package; public class RecordImplRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public RecordImplRuntimeException() { } public RecordImplRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public RecordImplRuntimeException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public RecordImplRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public static class CannotGetListForSingleValue extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public CannotGetListForSingleValue(String metadataCode) { super("Cannot getList for the single value metadata: " + metadataCode); } } public static class RecordImplException_RecordCannotHaveTwoParents extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_RecordCannotHaveTwoParents(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Record cannot have two parents recordId:" + recordId, e); } public RecordImplException_RecordCannotHaveTwoParents(String recordId) { this(recordId, null); } } public static class RecordImplException_UnsupportedOperationOnUnsavedRecord extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_UnsupportedOperationOnUnsavedRecord(String operation, String recordId) { super("Operation '" + operation + "' is unsupported for unsaved record '" + recordId + "'"); } } public static class RecordImplException_CannotChangeSchemaOfSavedRecord extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_CannotChangeSchemaOfSavedRecord(String recordId) { super("Cannot change schema of saved record : " + recordId); } } public static class RecordImplException_CannotChangeTypeOfRecord extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_CannotChangeTypeOfRecord(String recordId) { super("Cannot change type of record : " + recordId); } } public static class RecordImplException_CannotBuildStructureValue extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_CannotBuildStructureValue(String recordId, String structureValue, Throwable t) { super("Cannot build structure value '" + structureValue + "' in record '" + recordId + "'", t); } } public static class RecordImplException_PopulatorReturnedNullValue extends RecordImplRuntimeException { public RecordImplException_PopulatorReturnedNullValue(FieldsPopulator populator, String field) { super("Populator '" + populator.getClass() + "' returned a null value in field '" + field + "'"); } } }