/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package com.emc.storageos.isilon.restapi; import java.net.URI; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.emc.storageos.services.util.EnvConfig; /* * Test client for IsilonRESTClient */ public class IsilonApiTest { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IsilonApiTest.class); private static String dateSuffix = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm").format(new Date()); private String testPath = "/ifs/junitTestDir/" + dateSuffix; private static String uri = EnvConfig.get("sanity", "isilon.uri"); private static String userName = EnvConfig.get("sanity", "isilon.username"); private static String password = EnvConfig.get("sanity", "isilon.password"); private static volatile IsilonApi _client; private static volatile IsilonApiFactory _factory = new IsilonApiFactory(); @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { if (_factory == null) { _factory = new IsilonApiFactory(); } _factory.init(); _client = _factory.getRESTClient(URI.create(uri), userName, password); // 7.0 BETA 3 } @Test public void testClusterInfo() throws Exception { System.out.println("Get Cluster info."); System.out.println("Cluster info: " + _client.getClusterInfo().toString()); } @Test public void testClusterConfig() throws Exception { System.out.println("Get Cluster config."); System.out.println("Cluster config: " + _client.getClusterConfig().toString()); } @Test public void testLists() throws Exception { IsilonApi.IsilonList<String> got = _client.listDir("/ifs", null); System.out.println("List dir: " + got.getList().toString()); List<IsilonExport> exports = _client.listExports(null).getList(); System.out.println("List exports: count: " + exports.size()); for (int i = 0; i < exports.size(); i++) { System.out.println(exports.get(i).toString()); } } @Test public void testSMBShares() throws Exception { // Step 1: Create directory String testSMBDirPath = testPath + "/testSMBDir01"; String testSMBDirShareName = "testSMBShare" + dateSuffix; _client.createDir(testSMBDirPath, true); if (!_client.existsDir(testSMBDirPath)) { throw new Exception("existsDir for " + testSMBDirPath + ": failed"); } // Step 2: Create the SMB share for directory String shareId = _client .createShare(new IsilonSMBShare(testSMBDirShareName, testSMBDirPath, "smb test share", "allow", "full")); Assert.assertTrue("SMB share create failed.", (shareId != null && !shareId.isEmpty())); System.out.println("SMB Share created: id: " + shareId); IsilonSMBShare share = _client.getShare(shareId); Assert.assertTrue("SMB share create failed.", share != null); // Step 2: modify SMB share _client.modifyShare(shareId, new IsilonSMBShare(testSMBDirShareName, testSMBDirPath, "smb test share modify", "allow", "read")); List<IsilonSMBShare> lShares = _client.listShares(null).getList(); System.out.println("listShares: count: " + lShares.size() + " : " + lShares.toString()); // Step 3: delete the SMB share _client.deleteShare(shareId); try { share = _client.getShare(shareId); Assert.assertTrue("Deleted SMB share still gettable.", false); } catch (IsilonException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } // Step 3: delete the directory. _client.deleteDir(testSMBDirPath, true); Assert.assertFalse("Directory delete failed.", _client.existsDir(testSMBDirPath)); } @Test public void testDirectoriesAndSnapshots() throws Exception { // Step 1: Create directory String testDirPath = testPath + "/testDir01"; _client.createDir(testDirPath, true); if (!_client.existsDir(testDirPath)) { throw new Exception("Create directory --- " + testDirPath + ": failed"); } System.out.println("Created directory: " + testDirPath); // Step 2 create a sub directory inside directory String subDir1 = testDirPath + "/dir1/dir2"; _client.createDir(subDir1, true); if (!_client.existsDir(subDir1)) { throw new Exception("Createa sub directory --- " + subDir1 + ": failed"); } /* snapshot tests - start */ // Step 3 create a Snapshot with unique name String testSnapName = "testSnap01" + dateSuffix; String snapId = _client.createSnapshot(testSnapName, testDirPath); List<IsilonSnapshot> snaps = _client.listSnapshots(null).getList(); System.out.println("listSnaps: count: " + snaps.size() + " : " + snaps.toString()); IsilonSnapshot snap = _client.getSnapshot(snapId); Assert.assertTrue(snap.getId().compareTo(snapId) == 0 && snap.getPath().compareTo(testDirPath) == 0 && snap.getName().compareTo(testSnapName) == 0); // Step 4 Modify the snapshot IsilonSnapshot renamed = new IsilonSnapshot(); renamed.setName("testSnap01_Renamed_" + dateSuffix); _client.modifySnapshot(snapId, renamed); IsilonSnapshot snap2 = _client.getSnapshot(snapId); Assert.assertTrue(snap2.getId().compareTo(snapId) == 0 && snap2.getPath().compareTo(testDirPath) == 0 && snap2.getName().compareTo("testSnap01_Renamed_" + dateSuffix) == 0); // Step 5 delete the snapshot _client.deleteSnapshot(snapId); try { _client.getSnapshot(snapId); Assert.assertTrue("deleted snapshot still exists", false); } catch (IsilonException ie) { // success Assert.assertTrue("Getting Deleted snapshot result in excpetion ", true); } try { snaps.clear(); snaps = _client.listSnapshots(null).getList(); for (int i = 0; i < snaps.size(); i++) { if (snaps.get(i).getId().compareTo(snapId) == 0) { Assert.assertTrue("deleted snapshot still exists", false); } } } catch (IsilonException ex) { Assert.assertTrue("deleted snapshot still exists is failed", false); } // negative test case // Step 6 create a directory where no isilon is runnning - try { IsilonApi clientError = _factory.getRESTClient(URI.create(""), "root", "sos"); clientError.existsDir(testDirPath); // expected to throw Assert.assertTrue("Attempt to use dummy client succeeded.", false); } catch (Exception ex) { // wea are expecting this exception as there is no isilon at Assert.assertTrue("Attempt to use dummy client is failed", true); } // Step 7: Delete the directory with wrong path. try { _client.deleteDir("/ifs/dummy_delete"); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.assertTrue("Attempt to delete non existing directory failed.", false); } // Step 8 Delete the directory with sub dir without recursive flag try { _client.deleteDir(testDirPath, false); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Assert.assertTrue("Deleted dir without recursive flag result in exception", true); } // Step 8 Positive case delete the directory with recursive flag _client.deleteDir(testDirPath, true); Assert.assertFalse("Directory delete failed.", _client.existsDir(testDirPath)); } @Test public void testQuotas() throws Exception { // Step 1: Create directory String testQuotasDirPath = testPath + "/testQuotaDir01"; String testQuotasDirPath2 = testPath + "/testQuotaDir02"; _client.createDir(testQuotasDirPath); if (!_client.existsDir(testQuotasDirPath)) { throw new Exception("Create directory --- " + testQuotasDirPath + ": failed"); } System.out.println("Created directory: " + testQuotasDirPath); /* SmartQuota tests - start */ // test limit quota // - create String qid = _client.createQuota(testQuotasDirPath, 404800000000L); // quota in bytes --- 20MB System.out.println("Quota created: id: " + qid); // - get IsilonSmartQuota quota = _client.getQuota(qid); Assert.assertTrue(qid.compareTo(quota.getId()) == 0 && testQuotasDirPath.compareTo(quota.getPath()) == 0 && quota.getThresholds().getHard() == 404800000000L); // 20480000); Assert.assertTrue("Usage Physical is greater than hard quota", quota.getUsagePhysical() <= quota.getThresholds().getHard()); // - list IsilonApi.IsilonList<IsilonSmartQuota> quotas = _client.listQuotas(null); System.out.println("listQuotas: count: " + quotas.getList().size()); while (quotas.getToken() != null && !quotas.getToken().isEmpty()) { quotas = _client.listQuotas(quotas.getToken()); System.out.println("listQuotas(Resumed): count: " + quotas.size()); } // - modify IsilonSmartQuota quota1 = new IsilonSmartQuota(); quota1.setThresholds(10240000L, 1024000L, 3072000L, 86400L); // quota in bytes --- 10MB _client.modifyQuota(qid, quota1); quota = _client.getQuota(qid); System.out.println("Modified quota: " + quota); Assert.assertTrue(qid.compareTo(quota.getId()) == 0 && testQuotasDirPath.compareTo(quota.getPath()) == 0 && quota.getThresholds().getHard() == 10240000 && quota.getThresholds().getAdvisory() == 1024000 && quota.getThresholds().getSoft() == 3072000 && quota.getThresholds().getSoftGrace() == 86400); // test accounting quota _client.createDir(testQuotasDirPath2); if (!_client.existsDir(testQuotasDirPath2)) { throw new Exception("Create directory --- " + testQuotasDirPath2 + ": failed"); } System.out.println("Created directory: " + testQuotasDirPath2); // - create String qid_acc = _client.createQuota(testQuotasDirPath2); // no limit --- accounting quota System.out.println("Quota created: id: " + qid_acc); // - get quota = _client.getQuota(qid_acc); Assert.assertTrue(qid_acc.compareTo(quota.getId()) == 0 && testQuotasDirPath2.compareTo(quota.getPath()) == 0 && quota.getThresholds().getHard() == null); // end of accounting quota test // - delete _client.deleteQuota(qid); try { quota = _client.getQuota(qid); Assert.assertTrue("deleted quota still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { // if exception mean quota already deleted. Assert.assertTrue("exception in getting deleted quota ", true); } _client.deleteQuota(qid_acc); try { quota = _client.getQuota(qid_acc); Assert.assertTrue("deleted quota still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { // if exception mean quota already deleted. Assert.assertTrue("exception in getting deleted quota ", true); } _client.deleteDir(testQuotasDirPath, true); Assert.assertFalse("Directory delete failed.", _client.existsDir(testQuotasDirPath)); _client.deleteDir(testQuotasDirPath2, true); Assert.assertFalse("Directory delete failed.", _client.existsDir(testQuotasDirPath2)); } @Test public void testNFSExports() throws Exception { // Step 1: Create directory String testExportDirPath = testPath + "/testExportDir01"; _client.createDir(testExportDirPath, true); if (!_client.existsDir(testExportDirPath)) { throw new Exception("Create directory --- " + testExportDirPath + ": failed"); } System.out.println("Created directory: " + testExportDirPath); // Step 2 create snapshot String snapName = "test_snap_" + dateSuffix; String snap_id = _client.createSnapshot(snapName, testExportDirPath); // - list/get List<IsilonSnapshot> snaps = _client.listSnapshots(null).getList(); System.out.println("listSnaps: count: " + snaps.size() + " : " + snaps.toString()); IsilonSnapshot snap = _client.getSnapshot(snap_id); Assert.assertTrue(snap.getId().compareTo(snap_id) == 0 && snap.getPath().compareTo(testExportDirPath) == 0 && snap.getName().compareTo(snapName) == 0); // Step 3 Create export with default settings: sys.rw.nobody IsilonExport e1 = new IsilonExport(); e1.addPath(testExportDirPath); e1.addClient("www.amazon.com"); e1.addClient("www.ford.com"); ArrayList<String> securityFlavors1 = new ArrayList<String>(); securityFlavors1.add("unix"); e1.setSecurityFlavors(securityFlavors1); e1.setReadOnly(); e1.setComment("New export: unix.rw.nobody"); String export1Id = _client.createExport(e1, false); Assert.assertTrue(Integer.parseInt(export1Id) > 0); // Step 4 verify the created export IsilonExport exp1 = _client.getExport(export1Id); Assert.assertTrue(exp1.getId().toString().equals(export1Id)); Assert.assertTrue(exp1.getSecurityFlavors().get(0).equals("unix")); Assert.assertTrue(exp1.getMap_root().getUser().equals("nobody")); System.out.println("Export created: " + exp1); // Step 5 modify file system export IsilonExport exp_modified = new IsilonExport(); exp_modified.setComment("modified"); _client.modifyExport(export1Id, exp_modified, false); Assert.assertTrue(_client.getExport(export1Id).getComment().equals("modified")); // Step 6 Create snap export with default settings: sys.rw.nobody IsilonExport snapEx1 = new IsilonExport(); // build snap mount path snapEx1.addPath("/ifs/.snapshot/" + snapName + testExportDirPath.substring("/ifs".length())); snapEx1.addClient("www.emc.com"); snapEx1.addClient("www.honda.com"); snapEx1.setSecurityFlavors(securityFlavors1); snapEx1.setComment("New snapshot export: unix.rw.nobody"); System.out.println("Request to create snap export: " + snapEx1); String snapExport1Id = _client.createExport(snapEx1, false); // Step 7 verify the created export Assert.assertTrue(Integer.parseInt(snapExport1Id) > 0); IsilonExport sExp1 = _client.getExport(snapExport1Id); Assert.assertTrue(sExp1.getId().toString().equals(snapExport1Id)); Assert.assertFalse(sExp1.getReadOnly()); Assert.assertTrue(sExp1.getSecurityFlavors().get(0).equals("unix")); Assert.assertTrue(sExp1.getMap_root().getUser().equals("nobody")); System.out.println("Snap Export created: " + sExp1); // Step 8 Create export with custom settings: krb5.root.root IsilonExport e2 = new IsilonExport(); e2.addPath(testExportDirPath); e2.addClient("www.emc.com"); e2.addClient("www.gmc.com"); ArrayList<String> securityFlavors = new ArrayList<String>(); securityFlavors.add("krb5"); e2.setSecurityFlavors(securityFlavors); e2.setMapAll("root"); // to indicate that this export has root permissions (required by PAPI) e2.setComment("New export: krb5.root.root"); String export2Id = _client.createExport(e2, false); // Step 9 verify the created export Assert.assertTrue(Integer.parseInt(export2Id) > 0); IsilonExport exp2 = _client.getExport(export2Id); Assert.assertTrue(exp2.getId().toString().equals(export2Id)); Assert.assertFalse(exp2.getReadOnly()); Assert.assertTrue(exp2.getSecurityFlavors().get(0).equals("krb5")); Assert.assertTrue(exp2.getMap_all().getUser().equals("root")); System.out.println("Export created: " + exp2); // Step 10 modify export exp_modified = new IsilonExport(); exp_modified.setComment("modified export"); _client.modifyExport(export2Id, exp_modified, false); Assert.assertTrue(_client.getExport(export2Id).getComment().equals("modified export")); // Step 11 Create nfs exports tests - with fqdn bypass IsilonExport ie3 = new IsilonExport(); ie3.addPath(testExportDirPath); // Add a client which doses not exit ie3.addClient("abcd" + dateSuffix); ArrayList<String> securityFlavors3 = new ArrayList<String>(); securityFlavors3.add("krb5i"); ie3.setSecurityFlavors(securityFlavors3); ie3.setReadOnly(); ie3.setComment("New export: unix.rw.nobody"); String export3Id = _client.createExport(ie3, true); // Step 12 verify the created export Assert.assertTrue(Integer.parseInt(export3Id) > 0); IsilonExport exp3 = _client.getExport(export3Id); Assert.assertTrue(exp3.getId().toString().equals(export3Id)); Assert.assertTrue(exp3.getSecurityFlavors().get(0).equals("krb5i")); Assert.assertTrue(exp3.getMap_root().getUser().equals("nobody")); Assert.assertTrue(exp3.getClients().get(0).equals("abcd" + dateSuffix)); System.out.println("Export created: " + exp3); // Step 13 clean up export and other resource _client.deleteExport(export1Id); try { _client.getExport(export1Id); Assert.assertTrue("Deleted export still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { // if we get exception means export is not available. Assert.assertTrue("Getting Deleted export result in excpetion ", true); } _client.deleteExport(snapExport1Id); try { _client.getExport(snapExport1Id); Assert.assertTrue("Deleted snap export still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { _log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } _client.deleteExport(export2Id); try { _client.getExport(export2Id); Assert.assertTrue("Deleted export still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { // if we get exception means export is not available. Assert.assertTrue("Getting Deleted export result in excpetion", true); } _client.deleteExport(export3Id); try { _client.getExport(export3Id); Assert.assertTrue("Deleted export still gettable", false); } catch (IsilonException ex) { // if we get exception means export is not available. Assert.assertTrue("Getting Deleted export result in excpetion ", true); } _client.deleteSnapshot(snap_id); _client.deleteDir(testExportDirPath, true); Assert.assertFalse("Directory delete failed.", _client.existsDir(testExportDirPath)); } @Test public void testEvents() throws Exception { // list List<IsilonEvent> events = _client.listEvents(null).getList(); for (IsilonEvent e : events) { _log.info(e.toString()); // System.out.println(e.toString()); Assert.assertTrue("Event type is null", e.getEventId() != null); Assert.assertTrue("Event unique id is null", e.getInstanceId() != null); Assert.assertTrue("Latest time is not positive", e.getLatestTime() > 0); Assert.assertTrue("Device Id is negative", e.getDevId() >= 0); } } @Test public void testStats() throws Exception { // test protocols ArrayList<IsilonStats.Protocol> protocols = _client.getStatsProtocols(); Assert.assertTrue("Get stat protocols failed", protocols != null && protocols.isEmpty() == false); } }