package; import static$; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; /** * Adapted from!/thread/897171/9060502 * * @author Vincent * * @param <T> * Type of the selected object */ public class BaseAutocompleteField<T> extends ComboBox { public static final String STYLE_NAME = "autocomplete"; private static final String ERROR_STYLE_NAME = STYLE_NAME + "-error"; private static final String CAPTION_PROPERTY_ID = "caption"; private AutocompleteSuggestionsProvider<T> suggestionsProvider; private Converter<String, T> itemConverter; private int prefixSize = 0; // Default value private AutocompleteContainer autocompleteContainer; public BaseAutocompleteField(AutocompleteSuggestionsProvider<T> suggestionsProvider) { super(); this.suggestionsProvider = suggestionsProvider; addStyleName(STYLE_NAME); setImmediate(true); setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.STARTSWITH); setInputPrompt($("BaseAutocompleteField.inputPrompt")); setTextInputAllowed(true); setNullSelectionAllowed(true); setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION_PROPERTY_ID); autocompleteContainer = new AutocompleteContainer(prefixSize); setContainerDataSource(autocompleteContainer); setPageLength(suggestionsProvider.getBufferSize()); addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { T newValue = (T) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (newValue != null && !autocompleteContainer.contains(newValue)) { autocompleteContainer.addContainerFilter(null); autocompleteContainer.addSuggestion(newValue); } } }); } @Override public void setRequiredError(String requiredMessage) { super.setRequiredError(requiredMessage); addStyleName(ERROR_STYLE_NAME); } @Override public void validate() throws InvalidValueException { try { super.validate(); removeStyleName(ERROR_STYLE_NAME); } catch (InvalidValueException e) { throw e; } } public AutocompleteSuggestionsProvider<T> getSuggestionsProvider() { return suggestionsProvider; } public int getPrefixSize() { return prefixSize; } public void setPrefixSize(int prefixSize) { this.prefixSize = prefixSize; } public Converter<String, T> getItemConverter() { return itemConverter; } public void setItemConverter(Converter<String, T> itemConverter) { this.itemConverter = itemConverter; } private String getCaption(T object) { String caption; if (object != null) { if (itemConverter != null) { Locale locale = ConstellioUI.getCurrentSessionContext().getCurrentLocale(); caption = itemConverter.convertToPresentation(object, String.class, locale); } else { caption = object.toString(); } } else { caption = ""; } return caption; } public interface AutocompleteSuggestionsProvider<T> extends Serializable { List<T> suggest(String text); int getBufferSize(); } private class AutocompleteContainer extends IndexedContainer { private final int subStringSize; private String querySubString; public AutocompleteContainer(int prefixSize) { this.subStringSize = prefixSize; addContainerProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY_ID, String.class, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean contains(T object) { boolean inSuggestions = false; for (Object itemId : getItemIds()) { T suggestion = (T) itemId; inSuggestions = object.equals(suggestion); if (inSuggestions) { break; } } return inSuggestions; } @Override protected boolean passesFilters(Object itemId) { // The combobox only contains filtered data return true; } public void addContainerFilter(Filter filter) throws UnsupportedFilterException { // Check to see if the filter is equal to null if (filter == null) { // remove the items removeAllItems(); querySubString = null; } else { // remove the items removeAllItems(); // check to see what type of filter we have if (filter instanceof SimpleStringFilter) { // get the query subString from the filter String newFilterString = ((SimpleStringFilter) filter).getFilterString(); // check to make sure the substring isn't null and its not equal to the last one if (newFilterString != null && !(newFilterString.equals(querySubString))) { // set the sub string querySubString = newFilterString; // check the size on the sub string if (querySubString.length() >= subStringSize) { // get the results querySuggestionsProvider(newFilterString); // add the filter super.addContainerFilter(filter); } // end if the substring langth is long enough }// end if newFilterString doesnt equal null and newFilterString doesnt equal last value } // end if and instance of Simple Filter } // end else } // end addCoontainerFilter method private void querySuggestionsProvider(String text) { // Query the database here with the code you want // Store it how ever you want this example uses a list to demonstrate how to get the data to display List<T> dataList = suggestionsProvider.suggest(text); // add the results to the container // int i = 0; Iterator<T> iterDataList = dataList.iterator(); while (iterDataList.hasNext()) { T suggestion =; addSuggestion(suggestion); // i++; }// end while iter has next }// end queryDataBase method @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addSuggestion(T suggestion) { String suggestionCaption = getCaption(suggestion); Item item = addItem(suggestion); item.getItemProperty(CAPTION_PROPERTY_ID).setValue(suggestionCaption); } } // end CustomLazyContainer class }