFabric, _Brocade_Zone, null, null, false, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { Zone zone = getZoneFromZoneInstance(client, zoneItr.next(), false, false); zones.add(zone); } } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } } return zones; } public void removeZone(WBEMClient client, Zone zone) throws WBEMException { client.deleteInstance((CIMObjectPath) zone.getCimObjectPath()); } /** * Removes a WWN that is a member of an alias or a zone, or remove an alias that * is a member of a zone. * * @param client and instance of WBEMClient with an open session to the network * system. * @param member the CIM path to the zone or alias member * @param zoneOrAlias the entity whose membership is being modified which can be * an alias or a zone. If it is a zone, this function can support adding a member * of type WWN or alias. If it is an alias, this function will support WWN members only. * @param alias true if the member being added is of type alias, in which case the * entity modified should be of a zone. * @throws WBEMException */ public void removeZoneOrAliasMember(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath member, CIMObjectPath zoneOrAlias, boolean alias) throws WBEMException { CloseableIterator<CIMObjectPath> zoneItr = null; try { if (alias) { zoneItr = client.referenceNames(zoneOrAlias, _Brocade_ZoneAliasInZone, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { CIMObjectPath associationPath = zoneItr.next(); if (member.equals(associationPath.getKeyValue("Member"))) { client.deleteInstance(associationPath); _log.info("Zone member of type alias : " + associationPath + " was removed."); break; } } } else { if (zoneOrAlias.getObjectName().equals(_Brocade_Zone)) { zoneItr = client.referenceNames(zoneOrAlias, _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone, null); } else { // zone alias zoneItr = client.referenceNames(zoneOrAlias, _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias, null); } while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { CIMObjectPath associationPath = zoneItr.next(); if (member.equals(associationPath.getKeyValue("SettingData"))) { client.deleteInstance(associationPath); _log.info("Zone or alias member: " + associationPath + " was removed."); break; } } } } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } } /** * Get the zone aliases in the zone. * * @param client instance of WBEMClient * @param path the zone path * @return the list of aliases by name and WWN (assuming only 1 member in an alias) */ public List<ZoneMember> getZoneAliases(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath path) { List<ZoneMember> members = new ArrayList<ZoneMember>(); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null; CIMInstance ins; try { String name = getPropertyValueFromInstanceId(path, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME); String fabric = getPropertyValueFromInstanceId(path, SmisConstants.CP_FABRIC); // for some reason, zone aliases can be obtained from inactive zones only path = getZonePath(name, fabric, false); zoneItr = client.associatorInstances( path, _Brocade_ZoneAliasInZone, _Brocade_ZoneAlias, null, null, false, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { ins = zoneItr.next(); members.addAll(getZoneOrAliasMembers(client, ins.getObjectPath(), true)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Do not fail because of problem getting aliases _log.info("Failed to get aliases for zone " + path.getObjectName() + " with error: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } return members; } /** * Get the zone aliases in the zone. * * @param client instance of WBEMClient * @param path the zone path * @param includeAliases if true, the aliases are retrieved and populated in the zone. * @return the list of aliases by name and WWN (asuming only 1 member in an alias) */ public List<ZoneMember> getZoneMembers(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath path, boolean includeAliases) throws WBEMException { List<ZoneMember> aliasMembers = null; List<ZoneMember> wwnMembers = getZoneOrAliasMembers(client, path, false); if (includeAliases) { aliasMembers = getZoneAliases(client, path); } else { _log.info("Excluding aliases while getting zone members"); aliasMembers = wwnMembers; return aliasMembers; } boolean found = false; for (ZoneMember wwnMember : wwnMembers) { found = false; for (ZoneMember aliasMember : aliasMembers) { if (wwnMember.getAddress().equals(aliasMember.getAddress())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { aliasMembers.add(wwnMember); } } return aliasMembers; } /** * This function gets the member of a zone or an alias. * * @param client * @param path the path to the zone or alias * @param alias true if the object is of type alias * @return an instance of zonemember that has the WWN of the * zone or alias member * @throws WBEMException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ZoneMember> getZoneOrAliasMembers(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath path, boolean alias) throws WBEMException { List<ZoneMember> members = new ArrayList<ZoneMember>(); if (path != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null; try { String association = alias ? _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias : _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone; zoneItr = client.associatorInstances( path, association, _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData, null, null, false, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance memberIns = zoneItr.next(); String address = cimStringProperty(memberIns, _ConnectivityMemberID); ConnectivityMemberType type = ConnectivityMemberType .byValue(cimIntegerProperty(memberIns, _ConnectivityMemberType)); if (type == ConnectivityMemberType.WWPN || // temporarily allow portgroup because of brocade issues type == ConnectivityMemberType.PORTGROUP) { // where type is port group when wwnn=wwpn address = formatWWN(address); } ZoneMember zoneMember = new ZoneMember(address, type); zoneMember.setCimObjectPath(memberIns.getObjectPath()); // This is the path of the association object if (alias) { zoneMember.setAlias(getPropertyValueFromInstanceId(path, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME)); zoneMember.setAliasType(true); zoneMember.setCimAliasPath(path); // this is the path of the alias object } members.add(zoneMember); } } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } } return members; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public CIMInstance getActiveZonesetInstance(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zonesetItr = null; try { zonesetItr = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _zoneset_fabric_path, _zoneset_name, null, null, false, null); while (zonesetItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zonesetIns = zonesetItr.next(); if (cimBooleanProperty(zonesetIns, _active)) { return zonesetIns; } } } finally { if (zonesetItr != null) { zonesetItr.close(); } } } return null; } /** * Get all zonesets in a given fabric, if zoneset name is NOT specified. If * zoneset name is specified, only get that particular zoneset of given name * * @param client * @param fabricId * @param fabricWwn * @param zonesetName * @return * @throws WBEMException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private List<CIMInstance> getZoneSetsForFabric(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, String zonesetName) throws WBEMException { List<CIMInstance> zonesets = new ArrayList<CIMInstance>(); CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zonesetItr = null; try { zonesetItr = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _zoneset_fabric_path, _zoneset_name, null, null, false, null); while (zonesetItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zonesetInstance = zonesetItr.next(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(zonesetName)) { zonesets.add(zonesetInstance); } else { String instName = cimStringProperty(zonesetInstance, _element_name); if (zonesetName.equals(instName)) { zonesets.add(zonesetInstance); break; } } } } finally { if (zonesetItr != null) { zonesetItr.close(); } } } return zonesets; } /** * Get the zoneset instance of given zonesetName. * * @param client * @param fabricId * @param fabricWwn * @param zonesetName * @return * @throws WBEMException */ public CIMInstance getZoneset(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, String zonesetName) throws WBEMException { CIMInstance zonesetIns = null; List<CIMInstance> zonesets = getZoneSetsForFabric(client, fabricId, fabricWwn, zonesetName); if (!zonesets.isEmpty()) { zonesetIns = zonesets.get(0); } return zonesetIns; } /** * Returns a fabric instance. If the fabricWwn is supplied, we use that if possible, otherwise * we fall back to matching on the fabricId. * * @param client * @param fabricId * @param fabricWwn * @return * @throws javax.wbem.WBEMException */ private CIMInstance getFabricInstance(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { if (fabricWwn == null) { fabricWwn = ""; // avoids null check below } else { fabricWwn = fabricWwn.replaceAll(":", ""); } CIMInstance nameMatchInstance = null; int numberOfNameMatches = 0; CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_fabric_path, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> fabricIter = null; try { fabricIter = client.enumerateInstances( path, false, true, true, null); while (fabricIter.hasNext()) { CIMInstance fabricIns = fabricIter.next(); // Match on WWN is preferred if (fabricWwn.equalsIgnoreCase(cimStringProperty(fabricIns, _name))) { return fabricIns; } // Match on elementName may be used, but keep searching if (fabricId.equals(cimStringProperty(fabricIns, _element_name))) { nameMatchInstance = fabricIns; numberOfNameMatches++; } } } finally { if (fabricIter != null) { fabricIter.close(); } } if (numberOfNameMatches > 1) { throw new WBEMException("Duplicate matches on fabricId: " + fabricId); } else if (numberOfNameMatches == 0) { // log warn that fabric id is not found in a network system _log.warn(NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.fabricNotFoundInNetwork(fabricId, "").getMessage()); } return nameMatchInstance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public CIMInstance getZoneServiceInstance(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { CIMInstance fabricIns = getFabricInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); if (fabricIns != null) { CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneServices = null; try { zoneServices = client.associatorInstances( fabricIns.getObjectPath(), _Brocade_ZoneServiceInFabric, _Brocade_ZoneService, null, null, false, null); // there is only one instance return zoneServices == null ? null : zoneServices.next(); } finally { if (zoneServices != null) { zoneServices.close(); } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean activateZoneSet(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneServiceIns, CIMObjectPath zonesetObjectPath, boolean activate) throws WBEMException { CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[2]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_ZoneSet, zonesetObjectPath); inargs[1] = _cimArgumentFactory.bool(_Activate, activate); CIMArgument[] outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; UnsignedInteger32 result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _ActivateZoneSet, inargs, outargs); return result.intValue() == 0; } public CIMObjectPath getShadowZonesetPath(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, CIMInstance zonesetIns) throws WBEMException { if (zonesetIns != null) { List<CIMInstance> zonesets = getZoneSetsForFabric(client, fabricId, fabricWwn, null); for (CIMInstance shadowZonesetIns : zonesets) { if (!cimBooleanProperty(shadowZonesetIns, _active) && cimStringProperty(shadowZonesetIns, _element_name) .equals(cimStringProperty(zonesetIns, _element_name))) { return shadowZonesetIns.getObjectPath(); } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public CIMObjectPath createZoneSet(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneServiceIns, String zoneSetName) throws WBEMException { CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[1]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.string( _ZoneSetName, zoneSetName); CIMArgument[] outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; UnsignedInteger32 result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _CreateZoneSet, inargs, outargs); if (result.intValue() == 0 && outargs.length > 0) { return (CIMObjectPath) outargs[0].getValue(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public CIMObjectPath addZone(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneServiceIns, CIMObjectPath zonesetPath, String zoneName, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws WBEMException { CIMObjectPath zonePath = null; CIMArgument[] outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[3]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.string(_ZoneName, zoneName); inargs[1] = _cimArgumentFactory.uint16(_ZoneType, 2); inargs[2] = _cimArgumentFactory.uint16(_ZoneSubType, 1); _log.info("Creating zone: " + zoneName); UnsignedInteger32 result = new UnsignedInteger32(Integer.MAX_VALUE); int count = 0; while (result.intValue() != 0 && count < 2) { result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _CreateZone, inargs, outargs); if (result.intValue() == 0 && outargs[0].getValue() != null) { zonePath = (CIMObjectPath) outargs[0].getValue(); _log.info("Created zone: " + zoneName + " with path " + zonePath); break; } else if (result.intValue() == 32770) { _log.info("Created zone: " + zoneName + " failed with result.intvalue() 32770: " + "Transaction Not Started. Retry to get a new session lock."); endSession(client, zoneServiceIns, false); zoneServiceIns = startSession(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); count++; } else { _log.info("Created zone failed: " + zoneName + " with result.intValue() " + result.intValue()); break; } } if (zonePath == null) { if (count >= 2) { _log.info("Failed to create zone " + zoneName + ". The maximum number of retries (" + (count + 1) + ") was reached without successfully starting a transaction."); } } else { // add zone to zoneset outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; inargs = new CIMArgument[2]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_ZoneSet, zonesetPath); inargs[1] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_Zone, zonePath); _log.info("Adding zone: " + zoneName + " to zoneset " + zonesetPath); result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), "AddZone", inargs, outargs); if (result.intValue() != 0) { _log.info("Failed to add zone: " + zoneName + " to zoneset " + zonesetPath); _log.info("result.intValue(): " + result.intValue()); zonePath = null; } } return zonePath; } /** * Create an instance of an alias object on the switch. The alias object can have * a single member that has to be of type WWN. * <p> * This function will retry if the alias creation fails because the session is lost or timed out. The total number of tries is set to 2. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient with an open session to SMI provider * @param zoneServiceIns an instance of zone service for the fabric * @param fabricId the fabric name * @param fabricWwn the fabric WWN * @param alias the object containing the attributes of the alias to be created * @throws WBEMException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public CIMObjectPath addZoneAlias(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneServiceIns, String fabricId, String fabricWwn, ZoneWwnAlias alias) throws WBEMException { CIMObjectPath aliasPath = null; CIMArgument[] outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[1]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.string(_CollectionAlias, alias.getName()); _log.info("Creating alias: " + alias.getName()); UnsignedInteger32 result = new UnsignedInteger32(Integer.MAX_VALUE); int count = 0; while (result.intValue() != 0 && count < 2) { result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _CreateZoneAlias, inargs, outargs); if (result.intValue() == 0 && outargs[0].getValue() != null) { aliasPath = (CIMObjectPath) outargs[0].getValue(); _log.info("Created alias: " + alias.getName() + " with path " + aliasPath); break; } else if (result.intValue() == 32770) { // session timed out or was stolen _log.info("Created alias: " + alias.getName() + " failed with result.intvalue() 32770: " + "Transaction Not Started. Retry to get a new session lock."); endSession(client, zoneServiceIns, false); zoneServiceIns = startSession(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); count++; } else { throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException("Created alias failed: " + alias.getName() + " with result.intValue() " + result.intValue()); } } if (aliasPath == null) { if (count >= 2) { _log.info("Failed to create alias " + alias.getName() + ". The maximum number of retries (" + (count + 1) + ") was reached without successfully starting a transaction."); } } else { // add WWN as alias member to alias addZoneOrAliasMember(client, zoneServiceIns, fabricWwn, aliasPath, alias.getAddress()); } return aliasPath; } /** * Add a member to a zone or alias. The member can be a WWN or an alias * name when the entity modified is a zone. The member can only be a WWN when * the entity modified is an alias. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient with an open session to SMI provider * @param zoneServiceIns an instance of zone service for the fabric * @param fabricWwn the fabric WWN * @param zonePath the CIM path of the zone object * @param member to be added to the zone or alias. * @return the CIM path to the newly created alias * @throws WBEMException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public boolean addZoneOrAliasMember(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneServiceIns, String fabricWwn, CIMObjectPath zonePath, String member) throws WBEMException { CIMArgument[] outargs = new CIMArgument[1]; CIMArgument[] inargs = null; UnsignedInteger32 result = null; if (EndpointUtility.isValidEndpoint(member, EndpointType.WWN)) { _log.info("Add zone or alias member of type wwn " + member); inargs = new CIMArgument[3]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.uint16(_ConnectivityMemberType, 2); inargs[1] = _cimArgumentFactory.string(_ConnectivityMemberID, member.replaceAll(":", "")); inargs[2] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_SystemSpecificCollection, zonePath); result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _CreateZoneMembershipSettingData, inargs, outargs); } else { _log.info("Add zoneor alias member of type alias " + member); inargs = new CIMArgument[2]; inargs[0] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_Zone, zonePath); CIMObjectPath aliasPath = getZoneAliasPath(member, fabricWwn); inargs[1] = _cimArgumentFactory.reference(_ZoneAlias, aliasPath); result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneServiceIns.getObjectPath(), _AddZoneAlias, inargs, outargs); } _log.info("Add zone or alias member returned code " + result.toString()); // 0 means success and 8 means member already exists return result.intValue() == 0 || result.intValue() == 8; } /** * Given an initiator WWN, find all the zones this initiator is in. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient with an open session to SMI provider * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the fabric * @param endpointWwn the WWN of the initiator * @param cachedZones A cache of zones already retrieved from the network system. * @return a list of zones in the initiator is in any zones, otherwise, an empty list * @throws WBEMException */ public List<Zone> getEndpointZones(WBEMClient client, String fabricWwn, String endpointWwn, Map<CIMObjectPath, Zone> cachedZones) throws WBEMException { List<Zone> zones = new ArrayList<Zone>(); CIMInstance memberIns = getZoneMemberInstance(client, endpointWwn, _ZMType_Wwn, fabricWwn, true); // if we find an instance, this means the initiator is in some zones if (memberIns != null) { // get the zones CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null; Zone zone = null; try { zoneItr = client.associatorInstances( memberIns.getObjectPath(), _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone, _Brocade_Zone, null, null, false, null); while (zoneItr.hasNext()) { CIMInstance zoneIns = zoneItr.next(); zone = cachedZones.get(zoneIns.getObjectPath()); if (zone == null) { zone = getZoneFromZoneInstance(client, zoneIns, true, false); cachedZones.put(zoneIns.getObjectPath(), zone); } zones.add(zone); _log.info("Found zone " + zone.getName()); } } catch (WBEMException ex) { _log.error("Encountered an exception while trying to get zones for initiator." + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } finally { if (zoneItr != null) { zoneItr.close(); } } } return zones; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public CIMInstance startSession(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws NetworkControllerSessionLockedException, WBEMException { UnsignedInteger32 result = null; CIMInstance zoneService; try { zoneService = getZoneServiceInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); int sessionState = cimIntegerProperty(zoneService, _SessionState); int requestedSessionState = cimIntegerProperty(zoneService, _requestedSessionState); _log.debug("Entering startSession: " + zoneService.toString()); if (sessionState == _notApplicable) { // no session control implemented by this agent return zoneService; } if (sessionState != _ended || requestedSessionState != _noChange) { _log.info("Zone session is locked by another user or another call. We will try again."); zoneService = waitForSession(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); } CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[] { _cimArgumentFactory .uint16(_requestedSessionState, _started) }; result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneService.getObjectPath(), _SessionControl, inargs, new CIMArgument[1]); _log.info("Start session returned code: " + result.intValue()); if (result.intValue() == 0 || result.intValue() == 32772) { zoneService = getZoneServiceInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); _log.debug("Leaving startSession: " + zoneService.toString()); return zoneService; } return null; } catch (WBEMException ex) { _log.error("Encountered an exception while trying to start a zone session." + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public boolean endSession(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneService, boolean commit) throws WBEMException { UnsignedInteger32 result = null; try { int sessionState = cimIntegerProperty(zoneService, _SessionState); if (sessionState == _notApplicable) { // no session control implemented by this agent return true; } int endMode = commit ? _ended : _terminated; CIMArgument[] inargs = new CIMArgument[] { _cimArgumentFactory .uint16(_requestedSessionState, endMode) }; result = (UnsignedInteger32) client.invokeMethod( zoneService.getObjectPath(), _SessionControl, inargs, new CIMArgument[1]); _log.info("End session returned code: " + result.intValue()); return result.intValue() == 0; } catch (WBEMException ex) { _log.error("Encountered an exception while trying to end a zone session." + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } } private CIMInstance waitForSession(WBEMClient client, String fabricId, String fabricWwn) throws NetworkControllerSessionLockedException, WBEMException { CIMInstance zoneService = null; int session; int reqSession; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); do { try { Thread.sleep(defaultTimeout / 5); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { _log.warn(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } zoneService = getZoneServiceInstance(client, fabricId, fabricWwn); session = cimIntegerProperty(zoneService, _SessionState); reqSession = cimIntegerProperty(zoneService, _requestedSessionState); _log.info("In waitForSession: session is " + session + " and requested session is " + reqSession); if (session == _ended && reqSession == _noChange) { _log.info("Zone session lock released. Trying to start session after waiting " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return zoneService; } } while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < defaultTimeout); throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.fabricSessionLocked(); } /** * Returns the system uptime. * * @param client - WBEMClient * @return system uptime * @throws WBEMException */ public String getUptime(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { String startTime = null; CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_agent_name, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); startTime = cimStringProperty(ins, _StartTime); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return startTime == null ? null : getUptimeFormatted(startTime); } /** * Returns the system software version. * * @param client - WBEMClient * @return system software version * @throws WBEMException */ public String getVersion(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { String version = null; CIMObjectPath path = CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_agent_name, _namespace); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); version = cimStringProperty(ins, _ManagementServerVersion); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return version; } /** * Return uptime with days, hours, minutes, and seconds * * @param date - format of "Jan 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM EST" or "Jan 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM America/New_York" * @return uptime */ private String getUptimeFormatted(String date) { try { DateTime dateTime = parseDateString(date); Duration duration = new Duration(dateTime, DateTime.now()); return getUptimeFormatted(duration); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } /** * Returns uptime with days, hours, minutes, and seconds * * @param duration - Duration * @return uptime */ private String getUptimeFormatted(Duration duration) { int days, hours, minutes, seconds; days = duration.toStandardDays().getDays(); duration = duration.minus(duration.toStandardDays().toStandardDuration()); hours = duration.toStandardHours().getHours(); duration = duration.minus(duration.toStandardHours().toStandardDuration()); minutes = duration.toStandardMinutes().getMinutes(); duration = duration.minus(duration.toStandardMinutes().toStandardDuration()); seconds = duration.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds(); return String.format("%d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", days, hours, minutes, seconds); } /** * Returns DateTime object of parsed dateStamp parameter * * @param dateStamp - format of "Jan 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM EST" or "Jan 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM America/New_York" * @return DateTime of parsed dateStamp parameter * @throws Exception if dateStamp can't be parsed */ private DateTime parseDateString(String dateStamp) throws Exception { /* matches datestamps of the form "Jan 31, 2013 4:45:00 PM EST" and "Jan 31, 2013 4:45:00 PM America/New_York */ final String[] regex = { "([A-Za-z]{3} [0-9]{1,2}, [0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}) (.+)" }; final String datePattern = "MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm:ss aa"; String[] groups = new String[2]; int index = SSHDialog.match(dateStamp, regex, groups); if (index != 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse date and timezone: " + dateStamp); } String dateTime = groups[0]; String timeZone = groups[1]; return DateTime.parse(dateTime, DateTimeFormat.forPattern(datePattern) .withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone)))); } /** * Create a zone alias path using the alias name and its fabric WWN. An example * of path instance is * InstanceID = "NAME=lglap026_2;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F86AE4E7;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneAlias" * * @param aliasName the alias name * @param fabricWwn the alias fabric * @return an instance of CIMObjectPath that can be used to find the zone alias. */ public CIMObjectPath getZoneAliasPath(String aliasName, String fabricWwn) { CIMProperty[] groupKeys = { _cimProperty.string( SmisConstants.CP_INSTANCE_ID, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + aliasName + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_ACTIVE + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + "false" + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_FABRIC + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + fabricWwn.replaceAll(":", "") + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_CLASSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + _Brocade_ZoneAlias) }; return CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_ZoneAlias, _namespace, groupKeys); } /** * Creates a zone path using the zone name and the WWN of its fabrics. An example * of path instance id is * InstanceID = "NAME=z_lglap026_VMAXe_424_2;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F86AE4E7;CLASSNAME=Brocade_Zone"; * * @param zoneName the name of the zone * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive zone sought * @return an instance of CIMObjectPath that can be used to find the zone. */ public CIMObjectPath getZonePath(String zoneName, String fabricWwn, Boolean active) { if (fabricWwn == null) { fabricWwn = ""; // avoids null check below } CIMProperty[] groupKeys = { _cimProperty.string( SmisConstants.CP_INSTANCE_ID, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + zoneName + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_ACTIVE + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + active.toString() + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_FABRIC + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + fabricWwn.replaceAll(":", "") + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_CLASSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + _Brocade_Zone) }; return CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_Zone, _namespace, groupKeys); } /** * Creates a zone member path using the initiator WWN and the WWN of its fabrics. An example * of path instance id is * InstanceID = "NAME=50060169472025F6;ZMTYPE=5;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F86AE4E7;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData"; * * @param memberWwn the initiator WWN * @param zmType the zone member type, for now expecting only 5 which is Wwn * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive member is sought * @return an instance of CIMObjectPath that can be used to find the zone. */ public CIMObjectPath getZoneMemberPath(String memberWwn, String zmType, String fabricWwn, Boolean active) { if (fabricWwn == null) { fabricWwn = ""; } CIMProperty[] groupKeys = { _cimProperty.string( SmisConstants.CP_INSTANCE_ID, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + memberWwn.replaceAll(":", "") + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_ZMTYPE + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + zmType + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_ACTIVE + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + active.toString() + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_FABRIC + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + fabricWwn.replaceAll(":", "") + SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP + SmisConstants.CP_CLASSNAME + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP + _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData) }; return CimObjectPathCreator.createInstance(_Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData, _namespace, groupKeys); } /** * Gets the zone instance using its name and the WWN of its fabric. It constructs a path * object which is used to find the zone instance. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param zoneName the name of the zone * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive zone sought * @return an instance of CIMInstance for the zone. */ public CIMInstance getZoneInstance(WBEMClient client, String zoneName, String fabricWwn, Boolean active) { CIMObjectPath path = getZonePath(zoneName, fabricWwn, active); try { return client.getInstance(path, false, false, null); } catch (WBEMException ex) { // we can get an exception if the zone does not exists. _log.info("Did not find zone " + zoneName + " in fabric " + fabricWwn + ". Provider message: " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } /** * Gets the zone instance using its name and the WWN of its fabric. It constructs a path * object which is used to find the zone instance. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param memberWwn the WWN of the zone member * @param zmType the zone membership type, for now always 5 * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive zone member is sought * @return an instance of CIMInstance for the zone member. */ public CIMInstance getZoneMemberInstance(WBEMClient client, String memberWwn, String zmType, String fabricWwn, Boolean active) throws WBEMException { CIMObjectPath path = getZoneMemberPath(memberWwn, zmType, fabricWwn, active); try { return client.getInstance(path, false, false, null); } catch (WBEMException ex) { if (ex.getID() == WBEMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { // we can get an exception if the WWN is not in a zone. _log.info("Did not find zone member for WWN " + memberWwn + " in fabric " + fabricWwn + ". Provider message: " + ex.getMessage()); } else { throw ex; } } return null; } /** * Gets the zones instances using name and the WWN of the fabric. It constructs a path * object which is used to find each zone instance and then creates an instance of Zone. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param names the names of the zones * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive zone sought * @param includeMembers if the zone members should be retrieved or just the zone. * @param includeAliases if true, the aliases are retrieved and populated in the zone. * @return A map of zone name to zone instance. * @throws WBEMException */ public Map<String, Zone> getZones(WBEMClient client, List<String> names, String fabricWwn, Boolean active, boolean includeMembers, boolean includeAliases) throws WBEMException { Map<String, Zone> zones = new HashMap<String, Zone>(); if (names != null) { for (String name : names) { zones.put(name, getZone(client, name, fabricWwn, active, includeMembers, includeAliases)); } } return zones; } /** * Gets the zone instance using its name and the WWN of its fabric. It constructs a path * object which is used to find the zone instance and then creates in instane Zone. * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param zoneName the name of the zone * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param active whether the active or inactive zone sought * @param includeMembers if the zone members should be retrieved or just the zone. * @param includeAliases if true, the aliases are retrieved and populated in the zone. * @return and instance of {@link #_Zone}. Null if the some was not found in the switch. * @throws WBEMException */ public Zone getZone(WBEMClient client, String zoneName, String fabricWwn, Boolean active, boolean includeMembers, boolean includeAliases) throws WBEMException { CIMInstance zoneIns = getZoneInstance(client, zoneName, fabricWwn, active); if (zoneIns != null) { return getZoneFromZoneInstance(client, zoneIns, includeMembers, includeAliases); } return null; } /** * Creates an instance of {@link #_Zone} * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param zoneIns an instance of CIMInstance * @param includeMembers if true, the members are retrieved and populated in the zone. * @param includeAliases if true, the aliases are retrieved and populated in the zone. * @return and instance of {@link #_Zone}. * @throws WBEMException */ private Zone getZoneFromZoneInstance(WBEMClient client, CIMInstance zoneIns, boolean includeMembers, boolean includeAliases) throws WBEMException { Zone zone = new Zone(cimStringProperty(zoneIns, _element_name)); zone.setActive(cimBooleanProperty(zoneIns, _active)); zone.setCimObjectPath(zoneIns.getObjectPath()); if (includeMembers) { zone.setMembers(getZoneMembers(client, zoneIns.getObjectPath(), includeAliases)); } return zone; } /** * Gets the zone alias instance using its name and the WWN of its fabric. It constructs a path * object which is used to find the alias instance and then creates an instance of {@link ZoneWwnAlias} . * * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @param aliasName the name of the zone * @param fabricWwn the WWN of the zone's fabric * @param addMember TODO * @return an instance of {@link ZoneWwnAlias}. Null if the name was not found in the switch. * @throws WBEMException */ public ZoneWwnAlias getAlias(WBEMClient client, String aliasName, String fabricWwn, boolean addMember) throws WBEMException { CIMObjectPath path = getZoneAliasPath(aliasName, fabricWwn); try { CIMInstance aliasIns = client.getInstance(path, false, false, null); if (aliasIns != null) { return getAliasFromInstance(client, aliasIns, true); } } catch (WBEMException ex) { // alias not found - Just ignore } return null; } /** * A utility function to get a specific property from a path instance id. An example * of path instance id is * InstanceID = "NAME=z_lglap026_VMAXe_424_2;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F86AE4E7;CLASSNAME=Brocade_Zone"; * * @param path an instance of CIMObjectPath * @param property the name of the property for example "NAME" or "CLASSNAME" * @return the string value of the property of found, otherwise an empty string. */ private String getPropertyValueFromInstanceId(CIMObjectPath path, String property) { String[] props = path.getKeyValue(SmisConstants.CP_INSTANCE_ID) .toString().split(SmisConstants.PATH_PROP_SEP); for (String prop : props) { if (prop.startsWith(property) && prop.indexOf(SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP) == property .length()) { return prop.substring(property.length() + SmisConstants.PATH_VAL_SEP.length()); } } return ""; } /** * Gets the property value from a CIM path string. An example of a CIM path * //"Brocade_Fabric",Name="10000027F858F6C0" * * @param path * @param property * @return */ private String getPropertyValueFromPath(String path, String property) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*\\b" + property + "=\"([^\"]+)[\"].*", 0); Matcher m = p.matcher(path); if (m.matches()) { return m.group(1); } return ""; } /** * Gets the property value from a CIM path string. An example of a CIM path * ManagedElement = * "root/brocade1:Brocade_ZoneAlias.InstanceID=\"NAME=Hala_REST_API_ZONE_12;ACTIVE=false;FABRIC=10000027F858F6C0;CLASSNAME=Brocade_ZoneAlias\"" * ; * * @param path * @param property * @return */ private String getPropertyValueFromString(String path, String property) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*\\b" + property + "=([^;\"]+)[;|\"].*", 0); Matcher m = p.matcher(path); if (m.matches()) { return m.group(1); } return ""; } /** * Calls delete on any instance * * @param client * @param path * @throws WBEMException */ public void removeInstance(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath path) throws WBEMException { _log.info("Removing instance " + path); client.deleteInstance(path); } /** * get Logical switches to physical switch map * @param client an instance of WBEMClient * @return a map of logical to physical switch name * @throws WBEMException */ public HashMap<String, String> getLogicalToPhysicalSwitcheMap(WBEMClient client) throws WBEMException { HashMap<String, String> switchMap = new HashMap<>(); CIMObjectPath path = new CIMObjectPath(null, null, null, _namespace, _Brocade_SwitchPCS, null); CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> it = null; try { it = client.enumerateInstances(path, false, true, true, null); while (it.hasNext()) { CIMInstance ins = it.next(); String parentName = cimStringProperty(ins, _Parent); String childName = cimStringProperty(ins, _Child); _log.debug("Brocade Switch: Parent : {} - Child : {} )", parentName, childName); CIMProperty[] props = ins.getProperties(); for(int i=0; i < props.length; i++) { _log.debug("Switch property : " + props[i].getName() + ": value : " + props[i].getValue()); } CIMInstance parentObject = client.getInstance(new CIMObjectPath(parentName), true, true, null); CIMInstance childObject = client.getInstance(new CIMObjectPath(childName), true, true, null); parentName = cimStringProperty(parentObject, _element_name); childName = cimStringProperty(childObject, _element_name); switchMap.put(childName, parentName); _log.info("Brocade Switch: Logical Switch : " + childName + " In (" + parentName + ")"); } } finally { if (it != null) { it.close(); } } return switchMap; } }