/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.db.client.model; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.emc.storageos.services.util.StorageDriverManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.DbClient; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DiscoveredDataObject.CompatibilityStatus; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DiscoveredDataObject.DataCollectionJobStatus; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DiscoveredDataObject.RegistrationStatus; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DiscoveredDataObject.Type; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.upgrade.CustomMigrationCallback; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.upgrade.callbacks.SMISProviderToStorageProviderMigration; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.util.NullColumnValueGetter; import com.emc.storageos.db.exceptions.DatabaseException; import com.emc.storageos.model.valid.EnumType; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; /** * StorageProvider data object */ @Cf("StorageProvider") public class StorageProvider extends DataObject { /** * serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -860528426935487712L; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageProvider.class); private static StorageDriverManager storageDriverManager = null; static { // This class can be used in test setups without application context. // Ex. DB migration test framework. ApplicationContext context = StorageDriverManager.getApplicationContext(); if (context != null) { storageDriverManager = (StorageDriverManager)StorageDriverManager. getApplicationContext().getBean(StorageDriverManager.STORAGE_DRIVER_MANAGER); } else { logger.warn("Cannot set storageDriverManager. Application context is null. Assuming not a real deployment."); } } // Unigue native identifier (system level identifier) private String _nativeId; private StringSet _storageSystems; // provider IP address private String _ipAddress; // Secondary IP addresses private StringSet _secondaryIps; // provider port number (2001/5988/5989) private Integer _portNumber; // user name. private String _userName; // password. private String _password; // flag indicates whether or not to use SSL protocol. private Boolean _useSSL; // IPAddress alternateID is already used inStorageDevice, // hence used provider ID : IPAddress:portNumber as ID private String _providerID; // Provider Description. private String _description; // Provider manfacturer. private String _manufacturer; // Provider version. private String _versionString; // ConnectionStatus tells whether provider is connected to Bourne or not. private String _connectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.NOTCONNECTED.toString(); // Status of a Scan Job private String _scanStatus; // Status Message of a Last Scan Job private String _lastScanStatusMessage; // Last Scan Time of a Scan Job private Long _lastScanTime = 0L; // Next Scan Time of a Scan Job private Long _nextScanTime = 0L; private Long _successScanTime = 0L; private String _registrationStatus = RegistrationStatus.UNREGISTERED.toString(); // used in finding out whether or not the Provider is Compatible private String _compatibilityStatus = CompatibilityStatus.UNKNOWN.name(); private String _interfaceType; // list of decommissioned Systems private StringSet _decommissionedSystems; /* * This map will be used to hold any key value pairs required * to be fetched during provisioning. * * Adding this map to store cinder end point information required * during the provisioning. During the cinder discovery, the end * point information will be fetched and kept as key value pairs. */ private StringMap keys; /** * Element manager URL */ private String elementManagerURL; /** * Secondry URL */ private String secondryURL; /** * Secondary set of credentials. This is used for example in the * case of ScaleIO, where there is a password to SSH into the * MDM box (primary creds) and the secondary creds will be the * ones required to run the SCLI commands */ private String secondaryPassword; private String secondaryUsername; @Name("elementManagerURL") public String getElementManagerURL() { return elementManagerURL; } public void setElementManagerURL(String elementManagerURL) { this.elementManagerURL = elementManagerURL; setChanged("elementManagerURL"); } @Name("secondryURL") public String getSecondaryURL() { return secondryURL; } public void setSecondaryURL(String secondryURL) { this.secondryURL = secondryURL; setChanged("secondryURL"); } @Name("secondaryUsername") public String getSecondaryUsername() { return secondaryUsername; } public void setSecondaryUsername(String username) { this.secondaryUsername = username; setChanged("secondaryUsername"); } @Encrypt @Name("secondaryPassword") public String getSecondaryPassword() { return secondaryPassword; } public void setSecondaryPassword(String password) { this.secondaryPassword = password; setChanged("secondaryPassword"); } public static enum InterfaceType { hicommand, smis, ddmc, vplex, cinder, ibmxiv, scaleioapi, xtremio, unity, ceph; /** * Gets the supported system types for the given interface type. */ public static List<String> getSystemTypesForInterfaceType(InterfaceType interfaceType) { List<String> systemTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (smis.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.vmax.name()); systemTypes.add(Type.vnxblock.name()); } else if (hicommand.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.hds.name()); } else if (vplex.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.vplex.name()); } else if (cinder.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.openstack.name()); } else if (ibmxiv.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.ibmxiv.name()); } else if (ddmc.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.datadomain.name()); } else if (scaleioapi.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.scaleio.name()); } else if (xtremio.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.xtremio.name()); } else if (ceph.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.ceph.name()); } else if (unity.equals(interfaceType)) { systemTypes.add(Type.unity.name()); } else if (storageDriverManager != null && storageDriverManager.isProvider(interfaceType.toString())) { Type type = Type.valueOf(interfaceType.toString()); systemTypes.add(type.name()); } return systemTypes; } } /** * ConnectionStatus enum. */ public static enum ConnectionStatus { CONNECTED, NOTCONNECTED, INITIALIZING } /********************************************************* * AlternateIDIndex - ProviderID (IPAddress-portNumber) * * RelationIndex - Empty * *********************************************************/ @CustomMigrationCallback(callback = SMISProviderToStorageProviderMigration.class) @Name("ipAddress") public String getIPAddress() { return _ipAddress; } public void setIPAddress(String ipAddress) { _ipAddress = ipAddress; if (null != _portNumber) { setProviderID(_ipAddress + "-" + _portNumber); } setChanged("ipAddress"); } @Name("secondaryIps") public StringSet getSecondaryIps() { if (_secondaryIps == null) { return new StringSet(); } return _secondaryIps; } public void setSecondaryIps(StringSet secondaryIps) { _secondaryIps = secondaryIps; setChanged("secondaryIps"); } @Name("portNumber") public Integer getPortNumber() { return _portNumber; } public void setPortNumber(Integer portNumber) { _portNumber = portNumber; if (null != _ipAddress) { setProviderID(_ipAddress + "-" + _portNumber); } setChanged("portNumber"); } @Name("userName") public String getUserName() { return _userName; } public void setUserName(String userName) { _userName = userName; setChanged("userName"); } @Encrypt @Name("password") public String getPassword() { return _password; } public void setPassword(String password) { _password = password; setChanged("password"); } @Name("useSSL") public Boolean getUseSSL() { return (_useSSL != null) && _useSSL; } public void setUseSSL(Boolean useSSL) { _useSSL = useSSL; setChanged("useSSL"); } public void setStorageSystems(StringSet storageSystems) { _storageSystems = storageSystems; setChanged("storageSystems"); } @Name("storageSystems") @RelationIndex(cf = "RelationIndex", type = StorageSystem.class) @IndexByKey public StringSet getStorageSystems() { return _storageSystems; } public void setDecommissionedSystems(StringSet decommissionedSystems) { _decommissionedSystems = decommissionedSystems; setChanged("decommissionedSystems"); } @Name("decommissionedSystems") public StringSet getDecommissionedSystems() { return _decommissionedSystems; } @Name("description") public String getDescription() { return _description; } public void setDescription(String description) { _description = description; setChanged("description"); } @Name("manufacturer") public String getManufacturer() { return _manufacturer; } public void setManufacturer(String manufacturer) { _manufacturer = manufacturer; setChanged("manufacturer"); } @Name("version") public String getVersionString() { return _versionString; } public void setVersionString(String versionString) { _versionString = versionString; setChanged("version"); } public void setProviderID(String providerID) { _providerID = providerID; setChanged("providerID"); } /** * AlternateIDIndex - ProviderID (IPAddress-portNumber) * RelationIndex - Empty * * The reason why IPAddress is not used : * IPAddress is being used as a AltId in StorageSystem. * If we use IPAddress again in SMISProvider, we would * end up having the below Rowkey in AltIdIndex ColumnFamily * * - RowKey(IPAddress) * Column : urn:SMISProvider:8178828323.. * Column : urn:StorageSystem:898341992.. * * Same key , includes both SMISProvider and StorageSystem, and we * don't want this. * */ @Name("providerID") @AlternateId("AltIdIndex") public String getProviderID() { return _providerID; } @EnumType(ConnectionStatus.class) @Name("connectionStatus") public String getConnectionStatus() { return _connectionStatus; } public void setConnectionStatus(String connectionStatus) { _connectionStatus = connectionStatus; setChanged("connectionStatus"); } @EnumType(InterfaceType.class) @Name("interfaceType") @AlternateId("AltIdIndex") public String getInterfaceType() { return _interfaceType; } public void setInterfaceType(String interfaceType) { _interfaceType = interfaceType; setChanged("interfaceType"); } @EnumType(DataCollectionJobStatus.class) @Name("scanStatus") public String getScanStatus() { return _scanStatus == null ? DataCollectionJobStatus.CREATED.toString() : _scanStatus; } public void setScanStatus(String scanStatus) { _scanStatus = scanStatus; setChanged("scanStatus"); } public void setLastScanStatusMessage(String statusMessage) { _lastScanStatusMessage = statusMessage; setChanged("lastScanStatusMessage"); } @Name("lastScanStatusMessage") public String getLastScanStatusMessage() { return _lastScanStatusMessage; } @Name("lastScanTime") public Long getLastScanTime() { return _lastScanTime; } public void setLastScanTime(Long lastScanTime) { _lastScanTime = lastScanTime; setChanged("lastScanTime"); } @Name("nextScanTime") public Long getNextScanTime() { return _nextScanTime; } public void setNextScanTime(Long nextScanTime) { _nextScanTime = nextScanTime; setChanged("nextScanTime"); } @EnumType(RegistrationStatus.class) @Name("registrationStatus") public String getRegistrationStatus() { return _registrationStatus; } public void setRegistrationStatus(String registrationStatus) { _registrationStatus = registrationStatus; setChanged("registrationStatus"); } @EnumType(CompatibilityStatus.class) @Name("compatibilityStatus") public String getCompatibilityStatus() { return _compatibilityStatus; } public void setCompatibilityStatus(String compatibilityStatus) { _compatibilityStatus = compatibilityStatus; setChanged("compatibilityStatus"); } @Name("successScanTime") public Long getSuccessScanTime() { return _successScanTime; } public void setSuccessScanTime(Long time) { _successScanTime = time; setChanged("successScanTime"); } public enum GlobalKeys { SIO_CLI } @Name("keys") public StringMap getKeys() { return keys; } public String getKeyValue(String key) { String value = null; if (keys != null) { value = keys.get(key); } return (value == null) ? NullColumnValueGetter.getNullStr() : value; } public void setKeys(StringMap keys) { this.keys = keys; setChanged("keys"); } public void addKey(String key, String value) { if (getKeys() == null) { setKeys(new StringMap()); } getKeys().put(key, value); setChanged("keys"); } public void removeKey(String key) { if (keys != null) { getKeys().remove(key); setChanged("keys"); } } public void removeKeys(String[] keyArray) { if (keys != null) { for (String key : keyArray) { getKeys().remove(key); } setChanged("keys"); } } @Name("nativeId") public String getNativeId() { return _nativeId; } public void setNativeId(String nativeId) { _nativeId = nativeId; setChanged("nativeId"); } public void addStorageSystem(DbClient dbClient, StorageSystem storage, boolean activeProvider) throws DatabaseException { if (activeProvider) { storage.setSmisProviderIP(getIPAddress()); storage.setSmisPortNumber(getPortNumber()); storage.setSmisUserName(getUserName()); storage.setSmisPassword(getPassword()); storage.setSmisUseSSL(getUseSSL()); storage.setActiveProviderURI(getId()); } if (storage.getProviders() == null) { storage.setProviders(new StringSet()); } storage.getProviders().add(getId().toString()); dbClient.persistObject(storage); if (getStorageSystems() == null) { setStorageSystems(new StringSet()); } getStorageSystems().add(storage.getId().toString()); dbClient.updateAndReindexObject(this); } public void removeStorageSystem(DbClient dbClient, StorageSystem storage) throws DatabaseException { if (storage.getProviders() != null) { storage.getProviders().remove(getId().toString()); } if (storage.getActiveProviderURI().equals(getId())) { if (null != storage.getProviders() && !storage.getProviders().isEmpty()) { Iterator<String> iter = storage.getProviders().iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { try { storage.setActiveProviderURI(new URI(iter.next())); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { logger.error("URISyntaxException occurred: {}", ex.getMessage()); } } else { storage.setActiveProviderURI(null); } } } dbClient.persistObject(storage); if (getStorageSystems() != null) { getStorageSystems().remove(storage.getId().toString()); } dbClient.persistObject(this); } public void removeDecommissionedSystem(DbClient dbClient, String systemNativeGuid) { List<URI> oldResources = dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory .getDecommissionedResourceNativeGuidConstraint(systemNativeGuid)); if (oldResources != null) { for (URI decomObj : oldResources) { _decommissionedSystems.remove(decomObj.toString()); } dbClient.persistObject(this); } } public boolean connected() { return ConnectionStatus.valueOf(_connectionStatus) == ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED; } public boolean initializing() { return ConnectionStatus.valueOf(_connectionStatus) == ConnectionStatus.INITIALIZING; } }