package; @SuppressWarnings({ "serial" }) public class AppManagementServiceRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public AppManagementServiceRuntimeException() { } public AppManagementServiceRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public AppManagementServiceRuntimeException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public AppManagementServiceRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public static class WarFileNotFound extends AppManagementServiceRuntimeException { public WarFileNotFound() { super("No uploaded war files"); } } public static class WarFileVersionMustBeHigher extends AppManagementServiceRuntimeException { public WarFileVersionMustBeHigher() { super("War file version must be higher"); } } public static class CannotConnectToServer extends AppManagementServiceException { public CannotConnectToServer(String url, Exception e) { super("Cannot connect to server at url '" + url + "'", e); } public CannotConnectToServer(String url) { this("Cannot connect to server at url '" + url + "'", null); } } public static class AppManagementServiceRuntimeException_SameVersionsInDifferentFolders extends AppManagementServiceRuntimeException { public AppManagementServiceRuntimeException_SameVersionsInDifferentFolders(String version, String file1, String file2) { super("the same version: " + version + " could not be in different folders: " + file1 + ", " + file2); } } }