package; import com.constellio.model.entities.records.Content; import com.constellio.model.entities.records.ContentVersion; import com.constellio.model.entities.records.Record; import com.constellio.model.entities.records.wrappers.User; import com.constellio.model.entities.schemas.Schemas; public class ContentCmisDocument { public static final String DOCUMENT_ID_PREFIX = "content_"; Content content; String versionLabel; Record record; String metadataLocalCode; private boolean isPrivateWorkingCopy; public ContentCmisDocument(Content content, String version, Record record, String metadataLocalCode, boolean isPrivateWorkingCopy) { this.content = content; this.versionLabel = version; this.record = record; this.metadataLocalCode = metadataLocalCode; this.isPrivateWorkingCopy = isPrivateWorkingCopy; if (content == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Content must not be null"); } if (version == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Version must not be null"); } if (record == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Record must not be null"); } if (metadataLocalCode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("metadataLocalCode must not be null"); } } public static ContentCmisDocument createForCurrentVersion(Content content, Record record, String metadataLocalCode) { String version = content.getCurrentVersion().getVersion(); return new ContentCmisDocument(content, version, record, metadataLocalCode, false); } public static ContentCmisDocument createForVersionSeenBy(Content content, Record record, String metadataLocalCode, User user) { if (user.getId().equals(content.getCheckoutUserId())) { return new ContentCmisDocument(content, content.getCurrentCheckedOutVersion().getVersion(), record, metadataLocalCode, true); } else { return new ContentCmisDocument(content, content.getCurrentVersion().getVersion(), record, metadataLocalCode, false); } } public Content getContent() { return content; } public String getVersionLabel() { return versionLabel; } public ContentVersion getContentVersion() { if (isPrivateWorkingCopy) { return content.getCurrentCheckedOutVersion(); } else { return content.getVersion(versionLabel); } } public ContentVersion getCheckedOutContentVersion() { return content.getCurrentCheckedOutVersion(); } public String getContentVersionId() { if (isPrivateWorkingCopy()) { return getPrivateWorkingCopyVersionId(); } else { return getVersionSeriesId() + "_" + versionLabel; } } public Record getRecord() { return record; } public String getVersionSeriesId() { return DOCUMENT_ID_PREFIX + record.getId() + "_" + metadataLocalCode + "_" + content.getId(); } public String getDocumentId() { if (isPrivateWorkingCopy()) { return getPrivateWorkingCopyVersionId(); } else { return getVersionSeriesId() + "_" + content.getCurrentVersion().getVersion(); } } public String getContentStreamId() { return getContentVersion().getHash(); } public String getCheckedOutContentStreamId() { return getCheckedOutContentVersion().getHash(); } public String getPrivateWorkingCopyVersionId() { return getVersionSeriesId() + "_co"; } public boolean isPrivateWorkingCopy() { return isPrivateWorkingCopy; } public boolean isMajor() { return versionLabel.endsWith(".0") && !isPrivateWorkingCopy; } public boolean isLatest() { if (isPrivateWorkingCopy()) { return false; } else { return content.getCurrentVersion().getVersion().equals(versionLabel); } } public String getPath() { return record.get(Schemas.PRINCIPAL_PATH) + "/content_" + content.getId(); } public boolean isLatestMajor() { String latestMajor = content.getCurrentVersion().getMajor() + ".0"; return versionLabel.endsWith(latestMajor) && !isPrivateWorkingCopy; } public boolean isCheckedOut() { return content.getCheckoutUserId() != null; } public String getMetadataLocalCode() { return metadataLocalCode; } }