/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2014 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.db.server; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URI; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.DbClient; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.URIUtil; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.Constraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentPermissionsConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentPrefixConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.NamedElementQueryResultList; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.PrefixConstraint; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.AlternateIdConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.ContainmentConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.ContainmentLabelConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.ContainmentPermissionsConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.DecommissionedConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.impl.LabelConstraintImpl; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.AltIdDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.ColumnField; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.DataObjectType; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.DbClientContext; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.DbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.DecommissionedDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.NamedRelationDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.PermissionsDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.PrefixDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.RelationDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.ScopedLabelDbIndex; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.impl.TypeMap; import com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.*; import com.emc.storageos.db.common.VdcUtil; import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor; import org.apache.cassandra.tools.NodeProbe; import org.apache.cassandra.tools.SSTableExport; // RaceCondition test is to ensure even any rarely happens race condition do occur, DB is still left in an "acceptable" state // "acceptable" here means: // 1) cross field data is still somewhat consistency // 2) index CF is consistent with object CF // 3) no zombie index entries // 4) other @SuppressWarnings("pmd:ArrayIsStoredDirectly") abstract class ObjectModifier<T extends DataObject> implements Runnable { // The synchronization object used by outside to communicate private final DbClientTest.StepLock stepLock; private Integer[] readySync; private DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester dbClient; private Class<T> clazz; public volatile URI objId; protected Object context; protected DataObjectType doType; public ObjectModifier() { this.stepLock = null; } public ObjectModifier(Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester dbClient, Integer[] readySync, Object context) { this.clazz = (Class<T>) clazz; this.doType = TypeMap.getDoType(clazz); this.dbClient = dbClient; this.readySync = readySync; this.context = context; this.stepLock = new DbClientTest.StepLock(); this.stepLock.clientId = this.readySync[0]++; this.stepLock.step = DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.Pre; } public void moveToState(DbClientTest.StepLock.Step step) { this.stepLock.moveToState(step); } @Override public void run() { // Initialize per thread step lock for DbClient dbClient.threadStepLock.set(this.stepLock); for (;;) { // Notify main thread that this thread is ready synchronized (this.readySync) { this.readySync[0]--; this.readySync.notify(); } // Wait for read green light if (!this.stepLock.waitForStep(DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.Read)) { return; } try { // Now, load the object from DB T obj = this.dbClient.queryObject(this.clazz, this.objId); this.stepLock.ackStep(DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.Read); // Apply modification to object modify(obj); // Go to persist this.dbClient.persistObject(obj); } finally { // Here we need to ensure we consumed all states this.stepLock.drain(DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.CleanupOldColumns); } } } public abstract void modify(T obj); } interface IndexVerifier { public void verify(Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, URI id, DbClient client); } class SingleFieldIndexVerifier implements IndexVerifier { String fieldName; public SingleFieldIndexVerifier(String fieldName) { this.fieldName = fieldName; } @Override public void verify(Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, URI id, DbClient client) { // Get meta data about the object, field and index we're going to test DataObjectType doType = TypeMap.getDoType(clazz); ColumnField field = doType.getColumnField(fieldName); if (field == null) { throw new NullPointerException(String.format("Cannot find field %s from class %s", fieldName, clazz.getSimpleName())); } DbIndex index = field.getIndex(); // Load object first DataObject obj = (DataObject) client.queryObject(clazz, id); // Get current value of indexed field Object val = null; try { val = field.getPropertyDescriptor().getReadMethod().invoke(obj); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail("Cannot get field value"); } boolean indexByKey = field.getPropertyDescriptor().getReadMethod().getAnnotation(IndexByKey.class) != null; // See which type the index is, and call corresponding verification functions if (index instanceof AltIdDbIndex) { verifyAltIdDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof RelationDbIndex) { verifyRelationDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof NamedRelationDbIndex) { verifyNamedRelationDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof PrefixDbIndex) { verifyPrefixDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof DecommissionedDbIndex) { verifyDecommissionedDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof PermissionsDbIndex) { verifyPermissionsDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else if (index instanceof ScopedLabelDbIndex) { verifyScopedLabelDbIndex(obj, field, val, indexByKey, client); } else { System.out.printf("Unsupported index type %s%n", index.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } private void verifyContain(Constraint c, URI uri, int count, DbClient client) { URIQueryResultList list = new URIQueryResultList(); client.queryByConstraint(c, list); int realCount = 0; boolean found = false; for (URI elem : list) { realCount++; if (uri != null && uri.equals(elem)) { found = true; } } if (uri != null) { assertTrue(found); } if (count >= 0) { assertTrue(String.format("Found %d URIs while %d is expected", realCount, count), realCount == count); } } private void verifyAltIdDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case Primitive: { AlternateIdConstraint constraint = new AlternateIdConstraintImpl(field, (String) val); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case TrackingMap: for (Map.Entry entry : ((AbstractChangeTrackingMap<?>) val).entrySet()) { Object altId = indexByKey ? entry.getKey() : entry.getValue(); AlternateIdConstraint constraint = new AlternateIdConstraintImpl(field, (String) altId); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case TrackingSet: for (String key : (AbstractChangeTrackingSet<String>) val) { AlternateIdConstraint constraint = new AlternateIdConstraintImpl(field, key); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NamedURI: case NestedObject: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by AltIdDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyRelationDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case Primitive: { ContainmentConstraint constraint = new ContainmentConstraintImpl((URI) val, obj.getClass(), field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case TrackingMap: for (String key : ((AbstractChangeTrackingMap<String>) val).keySet()) { ContainmentConstraint constraint = new ContainmentConstraintImpl(URI.create(key), obj.getClass(), field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case TrackingSet: for (String key : (AbstractChangeTrackingSet<String>) val) { ContainmentConstraint constraint = new ContainmentConstraintImpl(URI.create(key), obj.getClass(), field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NamedURI: case NestedObject: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by RelationDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyNamedRelationDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case NamedURI: { NamedURI namedUriVal = (NamedURI) val; ContainmentLabelConstraintImpl constraint = new ContainmentLabelConstraintImpl(namedUriVal.getURI(), namedUriVal.getName(), field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NestedObject: case Primitive: case TrackingMap: case TrackingSet: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by NamedRelationDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyPrefixDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case Primitive: { LabelConstraintImpl constraint = new LabelConstraintImpl((String) val, field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NestedObject: case NamedURI: case TrackingMap: case TrackingSet: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by PrefixDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyDecommissionedDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case Primitive: { DecommissionedConstraintImpl constraint = new DecommissionedConstraintImpl(obj.getClass(), field, (boolean) val); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NamedURI: case NestedObject: case TrackingMap: case TrackingSet: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by DecommissionedDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyPermissionsDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case TrackingSetMap: for (String key : ((AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap<String>) val).keySet()) { ContainmentPermissionsConstraintImpl constraint = new ContainmentPermissionsConstraintImpl(key, field, obj.getClass()); NamedElementQueryResultList results = new NamedElementQueryResultList(); client.queryByConstraint(constraint, results); HashSet<String> setFromIndex = new HashSet<String>(); for (NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement elem : results) { if (elem.getId().equals(obj.getId())) { setFromIndex.add(elem.getName()); } } AbstractChangeTrackingSet<String> values = ((AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap<String>) val).get(key); assertTrue("The value set from index is not same as what is currently in object", setFromIndex.equals(values)); } break; case Id: case NamedURI: case NestedObject: case Primitive: case TrackingMap: case TrackingSet: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by PermissionsDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } private void verifyScopedLabelDbIndex(DataObject obj, ColumnField field, Object val, boolean indexByKey, DbClient client) { switch (field.getType()) { case TrackingSet: for (ScopedLabel scopedLabel : (AbstractChangeTrackingSet<ScopedLabel>) val) { LabelConstraintImpl constraint = new LabelConstraintImpl(URI.create(scopedLabel.getScope()), scopedLabel.getLabel(), field); verifyContain(constraint, obj.getId(), -1, client); } break; case Id: case NamedURI: case NestedObject: case Primitive: case TrackingMap: case TrackingSetMap: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field type %s is not supported by ScopedLabelDbIndex", field.getType() .toString())); } } } // This class holds the simple test cases that blindly set predefined values to single field, // complex test cases please use ObjectModifier<> directly instead. @SuppressWarnings("pmd:ArrayIsStoredDirectly") class IndexTestData { public String name; // Name of the test case // Which object type to test public Class<? extends DataObject> clazz; // Initial state // Primitive // "field=", value // "field=", null // Set // "field<", key // "field>", key // Map // "field<", key, value // "field>", key // MapSet // "field<", key1, key2 // "field>", key1, key2 public Object[] initial; // Multiple concurrent changes public Object[][] modifiers; public IndexVerifier verifier; public IndexTestData(String name, Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, Object[] initial, Object[][] modifiers, IndexVerifier verifier) { this.name = name; this.clazz = clazz; this.initial = initial; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.verifier = verifier; } public static boolean isEqual(DataObject obj, Object[] ops) { DataObject shouldBe = createInitial(obj.getClass(), obj.getId(), ops); // Get DataObjectType DataObjectType doType = TypeMap.getDoType(obj.getClass()); for (ColumnField field : doType.getColumnFields()) { if (!shouldBe.isChanged(field.getName())) { continue; } Method readMethod = field.getPropertyDescriptor().getReadMethod(); try { Object shouldBeVal = readMethod.invoke(shouldBe); Object realVal = readMethod.invoke(obj); if (!equalsObject(realVal, shouldBeVal)) { return false; } } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } public static boolean equalsObject(Object a, Object b) { if (a instanceof Map || b instanceof Map) { return equalsMap((Map) a, (Map) b); } if (a instanceof Set && ((Set<?>) a).isEmpty()) { a = null; } if (b instanceof Set && ((Set<?>) b).isEmpty()) { b = null; } return a == null || b == null ? a == b : a.equals(b); } // Compare two Maps, null values are treated as no such key private static <K, V> boolean equalsMap(Map<K, V> a, Map<K, V> b) { if (a != null) { for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : a.entrySet()) { V valB = b == null ? null : b.get(entry.getKey()); if (!equalsObject(entry.getValue(), valB)) { return false; } } } if (b != null) { for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : b.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null && (a == null || !a.containsKey(entry.getKey()))) { return false; } } } return true; } public static DataObject createInitial(Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, URI id, Object[] ops) { DataObject obj; try { obj = clazz.getConstructor(new Class<?>[0]).newInstance(new Object[0]); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } obj.setId(id); apply(obj, TypeMap.getDoType(clazz), ops); return obj; } // Returns a list of fields touched public static void apply(DataObject obj, DataObjectType doType, Object[] ops) { try { for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { if (!(ops[i] instanceof String)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } String op = (String) ops[i]; // Get name of the field String fieldName = op.substring(0, op.length() - 1); op = op.substring(op.length() - 1, op.length()); // Get type of the field ColumnField field = doType.getColumnField(fieldName); PropertyDescriptor propDesc = field.getPropertyDescriptor(); switch (field.getType()) { case Primitive: case NamedURI: case Id: case NestedObject: if (op.charAt(0) != '=') { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, ops[++i]); break; case TrackingSet: if (op.charAt(0) == '<') { AbstractChangeTrackingSet set = (AbstractChangeTrackingSet) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); if (set == null) { set = (AbstractChangeTrackingSet) propDesc.getPropertyType().getConstructor(new Class<?>[0]) .newInstance(new Object[0]); propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, set); } set.add(ops[++i]); } else if (op.charAt(0) == '>') { AbstractChangeTrackingSet set = (AbstractChangeTrackingSet) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); set.remove(ops[++i]); } else if (op.charAt(0) == '=') { propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, ops[++i]); } break; case TrackingMap: if (op.charAt(0) == '<') { AbstractChangeTrackingMap map = (AbstractChangeTrackingMap) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); if (map == null) { map = (AbstractChangeTrackingMap) propDesc.getPropertyType().getConstructor(new Class<?>[0]) .newInstance(new Object[0]); propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, map); } map.put((String) ops[i + 1], ops[i + 2]); i += 2; } else if (op.charAt(0) == '>') { AbstractChangeTrackingMap map = (AbstractChangeTrackingMap) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); map.remove((String) ops[++i]); } else if (op.charAt(0) == '=') { propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, ops[++i]); } break; case TrackingSetMap: if (op.charAt(0) == '<') { AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap setMap = (AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); if (setMap == null) { setMap = (AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap) propDesc.getPropertyType().getConstructor(new Class<?>[0]) .newInstance(new Object[0]); propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, setMap); } setMap.put((String) ops[i + 1], ops[i + 2]); i += 2; } else if (op.charAt(0) == '>') { AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap setMap = (AbstractChangeTrackingSetMap) propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(obj); setMap.remove((String) ops[i + 1], ops[i + 2]); i += 2; } else if (op.charAt(0) == '=') { propDesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, ops[++i]); } break; default: break; } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } abstract class OperationSequenceGenerator { int objCount; int opCount; long readOnlyOpsMask; int[] nextOps; int[] generatedSequence; int generatedCount; int targetCount; int generatedSequenceCount; public OperationSequenceGenerator(int objCount, int opCount, long readOnlyOpsMask) { this.objCount = objCount; this.opCount = opCount; this.readOnlyOpsMask = readOnlyOpsMask; this.nextOps = new int[objCount]; this.targetCount = objCount * opCount; this.generatedSequence = new int[this.targetCount * 2]; this.generatedCount = 0; } public void generate() { // Choose each object as start for (int i = 0; i < this.objCount; i++) { if (this.nextOps[i] == this.opCount) { continue; } // Found one new operation, however, for read operations if (this.generatedCount > 0 && (this.readOnlyOpsMask & (1 << this.nextOps[i])) != 0) { int prevObj = this.generatedSequence[this.generatedCount * 2 - 2]; int prevOp = this.generatedSequence[this.generatedCount * 2 - 1]; if ((this.readOnlyOpsMask & (1 << prevOp)) != 0 && (i < prevObj || this.nextOps[i] < prevOp)) { continue; } } this.generatedSequence[this.generatedCount * 2 + 0] = i; this.generatedSequence[this.generatedCount * 2 + 1] = this.nextOps[i]++; if (++this.generatedCount == this.targetCount) { // Done one generation onSequence(this.generatedSequenceCount++, this.generatedSequence); } else { generate(); } this.nextOps[i]--; this.generatedCount--; } } protected abstract void onSequence(int index, int[] sequence); } public class DbIndexTest extends DbsvcTestBase { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbIndexTest.class); private DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester _dbClient; private NodeProbe probe; static { _startJmx = true; } private DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester createClient() { DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester dbClient = new DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester(); dbClient.setCoordinatorClient(_coordinator); dbClient.setDbVersionInfo(sourceVersion); dbClient.setBypassMigrationLock(true); _encryptionProvider.setCoordinator(_coordinator); dbClient.setEncryptionProvider(_encryptionProvider); DbClientContext localCtx = new DbClientContext(); localCtx.setClusterName("Test"); localCtx.setKeyspaceName("Test"); dbClient.setLocalContext(localCtx); return dbClient; } @Before public void setupTest() throws IOException { DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester dbClient = createClient(); VdcUtil.setDbClient(dbClient); dbClient.setBypassMigrationLock(false); dbClient.start(); _dbClient = dbClient; // this.probe = new NodeProbe("", 7199); } @After public void teardown() { if (_dbClient instanceof DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester) { ((DbClientTest.DbClientImplUnitTester) _dbClient).removeAll(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void testRaceCondition(final IndexTestData test) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { final Integer[] readySync = new Integer[] { 0 }; // Allocate threads final ObjectModifier[] modifiers = new ObjectModifier[test.modifiers.length]; final Thread[] threads = new Thread[test.modifiers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < test.modifiers.length; i++) { modifiers[i] = new ObjectModifier(test.clazz, this._dbClient, readySync, (Object) test.modifiers[i]) { @Override public void modify(DataObject obj) { Object[] ops = (Object[]) this.context; IndexTestData.apply(obj, this.doType, ops); } }; threads[i] = new Thread(modifiers[i]); } // Start each thread for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { threads[i].start(); } final DbClientTest.StepLock.Step[] steps = new DbClientTest.StepLock.Step[] { DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.Read, DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.InsertNewColumns, DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.FetchNewestColumns, DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.CleanupOldColumns }; OperationSequenceGenerator generator = new OperationSequenceGenerator(modifiers.length, steps.length, 9) { @Override protected void onSequence(int index, int[] sequence) { // Wait until all thread done their initialization synchronized (readySync) { while (readySync[0] > 0) { try { readySync.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _logger.warn("Thread is interrupted", e); } } readySync[0] = threads.length; // Reset sync number for next round } // Create initial object DataObject initObj = IndexTestData.createInitial(test.clazz, URIUtil.createId(test.clazz), test.initial); _dbClient.createObject(initObj); // Notify each modifier about the new Id for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { modifiers[i].objId = initObj.getId(); } // Run the sequence for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length / 2; i++) { int objOrdinal = sequence[i * 2 + 0]; int opOrdinal = sequence[i * 2 + 1]; modifiers[objOrdinal].moveToState(steps[opOrdinal]); } // Now, verify the object is consistent with its index test.verifier.verify(initObj.getClass(), initObj.getId(), _dbClient); // TODO: Verify there's no other way to reach the object in same index // Cleanup, delete the object // _dbClient.removeObject(initObj); // TODO: Verify the index CF is empty } }; generator.generate(); // Notify all threads to quit for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { modifiers[i].moveToState(DbClientTest.StepLock.Step.Quit); } for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { try { threads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _logger.warn("Thread is interrupted", e); } } } @Test public void testIndexRaceCondition() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { // We're going to need synchronize between threads calling into DbClient this._dbClient.threadStepLock = new ThreadLocal<DbClientTest.StepLock>(); URI vol1Uri = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); URI varr1Uri = URIUtil.createId(VirtualArray.class); IndexTestData[] tests = new IndexTestData[] { new IndexTestData ( "Test AltIdDbIndex on String field", Volume.class, new Object[] { "personality=", "abc" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "personality=", "def" }, new Object[] { "personality=", "ghi" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("personality") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test AltIdDbIndex on StringSet field", AuthnProvider.class, new Object[] { "domains<", "abc" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "domains>", "abc" }, new Object[] { "domains<", "def" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("domains") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test AltIdDbIndex on StringMap field", Network.class, new Object[] { "endpoints<", "abc", "123" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "endpoints>", "abc" }, new Object[] { "endpoints<", "def", "456" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("endpoints") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test PrefixDbIndex", Cluster.class, new Object[] { "label=", "abc" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "label=", "def" }, new Object[] { "label=", "ghi" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("label") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test RelationDbIndex on URI field", Host.class, new Object[] { "cluster=", URIUtil.createId(Cluster.class) }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "cluster=", URIUtil.createId(Cluster.class) }, new Object[] { "cluster=", URIUtil.createId(Cluster.class) }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("cluster") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test RelationDbIndex on StringMap field", ExportGroup.class, new Object[] { "volumes<", vol1Uri.toString(), "111" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "volumes>", vol1Uri.toString() }, new Object[] { "volumes<", URIUtil.createId(Volume.class).toString(), "222" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("volumes") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test RelationDbIndex on StringSet field", VirtualPool.class, new Object[] { "virtualArrays<", varr1Uri.toString() }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "virtualArrays>", varr1Uri.toASCIIString() }, new Object[] { "virtualArrays<", URIUtil.createId(VirtualArray.class).toString() }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("virtualArrays") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test NamedRelationDbIndex", BlockMirror.class, new Object[] { "source=", new NamedURI(URIUtil.createId(Volume.class), "abcde") }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "source=", new NamedURI(URIUtil.createId(Volume.class), "fghij") }, new Object[] { "source=", new NamedURI(URIUtil.createId(Volume.class), "klmno") }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("source") ), // new IndexTestData // ( // "Test DecommissionedDbIndex", // BlockMirror.class, // new Object[] {"inactive=", false}, // Initial state // new Object[][] // { // new Object[] {"inactive=", true}, // new Object[] {"inactive=", false}, // }, // new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("inactive") // ), new IndexTestData ( "Test PermissionsDbIndex", VirtualDataCenter.class, new Object[] { "role-assignment<", "user1", "role1" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "role-assignment>", "user1", "role1" }, new Object[] { "role-assignment<", "user2", "role1" }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("role-assignment") ), new IndexTestData ( "Test ScopedLabelDbIndex", FCEndpoint.class, new Object[] { "tags<", new ScopedLabel("scope1", "label1") }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "tags>", new ScopedLabel("scope1", "label1") }, new Object[] { "tags<", new ScopedLabel("scope2", "label1") }, }, new SingleFieldIndexVerifier("tags") ), }; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { testRaceCondition(tests[i]); } } @Test public void testInactive() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { // We're going to need synchronize between threads calling into DbClient this._dbClient.threadStepLock = new ThreadLocal<DbClientTest.StepLock>(); URI vol1Uri = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); URI varr1Uri = URIUtil.createId(VirtualArray.class); IndexTestData[] tests = new IndexTestData[] { new IndexTestData ( "Test inactive with other index", Volume.class, new Object[] { "personality=", "abc" }, // Initial state new Object[][] { new Object[] { "inactive=", true }, new Object[] { "personality=", "ghi" }, }, new IndexVerifier() { @Override public void verify(Class<? extends DataObject> clazz, URI id, DbClient client) { Volume vol = (Volume) client.queryObject(clazz, id); String per = vol.getPersonality(); DataObjectType doType = TypeMap.getDoType(clazz); AlternateIdConstraint constraint = new AlternateIdConstraintImpl(doType.getColumnField("personality"), per); URIQueryResultList list = new URIQueryResultList(); client.queryByConstraint(constraint, list); for (URI elem : list) { assertTrue("The index of .personality should be removed", !elem.equals(id)); } } } ), }; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { testRaceCondition(tests[i]); } } public enum Op { PrimitiveAdd, PrimitiveRemove, SetAdd, SetRemove, // Add+Remove, Remove+Add MapAdd, MapRemove, // Add+Remove, Remove+Add, Add+Modify, Add+ModifySame, ... SetMapAdd, // Add a key to existing set SetMapRemove, // Remove entire set } @SuppressWarnings("pmd:ArrayIsStoredDirectly") static class TestData { public String name; // Name of the test case public Object[] initial; // Initial state in DB that two threads will read public Object[] rushIn; // this thread will write first public Object[] primary; // this thread will write last public Object[] target; public TestData(String name, Object[] initial, Object[] rushIn, Object[] primary) { this.name = name; this.initial = initial; this.rushIn = rushIn; this.primary = primary; } public TestData(String name, Object[] initial, Object[] rushIn, Object[] primary, Object[] target) { this.name = name; this.initial = initial; this.rushIn = rushIn; this.primary = primary; this.target = target; } } static TestData[] testData = new TestData[] { new TestData("Primitive add same", null, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc" } ), new TestData("Primitive add diff", null, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "def" } ), new TestData("Primitive upd same", new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "def" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "def" } ), new TestData("Primitive upd diff", new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "def" }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "ghi" } ), new TestData("Primitive remove", new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc", Op.SetAdd, "ghi" }, null, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveRemove }, new Object[] { Op.PrimitiveAdd, "abc", Op.SetAdd, "ghi" } ), new TestData("Set add same", null, new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" } // Should perform no change to DB ), new TestData("Set add diff", null, new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "def" } ), new TestData("Set upd same", new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" }, null, new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" } // Should perform no change to DB ), new TestData("Set remove same", new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc", Op.SetAdd, "def" }, new Object[] { Op.SetRemove, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.SetRemove, "abc" } // Should perform no change to DB ), new TestData("Set remove diff", // "abc" should not be added back new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc", Op.SetAdd, "def", Op.SetAdd, "ghi" }, new Object[] { Op.SetRemove, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.SetRemove, "def" } ), new TestData("Set remove last", new Object[] { Op.SetAdd, "abc" }, null, new Object[] { Op.SetRemove, "abc" } ), new TestData("Map add same key same value", null, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" } // Should perform no change to DB ), new TestData("Map add same key diff value", null, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "456" } ), new TestData("Map add diff key", null, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "def", "456" } ), new TestData("Map upd same key same value", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.MapAdd, "def", "456" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "789" } ), new TestData("Map upd same key diff value", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.MapAdd, "def", "456" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "012" } ), new TestData("Map upd diff key", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.MapAdd, "def", "456", Op.MapAdd, "ghi", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "def", "456" } ), new TestData("Map del same key", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.MapAdd, "def", "456" }, new Object[] { Op.MapRemove, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.MapRemove, "abc" } ), new TestData("Map del diff key", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.MapAdd, "def", "456", Op.MapAdd, "ghi", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.MapRemove, "abc" }, new Object[] { Op.MapRemove, "def" } ), new TestData("Map del last key", new Object[] { Op.MapAdd, "abc", "123" }, null, new Object[] { Op.MapRemove, "abc" } ), new TestData("SetMap add same key same set", null, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123" } ), new TestData("SetMap add diff key same set", null, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "456" } ), new TestData("SetMap add diff key diff set", null, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "def", "456" } ), new TestData("SetMap remove same key same set", new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.SetMapAdd, "def", "456", Op.SetMapAdd, "ghi", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" } ), new TestData("SetMap remove diff key same set", new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "456", Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" } ), new TestData("SetMap remove diff key diff set", new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "456", Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" } ), new TestData("SetMap remove diff key diff set", new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123", Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "456", Op.SetMapAdd, "def", "789" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" }, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "def", "789" } ), new TestData("SetMap remove last", new Object[] { Op.SetMapAdd, "abc", "123" }, null, new Object[] { Op.SetMapRemove, "abc", "123" } ), }; class IndexTestWorker extends TestWorker { public IndexTestWorker() { } @Override public void modify(Op op, String seed0, String seed1) { switch (op) { case PrimitiveAdd: this.pool.setLabel(seed0); break; case PrimitiveRemove: this.pool.setLabel(null); break; case SetAdd: if (this.pool.getVirtualArrays() == null) { this.pool.setVirtualArrays(new StringSet()); } this.pool.getVirtualArrays().add(seed0); break; case SetRemove: if (this.pool.getVirtualArrays() != null) { this.pool.getVirtualArrays().remove(seed0); } break; case MapAdd: if (this.pool.getProtectionVarraySettings() == null) { this.pool.setProtectionVarraySettings(new StringMap()); } this.pool.getProtectionVarraySettings().put(seed0, seed1); break; case MapRemove: if (this.pool.getProtectionVarraySettings() != null) { this.pool.getProtectionVarraySettings().remove(seed0); } break; case SetMapAdd: if (this.pool.getAcls() == null) { this.pool.setAcls(new StringSetMap()); } this.pool.getAcls().put(seed0, seed1); break; case SetMapRemove: if (this.pool.getAcls() != null) { this.pool.getAcls().remove(seed0, seed1); } break; } } @Override public void verify(TestWorker shouldBe, String caseName) { VirtualPool p = shouldBe.pool; // Check the property values are correct Assert.assertTrue( String.format("Volume.description does not match, case %s, \"%s\" != \"%s\"", caseName, p.getLabel(), this.pool.getLabel()), equalsObject(p.getLabel(), this.pool.getLabel())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.protocols does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsObject(p.getVirtualArrays(), this.pool.getVirtualArrays())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.haVarrayVpoolMap does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsMap(p.getProtectionVarraySettings(), this.pool.getProtectionVarraySettings())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.arrayInfo does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsMap(p.getAcls(), this.pool.getAcls())); } } interface Factory<T> { T create(); } class TestWorker { VirtualPool pool; public TestWorker() { } public void create(URI id) { // Create a volume object for testing try { this.pool = (VirtualPool) DataObject.createInstance(VirtualPool.class, id); this.pool.trackChanges(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void load(URI id) { this.pool = (VirtualPool) _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); if (this.pool == null) { create(id); } } public void modify(Op op, String seed0) { modify(op, seed0, null); } // op determines which property to use // For property types involves only single value, only seed0 is used // For property types involves 2 values, both seed0 and seed1 are used. public void modify(Op op, String seed0, String seed1) { switch (op) { case PrimitiveAdd: this.pool.setDescription(seed0); break; case PrimitiveRemove: this.pool.setDescription(null); break; case SetAdd: if (this.pool.getProtocols() == null) { this.pool.setProtocols(new StringSet()); } this.pool.getProtocols().add(seed0); break; case SetRemove: if (this.pool.getProtocols() != null) { this.pool.getProtocols().remove(seed0); } break; case MapAdd: if (this.pool.getHaVarrayVpoolMap() == null) { this.pool.setHaVarrayVpoolMap(new StringMap()); } this.pool.getHaVarrayVpoolMap().put(seed0, seed1); break; case MapRemove: if (this.pool.getHaVarrayVpoolMap() != null) { this.pool.getHaVarrayVpoolMap().remove(seed0); } break; case SetMapAdd: if (this.pool.getArrayInfo() == null) { this.pool.setArrayInfo(new StringSetMap()); } this.pool.getArrayInfo().put(seed0, seed1); break; case SetMapRemove: if (this.pool.getArrayInfo() != null) { this.pool.getArrayInfo().remove(seed0, seed1); } break; } } public void save() { _dbClient.persistObject(this.pool); this.pool.trackChanges(); } protected boolean equalsObject(Object a, Object b) { if (a instanceof Set && ((Set<?>) a).isEmpty()) { a = null; } if (b instanceof Set && ((Set<?>) b).isEmpty()) { b = null; } return a == null || b == null ? a == b : a.equals(b); } // Compare two Maps, null values are treated as no such key protected <K, V> boolean equalsMap(Map<K, V> a, Map<K, V> b) { if (a != null) { for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : a.entrySet()) { V valB = b == null ? null : b.get(entry.getKey()); if (!equalsObject(entry.getValue(), valB)) { return false; } } } if (b != null) { for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : b.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null && (a == null || !a.containsKey(entry.getKey()))) { return false; } } } return true; } public void verify(TestWorker shouldBe, String caseName) { VirtualPool p = shouldBe.pool; // Check the property values are correct Assert.assertTrue( String.format("Volume.description does not match, case %s, \"%s\" != \"%s\"", caseName, p.getDescription(), this.pool.getDescription()), equalsObject(p.getDescription(), this.pool.getDescription())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.protocols does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsObject(p.getProtocols(), this.pool.getProtocols())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.haVarrayVpoolMap does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsMap(p.getHaVarrayVpoolMap(), this.pool.getHaVarrayVpoolMap())); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Volume.arrayInfo does not match, case %s", caseName), equalsMap(p.getArrayInfo(), this.pool.getArrayInfo())); } } public static void applyOperations(TestWorker w, Object[] ops) { if (ops == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ops.length;) { Op op = (Op) ops[i++]; String seed0 = null; if (i < ops.length && !(ops[i] instanceof Op)) { seed0 = (String) ops[i++]; } String seed1 = null; if (i < ops.length && !(ops[i] instanceof Op)) { seed1 = (String) ops[i++]; } w.modify(op, seed0, seed1); } } private void runTest(TestData[] tests, Factory<TestWorker> fac) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { for (TestData test : tests) { // Generate unique object ID for this test case, so it will not interact with other test cases URI id = URIUtil.createId(VirtualPool.class); // Prepare initial DB state TestWorker w0 = fac.create(); w0.create(id); if (test.initial != null) { applyOperations(w0, test.initial); } w0.save(); // Load primary test worker TestWorker primary = fac.create(); primary.load(id); // Run rush-in worker if needed if (test.rushIn != null) { TestWorker rushIn = fac.create(); rushIn.load(id); applyOperations(rushIn, test.rushIn); rushIn.save(); } // Do primary update and save applyOperations(primary, test.primary); primary.save(); // Load final result from DB TestWorker now = fac.create(); now.load(id); if (test.target == null) { applyOperations(w0, test.rushIn); applyOperations(w0, test.primary); now.verify(w0, test.name); } else { TestWorker target = fac.create(); target.create(id); applyOperations(target, test.target); now.verify(target, test.name); } } } @Test public void testFieldChangePersist() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { runTest(testData, new Factory<TestWorker>() { @Override public TestWorker create() { return new TestWorker(); } }); } @Test public void testIndexedFieldChangePersist() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { runTest(testData, new Factory<TestWorker>() { @Override public TestWorker create() { return new IndexTestWorker(); } }); } private int getTombstoneCount(String cf, String label) throws IOException { dumpSSTables(cf, label); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(String.format("%s/data/Test/%s/snapshots/%s/data.json", _dataDir.getAbsolutePath(), cf, label)); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray arrRoot = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(fis)).getAsJsonArray(); int tombstomes = 0; for (JsonElement elemFile : arrRoot) { for (JsonElement elemRow : elemFile.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject rowObj = elemRow.getAsJsonObject(); for (JsonElement elemCol : rowObj.getAsJsonArray("columns")) { JsonArray fieldArr = elemCol.getAsJsonArray(); if (fieldArr.size() > 3 && fieldArr.get(3).getAsString().equals("d")) { // A tombstone tombstomes++; } } } } return tombstomes; } private void dumpSSTables(String cf, String label) throws IOException { String dirPath = String.format("%s/data/Test/%s/snapshots/%s", _dataDir.getAbsolutePath(), cf, label); File dir = new File(dirPath); if (!dir.exists()) { this.probe.takeSnapshot(label, cf, new String[] { "Test" }); } if (new File(String.format("%s/data.json", dirPath)).exists()) { return; } String[] dataFiles = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith("-Data.db"); } }); String outFileName = String.format("%s/data.json", dirPath); PrintStream outs = new PrintStream(outFileName); outs.println("["); for (int i = 0; i < dataFiles.length; i++) { String fileName = dataFiles[i]; Descriptor desc = Descriptor.fromFilename(String.format("%s/%s", dirPath, fileName)); SSTableExport.export(desc, outs, null, null); if (i + 1 < dataFiles.length) { outs.println(","); } } outs.println("]"); } // Commented out for now as the required changed to DbSvcTestBase is not merged from release-2.1 now. // @Test public void testTombstoneCount() throws IOException { URI id = URIUtil.createId(VirtualPool.class); int tombstoneCount; { VirtualPool pool = new VirtualPool(); pool.setId(id); pool.trackChanges(); pool.setLabel("initial"); _dbClient.persistObject(pool); tombstoneCount = getTombstoneCount("VirtualPool", "ver0"); } { VirtualPool pool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); pool.setLabel("initial"); _dbClient.persistObject(pool); int newTombstoneCount = getTombstoneCount("VirtualPool", "ver1"); assertTrue(String.format("Expected tombstone count to be %d, but it's %d", tombstoneCount + 1, newTombstoneCount), newTombstoneCount == tombstoneCount + 1); tombstoneCount = newTombstoneCount; } { VirtualPool pool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); pool.setLabel("changed"); _dbClient.persistObject(pool); pool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); assertTrue(pool.getLabel().equals("changed")); int newTombstoneCount = getTombstoneCount("VirtualPool", "ver2"); assertTrue(String.format("Expected tombstone count to be %d, but it's %d", tombstoneCount + 1, newTombstoneCount), newTombstoneCount == tombstoneCount + 1); tombstoneCount = newTombstoneCount; } { VirtualPool pool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); pool.setLabel("changed"); _dbClient.persistObject(pool); pool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, id); assertTrue(pool.getLabel().equals("changed")); int newTombstoneCount = getTombstoneCount("VirtualPool", "ver3"); assertTrue(String.format("Expected tombstone count to be %d, but it's %d", tombstoneCount + 1, newTombstoneCount), newTombstoneCount == tombstoneCount + 1); tombstoneCount = newTombstoneCount; } } private void verifyContain(Constraint c, URI uri, int count) { URIQueryResultList list = new URIQueryResultList(); _dbClient.queryByConstraint(c, list); int realCount = 0; boolean found = false; for (URI elem : list) { realCount++; if (uri != null && uri.equals(elem)) { found = true; } } if (uri != null) { assertTrue(found); } if (count >= 0) { assertTrue(String.format("Found %d URIs while %d is expected", realCount, count), realCount == count); } } @Test public void testRelationIndex() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { URI id = URIUtil.createId(StoragePool.class); URI pid0 = URIUtil.createId(StorageSystem.class); URI pid1 = URIUtil.createId(StorageSystem.class); ContainmentConstraint constraint0 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getContainedObjectsConstraint(pid0, StoragePool.class, "storageDevice"); ContainmentConstraint constraint1 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getContainedObjectsConstraint(pid1, StoragePool.class, "storageDevice"); { StoragePool obj = new StoragePool(); obj.setId(id); obj.setStorageDevice(pid0); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { StoragePool obj = _dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, id); obj.setStorageDevice(pid1); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testRelationIndexSet() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(ExportGroup.class); URI pid0 = URIUtil.createId(Snapshot.class); URI pid1 = URIUtil.createId(Snapshot.class); ContainmentConstraint constraint0 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getContainedObjectsConstraint(pid0, ExportGroup.class, "snapshots"); ContainmentConstraint constraint1 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getContainedObjectsConstraint(pid1, ExportGroup.class, "snapshots"); { ExportGroup obj = new ExportGroup(); obj.setId(id); obj.setSnapshots(new StringSet()); obj.getSnapshots().add(pid0.toString()); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { ExportGroup obj = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, id); obj.getSnapshots().add(pid1.toString()); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { ExportGroup obj = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, id); // assertTrue(obj.getSnapshots() != null); obj.getSnapshots().remove(pid0.toString()); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testRelationIndexMap() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(ExportGroup.class); URI pid0 = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); URI pid1 = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); ContainmentConstraint constraint0 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getVolumeExportGroupConstraint(pid0); ContainmentConstraint constraint1 = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getVolumeExportGroupConstraint(pid1); { ExportGroup obj = new ExportGroup(); obj.setId(id); obj.setVolumes(new StringMap()); obj.getVolumes().put(pid0.toString(), "1"); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { ExportGroup obj = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, id); obj.getVolumes().put(pid1.toString(), "2"); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { ExportGroup obj = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, id); obj.getVolumes().remove(pid0.toString()); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testNamedRelationIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(Project.class); URI pid0 = URIUtil.createId(TenantOrg.class); URI pid1 = URIUtil.createId(TenantOrg.class); String lbl0 = "abcd1234"; String lbl1 = "efgh5678"; Constraint constraint0 = ContainmentPrefixConstraint.Factory.getProjectUnderTenantConstraint(pid0, lbl0); Constraint constraint1 = ContainmentPrefixConstraint.Factory.getProjectUnderTenantConstraint(pid1, lbl1); { Project obj = new Project(); obj.setId(id); obj.setLabel(lbl0); obj.setTenantOrg(new NamedURI(pid0, lbl0)); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { Project obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Project.class, id); obj.setLabel(lbl1); obj.setTenantOrg(new NamedURI(pid1, lbl1)); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testAlternateIdIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(FileShare.class); String nid0 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String nid1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); AlternateIdConstraint constraint0 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getFileShareNativeIdConstraint(nid0); AlternateIdConstraint constraint1 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getFileShareNativeIdConstraint(nid1); { FileShare obj = new FileShare(); obj.setId(id); obj.setNativeGuid(nid0); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { FileShare obj = _dbClient.queryObject(FileShare.class, id); obj.setNativeGuid(nid1); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testDelInactiveAltIdSet() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(AuthnProvider.class); String key = "key_to_del"; AuthnProvider obj = new AuthnProvider(); obj.setId(id); obj.setDomains(new StringSet()); obj.getDomains().add(key); _dbClient.createObject(obj); obj = _dbClient.queryObject(AuthnProvider.class, id); obj.setInactive(true); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); obj = _dbClient.queryObject(AuthnProvider.class, id); obj.getDomains().remove(key); _dbClient.updateAndReindexObject(obj); } @Test public void testAlternativeIdSetIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(AuthnProvider.class); String key0 = "abcd1234"; String key1 = "efgh5678"; AlternateIdConstraint constraint0 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getAuthnProviderDomainConstraint(key0); AlternateIdConstraint constraint1 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getAuthnProviderDomainConstraint(key1); { AuthnProvider obj = new AuthnProvider(); obj.setId(id); obj.setDomains(new StringSet()); obj.getDomains().add(key0); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { AuthnProvider obj = _dbClient.queryObject(AuthnProvider.class, id); obj.getDomains().add(key1); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { AuthnProvider obj = _dbClient.queryObject(AuthnProvider.class, id); obj.getDomains().remove(key0); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testAlternativeIdMapIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(Network.class); String key0 = "abcd1234"; String key1 = "efgh5678"; AlternateIdConstraint constraint0 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getEndpointNetworkConstraint(key0); AlternateIdConstraint constraint1 = AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getEndpointNetworkConstraint(key1); { Network obj = new Network(); obj.setId(id); obj.setEndpointsMap(new StringMap()); obj.getEndpointsMap().put(key0, "test1"); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { Network obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Network.class, id); obj.getEndpointsMap().put(key1, "test2"); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { Network obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Network.class, id); obj.getEndpointsMap().remove(key0); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testPrefixIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); String lbl0 = "abcd1234"; String lbl1 = "efgh5678"; PrefixConstraint constraint0 = PrefixConstraint.Factory.getFullMatchConstraint(Volume.class, "label", lbl0); PrefixConstraint constraint1 = PrefixConstraint.Factory.getFullMatchConstraint(Volume.class, "label", lbl1); { Volume obj = new Volume(); obj.setId(id); obj.setLabel(lbl0); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { Volume obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, id); obj.setLabel(lbl1); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testPermissionIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(TenantOrg.class); String key0 = "abcd1234"; String key1 = "efgh5678"; Constraint constraint0 = ContainmentPermissionsConstraint.Factory.getTenantsWithPermissionsConstraint(key0); Constraint constraint1 = ContainmentPermissionsConstraint.Factory.getTenantsWithPermissionsConstraint(key1); { TenantOrg obj = new TenantOrg(); obj.setId(id); // obj.setLabel("test tenant"); obj.setRoleAssignments(new StringSetMap()); obj.addRole(key0, "role1"); obj.addRole(key0, "role2"); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 2); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { TenantOrg obj = _dbClient.queryObject(TenantOrg.class, id); obj.addRole(key1, "role3"); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 2); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { TenantOrg obj = _dbClient.queryObject(TenantOrg.class, id); obj.removeRole(key0, "role1"); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { TenantOrg obj = _dbClient.queryObject(TenantOrg.class, id); obj.removeRole(key0, "role2"); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } @Test public void testScopedLabelIndex() { URI id = URIUtil.createId(Volume.class); URI pid0 = URIUtil.createId(TenantOrg.class); URI pid1 = URIUtil.createId(TenantOrg.class); String lbl0 = "abcd1234"; String lbl1 = "efgh5678"; PrefixConstraint constraint0 = new LabelConstraintImpl(pid0, lbl0, TypeMap.getDoType(Volume.class).getColumnField("tags")); PrefixConstraint constraint1 = new LabelConstraintImpl(pid1, lbl1, TypeMap.getDoType(Volume.class).getColumnField("tags")); { Volume obj = new Volume(); obj.setId(id); obj.setTag(new ScopedLabelSet()); obj.getTag().add(new ScopedLabel(pid0.toString(), lbl0)); _dbClient.createObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, null, 0); { Volume obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, id); obj.getTag().add(new ScopedLabel(pid1.toString(), lbl1)); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint0, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); { Volume obj = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, id); obj.getTag().remove(new ScopedLabel(pid0.toString(), lbl0)); _dbClient.persistObject(obj); } verifyContain(constraint1, id, 1); verifyContain(constraint0, null, 0); } }