package; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.constellio.model.conf.FoldersLocator; public class PluginManagementUtils { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PluginManagementUtils.class); private final File pluginsFolder, libFolder, pluginsToMoveToLibFile; public PluginManagementUtils(File pluginsFolder, File libFolder, File pluginsToMoveToLibFile) { this.pluginsFolder = pluginsFolder; this.libFolder = libFolder; this.pluginsToMoveToLibFile = pluginsToMoveToLibFile; } public PluginManagementUtils(FoldersLocator foldersLocator) { this.pluginsFolder = foldersLocator.getPluginsJarsFolder(); this.libFolder = foldersLocator.getLibFolder(); this.pluginsToMoveToLibFile = foldersLocator.getPluginsToMoveOnStartupFile(); } public Set<String> getPluginsToMove() throws IOException { Set<String> returnSet = new HashSet<>(); if (!pluginsToMoveToLibFile.exists()) { fillFileWithAllPlugins(); } for (String pluginName : FileUtils.readLines(pluginsToMoveToLibFile)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pluginName)) { returnSet.add(pluginName); } } return returnSet; } public void movePlugins(Collection<String> pluginsToUpdate) throws IOException { for (String pluginName : pluginsToUpdate) { copyPluginFromPluginsFolderToLibFolder(pluginName); } setNoPluginToMove(); } public void addPluginToMove(String plugin) throws IOException { if (!pluginsToMoveToLibFile.exists()) { fillFileWithAllPlugins(); } else { FileUtils.writeLines(pluginsToMoveToLibFile, asList(plugin), true); } } void setNoPluginToMove() throws IOException { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(pluginsToMoveToLibFile, "", false); } void copyPluginFromPluginsFolderToLibFolder(String pluginName) throws IOException { //priority to new jars File jarFile = new File(pluginsFolder, pluginName + "." + NEW_JAR_EXTENSION); if (!jarFile.exists()) { jarFile = new File(pluginsFolder, pluginName + ".jar"); } if (jarFile.exists()) { File jarInLibs = new File(libFolder, pluginName + ".jar");"Moving plugin " + jarFile.getPath() + " to " + jarInLibs.getPath()); FileUtils.copyFile(jarFile, jarInLibs); } else { LOGGER.error("Plugin file listed but not found " + jarFile.getPath()); } } void fillFileWithAllPlugins() throws IOException { //should be a set since we may have jar and for the same plugin Set<String> pluginsNames = new HashSet<>(); for (File newJarVersionFile : FileUtils.listFiles(pluginsFolder, new String[] { "jar" }, false)) { String pluginName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(newJarVersionFile.getName(), "." + "jar"); pluginsNames.add(pluginName); } for (File newJarVersionFile : FileUtils.listFiles(pluginsFolder, new String[] { NEW_JAR_EXTENSION }, false)) { String pluginName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(newJarVersionFile.getName(), "." + NEW_JAR_EXTENSION); pluginsNames.add(pluginName); } FileUtils.writeLines(pluginsToMoveToLibFile, pluginsNames, false); } public static void markNewPluginsInNewWar(File webapp, String newPluginFilename) { File newPlugins = new File(webapp, "new-plugins"); try { FileUtils.write(newPlugins, newPluginFilename + "\n", true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void clearNewPluginsInNewWar(File webapp) { File newPlugins = new File(webapp, "new-plugins"); newPlugins.delete(); } public static List<String> getNewPluginsInNewWar(File webapp) { File newPlugins = new File(webapp, "new-plugins"); if (newPlugins.exists()) { try { List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); return FileUtils.readLines(newPlugins); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } }