package; import com.constellio.model.entities.Language; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public static class NoSuchSchema extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public NoSuchSchema(String schema) { super("No such schema : '" + schema + "'"); } } public static class SchemaAlreadyDefined extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public SchemaAlreadyDefined(String schema) { super("Schema '" + schema + "' is already defined"); } } public static class CodeCannotBeModified extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public CodeCannotBeModified(String schema) { super("The code of a schema cannot be modified after it has been saved"); } } public static class CannotDeleteSchemaType extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public CannotDeleteSchemaType(String code) { super("The schema type '" + code + "' is undeletable!"); } } public static class LabelNotDefined extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public LabelNotDefined(String code) { super("The schema type '" + code + "' has no label"); } } public static class LabelNotDefinedForLanguage extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public LabelNotDefinedForLanguage(Language language, String code) { super("The schema type '" + code + "' has no label for language : " + language.getCode()); } } public static class LanguageNotDefined extends MetadataSchemaTypeBuilderRuntimeException { public LanguageNotDefined(String code) { super("The schema type '" + code + "' has no language"); } } }