/* * Copyright (c) 2013 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.systemservices.impl.licensing; import java.math.BigInteger; import com.emc.storageos.coordinator.client.service.CoordinatorClient.LicenseType; import com.emc.storageos.systemservices.impl.upgrade.CoordinatorClientExt; public final class LicenseConstants { public static final String MM_DD_YYYY_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yyyy"; public static final String LICENSE_FILE_PATH = "/tmp/.license"; // indicators to show what system generated the serial number. SYR will use // this to determine if they need // to set add the license manually to the IB system. protected static final String LAC = "L"; protected static final String SWID = "U"; // Valid ViPR Model Id's. final static String VIPR_CONTROLLER = "ViPR_Controller"; final static String VIPR_OBJECT = "ViPR_Object"; final static String VIPR_HDFS = "ViPR_HDFS"; final static String VIPR_OBJECTHDFS = "ViPR_ObjectHDFS"; final static String VIPR_UNSTRUCTURED = "ViPR_Unstructured"; final static String VIPR_CAS = "ViPR_CAS"; final static String VIPR_BLOCK = "ViPR_Block"; final static String VIPR_COMMODITY = "ViPR_Commodity"; final static String VIPR_ECS = "ViPR_ECS"; // Static strings used as map keys for the vendorstring map. public final static String STORAGE_CAPACITY = "CAPACITY"; public final static String STORAGE_CAPACITY_UNITS = "CAPACITY_UNIT"; public final static String SWID_VALUE = "SWID"; // name value pair for trial license: UNIT=TrialMode public final static String TRIAL_LICENSE_NAME = "UNIT"; // Allowed trial license values in ViPR 2.0 trial license and ViPR 1.0 trial license public final static String[] TRIAL_LICENSE_VALUE = { "LimitedUseMode", "TrialMode" }; public final static String TERABYTE = "TB"; public final static BigInteger TB_VALUE = new BigInteger("1099511627776"); // License File regex pattern. This pattern will return the ViPR model number and the value of the VENDOR_STRING public static final String LICENSE_PATTERN = "(ViPR_[a-zA-Z]+).+?VENDOR_STRING=" + "([a-zA-Z0-9=;_]*).*"; public CoordinatorClientExt _coordinator; // Local URL format for internal nodes public static final String BASE_URL_FORMAT = "http://%1$s:%2$s"; // statics for the Services keys for looking up host and port public static final String API_SVC_LOOKUP_KEY = "storageapisvc"; public static final String SERVICE_LOOKUP_VERSION = "1"; public static final String LICENSE_FEATRES_DELIM = "INCREMENT"; public static final String LICENSE_EXPIRATION_DATE = "01/01/12006"; public static final String LICENSE_TYPE_PROPERTYNAME = "LICENSE_TYPE"; }