package; import com.constellio.model.entities.schemas.MetadataValueType; public class DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public static class DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_InvalidMetadataCode extends DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException { public DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_InvalidMetadataCode(String argument, String metadataCode, MetadataValueType type) { super("Metadata code '" + metadataCode + "' of argument '" + argument + "' is invalid. It must be a metadata in a default schema of type " + type); } } public static class DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_MetadatasMustBeOfSameSchemaType extends DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException { public DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_MetadatasMustBeOfSameSchemaType(String numberCode, String refCode) { super("Metadatas must be of same schema type : " + numberCode + "/" + refCode); } } public static class DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_AgregatedMetadatasNotSupportedOnCustomSchemas extends DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException { public DataEntryBuilderRuntimeException_AgregatedMetadatasNotSupportedOnCustomSchemas() { super("Agregated metadatas are not supported on metadatas of custom schemas"); } } }