package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.constellio.model.entities.Language; public class SchemaTypeDisplayConfig { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaTypeDisplayConfig.class); private final String collection; private final String schemaType; private final boolean manageable; private final boolean advancedSearch; private final boolean simpleSearch; private final Map<String, Map<Language, String>> metadataGroup; public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(String collection, String schemaType, boolean manageable, boolean advancedSearch, boolean simpleSearch, Map<String, Map<Language, String>> metadataGroup) { this.collection = collection; this.schemaType = schemaType; this.manageable = manageable; this.advancedSearch = advancedSearch; this.simpleSearch = simpleSearch; this.metadataGroup = Collections.unmodifiableMap(metadataGroup); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(String collection, String schemaType, Map<String, Map<Language, String>> metadataGroup) { this.collection = collection; this.schemaType = schemaType; this.manageable = false; this.advancedSearch = false; this.simpleSearch = false; this.metadataGroup = Collections.unmodifiableMap(metadataGroup); } public boolean isManageable() { return manageable; } public boolean isAdvancedSearch() { return advancedSearch; } public boolean isSimpleSearch() { return simpleSearch; } public String getCollection() { return collection; } public String getSchemaType() { return schemaType; } public Map<String, Map<Language, String>> getMetadataGroup() { return metadataGroup; } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withManageableStatus(boolean manageable) { return new SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(collection, schemaType, manageable, advancedSearch, simpleSearch, metadataGroup); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withAdvancedSearchStatus(boolean advancedSearch) { return new SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(collection, schemaType, manageable, advancedSearch, simpleSearch, metadataGroup); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withSimpleAndAdvancedSearchStatus(boolean status) { return withSimpleSearchStatus(status).withAdvancedSearchStatus(status); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withSimpleSearchStatus(boolean simpleSearch) { return new SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(collection, schemaType, manageable, advancedSearch, simpleSearch, metadataGroup); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withMetadataGroup(Map<String, Map<Language, String>> metadataGroup) { boolean defaultTab = false; for (String key : metadataGroup.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith("default")) { defaultTab = true; } } if (!defaultTab) { LOGGER.warn("It is recommended to have a metadata group starting with 'default'"); } return new SchemaTypeDisplayConfig(collection, schemaType, manageable, advancedSearch, simpleSearch, metadataGroup); } public SchemaTypeDisplayConfig withNewMetadataGroup(Map<String, Map<Language, String>> newGroup) { Map<String, Map<Language, String>> groups = new HashMap<>(); groups.putAll(metadataGroup); groups.putAll(newGroup); return withMetadataGroup(groups); } public String getGroupLabel(String group, Language language) { if ("".equals(group)) { return getDefaultGroup(language); } else { Map<Language, String> map = metadataGroup.get(group); return map == null ? null : map.get(language); } } public String getDefaultGroup(Language language) { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Language, String>> entry : metadataGroup.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith("default:")) { return entry.getValue().get(language); } } return null; } }